“Why the sudden silence?” Sally asked.
“Ah, no problem, I also desire to be called a father.” I told Sally and kissed her, but deep down my heart I really hoped she was not pregnant. 
After bathing we both went to sleep, and we must have slept so deeply such that by the time we woke up rays of sunshine illuminating inside my bedroom. Sally prepared me for work and as I left, I kept thinking of the prospect of her being pregnant. It was the last thing I wanted then.
“Good morning Tony,” Irene greeted me upon seeing me by giving me a light hug.
“Good morning Irene”, I answered casually. 
“You sound so low today, what is it?” Irene asked and before I answered she continued, “or you have a problem with your sweet heart?”
“No, no, no. Don’t worry, just woke up feeling really bored but am all right.” I really hoped she does not persist, and she did not.
I could not concentrate fully with my work that day, my mind was not working straight at all. I could not imagine what next if at all Sally was pregnant. How now? At this time? 
“Anthony, I told you to check for me the scanner in my office and you have not done so, it is now 3 pm. Why haven’t you checked it?” That was Madam boss standing at my office door fuming, arms akimbo. Irene remained glued to her computer all along as if her movement would provoke the wrath of our boss.
“I am sorry madam, let me go and check it right away.” I said standing up to go to her office. I had completely forgotten that she had requested me to check her scanner. She stood by the doorframe as if she did not want me to pass.
“Excuse me madam, I want to pass.” I told her and she just said, “Just pass, go and check it let me look at what Irene is doing hiding here in your office.” She answered. 
As I passed, it was obvious she was too close to me such that as I passed I brushed her oversized breasts with my chest.
When I got to her office and checked at her scanner, I nearly laughed. Upon checking what might be wrong, I discovered that its power cord had been unplugged from the wall. But what was even funnier, her laptop was open and a photo of her and Sam my neighbor, with her seated on his lap was open on her laptop, and their embrace was obviously an intimate one. The smiles on both of them led me to conclude that they were really having fun at the seashore when they took that photo. Suddenly my boss came in and saw me looking at her laptop; she smiled and told me, “stop snooping at private stuff that do not concern you.” She then continued, “and you haven’t updated me how far you have gone with searching a recreational place for us, I hope you have not forgotten that too.” 
“Madam, you had not plugged in your power cord in the wall socket that is why your scanner was not powering up”, I told her. She looked at me and began laughing.
“Oh! My, how stupid of me. You see why I was insisting you should take all of us on some ICT refresher course. You could solve most of our ignorance around here.” She continued laughing and I found myself laughing along. 
“Whenever you find something is not powering up, just ensure all power cords are attached, that is the first step in diagnosis, Madam.” I told my boss looking into her eyes. She smiled.
“Tony, we can’t do without you here.” She said with a finality before motioning me off her desk so as she can continue working.
When I went back to my office, Irene was folding up her things as if about to leave.
“You seem like you are about to go, where to?” I inquired. 
“Boss has sent me to go and deliver some cheques to the bank and she want the money to reflect soonest possible so I have to leave immediately.” She said standing up.
She did some adjustments in front of me, got hold of her boobs and adjusted her bra as well.
“Help me…” She said smiling before turning to face away from me.
“With what…” I asked puzzled. She pointed at her back right where her bra meets. She actually wanted me to help her re-hook her bra! I did that fast and sat back at my chair.
“I love letting the girls have some freedom when am seated relaxed.” Irene added. “Will you get time to go and attend to my computer?” She asked and I told her am not able to that day as I had commitments elsewhere. She did not press further.

When I got home, Sally had left a note there saying that she will be coming back in the evening, and I instinctively knew she would be sleeping over too.
At around 7 PM she came in carrying some foodstuffs and fruits. I met her at the door as she came in, unloaded her items, gave her a hug before leading her to have a seat. “Welcome home darling, it is nice to meet you.” I said.
“Oh! Thank you, I feel thirsty please help me with a glass of water…” I gave her a glass of water and even volunteered to make some drinking chocolate for both of us as she sat down and watched some movie I was watching before she came in.
As we sipped in some chocolate, she kept smiling and looking at me, making me smile too. She would sip in and lick her lips jokingly. An aura of mystery surrounded her, and I could not tell why.
“Baby I have some news, actually good news if I may call them so.” Sally said looking at me as if studying me for a while.
“Break the news.” I said expecting she would tell me something with regards to our previous night topic.
“Will you accept the news?” Sally insisted. 
“Of course, honey, I will.” I answered.
“I am pregnant.” Sally said, looking at me even more and smiling.
In a split second, I did not know how to react to those news but I gathered the courage, lifted myself and went over to where she was seated and gave her a hug.
“Why don’t you just say “we are pregnant”. I said jokingly. 
“Yees, am expecting your baby honey, in 9 months’ time or around that time you will be a daddy.” Sally said before laughing so hard it puzzled me. “Can I show you the results?” Sally asked.
“Of what?” I inquired. 
“Of the pregnancy test?” She said.
“Ok, let me see.” I answered. 
She brought out a pregnancy test kit and on it and acted like she wanted to place it on my hands, as I extended my hands to take it she withdrew it and muttered, “hmm, hmmm” No I told you I will show you, not give to you” She said and laughed. 
She showed me the kit, and on its marker or results indicator I could just see one line. I got confused since as much as I could remember, positive result has 2 lines and negative result has 1 line. I looked at Sally who was intently looking at me now as if wanting to read my mind. I felt like am sitting on a judgement seat of the most high.
“What, I don’t understand. But I thought there should be 2 lines if you are pregnant…” I was genuinely confused.
“Yes, you are right, the results are as you can see in that test kit.” Sally spoke with some finality in her voice and looked at me, for some few seconds before continuing, “I actually really thought am pregnant so today I went to do a pregnancy test at a certain chemist of my friend. I opted to carry the test kit to come and show you.”
“Phew! So, you were joking that you are pregnant?” I asked.
“Sorry if the joke went too far, I wanted to see your reactions. I know most men would jump to the moon and deny it but I can now see you would not have denied it. Please forgive me for the joke; am not pregnant.” Sally said looking at me. I did not know what to say next and she moved closer to me, held my hands and continued talking, “Darling, I did not mean to hurt you, all I wanted was….”
I cut her short by moving forward very fast and shutting her with a French kiss that went on for almost 30 seconds.
“No problem my dear, you are forgiven.” I reassured her.
“Actually, getting pregnant is the last thing in my mind now Tony, I have some few life goals I want to accomplish before I even think of getting a child or children, and I really hope you shall be the father of my children. But before then, I want to redeem my Business Administration Degree that is still held at JKUAT over fee arrears if possible within one year.”
The last part of her statement struck me like a lightening leaving me completely dumbfounded. It was a bombshell that landed in my ears so hard I momentarily felt like am dreaming, or even hallucinating. So, Sally is telling me she has a Degree?!
I looked at Sally, studied her seriously for some time; she seemed like a complete stranger to me now. 
“Sally, you are now confusing me even further. All along and you never told me you have a Degree!? Is that also a joke or what…”? I was almost shouting now.
“Tony, you never bothered to ask about my academic past. You were so lost with our relationship, or do I say, sex? In fact, I was not to tell you today but then again, I decided that will be the good news I shall tell you that I am a graduate and I hope to achieve more than just being a tea girl. I was over excited when I found am not pregnant since pregnancy at this point would completely derail my future plans.” Sally said with the finality of a Supreme Court Judge delivering a historic ruling.
I stood up, paced around my living room not even sure what to say anymore. What more surprises are in store for me from Sally? Sally stood up, came stood up in front of me and asked with a firm tone, “Tony, did you honestly think am just a simple tea girl with no formal academic background? Be honest with me, tell me what you used to think about me.” I knew I had to give her an honest answer as it was obvious Sally was far much smarter than I thought. 
“Yes, I thought you are, but I thought perhaps you had an educational background but not of this magnitude.” I said.
“I don’t blame you. May be that woman in your office has brainwashed you into thinking am just another lowly dumb village girl whose destiny is to cook tea for you people forever.” Sally spoke out genuinely sounding heart broken. She left me standing, went, sat down and held her head between her hands leaning forward. My curtain raised furiously as cold wind rushed into my living room chilling the room; it felt like rain was imminent and the night was going to be colder than usual.
I moved closer to Sally and slowly sat by her side, but when I tried to hold her by her shoulders, she shook my hands away forcefully and shouted at me, “Leave me alone!!”, Her eyes were watery as if she was about to cry. 
>>To be continued>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Anthony Kerry.

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