That whole afternoon, my mind was so disturbed. What was Cynthia hiding from me? I decided if she was pregnant, I was going to make her do an abortion however much I hated abortion. I could not bear having her as a stumbling block. I knew if Sally ever came to know about her, she would never forgive me. I was so disturbed to the core and so unsure of what to do. I did not bother calling her but I wondered what she meant by coming to tell me the results the following day.
I was so lost in thoughts I did not realize that a blackout had happened and power was off until Carol came to my office.
“Excuse me Tony, I am not able to start the generator, I don’t know what is wrong.” She told me.
“But we just refueled it the other day?” I told Carol. We usually used to fuel the generator with a lot of fuel enough to last it for 2 weeks non-stop using it 12 hours per day in case there was a one-week blackout and one week had not elapsed and we had not gotten a power blackout recently. Unless that generator was leaking, there was no way that fuel could have been exhausted.
“Ok, let us go and check.” I told Carol and I accompanied her to check it. To my surprise, there were all indications that the generator’s fuel had been syphoned but there was no way to know what happened or who did it. 
“Carol, someone been stealing the generator fuel.” I told Carol noting that the gauge was reading so low, too low to even kickstart the generator. 
“So, does it mean we cannot work now without this?” Carol asked pointing to the generator.
“Yes, we will be unable to work today. Send Collins to fetch more fuel for it. Go and place an order.” I told Carol. She did just that and Collins left to go and buy the fuel.
I went to Cornelius and told him to monitor closely the generator to establish who perhaps was syphoning our fuel. 
We stayed idle for the rest of afternoon since Collins returned almost 5 pm. 
By the time I got home, I found Sally had already cooked supper. We ate almost silently watching some TV as we were both tired and went to sleep early.
The following morning, I met Celestine already cleaning up offices. Sally did not go straight to work as she had some clients to attend to. However, she gave me the money meant for our office usage. The first thing I wanted that morning was to meet Cynthia. I looked around for her to come but she did not seem to be around. I called her number and she did not pick. I called Maureen who was her immediate supervisor to ask her if she knew Cynthia’s whereabout but she did not seem to know too.
“Yesterday she was not feeling well, that is why I am concerned.” I told Maureen.
But my mind was not at rest so I called Sally.
“Hello, has Cynthia communicated to you? She has not come to work yet.” I told Sally.
“Yes, she texted me and told me she is not feeling well, she shall come tomorrow. There were some items accounts wanted to purchase, you can send Celestine in the meantime.” Sally told me. She did not mention what was Cynthia suffering from. The suspense was killing me and anxiety too. It felt like mental torture to me.
During tea break, I sat with Collins.
“Collins, you told Celestine to abort. Did she tell you which hospital she aborted?” I asked Collins. 
“Yes, it has some nice nurses who does the procedure at a small fee. Why? Have you fired live bullets somewhere which you want to get dislodged?” Collins asked jokingly.
“Oh! No, I was just asking as a matter of interest.” I told Collins trying to smile.
“Come on dude! There is no harm in it, if you do not want to get into some shit, let the bitch abort.” Collins sounded like he was aware.
“What bitch?” I asked Collins.
He looked at me, laughed and said, “Of course Letisha, I know you have been screwing that bitch for a while, that lady has a nice ass too why lie?” I was shocked by Collins statement.
“Collins, you are imagining things or you are plan crazy. What are you talking about?” I asked Collins genuinely surprised. 
“Tony, you are my friend, come on! Why could you hide that from me?” Collins pressed even further, making me more puzzled. 
“Collins, can you get straight to the point and tell me what you mean!” I raised my voice with agitation. 
Collins scanned the area as if to confirm that no one was listening to us. He leaned forward, smiled and told me, “Tony, I was also seducing Letisha, but she turned me down. She even told me that she is your side dish and that is why she cannot accept me. She even narrated to me how you approached her, how you seduced her, how you fucked her in a guest house, and such things. Tony, stop pulling my legs, just tell me the truth. Are you fucking Letisha?” 
“DAMN! That woman is crazy! I was not even into her. There is nothing going on between us! What the hell is all this about?” I wondered.
“Ok, don’t freak out. May be the lady just wants you. That is her own way of trying to attract your attention if she noticed you are not interested in her. That lady will just open her thighs for you once you request her. She wants your dick man, give it to her!” Collins told me.
“Collins, I have Sally. I do not want any other woman. And she is NOT pregnant for me. Get that into your head.” I told Collins.
“Easy man, Easy! Blast that ass man, there is no harm in it.” Collins insisted.
“Collins, I am not interested in that woman.” I told Collins, but that disturbed my mind. What if such destructive rumors reach Sally? How would she react? This Letisha girl was crazy. How did she even think of that? And if Collins knew, who else knew? I decided I was going to confront her and she would have to tell me what she meant with such stupidity.
“She will have to tell me what she meant.” I told Collins as I left for my office.
When I got into my office, I called Letisha to my office.
“Close the door behind you and have a seat.” I told Letisha.
She did that and I read some fear in her.
“Sir, have I done something wrong?” Letisha asked me as soon as she sat down.
“Yes, Letisha. Someone told me some damning rumors about you and me. Collins specifically told me that you told him that I have been seducing you, and you are my side dish, and that I had sex with you in a lodging. Tell me what is the meaning of all that. I am not pleased with that.” I told Letisha.
She began to shake and remained silent. 

“Letisha, talk to me! You know that I am married and I would not entertain such nonsense from you. Can you tell me WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” I shouted at her until she shook from her chair fearfully.
“Tony, I am sorry. I had no choice.” Letisha told me and remained silent. 
“…what choice? You are wasting my time and if you fail to talk I will take stern action against you…” Before I even finished talking, Letisha broke down, completely throwing my thought process off course.
“Tony, I know this will not make sense to you. Collins seduced me and I had no other way to turn him down. But that is not the issue, the real issue is, you have a lot of semblance with my immediate ex. The man looked exactly like you. Height, body size, everything and when I first saw you I thought I am seeing him. He was my true love, my real soul mate. He loved me with my child as if the child is his, but I was not lucky with love. The man got snatched from me by another lady who was a married woman. I tried everything to win him back but it never worked. One day, I followed him to where he was with that woman and we nearly fought. As we were quarreling, the woman’s husband showed up. He was a police officer and once a fight ensued, he shot the man twice in the chest and he died instantly. I got depressed and nearly lost my mind after that. That is why I had sworn to never fall in love again but once I saw you, all old memories flooded in my head. I cannot stop fantasizing. I feel like an emotional wreck and totally helpless. I know you won’t understand me but I kind of fell in love with you but I know you are married so every day I see you it is just agony.” Letisha said and the more she talked the more she cried.
I was at a loss on how to handle her, and worse, I never wished Sally to come and find her in that situation. I thought fast.
“Ok, Letisha, I have heard you, now I want to caution you. Stop spreading malicious stories about me and you. That is wrong and it has to stop immediately. Now go back to your office.” I told her firmly. 
She stood up and told me, “Please forgive me.” 
“I have forgiven you.” I told her.
“Thank you.” She said and left.
The whole story sounded crazy. How can someone fantasize to that extent? Was she infatuated? How would I even be similar to someone else in this world?
Sally later came at around 11 am.
“I have met with Kamau, he told me we should expect Irene soon, how soon he did not say it. He even told me to craft some office space for him inside here in your office.” Sally told me.
“Ok, as they wish, this is their company. If this madness goes on, I will look for another job.” I told Sally, she smiled.
“Is that why you had written a resignation letter?” Sally asked.
“How did you know?” I asked her.
She laughed.
“It is still in one of the office cabinets in my office. It was never presented to directors.” Sally told me.
“Go and get rid of it.” I told Sally. She smiled and said, “Yes, sir!” and she went out of my office.
During lunch time, I told Collins the details of my conversation with Letisha and she looked very amused.
“That is not funny.” I told Collins.
“Dude, I know but, Letisha is crazy, if not crazy about you, what a story? Is she even true or she just made it up?” Collins wondered.
“I don’t care, let her stop it.” I told Collins.
A little a while and Sally joined us for lunch.
“Zuhura, I am so famished. What do you have?” Sally asked taking a seat.
Zuhura served Sally after Sally ordered her favorite.
“So, when do we expect Luke and what plans do you have to have him here?” Sally asked me.
“No plan yet, we shall know soon.” I told Sally.
Abdi joined us and ordered. They spoke a few Arabic sentences with Zuhura before breaking out laughing.
“Wow! You guys know Arabic?” Sally asked them.
“Yes, a little. We get taught while young in Madrassa.” Abdi told us.
“Islam is a complex religion.” I said. Both Zuhura and Abdi looked at me.
“It is a religion of peace.” Abdi told us.
“But you guys kill a lot. Why?” Letisha asked joining the conversation.
“Sinners deserve death, it is ok to kill Kaffir.” Abdi said with a serious tone.
“Who is Kaffir?” Chris asked joining the conversation. Abdi looked at him and said in a calm tone, “Anyone who does not believe in Allah and Mohamed his holy messager is a Kaffir deserving death.” Abdi said.
“Damn! That means you can kill all of us.” I told Abdi.
“Ah! No, personally I do not like killing. There is no point in killing a human being anyway. Let each one of us follow his religion in peace.” Abdi said and smiled.
“That sounds better for us now.” Chris said breathing a sigh of relief.
All along, I kept wondering what could be wrong with Cynthia and why wasn’t she communicating. It was tormenting me but I did not want to call her not to sound creepy or desperate. 
The whole of afternoon, I kept thinking what Letisha told me. I even wondered whether she just made up the story. But why would she make up such a bizarre story?
Suddenly, I head Letisha scream from their office and I rushed to see why she was screaming, on reaching there, I found Abdi standing almost at the reception door running away.
“What is it with you two?” Sally asked them.
“It is in there, check it!” Abdi said.
“What is in there and why are you running away?” I asked them as I got into their office. 
To my surprise I found a frog under their table. 
I laughed. “So, you guys are screaming all over running all because of a tiny frog?” I asked them taking some paper to trap the frog and throw it outside.
“It will bite you!” Letisha said.
I did not care, I got hold of it and went with it outside. Abdi and Letisha got outside to see me throw the frog. Sally was laughing asking Abdi, “Such a big man like you, and you fear such a tiny frog?” 
“Madam, I hate those things.” Abdi said.
“You are the man in the office, how can you fear a frog?” Letisha teased Abdi.
I teased Letisha as if to throw a frog to her and she nearly screamed.
“Oh! Please! Don’t try that please…” Letisha shouted making for the door to run away and in the process, she passed in front of me swiftly her bug buttocks brushing my flaccid dick inside my trouser in the process.
“Such a big woman running away from such a tiny animal!” I teased Letisha and everyone laughed at her.
“I have a phobia for tiny animals.” Letisha told me.
“Ok, go back to your office, all is well.” I told them.
“Thank you, Tony! I never could touch that thing.” Abdi said walking with long strides to get into the accounts office. Letisha followed him.
“What if a snake ever comes into your office what will you do? I guess you shall break the wall while running away.” I teased both of them laughing at the end.
That evening on our way home with Sally she told me.
“I like Letisha, she is more hardworking and dedicated to her work. Abdi likes to be supervised a lot and he is forgetful, the only thing good about Abdi is that he has done a lot of accounts and knows a lot in accounting but the problem is, he must be pushed around in order to perform.” Sally told me.
That meant it would not be possible to convince Sally to lay off Letisha, personally I liked Abdi due to his extensive knowledge in accounts despite his way of working which needed to be pushed around all the time.
“Who among the two would you wish to retain?” I asked Sally.
“Letisha.” She answered affirmatively. 
When we got home, I tried calling Cynthia when Sally was bathing but she was not picking her call.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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