I did not even know how to tell Sally about the whole thing, where was I to begin?
“Carol, be serious, we are talking about money. This is a police case. No, I am going to report this. There is too much at stake on my side.” I told Carol thinking about Sally.
“If we have to go to the police, we have to involve Irene too. She is in it.” Carol suggested.
“Call Irene, let her come here.” I told Carol who was closest to the office extension.
Irene came into our office and took a seat.
“Irene, we have decided we are going to report this matter to the police. Kurd is a conman and we should have this handled by the police.” I told Irene firmly.
“I welcome that idea, I was thinking about that too.” Irene said suggestively. 
“Irene, tell us everything that you know about Kurd, you introduced us to him.” Carol told Irene.
Irene told us everything she knew about Kurd, but as long as our money was missing nothing was making sense at all. Since the boss was not around, we agreed that in the afternoon we shall leave Carol at the office, me and Irene was to go to the police and report this case.
Irene gave me a ride in her car and we went to a police station where we met a very nice young lady by the name Regina, who held a senior rank judging by the way the other police officers were calling her. Regina told us to feel free to be calling her by her name. Regina had a commanding presence owing to her beauty you would not even imagine she was a police woman. She was light skinned, slim and tall, you would have thought she was a Cushite based on her looks but when she told us her name we knew she was not.
Regina took us on cross examination, interviewing us and taking notes all along, very keen to details. She took note of the company that Kurd said was working at, his names, his identity (he gave us copies of his ID), his phone number and any other details that was relevant. Based on her keenness we were so damn sure that she was going to unravel the case. 
Our case was recorded on Occurrence book, OB/7/21/2005/004/TI (the initials she said were to represent the names of the people presenting the case). 
“What is the surety that you will crack this case?” I asked Regina looking at her eyes.
“Mr. Tony, no case has ever slipped me. Trust me, we shall get to the bottom of this. Kenya has become a ground for criminals and we will soon get all of them behind bars. People should stop harvesting where they never planted.” Regina assured us with a smile that instilled confidence in us.
“We never imagined he would end up being a conman.” Irene said.
“You can never know a conman by just looking at him. In fact, most conmen of late are very smart. They come smartly dressed, talk big, appear very official with nice suits, and they are handsome or beautiful just like the two of you.” Regina said looking at us. We looked at each other then turned to face her.
“How do you truck a criminal?” I asked Regina.
“Oh! Leave that to us. It is our work to do so. But we have high tech devices for doing that, we can track a criminal even to the moon!” Regina said confidently. 
As we were talking, a young man in nice police uniform came in, stood attention and saluted before saying, “Madam, your tea is ready. Can I bring it for you?”
“Oh! No, I prefer taking it at the cafĂ©, thank you officer.” Regina added before dismissing the young man by motioning him to go.
“Please join me at the police cafeteria as we talk more.” Regina said. We tried to resist the offer but Regina was so convincing. We followed her silently.
Regina despite her high rank in the forces, she was very humble and humane we never expected her to behave as such. She served us some tea and cookies as she continued to narrate some of the cases she has cracked, including one of a Nigerian conman who had swindled Kenyans almost a billion Shillings in an urban housing scam. We were so sure that she shall help us.
Something was telling me that Regina took our case personally, since she said she was keen on doing a Degree in IT and she thought I could be of help when the time came; she took my number.
“You did a Degree?” Regina wished to know.
“Yes, am doing my Masters online and I am hoping to graduate very soon.” I answered feeling proud.
“If you were a police officer, you would be a very high-ranking officer. Your height and physique is nice for a police man.” Regina said.
“Oh! I once thought of joining the forces, Airforce to be specific but then again, I think am not so good in following commands all the time.” I told Regina.
“You can still join if you wished to, you are still young.” Regina said.
“But being a member of armed forces must be difficult. Dealing with criminals is never easy.” Irene added.
“No, some of us are never in the front line. We work behind the scenes. Like my work is to handle crimes that require investigative and analytical skills. That is why I wish to do IT to refine my skills in tracking criminals via technology and be able to explore more about that field. It is so interesting and fun. Busting someone who thinks he is so safe.” Regina told us more about how she enjoys tracking criminals and even said most electronic devices even when in off state can be tracked accurately as long as they are still not destroyed. We were impressed.
When our time to leave came, Regina escorted us up to the gate of the station where Irene had packed her car and bid us goodbye.
“Tony, you are a lady’s magnet. Regina has fallen for you on first sight.” Irene said looking at me smiling.
“Come on, she could or she could not, but all I care is she unravels our case. Besides, I would never want to date a police woman.” I said as a matter of fact.
“Hmm, I know you are just talking. Regina will come looking for you.” Irene said jokingly. I really was not in the mood of such talk and I changed the topic.
“What do we do in case she does not unravel this case?” I asked almost speaking to myself.
“Oh! Don’t think like that. I also wish the man is caught and hang by the balls.” Irene said harshly making me flinch. I once got hit accidentally in my balls and it was painful indeed.
I said, “Honestly, no need to go for his balls, but I would wish him arrested if that is what he does. This is not good at all.”
Within no time, Irene drove me to my place and I alighted. 
“Good night Tony. Take care.” She said as she drove off slowly. She nearly hit a motor bike rider who was trying to overtake her, and the young man spewed insults towards her before speeding off like a mad rider.
When I got home, I called Carol to update her on the situation. She was happy and impressed by the progress.
“Good thing is, it is a lady who is handling the case. Ladies are ever serious when dealing with issues.” Carol said over the phone.
“You are now sounding like a feminist.” I told Carol feeling annoyed.
“Oh! Sorry. I nearly forgot am talking to a man. Understand me, am so mad with this case. If I lay my hands on that man, I will make him black.” Carol said and I felt anger in her voice.
As we were talking, I saw Sally’s incoming call. I told Carol to terminate our call on the other end so as I can receive Sally’s call.
“Hi honey, how are you?” I responded to Sally’s call.
“Hello my dear. How was your day? You sound bored have you eaten?” Sally bombarded me with questions but I understood it was because she cared.
“No problem. Our goods have been delayed and a little bored. I wanted to make the rest of the money very soon so that we can redeem your Degree and time is not on our side. I am getting worried.” I told Sally.
“Honey, stop stressing yourself so much, what is meant to be will be. All will be well. Besides, it is not a must we get it in 2 weeks’ time.” Sally said.
“Sally, have you forgotten that Derrick will jail us in case we fail on this?” I was feeling bitter.
“Oh! Yes. I know. If it gets worse just try to escape him. Besides he may not be serious with the issue at all.” Sally said almost whispering. 
“I have met jokers; Derrick is not a joker.” I said with a serious tone.
“Ok, all will be well. Besides, am working as a volunteer here and since last week they are paying me Kshs 2,000 per week. I know it is too small I would rather earn a little than nothing. The experience am getting here though is awesome and I know it will really boost my CV. I am getting a lot of skills here.” Sally said sounding proud of what she was talking about.
We talked over loud speaker until I cooked supper, ate and only terminated the call when I was going to sleep.

The following day as Carol was going to work, she made sure to wait for me and we walked along together.
She was wearing a blue Jeans, white T shirt and some low heeled sandals like shoes.
“How is your knee?” She asked me as we got talking.
“Oh! It is all right now, I can even run.” I told Carol.
“Ok, let us run.” Carol said but as she noticed I was increasing my walking pace she immediately protested since she was unable to even match my walking pace leave alone running.
I gave her more details about our previous discussion with the police woman, who I even told her name.
“The police, Regina said she wishes to do IT soon.” I told Carol.
She looked at me briefly and asked, “How did it get to that? Did you go to socialize with the police?” She wondered.
“Of course, police are just mistaken by the general public as unfriendly or inhuman. Most are just nice people with normal lives except the uniform.” I told Carol.
“Wait until you are caught committing a crime.” Carol said looking at me.
“I will never commit a crime. What for?” I told Carol looking far ahead.
“You said in case Irene had something to do with the loss of our money you shall beat the hell out of her. Isn’t that a crime?” Carol asked jokingly.
“Oh! That one, ok. Let me add this, I am ready to commit a crime as long as it is the last option I have for the sake of survival. I guess at that point, it is permissible.” I told Carol, and I meant it. Besides, I remembered I tried to create a fake certificate for Sally, which back fired. The thought of me committing a crime again made me shudder as I thought I would probably get caught and end up in jail. 
As soon as we got to work, my boss called me to her office.
“Good morning Tony. You haven’t updated me on the status of your department of late. Please make a report by the end of this week. Also, I wanted to inform you that we are going to invite Rhema holdings Company here on Friday this week for a system’s audit seminar and you shall be the one to take us through assisted by Carol. So, I want you to start preparing for that.” Boss said looking at me.
As Irene was passing to say hi to the boss in her office, my boss called her.
“Irene, you will be parking your car to the left. Mine should be on the right since I keep going in and out and it gives me hard time maneuvering out of the car park.” Boss told Irene who came in and gave each one of us a handshake. She was wearing a nicely ironed grey suit whose skirt was too tight it made her thighs seem bigger than the rest of her body.
“Ok. Sorry for that Madam, I will take note of that. Plus, the loan payment that was to be done yesterday, I am from the bank to get a checkbook, I will bring it to you to sign.” Irene said,
“Ok. Immediately Tony leaves, please come and give me the details.” Boss said before motioning Irene to leave the office.
I asked about the details of the upcoming training from the boss and she gave me all the details. I knew I was good at training people and I was so sure I shall deliver excellently. 
I went back to my office and met Carol designing some graphics for our company fliers and brochures. 
“I hardly know how to use photoshop, I have been using other software. Do you mind showing me how you do this?” I requested Carol.
“At your service, take a seat next to me.” Carol said moving her seat a little to the left for me to sit to her right. As I placed my seat, she looked at me and said, “Move closer, I want you to get the details.”
Carol went into the details of how to insert and edit layers, how to change colors and so much more. But that was too much for me in a few minutes and I told her the lesson shall be continued as I needed to do something else.
“On Friday, our boss has told me we shall have a training here and me and you are the teachers.” I told Carol.
“Oh! No! you shall do it. I cannot stand in front of people. Am not that bold. I also do not know how to teach.” Carol said shaking her head.
“Haha, I know. I have hardly gotten anything you have just taught me.” I told Carol who looked at me and laughed.
“Yes, am a poor teacher. Perhaps if I teach practically but not theoretically.” Carol said.
It was long since I did system’s audit to our system and I decided to conduct an audit to the information system and the network so as to have an idea on what to mentor and what not to mentor.
As I was auditing the financial module, I noticed the system had an unusually high number of activities whose genesis was from concurrent activities from the system. I traced the source of the activities and found out they were from our Boss’ private laptop which she had been using for almost 3 years now. I however did not feel bothered since my boss loved keeping track of financial transactions occurring in the company.
“Carol, come over and see this.” I alerted Carol once I realized this would be significant to her.
I showed her the audit log, and the activities as indicated by the system log.
“So, this means Luke’s allegations were all wrong and baseless.” Carol said.
“Why?” I wondered looking at Carol keenly. She breathed in, held her breath for some time, exhaled a bit and said, “Because if the boss been keeping track of the financial module then that means she would have known if Irene been swindling Company’s money.”
I was amazed by her analysis.
“Girl, I love your imagination. Besides, I can see that the day Alex did audit, the system also recorded higher number of activities. But Luke, what came over him of at all he lied?” I wondered.
“Tony, Luke must have been smitten by Irene’s beauty perhaps and when he tried his luck and failed, he came up with outrageous allegations.” Carol said and added, “I am a woman, and I know we can drive you men crazy especially if we use our charms well.”
The realization that Luke must have lied sank even deeper in my conscience and I felt intense hatred for the guy. Besides, I have never trusted over religious people.
“I would never do that, I mean, if a woman say’s no, to hell with him.” I told Carol.
“Tony, men like you do not seduce women, women seduce them. There is something in you that every woman wants to taste and I can tell you this for free, even if you got married, expect women to chase after you. Am even surprised you do not have a sugar mama running after you and bankrolling your life.” Carol said and I was genuinely surprised.
“Haha, Carol, what do you take me for? I cannot fuck old pussy.” I told Carol and laughed a little.
“Idiot, who told you all sugar mamas bankrolling young men are all old? Some are as young as me. Can’t you see someone like Irene, young, beautiful, rich and has money…” Carol said but as soon as she realized the word idiot did not go well with me she retracted it so fast and said, “..Oh, sorry my dear you are not an idiot, I just wanted to express the idea.”
“No, I get you loud and clear.” I told Carol.
We got lost into the conversation and soon we realized it was tea break.
“Zuhura, can we serve sausages here?” Irene asked Zuhura as soon as we went for tea break.
“As long as I am not close to them.” Zuhura said moving behind the counter where she staid as we talked. Irene gave each one of us 2 sausages she had carried except Zuhura. Besides, Zuhura would not go anywhere near pork.
“But Tony, why are you still single? You are ambitious, handsome, charming and you are surrounded by nice girls all over.” Zuhura said looking at me.
“Yes, young man you should get married.” Our gate man who had joined us for tea that day told me.
“I am engaged.” I said taking time to sip my tea.
“Tony, it is important to get a lady of your class…” Irene was talking and I gave her a hard stare until she stopped talking midsentence and when she resumed she said, “Even that police woman was smitten by you. What do you have that ladies see in you? I think we should sample you now.” She added jokingly. 
“Class does not matter, what matter is pure love, Irene. If someone loves you, your social class will not matter at all.” Zuhura told Irene as if giving her an advice. Irene was becoming a proud boastful lady as days went by. Since our company wanted to open branches in other towns she somehow thought she shall be given one of the branches to head. 
“Some of these ladies as they rise up the social ladder become too boastful, proud and arrogant.” I said looking at Irene.
“Oh! Please, if you have a negative attitude towards successful ladies, understand that most are very senior but humble. Remember the lady police who we met at the station?” Irene said trying to sound polite.
“Oh! That one, just a few cases.” I said and Irene smiled.
“I am among the few cases, I know my worth but would not look down upon a man who loves me, as long as he gives me true love, romance, and of course, orgasms in plenty!” Irene said with a smack.
Carol looked at Irene and laughed. Zuhura looked at Irene smiled and told her, “You girl are so naughty, get a husband and all this heat that you have will disappear once you begin living as a wife. Getting a dick regularly will cool you off.”
We were all genuinely shocked to hear Zuhura mention the word dick. Carol stared at her with an open mouth and said, “Holy Christ! Did you just mention the word dick? Haha, be careful these people are spoiling you slowly by slowly. Very soon you will forget your husband in Kuwait and who knows, you might start spending more time with our office hunk and want more than just work place company…” 
Zuhura looked at me for some time, looked at the rest and said, “Tony won’t be enough for all of us, we will finish him.”
I remained silent all along. The thought of Zuhura trying to flirt with me caught me by surprise and I really hoped she was joking.
“Anyway, back to business. Tony. Boss requested that I do a report for the canteen and I don’t know how to do mathematics with Excel. I will be coming to your office so that you will show me how to go about it.” Zuhura said sounding serious.
“You see, haha, I just said so, Tony…you are in trouble.” Carol said jokingly.
“Hmm, stop it, Carol” Zuhura said shyly hiding her face.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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