“Tony, you seem like your mind is so far away, how can I stand here for close to 5 minutes and you haven’t realized?” Irene asked. “May I come in”.
“Oh, please come in, have a seat”, I told Irene and she sat. She wanted me to help her with some excel sheet formulas as she was preparing some report and she was stuck. So we opened her excel workbook and I told her to sit right next to me as I sort her out. One thing is, I was a good teacher when it comes to teaching ICT concepts and I really enjoyed it explaining to someone. So, the talk got so animated as I tried to explain to her some functions, how to draw some graphs and produce a report. Irene was so attentive all the time, not sure if she was really getting all the concepts or she just enjoyed seeing me working on the excel sheet, all in all, she would urge me on calling me a genius, but it is my job and it was pretty easy to accomplish that.
Just as she was about to leave she saw some cookies that Sally had brought to me. “Can I have one of those please?”, Irene asked, “Oh! Yea, welcome.” 
She took one. “Oh! they are so sweet, where did you get them from?”, Irene asked. I lied, “I made them myself yesterday evening, I love cooking when am bored”. Irene gave me one prolonged look and just said, “I can’t believe, few men know how to cook, you must be special, I like that.” 
“Oh! Thank you”, I told Irene for her complement. She just did not know that Sally made them, I did not even wish her to know. But she insisted, “Are you sure it is not someone who made them for you, I would wish to have more, they are so sweet. I will come for some more.” Irene said and walked out of my office that instant. 
At the evening, after accomplishing much of my day’s task, I took my laptop and opened the flash disk that my boss gave me. I wanted to know what it contained. So I opened and it had one folder. In the folder was one word document and 10 photo graphs. The photos some were Sam with another woman not my boss holding each other seated on the beach. Another was same lady with a little child about 4 years old, and another the lady alone. I just could not understand why boss would be interested with them.
I opened the word document and it had 3 paragraphs of what my boss intended me to do. In short, she said she had picked those photos from another Facebook profile and wished to know if the lady ever visits Sam. She explained that Sam was telling her he is single, and got divorced about 10 years ago but insisted he was not in a relationship with any other woman except her so she wanted me to use my IT knowledge and investigate online who this lady was and if possible I should hack into her account and see if she communicates with Sam. Being an IT expert that was pretty easy for me, but the ethical issue that might arise bothered me. Why? This felt like a love scandal building up and I did not like the feeling of it.
I was about to leave, it was well past 5:30 Pm and most staffs had left. I heard a gentle knock at the door and I just said, “Come in”. Expecting Sally. But it was Irene who came.
“What are you still doing in office this late?” She asked but by the look on her face she did not expect me to answer that since she knew I remain mostly to do daily backups before calling it a day.
I knew Sally would be late too since she remains to wash some dishes before going home, and I knew she would come by my office. 
Irene sat and we began talking, just usual casual talks of current affairs, job related issues etc. But I could tell Irene was not in a hurry to leave. But I just wished she would leave.
After sometime, Sally knocked and just came in. There was no extra seat in my office and I offered her my seat and opted to stand as I finished shutting down the server. The awkward silence that followed as it was obvious none of them expected each other in my office. It is me who broke the silence and said, “Am done with my day, let me close my office and we go home.”, I said and both Sally and Irene stepped outside as I locked the door.
We began walking just casually talking generally like colleagues would do. Irene whose work involved interacting with me most during the day dominated the talk as Sally just kept silent most of the time since she did not have much to talk about office work. I kept trying to change the topic to accommodate Sally but for some reason, Sally just responded and kept quiet. We just walked to a point where we were to part as each heads home. Since Irene lived some distance than both of us I suggested we stand there as she waits for Matatu to take her home. So we just stood there. The first Matatu came but Irene simply said she does not like loud music and she let it go. The second came and she did not board it for whatever reason. I was getting impatient but being a gentleman I did not want to just walk away with Sally or leaving them there on their own. Call it being manly but wanted to ensure all go safely. When third Matatu came, I told Irene she has to go it is getting late. luckily, the air got cooler and it began drizzling so Irene simply hopped into the Matatu, bid us goodbye and went home.
That instant Sally brightened and began talking as if Irene’s departure opened her and set her at ease. At least I felt relieved too. 
“How was your day?”, I asked Sally as if we worked in a different organization. “It was fine, just feeling tired”, she answered smiling at me. Since it was dark, I reached for her hand and we began walking till the intersection where we were to part and she goes her way as I go home. We got at the intersection, we hugged each other and Sally went her way as I went my way. 
On my way, I just imagined, “silly me, I could have offered to escort her a little bit”, I guess I was just too tired I just wanted to go home and have some rest.
At around 10 PM, on my bed dozing, my phone buzzed with a text message. I opened the text which was sent with a new number. The text read, “good night, sweet dreams”. I opened my true caller to check the name of the number just in case, since I wanted to know who it was from. My true caller returned, “Irene bebs”. I had expected it is from Sally but since it was not from her, I just placed my phone under the pillow and dozed off not caring to know who that was.
The following morning, Sally as usual passed by my office. “Good morning Tony, you did not reply to my message”. She said. I was surprised. I nearly told her that I got a message but was Irene bebs her name? But that instant, my mind raced and I just took my phone and checked my messages. Sure enough, Sally sent her message at 11:15 PM. I was fast asleep. Before I even tell her I was a sleep she just said, “Its ok, yesterday you seemed so tired may be you slept before then”, Sally said as she wished me a good day and went to her work.
So who is this Irene bebs? I wondered.
>>To be continued>>
As Narrated by Dr. Love.

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