“Tony, cheer up man. I know it is painful, but I think that lady was not willing to get married to that old man. These people have bad traditions and I guess she just got into the traditions shit. If you love her, I suggest you rescue her from a forced marriage, rescue her from retrogressive traditions. Remember, for a Turkana lady to have a degree that is a mighty achievement; that lady is destined for greatness do not let her go that easily.” Ken was telling me and his words were touching a raw nerve in my heart.
“But she decided to do this without involving me!” I protested.
“True, she did it. You can just forgive her. I know it won’t be easy. Call that lady and suggest that she run away. Help her get out of there.” Ken said.
“I will think about it when we get back to Nairobi.” I told Ken.
“Do something man! Do something. Fight for your love. She will live to love you forever if you rescue her from destructive traditions, stand by her and show her you value her. That is the greatest thing you can do for her.” Ken said.
Ken began slowing down and I was surprised since we were in the middle nowhere in a dusty road with no car on sight, no sign of life at all except a few scattered dry bushes. As we approached a bend, Ken moved to the side of the road, stopped and switched the car off, everything including the lights. The time was 11 pm into the night. I could hear hyenas howling from a far.
“You stopped. This place seems dangerous.” I told Ken.
“I want to have a word with you. It might not make sense but I feel it might help you make a decision.” Ken told me and got out of the car. I also got out but I was overwhelmed with fear, but since Ken had told me he had travelled far and wide, I trusted he knew what he was doing.
Suddenly, Ken pulled the driver’s seat forward and upwards as he got out and to my utter surprise, he pulled out an AK47 rifle. He then directed me to join him to sit on some rocks at the side of the road as he corked his gun silently. I just stared at him with strange thoughts in my head.
“Ken, all this time you had a gun!?” I wondered completely astonished.
“Tony, did you honestly expect me to travel to a hostile zone like Turkana unarmed, with no security back up? Tony, in life always anticipate for anything. I can’t come here just like a naïve school boy.” Ken sounded very serious. I fully understood. But could it be the reason why he was in the police wanted list? Was Ken a criminal? I had no time to ask him any question as he began telling me a tale.
“Tony, I know you think I am just a simple cab driver. No. I have a degree in Architecture. I graduated around 15 years ago but I was unable to get a job and I got involved in crime. But that is a different story.
I was once in love with a Rendille girl who I met while I was still in university. She used to work at an M-pesa close to the campus. But when I visited her rural home I realized she was such a low-class woman and they had a lot of problems. I thought they had a lot of problems and dumped her and got married to my current wife who I thought would be of so much help to me since she was also a high class woman. Unfortunately, she lost her job but could not afford to live a humble life so she decided to get a sugar daddy. She later became a prostitute to finance her high living. We already had a daughter with her who is now in high school. I have really suffered with this woman and were it not for the child we have, I could have left her long time ago. She now has AIDS thanks to her fucking all around, but luckily, she did not infect me.
But the little Rendille lady that I dumped; I really wish I never dumped her. She is now a very successful business lady. She has business all over East African major cities. She never got married since after I dumped her she told me no man shall ever love her like I did. I regret dumping her. If I stayed, the fortunes she is enjoying perhaps I would also be enjoying.
Young man, we make mistakes in life and I feel you are about to make a terrible mistake by abandoning that lady, I suggest you go back for her even if it means turning right where we are. I have a gun I will help you even if it means snatching her from that man.
For a Turkana to have a degree, my friend, it is greater than a Kikuyu or a Luo to have a PHD. These people learn through a lot of difficulties and it shows that girl is a great woman, just that some stupid traditions stands between her and greatness. “
Ken spoke for about 30 minutes and I listened keenly. All that time, he was caressing his gun. Ken sounded more experienced in life than I initially thought. We spoke a lot more while sitting there in the darkness.
Suddenly, we heard some movement coming from the rocks about 40 meters from us. Ken told me to remain still as he stealthily pointed his gun towards that direction ready to shoot. But the movements ceased.
“Let us go.” Ken told me and I felt relieved. He hid the gun under his seat and we drove away top speed. Ken told me to try and stay awake to keep him company as he drove but I must have slept heavily unknowingly since when I woke up we were in Nakuru Nairobi highway cruising at almost 150 KM/H.
We got to Nairobi, at my place at around Noon. I tried to persuade Ken to come inside so that we could have some lunch since we were very hungry but he told me, “I will eat later. Let me first go and attend to some other business.”
I paid him Kshs 20,000 and he left.
I got inside my house, cooked some lunch, ate and slept.
I was woken up by my phone ringing. It was Sally.
“Call me please.” She said and hung up.
I called her.
ME: Here I am, tell me your story.
SALLY: I am sorry this happened. My father owed the man who married me a lot of money. We were unable to pay his money since the money was a lot. But my dad negotiated with him to have me as payment and we had no option. I tried to run away but they told me if I try again they will kill me and feed my dead body to hyenas. I was so afraid and decided to stay.
ME: And how do you get the time to call me?
SALLY: I hide when am calling you. I wanted to tell you but I thought you will not bother with me anymore. Besides, I have no money to reach to Nairobi. The little I earn in my volunteer work all goes to my dad.
I remained silent for a while.
ME: I just don’t know what to tell you. 
SALLY: But the man was not happy to learn that I did not undergo FGM. He was furious and felt cheated but decided he will call a traditional doctor to take me through the cut before he can have sex with me for the first time and I am sure if he knows I am not a virgin, I will be in big trouble. The traditional doctor lives far from home and has a lot of clients so I was scheduled to be done that in 3 weeks’ time; three weeks ends the day after tomorrow.
That statement struck me like a huge rock.
ME: Sally, did I hear you right? So that means you have not yet had sex with that man?!
SALLY: Yes. The doctor is coming tomorrow evening to take me through the cut.
ME: You people have weird traditions.
SALLY: Tony, can I tell you something else?
ME: Feel free, tell me.
SALLY: Since I was not a virgin, I knew if the man happens to know I am not a virgin he might kill me, he is a dangerous man. So, I went to my grandmother and told her I am not a virgin. She was very disappointed with me but decided to help me. So she showed me some herbs to insert into my v@g!na. Apparently, the herbs even though do not restore the hymen will make your v@g!na very tight such that when a man haves sex with you, he might think you were a virgin. In fact, the l@bia minora might contract such that when a man penetrates, you might bleed and the man will assume and have the confidence that you were a virgin. She told me that is a secret among our women here, a well-guarded secret that even men are never supposed to know. 2 months ago, a girl was killed by her husband after he got to know she was not a virgin so my grandmother told me the procedure will not only restore my dignity but it will also save my life. I have undergone through the procedure which lasted for 2 weeks so much such that even when I attempt to penetrate my v@g!na with my finger, I feel some discomfort. So, I guess my virginity is restored. My grandmother told me when I shall go to have sex with him for the first time, all I shall have to do is pretend fully I am a virgin. Even cry if I have to and feel the pain, and the man will have to believe I was a virgin. Girls here especially those who are a bit learned and exposed loses their virginity before they are married and women come to their rescue by performing that procedure. Besides, she told me some girls are born without a hymen and even their first sexual encounter they do not bleed so some men assume they are not virgins and disown them. So, in case, they undergo the procedure and are married off to far places where no man knows them and the man will believe he married a virgin.
{The imagination of the while thing boiled my blood I instantly felt aroused.}
ME: DAMN! What the fuck?! Unbelievable! Sally, I want you to run away, right away. We shall sort your father later.
SALLY: My cousin is the one told to guard me. He will kill me if I attempt to run away. He is a very fit man and can outrun me so I cannot escape. Besides, he has a gun and can kill me so easily.
ME: {Thinking hard} Get your cousin over the phone, I want to talk to him.
SALLY: Are you mad?! What do you want to tell him? No way! Forget it.
ME: Sally, get that man right away. Money can do miracles, if I promise him enough money I know he will do as told. Find him now.
{Sally disconnected the phone and when she called again, she was with her cousin.}
SALLY: Hello, here he is, he does not speak fluent Swahili so I don’t know how you will convince him. {Sally hands over the phone}
COUSIN: Hello my friend (He said in some deep Turkana accent, but by the way he called me friend, I knew perhaps Sally had softened him a little bit)
ME: {I thought for a while, I knew if I mention too little for him, he might change his mind} I have an assignment for you and if you perform it perfectly, I will pay you well.
COUSIN: I already have a lot of money.
ME: You don’t understand. I want you to escort Sally up to a safe place, if possible up to Eldoret. Do that and I will give you a lot of money.
COUSIN: I don’t need your money.
ME: {Getting angry}. How much would you want to do that for me? I have more money than you think. (I remained silent I knew if me mentions more than 1.7 million, I am screwed)
COUSIN: I want money, equivalent of 100 cattle.
I did some quick rough calculations. The last time I sold a cow, I sold it at Kshs 25,000. So equivalent of 100 cattle would be Kshs 25,000 X 100 that was to be Kshs 2.5 million. My heart sank and I began sweating. I thought, this Sally’s cousin must be mad! But I remained calm and continued engaging him.
ME: Can’t you make it half of that?
COUSIN: Then forget the deal. (He begins talking to Sally in some Turkana)
ME: Hello, are you there?
COUSIN: Yes, Sally says I make it 70, I will make it 80. Final deal. (80 X 25,000 = 2 million, I was still so unable to raise that amount but I decided to play along. I was already losing hope with this greedy Sally’s cousin)
ME: How much does one cow cost? Tell me then I will do the mathematics.
COUSIN: 2 thousand, and I will not lower the amount.
ME: DONE! (I nearly shouted! Lady luck was on my side! So that is the amount of one cow there? Then cows there are so damn cheap! 2,000 X 80 was to be exactly Kshs 160,000! I nearly told him to add 10 more cows but then again, he might have gotten greedier!)
COUSIN: {Gives thanks to God in some Turkana} I will do as you say my brother. Just tell me when.
ME: Right away. I will meet you in Eldoret and give you the money.
COUSIN: Not possible now. I will have to get a motor bike.
ME: Will you use a motor bike all the way?
COUSIN: What is your worry? Sally or how I bring her to you?
ME: Ok, ok. Do as you wish, provided she arrives to me safely.
COUSIN: Ok. (He hands over the phone to Sally)
SALLY: Thank you honey, I will keep you updated on our progress.
ME: Ok, keep your cousin engaged so that he does not change his mind.
SALLY: I know he will, furthermore he was against me getting married to the old man. 
ME: {Joking now}, so Sally, you are now a virgin, haha?
SALLY: Haha, stop joking, I am not.
ME: {still joking}, but your grandmother restored your virginity?
SALLY: That is artificial virginity. My hymen is broken. I lost my virginity long time ago.
ME: But you shall be tight as a virgin, hahaha?
SALLY: Haha, stop joking honey, ok. You shall break my virginity soon. Are you happy now?
ME: Bring it, I shall be gentle.
SALLY: Will you? And the way sometimes you fuck me so hard like you want to tear my pussy into pieces
ME: No, we handle virgins with care, not to hurt them.
SALLY: Oh! I am so sexually starved, I don’t think I shall want you to be gentle. When I come, fuck me until I forget everything I have gone through.
(Her statement gave me a hard on and I adjusted my trouser so that my hardon stops protruding)
ME: You are driving me crazy, sweetie. I really miss you here!
SALLY: I will come soon, very soon. Pray that all goes well. I know you are not religious but pray tonight for me.
ME: I promise I will. 
SALLY: What do you want me to bring for you when I come?
ME: 100 more cows, your cows are so cheap!
SALLY: Everyone here has 100s of them, so no one buys them that is why they are so cheap. Some warriors also go all the way to Ethiopia and Uganda to steal more.
ME: That is cattle rustling. It is wrong.
SALLY: Come on honey, people do so many wrong things to survive in this world. I also can say it was wrong for you to come here without the company of your elders. But my father does not hold it against you since he thought you do not know our traditions.
ME: Those draconian traditions that uses women to pay for debts? 
SALLY: Do not insult our traditions.
ME: Oh! Sorry, but you also are about to disobey your traditions because you love me.
SALLY: {Laughs for a while}, oh! Dear. You got me on that, yes. I am also about to do something wrong.
ME: You were also about to lie to the poor old man that you are a virgin, haha, again so that you would not get killed.
SALLY: {Laughs even harder}, Oh! Goodness! I think in this life we cannot escape doing the wrong thing because of the right thing. I guess what matters is the intention of your actions, not the actual actions. But that means we have to stop judging people for their actions without knowing the whole story. {She remains silent for a while}. Honey, do you think I was a fool to even think of getting married to the old man?
ME: No, honey, you were not. In fact, I nearly wiped you out of my heart but I decided to first listen to your story and point of view. I now realize I would have done the wrong thing. I now understand you were in a tight situation. In fact, I guess you are too smart than I thought. 
SALLY: {laughs a little}, I know by now you can even kill to get me. Killing is wrong, but you would do that because of love.
ME: Sure! In fact, if that old man does not let you go, I will personally come and kill him.
SALLY: Do you mean, my father? 
ME: No, no, no. That other man who wants to marry you by force. 
SALLY: If he ever gets to know I escaped to come to you, he will hunt you and kill you.
ME: I am willing to die. But an old man, I will just break his bones.
SALLY: He will shoot you.
ME: {Thinking if I can get a gun, but dismisses it.} Ok, and if the bullet misses me, I will personally pick it, chew it and chew the man.
SALLY: {Laughs so hard} You sound so serious.
ME: {I laugh too}. I am serious. I have to protect my virgin Sally. {I joked}
SALLY: {Laughs even more} oh! Dear! Men love virgins a lot, isn’t it?
ME: Virginity does not define a woman. Love, commitment, passion, unity of purpose, among other virtues are what makes a complete woman.
SALLY: Tony, if you got a lady who is a virgin, would you leave me for her?
ME: {Thinking for a while about when Cynthia told she was a virgin} No, I would not. There is more to love than virginity.
SALLY: In our community, virginity defines a virtuous woman. In fact, a lady who is not a virgin is an outcast, worse if she has a child out of wedlock. 
ME: Another reason why you people need to change. That culture is too retrogressive to the girl child.
SALLY: My daddy had seen the light and that is why she educated me, protected me from childhood from harmful cultural practices, but my dad gave up when he got overwhelmed with debts and decided to trade me for the debt.

ME: Once you come to Nairobi, we shall plan how to sort out your father’s debt. For now, all I want is for you to come, redeem your certificates, get you a job to do and plan our future.
SALLY: Honey, where did you get the money from? The one you are using? You really must be spending a lot for my sake.
ME: {I remained silent for a while.} I guess that is not important for now. I may as well have taken a bank loan.
SALLY: {Laughs}, or did you break into some bank? I hope you have not done something bad to get the money.
ME: But we said at times life forces us to do something bad in order to end up doing the right thing? Would you condemn me if I broke into a bank in order to save my love for you?
SALLY: {Answers instantly} No! No! No! Anything you do because of love, I would not rush to condemn it. 
ME: {Breaths a sigh of relief} Good. That is why I love you, can I tell you something?
SALLY: Yes, dear.
ME: I used to look down upon you before I got to know you better, I thought you were just a simple humble tea girl, but after realizing the much I have come to know about you, I seek your forgiveness for assuming you were so simple.
SALLY: I forgive you. I also approached you that first time due to purely physical desire. I used to admire you and just wanted a fuck and nothing more from you. But I later realized you are such a wonderful man and began conspiring how to win your heart.
ME: Damn! That means you began admiring me even before I knew it?
SALLY: Oh! Yes, what makes you men think you are the only ones who can admire and approach a woman? Even women too have desires. It however takes a lot of courage to approach a man. Most men might think you are a whore by doing that. It is another African stereotype we should overcome.
ME: Where did you get the courage from?
SALLY: I guess, I have always been courageous since I grew up in a very harsh environment. You might however mistake me since I am naturally a cool lady. Plus, my body was burning with desire, remember, I was not cut and my cl!t*ris sometimes drives me crazy with a lot of itching for a man!
ME:{My heart pumps faster after she finished her statement} and those people want to cut off that cl!t*ris! Damn! Run away, I still need that cl!t*ris. In fact, the day you shall come. I shall suck it until you scream!
SALLY: {Jokingly} Haha, you are so crazy. Remember, I shall be a virgin, so promise you shall be gentle enough.
ME: I promise.
SALLY: My dear, I have to go. Let me go to arrange a few of my belongings since if it means I shall escape, it means I shall have to leave stealthily so that no one should be suspicious. But I trust my cousin will help me. Besides, he knows this terrain perfectly so I am sure he shall use a different route so that no one shall realize. I really need to hold you, to kiss you, to hug you, and to make sweet love to you very soon.
ME: Wow! The sound of that drives me crazy! Just go, hurry up. It takes 16 hours to travel from there.
SALLY: I love you!
ME: I love you too! Take care.
I terminated the call, looked at my phone and smiled. We had talked for hours, so many more things and I had not realized it.
It made me so happy to know this: The old man had not yet fucked my Sally thanks to some weird traditions, and I wished he does not have to. Sally was to undergo some FGM but she would not have to, and most importantly, Sally was coming back to me.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love

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