I had an idea but did not share it with Sally, for I could not wish for it to backfire too.
The following day, I booked an appointment with Reginah to meet with her after work. 
The following day however, Irene gave some of the few documents that Sally wanted and Sally scrutinized all of them, but did not see anything in particular. Irene was very cooperative that day.
In the evening, I told Sally I was going to meet a friend and I would join her later in the evening and she went home.
“Reginah, I know you always carry an investigations device to locate people’s phone numbers. Did you carry it?” I asked Reginah.
“Yes, who do you want to track?” Reginah asked me.
“There is this number I called yesterday, I want to know where it is located.” I requested Reginah.
“Just that?” She inquired. 
“Yes, that is enough.” I told her.
“Follow me to my car.” Reginah told me. I followed her.
When we got to her car, she removed her laptop and requested me to give her the number. She activated the device tracker, keyed in the number and a search began.
The number was tracked relatively fast. It belonged to a man called Adams Obunga, it was in Kibera.
“The man identified himself as Luke Owino, a former colleague where I work.” I told Reginah.
“It is a sweet coincidence you have here. Adams Obunga is a gangster we have been searching for a long time, he has been eluding us for so long. The numbers we have been using to track him are all out of service. Adams is wanted for the murder of an Asian business man, for robbing some tourists, for hijacking a Githurai bound Matatu 4 months ago, for rape charges, for impersonation and obtaining money by falsehood, for fraud, and a host of other charges. How did you get this number?” Reginah asked me.
“I got the number in the employee’s file belonging to Luke Owino.” I told Reginah.
Reginah picked her mobile phone and called some policemen to join her.
“Go home, I will keep you updated. We are going for this gangster.” Reginah told me when the police arrived. 
“Thank you Madam Reginah.” I told her as I went home.
When I got home, I found Sally waiting for at the table room smiling.
“Darling, how can we be so gullible, let me tell you something. Irene played with our minds. It just came into my mind. I bought a new line, registered it with M-Pesa, sent Kshs 10 to the number we called yesterday and guess whose name appeared?” Sally said sounding so excited.
She showed me the text, it had the name “Adams Omwenga”
“It is the same thing I had gone to investigate with a police friend of mine. I suspected. So, it means Irene is smartly manipulating the outcome of this situation to favor her.” I told Sally. It seemed we were thinking along the same line, and Sally was getting smarter too. But it was obvious Irene was hiding something.
Just as we were talking, Reginah called. When I saw her call, my heart skipped a beat for unknown reason. I was scared of picking her call.
“Hello.” I saluted Reginah as I received her call.
“Tony, this man was a real hard nut to crack. I am sorry to say, he has killed one of my boys, but he has gown down with around 20 bullets. The gangster is dead. I need to know more about the issue you were following up so that you ended up with his number. Remember I had told you Irene might be the key to some of the criminals we are pursuing? This was one of them. I will need your assistance so meet me tomorrow in the evening. Same location. Say hi to your sweet heart and please be careful.”
Reginah finished talking in a hurry and hung up. She sounded panicked and I knew whatever would make Reginah panic must be really bad or frightening. 
“Tomorrow I have an appointment with the police I had gone to track the number with. She has told me they have gunned down the gangster, unfortunately, he has killed a policeman in the process.” I told Sally.
“Darling, be careful, I think Irene is connected with some criminal elements in this town. And she is acting so cool of late, perhaps she is plotting something evil.” Sally said; she sounded scared. I moved to her, hugged her and reassured her, “Don’t worry darling, everything is under control.”
I felt frightened too.
“Have you gotten all financial records from Irene?” I asked Sally.
“No. Why?” She asked.
“I feel she could be faking them. Probably the ones she is giving you are not the originals. Maybe she is making up records. If we do not act fast, probably within 1 week, then we will yield nothing.” I told Sally.
“Remember she does not leave her keys anymore. She carries them so there is no way we can access her office. And strangely enough, even our boss seems less concerned with this whole audit thing.” Sally told me.
Just as we were talking, our boss called me.
“Good evening Tony. Sorry to call you this late but it is urgent. We have gotten a business training in Mombasa which will last one week, we shall leave on Friday by evening bus. Please be ready and remember to carry your laptop and anything necessary.” My boss told me.
“Ok, Madam. No problem I will get ready.” I told my boss and she hung up.
“My boss has told me we are travelling with her this coming Friday for a business training trip to Mombasa. The training shall last for one week.” I told Sally.
“Damn! This whole thing is really derailing my work. Now with you gone, who else will be helping me?” Sally wondered.
“I will furnish Carol with the whole thing. I have taken a backup of the entire system. The major challenge is getting into Irene’s office and we cannot force her. There is close to 48 hours before we leave for Mombasa. We have to think fast.” I told Sally.
The following day, Irene furnished Sally with more receipts, cashbooks, and financial statements. She was really cooperating. But I hatched a plan with the gateman. I told him that I and Collins shall come at night and break into Irene’s office and do photo copies of all documents that we shall get there. He agreed on condition that should we get caught, he shall disown us.
That evening when I met Reginah, she came with the idea that I should hypnotize Irene once more and perhaps I could get more truth from her, but I was not willing to do so more so I felt it would amount to cheating on Sally and I had vowed not to do that anymore.
“Just one more time.” Reginah insisted but I turned down the whole idea. 
“I feel this is human violation, and besides, I love Sally and doing this is like cheating on her; No Reginah, I am done with this. Why can’t you just arrest her and investigate her?” I asked Reginah.
“Because suspicion is not an evidence! We need something provable, tangible and visible.” Reginah insisted.
“Reginah, my reasons are clear. I am not going to do this. Sorry to disappoint you.” I told Reginah. She looked at me keenly for almost five minutes and said, “Tony, I told you that there is danger in loving somebody too much. I feel you love this girl too much, but all in all, I am not going to tell you not to love her. Continue with your work and in case you need my assistance, do not hesitate to call me.” Reginah told me and winked at me.
“I will. I trust you and I can count on you.” I told Reginah.
“So, Tony, if I want you to give me some more orgasms, you won’t give them to me?” Reginah asked me jokingly.
I laughed a bit and told her, “I don’t even think my dick would accept it anymore. My love for Sally prohibits me from doing so anymore.” I told her jokingly.
“Can I try you now?” Reginah dared and moved closer to me as we were standing, too close her nipples were touching my chest. My body reacted.
“No, Reginah. Not this time. You win but not today.” I told Reginah since I was so much aware what she was capable of. She backed off, caressed my cheeks a bit and told me, “You are such a nice man to Sally, all women are dying to have a man like you. If she was not with you, I would not hesitate to grab you.” 
“Don’t worry, Reginah. Love comes on its own time. You shall get a lovely man when the time comes.” I told Reginah. My words struck her hard until she got emotional.
“Tony, I gave up on love. I hope I shall be able to love once more in my life. For now, my love life is dead. It shall take a miracle for me to love.” Reginah told me. I did not reply.
We continued to talk about general life issues until I left, and Reginah went her own way. For the first time in my life, I felt it was so disgusting to investigate cases using sexual means.

After there, I called Collins who we had arranged to break into Irene’s office. The watchman was very cooperative after giving him Kshs 10,000. He showed us a secret exit in our building and told us, “from inside, you can push it via a lever and it opens, but from outside, you will have to be strong to pull it out.” He told us.
“We have Collins here with us.” I told him. He laughed.
“You will need more than 2 of him.” He told us.
Sure enough, when we got there, there was a secret passage very close to sewer draining from inside the office’s sinks. Collins tried to pull it off but it was like he was doing nothing. I knew whatever was difficult for Collins to pull off, then it was impossible for me. Collins tried for almost 30 minutes and he gave up. Suddenly he looked at me and his eyes brightened. 
“What? Any idea?” I asked Collins.
“Let me call my brother, he will be here in 10 minutes using a motor bike.” Collins told me.
“You mean you have a brother and you have never told me?” I asked Collins.
“Have you also ever told me you have a brother or a sister?” Collins asked me jokingly. I realized I had not also told him such a thing.
Within 15 minutes, his brother came. Though he was not as muscular as Collins, he was so similar to Collins in so many ways.
“Tony, meet my younger brother. His name is Johnston Wanyonyi. Wanyonyi, this is my colleague.” Johnston greeted me and after some introductions, Collins explained to him using his native language his reason for calling him there and they both laughed.
“Tony, we also need your assistance too.” 
We held firmly on some metal bars that from outside you would have thought are decorations, pulled with all our strength and behold, the lid came off slowly and smoothly from the wall revealing a small hold enough for a grown up to go through.
“What is the use of this hole?” I asked our watchman.
“In case terrorists attacked our offices, they would think they have cornered us perhaps waiting for us to come through the door. All you have to do is press a button from inside, escape via the sewer silently and leave them wondering how you vanished. That is how the terrorists in Westgate attack made their way out; they escaped through the sewer as the police continued to wait for them at the door to come out.” Our watchman explained confidently. 
“Hmm, so we have such an intelligent watchman here?” Collins wondered.
“Please never let anyone know I showed you how to open this from outside. If it is known, the security firm that pays me will sentence me to death without much of a trial. Good luck with what you are looking for.”
When we got into the office, it was pretty simple to get into Irene’s cabinets since she had not locked them and the ones that were locked, they keys were just there. We opened the cabinets in a hurry to finish up what brought us there.
The first cabinet was empty, the second cabinet was empty, the third, the fourth…and all 10 cabinets were all empty!!
My heart felt completely shattered.
There was no even a single shred of evidence we could use against Irene. I have never felt that outsmarted in my entire life. Irene was proving to be too intelligent and always ahead of our plans. The fact that she had emptied her cabinets proved she was hiding something, but I knew so well this was a dead-end route to follow.
“Sorry brother, all our efforts tonight yielded nothing. Go back to the drawing board and try once more.” Collins held my shoulder and told me. I felt the honesty of his suggestion.
Outside, some crickets were making night noises.
The watchman showed us how to return the safe door so nicely no one would have ever thought anyone had gotten through that door. It was such an excellent security outlet you would only equate it to the trap doors you only see in movies.
There was around 15 hours left before we left for Mombasa with my boss, and going for a whole week there in full thought that Irene could have been faking documents to justify her innocence.
My mind that night evening was over working by the time I got home, I had a headache equivalent of a migraine.
Sally met me at the door, so excited. 
“Darling, tell me you have good news.” She told me once she hugged me.
“Honey, I am sorry, there is no even a single document in that office. It is even a mystery where she is getting the receipts and financial statements she is giving you.” I told Sally as I sat down.
The night was so silent, so calm as if a storm was approaching. 
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Story Teller, Tony.

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