“Thank you, you too are a nice lady, Carol.” I told her and as soon as I said that, she straightened herself, looked at me with a bright face and charming smile and said, “Oh! Thank you!”
At around 4 pm, I requested Carol to accompany me to restaurant so as we can have some tea since I was feeling hungry where we met Zuhura reading some book written in Arabic.
“Hi, Zuhura.” Carol greeted Zuhura.
“Hi, Carol, welcome. Feel free. What should I help you with?” Zuhura asked politely motioning us to sit down.
“Is there some Kaimati’s left? I want some. I think Tony also wants some too.” Carol said.
Zuhura served us within no time and came to join us where we were seated.
“Zuhura, is it a must for a Muslim lady to cover herself this much? You should show some beauty to the world.” Carol teased Zuhura looking at her own short mini skirt.
“No. We are only allowed to show our bodies to our husbands, no one else should see.” Zuhura replied.
“Now that your husband is so far away, don’t you feel some physical desire to have a man?” Carol pressed on smiling.
“hmm, Carol, stop asking me too many questions you are making me feel shy.” Zuhura said shyly. 
“Being a Muslim is tough. I cannot make it.” Carol said keenly observing Zuhura.
“Islam is the best faith. Women respect themselves so much.” Zuhura said.
“The only thing I love about Islam is where they allow men to marry more than one wife.” I said and both ladies looked at me.
“Tony, would you really marry two wives?” Carol asked me keenly.
Before I even answered Zuhura said, “As long as you can maintain both wives there is nothing wrong with it.”
“Indians practice polyandry. You can also be a polyandrous.” I told Zuhura.
“What is that?” Zuhura wondered and both ladies looked at me.
“It is where a woman has more than one husband.” I said to the amusement of both ladies.
“Haha, sounds amazing, isn’t it Zuhura?” Carol said looking at Zuhura keenly.
“No. Never. I would never do that.” Zuhura said firmly. 
“How often does your husband come to Kenya?” Carol asked Zuhura.
“Twice per year.” Zuhura answered.
“Damn! Zuhura! How do you handle your feelings when he is away for all that time? Don’t you miss him?” Carol wondered keenly observing Zuhura.
“I just persevere. Marriage calls for sacrifice to remain faithful otherwise you can easily mess since am also a human being with feelings.” Zuhura was quite elaborate with the explanation but as she spoke a surge of emotions swept me and I suddenly felt missing Sally so much. It was a little over a month since she went to rural areas and it was proving difficult being without her. I tried to imagine that feeling for half a year and I found myself telling Zuhura, “Zuhura, you must be very strong. It is not easy being so far away from your lover.”
“Tony, since Carol came you have not missed me at all.” Irene told me when I went to her office some few minutes towards the end of the day.
“No. But I now have some company in my office. Am no longer lonely.” I told Irene.
“I even thought of telling you to come along to my place. I wanted to invite you for dinner one of these days and we can relax and watch some movie after work if you don’t mind.” Irene said.
I thought about that for a while and before I answered, Irene added, “You can come along with Carol, at least she can also get to know where I live.”
“How about Luke and Zuhura?” I asked Carol. Luke had gone to washrooms at that time.
“Luke usually goes to fellowship in the evening everyday so I do not wish to interfere with his schedule. I know he would object anyway. About Zuhura, am not so sure if she would agree to that since convincing her the previous time was difficult. I think when someone gets married she stops being very social.” Irene said and added, “you can also invite us to your place if you don’t mind.”
“Ok, no problem. We will plan.” I said.
“Tomorrow. And do not let me down. I will prepare something nice for both of you. I will make sure you leave happy.” Irene added smiling.
When I went back to my office, I told Carol about it and she was very excited about it. Carol was a social being and any opportunity to socialize was always golden to her.

The following day that we had agreed to go to Irene’s place, Carol came wearing a long green dress with a very big, very tight bright yellow belt that made her waist seem smaller than usual as compared to the rest of her body while Irene wore a short loosely fitting brown dress, a red woolen top and low heeled brown open shoes. 
That day, my boss was not in and you would have thought we had nothing to do since we all went to the restaurant, sat there almost entire afternoon having some general life conversation. It is when we came to learn that Luke aspired to own an audit firm and was learning some auditing skills from a certain senior auditor who works as a freelance auditor. Apart from being a religious fanatic, Luke was coming out as a highly principled man who would rather die than compromise his principles in life. Luke also told us that he was a virgin, that is he had never had sex all his entire life, to the astonishment of everyone there. But as we were wondering, it is Irene who surprised us all. Immediately Luke said he was a virgin, she rose from her seat, went all over to where Luke was seated and hugged him tightly before shouting, “congratulations! I mean, people like us are rare in this world!”
Luke looked shocked like he had never received a hug from a lady and Irene immediately realized that and withdrew from him as fast as she could before and told Luke, “Oh! Sorry.”
Luke smiled and said, “No problem.”
“Irene, are you a virgin yourself?” Carol asked Irene.
Irene looked at us, burst out laughing and said, “Virginity is not dignity but a lack of opportunity.”
“That means you are not a virgin.” Carol told Irene.
“Why would it matter if am a virgin or not?” Irene asked before looking at me and asking me,” Tony, does it make a difference if a lady is a virgin or not to men, more so if you love her?” 
I hesitated before saying, “No it does not matter to me. All that is important is, my love for her, nothing else.” As I said so, I remembered the first day I had sex with Sally and it was clear she was not a virgin but to be honest, it really did not matter to me.
“Exactly!” Irene said with a very wide smile.
“In Islam, you must be a virgin when you get married.” Zuhura said.
Each one of us focused on her.
“So, you were a virgin when you got married?” Carol asked Zuhura.
“Yes, I was. If I was not I would have been returned to my parents as a reject.” Zuhura said with some pride before adding, “But loosing virginity is painful, I would not wish for that day again.”
Carol flinched so hard until all of us noticed.
“What is it Carol? Are you afraid?” Irene asked Carol.
“Oh! No, nothing. Am not a virgin either.” Carol answered in a rather sad tone. I guessed she remembered how she lost her virginity and it was causing her emotional pain.
“I also wish to marry a virgin, just like me.” Luke said before adding, “But am sure getting a virgin these days is impossible.”
“Virgins are there, you just need to search for them.” Zuhura told Luke.
“Would you marry a lady with a child?” Carol asked directing the question to Luke.
Luke hesitated to answer. I guess he was afraid of saying something that might offend but when he answered he finally said, “I would not mind, as long as she has turned to Jesus and is no longer in contact with the father of the child.” Carol breathed out a sigh of relief.
“But it is not right to have children before you are married.” Zuhura said speaking to no one in particular.
“But, in my opinion, if you get pregnant by mistake you should just bring up the child. The child is innocent, did not choose to be born in whatever manner so it is just fair to love the child.” Irene spoke sounding so mature.
“Do you have a child?” Luke asked Irene.
“No, but in case I get before am married, I will have no problem.” Irene answered before saying, “But to be honest, I would rather not get before am married. I do not wish to be a single mother.”
Carol just giggled as if about to talk but did not say anything. She then looked at.
We spoke so many other things and we particularly got to interact with Luke whose presence was like we had a pastor in the midst of us, but it was evident we were getting used to him albeit slowly. He was a rigid man.
“Eh! Guys, it is time we went home.” I suddenly told them rising to leave. They all rose to leave too and Zuhura hurriedly closed the restaurant. That day, I did not carry my laptop since we were passing by Irene’s place. Carol too left her laptop in my office.
Irene called a cab which drove us to her place. We arrived a little past 6 PM.
“Wow! Irene, you live in a very nice house and nice neighborhood. You are so blessed my dear.” Carol was completely awed upon reaching Irene’s place. 
“It is God’s favor, Carol.” Irene told her.
Irene ushered into the living room and told us to order whatever drink we wished stating that she had fruit Juices, some wine in her fridge but she also told us if we wanted something hot. I ordered a glass of Mango juice while Carol ordered Passion juice. Irene too drank a glass of orange juice so fast and told us, “I must hurry, I want to prepare some supper for you. Be my guests.” She finished by handing TV remote to Carol who was seated same seat with Irene, directly opposite my seat.
My phone rang, it was Sally.
I excused myself to go to the balcony to speak to Sally. We had a very long conversation but as much as I tried to tell her how much I was missing her, she was insisting it was not possible for her to come too soon; that I should wait. I was feeling so frustrated with that.
It was evident that our phone conversation lasted for longer than I thought since when I got into the house, Irene was serving some Mukimo with some meat stew. 
“You are unusually silent today. Why?” Irene asked me as we were eating.
“Oh! No problem. Just feeling like being silent.” I answered but all my thoughts were not there.
“You are such a nice cook, Irene”, Carol told Irene after eating some food from her plate. 
I ate mine and after finishing, Irene insisted on serving me some more, which I kindly declined.
“A man should eat more, Tony.” Carol insisted but I did not have a huge appetite.
We were having a general conversation but I was getting bored.
“I am grateful for the supper and your kind gesture for welcoming us, I would wish to leave it is getting late.” I suddenly cut short our conversation.
“Why, you live not far from here stay for a while and give me company.” Irene insisted but I rose from my chair, Carol rose too upon seeing me rising.
“Yes, we are happy but it is getting late, we shall come for another day, or you can all now come to my place next time. I shall prepare for you some Ugandan foods.” Carol said.
“Ok. Thanks for giving me company, it was pleasure having you. Let me escort you up to the main gate.” Irene said.
When we got at the gate, Irene gave Carol a light hug to bid us goodbye but when my turn came, she held me so tight pressing her breasts with so much force I could feel them protruding sideways over my chest. Carol looked at us before jokingly saying, “Hmm, Irene…enough.”
Irene replied to Carol, “I wanted to give him a hug befitting a man like him.”
As we left, Irene looked at me and said, “take care, dear.”
A few weeks later, as we were seated in the office I received a call from a lady who introduced herself and told me she works for smartex stuffing limited. She told me to pass by the office if possible in the afternoon. So, in the afternoon I left Carol in the office and told her to cover up for me as I went to know if they could offer a post for Sally.
When I got to the smartex office, I was surprised to meet Derrick, the man who gave us a lecturer during our company recess. He told me he owned several recruiting firms in town.
“Good afternoon young man, have a seat.” Derrick said in a deep tone, smiling. I sat opposite of him.
“So, you brought these certificates for someone who was searching for a job, isn’t it?” Derrick asked.
“Yes sir.” I answered.
“Tell me where you got the certificates.” Derrick said and I sensed trouble.
“She gave them to me.” I lied.
“Young man, you had better told me the truth since this could put you into trouble because after scanning these certificates we realized they are counterfeit. So, get talking.” Derrick said menacingly.
I suddenly realized I was in deep trouble and Derrick seemed like a no-nonsense man. I felt cornered like a trapped goat waiting to be slaughtered. I suddenly felt hot despite the fact that it was too cloudy that day. I did not want Sally to get into trouble, but I knew at that point my desire to secure Sally a chance to come to town through whatever means even illegal could land me into deep trouble.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry.

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