RT 88

(Three weeks later)
Settling in our new workplace proved to be the best thing for the company. More so, we managed to create an office for HR, which Irene was to be staying so that she can move out of my office. My office was Facing Sally’s office and right next to my office was accounts office.
Ken was paid handsomely and kept his bargain with me, and on top of that, the directors were so impressed by his work such that they began giving him more contracts as referrals, but he did not stop working as a taxi driver.
But the place proved to be big such that having just one cleaner was not enough, but Loveynna was so determined to do the work alone even if it meant increasing her salary. So, one day I called her to my office to discuss with her about that. 
“Loveynna, you told me you have ideas on how you can handle this work alone, I wish you share with me please.” I told her.
“Yes, for example we can purchase a vacuum cleaner and an electronic mop that will make the work easier for me…” Loveynna said and continued to share with me so many ideas on how the work can be made easier. 
To say the least, she was intelligent and very dedicated to her work. She was so sure if we implement her ideas, she would handle the work all alone despite it being more than double of what our previous offices had. 
“You have good ideas, now go to Cynthia who is responsible for purchases, sit down with her, come up with a list of everything that you require. Bring it to me for approval and then you can go and purchase the items.” I told her and she left.
I went to Sally’s office.
“How do you see this place?” I asked Sally.
“I really love it. So spacious with a lot of fresh air. Makes me feel like working all through all the time.” Sally told me.
“Watch out not to overwork yourself.” I told Sally. 
“This place is big, will Loveynna manage to do all the work alone?” Sally asked.
“She has shared her ideas on how to work it out alone.” I told Sally. 
I shared with Sally Lovynna’s ideas, though she was not really impressed but she hoped it will work. 
Our conference hall was also big enough to accommodate even 30 people properly seated, and to add on that, it had a TV set connected to DSTV so that people would watch news at 1 pm. It was spacious and sound proof for maximum concentration. 
Front office had a waiting bay too for clients and it also had a small TV set too, which aired our adverts for waiting clients to go through and familiarize themselves with our services. 
Cynthia and Loveynna went and purchased most cleaning items, returned with them and they were stored at same place where Collins also stored his tools.
But on top of that, it had become apparent that Loveynna was not comfortable working with Collins since the nature of their work demanded they work together often as she cleaned the offices and Collins cleaned the compound.
So, later in the day, I called Loveynna to my office to hear more from her.
“Loveynna, you have worked with us for almost 5 weeks, tell us what you think about this place, any challenges apart from tools, etc.” I told her as she sat down in my office with a faint smile.
“I generally love the place, the people are cooperative and willing to help, I also like the management since you take time to listen to employees.” She told me, sounding a bit shy.
“Tell me if anything is making you uncomfortable. I have noted that you leave some places unattended and do the work later. Why?” I was direct to the point. She looked at me as if surprised by the question. 
When she spoke, she was bolder.
“I feel I should tell you this now that you have requested. Collins is making me uncomfortable with how he keeps referring to me with my body shape. His explicit language and at times wants to even touch me against my consent. I downplay him but it is becoming too much. I think that is sexual harassment and I wish you would warn him for me, that is why I do not work with him I wait for him to finish his work before I commence in my work.” Loveynna told me. I had expected that. Collins was becoming a bother to all ladies in the company.
“Go and call him.” I told Loveynna and she went.
Soon she returned with Collins. I told her to go and leave me with Collins.
“Collins, Loveynna said you are sexually harassing her and she does not like it. I know we both are men, but this habit has to stop. It is not right when almost every woman is complaining about you. At least if you have to approach a woman, watch how you do it otherwise you will end up creating enmity with most women here. Remember, Celestine is out of here because of you, can’t you at least try and control yourself?” I told Collins who seemed shocked by what I just told him.
He looked at me as if to gauge if I was serious.
“It won’t happen again.” Collins promised.
“This is a workplace dude, let them feel comfortable with you.” I told him.
We talked a little more with Collins and he left.
Immediately Collins left, I called Irene to my office.
“Irene, I want you to come up with work place policy touching on how people should relate around here. I know some work places have policies that guide people on how to relate, research on that and draft some, bring to me for review.” I told Irene who seemed surprised too. 
“Ok, I will, give me 4 days I will come back to you.” She told me.
“Otherwise, how do you find this place?” I asked Irene.
“It is nice, I like also working in my own office now.” Irene told me, but I knew she wished to work in my office. 
I went for tea break and as I went, I passed by Sally to go with her. We settled at a table at a corner of the café and ordered our tea.
“Sally, I want Irene to draft work policies on how people should relate here. Collins has been such a bother to the ladies around here bordering on sexual harassment and we need some guiding policies.” I told Sally.
“But won’t that be unfair? I mean, suppose we had such policies we could not have met in the first place perhaps.” Sally told me.
“No, people can date when outside here, but at least when people are here to relate like colleagues and also the policies to outline the measures to be taken against someone who is a bother like Collins.” I told Sally.
“Yes, but we cannot dictate on how people should relate.” Sally told me and I agreed with her.
“At least let us have some formal guiding policies. Sexual harassment is a crime anyway.” I told Sally. 
After a while we were joined by Carol and Letisha, but they sat at a different table.
My eyes roamed around and settled on Sally’s thighs. I began fantasizing about her as she was wearing a short blue tight skirt that revealed part of her thighs as she sat on the chair. I wished I would just caress her thighs. 
“By the way, have you ever made use of the private section of your office?” I asked Sally smiling.
“No, why?” She asked.
“Just interested, let us go and explore it.” I told her and we stood up to go.
On our way back to her office, I noticed that Letisha was wearing some designer dress that had a trade mark of having been designed by Carol. Carol must have noticed that I noted that, she looked at me and smiled. The idea of engaging Carol to design for us an official wear for our company came again into my mind.
As we got into Sally’s office, we closed her door and indicated, “busy” from outside as we went to explore her office. 
The tiny closet like bedroom was fully furnished with even a bed. It has a wardrobe too but Sally was yet to furnish it with clothes. I held her by her waist and pulled her gently to kiss her immediately we got into the room; she kissed me back in return. I was feeling like just making love to her but she told me, “Not now, we need to make this place better.” She smiled after telling me that.
“This is a fully executive suite and office, you need to make maximum use of it. The designer expects you to look at the top of yourself, smart and excellent. Ever noticed some business executives wear a certain manner in the morning, and differently in the evening? That is how I want you to be from now. Carol is a good designer we can engage her for some pay. “I told Sally. 
“Good idea, I like that, now you have seen the room let us go back to work.” Sally told me.
As soon as we settled in her office, she called Sally by the phone extension, but the call was not going through.
“I don’t understand, it is not going through…” Sally wondered. I took it and it was indeed not going through. 
“Let me go and call her as you wait.” I told her as I went to IT office.
“Carol, the phones are not working, have you noticed?” I told Carol as I found her working, Chris had gone for tea.
“I have not realized, Sorry.” She told me.
“We will talk about that later, come with me to Sally’s office.” I told her. She looked worried and I reassured her, “You are not in trouble, stop worrying.”
“Phew! I thought it had to do with the phone, I promise to check what is wrong.” Carol told me as we walked by the tiled corridor to Sally’s office.
“Sally, Tony told me you are a good designer. Can you design for us a nice company attire reflecting even our color codes?” Sally requested Carol. 
“Yes, I had also suggested that too.” Carol said.
“Good, do around 3 designs, then bring them so that we can discuss them. How much time do you need?” Sally asked Carol. 
“About 1 week to design.” She said.
“Why so much time? I thought it was something you can do within hours…” Sally wondered.
“No, Madam Sally, I need to research on current trends and corporate outlook of most companies so that I can come with the best.” Carol said.
“Good idea, I did not think of that. Once you are done with at least 2, let me know. Try to design with 4 days so that we can discuss on time. Also, I have noticed the phones are not working, check that too and rectify soonest possible we cannot stay without office extensions.” Sally told Carol.
“I will do my best.” Carol said.
“You can go back to your work, and thank you for your good work.” Sally told Carol smiling and Carol smiled back.
As soon as she left, Maureen came in and requested to talk with Sally, I left them in the office and went back to my office.
As soon as I settled in my office, Irene came in.
“Tony, you are driving me crazy, Tony. I am pregnant with your child and you are all here acting like it does not matter. Why are you doing this to me, Tony. What did I do to deserve all this? Tony, I will go mad if this goes on like this.” Irene told me shaking with emotions.
I looked at her for a while.
“Irene, what do you want me to do? Suggest.” I told her as she sat on a chair, slightly facing the door.
“At least acknowledge me, at least have time for me, I am in emotional turmoil seeing you with Sally and behaving like you never did anything to me. Remember you took my virginity, you made me pregnant, Tony, I am human being, please have mercy on me, please. Every day is a torture to me.” Irene said in the verge of crying. I was getting moved by her emotions but I was restraining myself.
“Look, Irene, it was a mistake. But all the same, go back to your office we shall talk later, for now I want to do some urgent work.” I told her. However, she stood up and began coming towards where I was seated. To my surprise, she made to kneel in front of me but I restrained her.
“Tony, I am begging you, Tony, please accept me back. Even if I will be your second wife, all I want is to be with you, please Tony, please.” She was almost crying.
I thought of giving her a wild suggestion which I knew would be impossible for her.
“Sit down, I want to give you a suggestion.” I told Irene.
“I am listening…” She told me, sniffing once.

“I belong to Sally now, Sally now owns my heart. Go to Sally, talk to her and if she says yes, come back to me, if she says no, that is what I will abide with.” I told her and she seemed shocked.
“Tony, you know that is not possible to do!” Irene told me.
“Then there is no way I can help you.” I told her firmly. All I wanted was to get rid of her from my office.
As she was about to say something, I spoke firmly to her, “Irene, you are wasting my time. Go back to your workstation, we have a lot to do.” She stood up to go. On her way out, she stood at the door, looked at me briefly, then stood facing outside facing away from me. I did not know what was her intention but as she made to move, she slipped and fell down.
I immediately stood up to go and hold her up and before she hit the floor, I was already holding her.
Loveynna was passing by and she witnessed that, she stopped whatever she was doing and came to help me get Irene back to her feet.
“Irene! Irene! What is the problem?” I asked her.
“I don’t know, I feel like dying.” Irene told me as I placed her on the long office leather coach.
“Relax a bit, I think you are stressed.” Loveynna told Irene, I wondered how she realized that too fast.
“Give me some water, please.” Irene requested. Loveynna fetched her some water from my office dispenser and she drank it, laid down on the leather coach for a while.
“Breath in and out deeply, you will be ok.” Loveynna told Irene. Loveynna was conducting herself like a nurse since she administered first aid upon Irene, even using some washcloth to cool down Irene’s temple of her head. I just watched from my desk.
Loveynna left, and I was left there with Irene once more. I kept wondering, was she so stressed to a point of getting sick? Was she acting? But judging by how she felt hot when I touched her, it was obvious she was in turmoil.
“Irene, can you stand up? Go back to your office, I will find time to talk to you.” I told her. She silently stood up and went.
There was something mysterious with Loveynna though. She was rather too smart to be just someone unlearned. The way she even handled Irene puzzled me. As I was thinking about Loveynna, Cynthia brought some orders for approval.
“Find Loveynna for me, tell her I need to see her in my office.” I told Cynthia as she went out.
Loveynna came into my office and sat by the coach facing my desk. She said, “You called me Sir.”
“Yes, I called you. Tell me, do you have any formal or professional training?” The question seemed to take her by surprise. 
“Yes, after form four, I joined college to do Nursing, but I dropped due to lack of school fee. My sister was paying for me but was unable to due to some circumstances so I terminated my learning.” Loveynna revealed to me.
“I observed how you handled Irene and noted something you did that could only mean you knew what you were doing. Ok, go back to your work, we shall think about that further.” I told her.
“Thank you.” Loveynna told me and walked out of my office. She made me think about Sally and how she worked as a tea girl before we even realized she was such a highly qualified professional. It even made me think of how many people could be wasting their potentials due to lack of money. It even made me think of how we could tap her potentials to make use of her knowledge in our company.
As I was thinking more about Loveynna, Carol came to my office.
“I cannot seem to locate where the problem is with our phone network, please assist us on that.” Carol requested.
“Ok, come with me, perhaps you might learn a thing or two.” I told Carol and we went with her at the switch box which connected all phones and computers in the company. When I got there, I realized there was a cable which had been wrongly crimpled with RJ 45 yet it would need to be RJ 11 for phone network hence why at times it connected and at times it disconnected.
“Look, this is the problem.” I told Carol, she laughed lightly and I wondered why.
“Tony, I am too short to see there.” Carol said lightly.
“Oh! Sorry.” I laughed too. “Go and pick a stool, climb on it and you will see.” I told her and she picked a stool to step on it.
She could not climb so I had to hold her by her waist to assist her to get up the stool. She inspected the switch box too and I assisted her to terminate the cable with the correct RJ.
“I need to climb down now.” She told me. As she made to bend her knee to get down, she realized she was unable to. So, I made a suggestion to her.
“Hold by me and climb down.” I told her. She firmly held onto my chest pressing me with her boobs so hard as I assisted her to get down. She laughed a little as she held me tightly by my neck and moved her head playfully such that one of her braids hit my eye with one end. 
Holding her to my chest made me feel a rush of physical desire and lust all over me and knowing she was positive made me realize how much I should not feel that way for her; but that made me feel similarly about her sister who was almost an exact replica of Carol, and even taller. As I was fantasizing, Carol told me, “Put me down now!” I had so much concentrated on holding her to a point I had forgotten I was only helping her to climb down.
As soon as I put her down, I realized her sister was standing at the door of the server room which had the switch box looking at us keenly. Carol seemed startled seeing her standing there. However, Loveynna smiled and said, “Can I come in and clean the room?”
>>>To be continued>>>

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