“Tony, are you surprised? I told you I will come to day evening. Have you forgotten? Please may I come in…” Cynthia said with a soft voice. I felt confused.
After weighing her a little, I told her to come in.
“…and which is this book you are reading?” Cynthia asked.
“Ah! This is just a computer science book, about pseudocodes and algorithms as used in computer programming. Nothing interesting to you by now.” I lied to her since I did not want her to create interest in the book.
“Oh! Sounds too much for me now.” She said as I ushered her to my living room.
Cynthia was literally a chatterbox and it proved a little difficult keeping pace with what she was saying and she answered everything I asked her without much of a thought. But I particularly liked her intelligence and she seemed to know quite a lot for her age; she was just 18 and she seemed too mature for her age and it was obvious she was a bright student.
Within an hour or so, she had given me all information I ever wanted about her father, her mother and herself. Cynthia also asked me quite a lot about campus life which I answered her as she desired. 
“Oh! May I prepare some juice for you, Cynthia.” I told her after realizing we had talked a lot and I had forgotten to even offer her something.
“Oh! Thank you. Something cold will do.” She said. I wondered why since it was so cold outside.
As we sat drinking some fruit juice she began asking me some personal questions.
Cynthia: Tony, what do you love doing most during your free time?
Me: I love swimming, reading novels, writing poems, playing checkers and chess, watching movies; I guess so many other things so long as they are interesting.
Cynthia: I have never met a man who write poems, I only hear about them. Do you mind writing for me a poem? I would wish to read one from you.
Me: I can, which type?
Cynthia: Any time. But would prefer romantic poem. I love listening to love songs too but they make me feel lonely since I broke up with my high school boyfriend.
Me: Oh! Breaks ups are part of life. Why did you break up?
Cynthia: He wanted to have sex with me and I was not ready. He insisted and I told him to go to hell if that is the only thing he ever wanted. I am a virgin and intend to offer my virginity to a man who is willing to treat me like a woman and willing to wait until I am ready. I heard that if someone breaks your virginity you will live to remember him and that is why I must offer my virginity to someone special.
Me: Oh! Remarkable. You sound principled…
Cynthia: The problem with men is that once you have had sex with him, he will forget you. 
Me: (Changing topic). Why did you choose to live with your father?
Cynthia: My mother is a bitch. I hate her to death. She is the reason why my dad broke up with her. She cheated on my father. My father caught her with another man in bed. My dad forgave her but later he caught her with our watchman having sex in staff quarters. They had a big fight and she was screaming all over at the top of her voice saying “stupid man, you cannot even fuck, you have a small dick like a rat and you cum within minutes, I hate you…” my father nearly killed her. But instead he chose to leave her and that is how they broke up. In fact, my dad wants to remarry soon.
Me: Do you know the woman he wants to remarry?
Cynthia: He promised to introduce me to her soon and that is why I came to stay here with daddy. 
Suddenly, after a long conversation with Cynthia without noticing how time was sailing, Cynthia suddenly looked at her watch and bolted upright.
“Gosh! Tony, I have to go. I was to do something and I have forgotten because of your stories here.”
“Oh! Ok, no problem at least you visited me today and I am so grateful.” I told her.
She stood up to leave and I escorted her up to my gate.
“Bye, Tony. Have a good night.” She said smiling broadly and went her way.
When I returned to my house, as I was passing by the coach she was seated on, I noticed it had an almost 1-inch radius blood spot. I smiled and wondered, could this be the reason why she stood up to leave so fast?
I called Sally and we talked up to midnight. I told her that our boss wished she would return as a tea girl but she refused vehemently saying that was the reason she got fired and if she as to return to town, she would only for a better job.
“Ehe, tell me, how did it go?” I asked Carol when we met at workplace the following day.
“Let me tell you! The guy is crazy about me. He even wants to marry me, Lo! The man seems sexually starved and if he hasn’t fucked Irene already, he will soon.” Carol told me and laughed.
“What if he ends of fucking you?” I asked Carol casually. Carol just looked at me and shrugged while smiling.
“Now, as I keep him occupied, go for Irene and be fast before she realizes what is going on. Besides, the relationship seems still new so it must be on fire and you must act swiftly.” Carol said and how she made it sound, you would have thought we were working on investigating a terrorist. But it was obvious Carol would wish we do anything to know what happened to our money if not recover it.
That entire week, we organized with Carol and she was leaving at 4 pm, a little earlier than anyone else to meet and occupy Charles as I tried my luck with Irene. It was not easy since Irene insisted I have another girlfriend and she had gotten someone else but it seemed on Friday, she budged and softened her hard stance against me. 
It was on Friday evening when I met her in the office in deep thought. She looked lonely and miserable.
“What is it my dear?” I asked Irene. She looked at her phone and called but whoever she was calling was not picking. Carol had left and perhaps she was with Charles.
“Tony, do you really love me?” Irene asked.
“Yes, I love you, can’t you see how much determined I am to win your heart? You are the one suitable for me, and I can feel it in my heart.” I told her moving to hold her by her shoulders.
“Why are men so unreliable?” She asked me.
“What men? I am here for you darling.” As I told her that, she looked at me, her eyes were red and it was obvious she was sad. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Honey, let me take you home.” I told Irene and she brightened.
“Can you drive?” She asked standing up.
“Yes.” I answered.
“Oh! Thank God. I don’t feel like driving at all.” She said standing up so that we could leave.
I took the wheel and drove to her place as we talked about a few unrelated issues.
When we got to her place, I behaved like I belonged there as I took her hand and led her to her house. Once I got in, I went to her kitchen and served her with some cool water as I also drank some, took the TV remote and put some songs to play in the background.
“Tony, are you serious with me or you are joking?” Irene asked me as we sat on her living room.
“I am very serious. I would not bother you if I were not. Trust me. I even don’t know why I waited for all that time to make a move to you. You are beautiful, classy, charming, and everything about you is just lovely.” I told her and moved closer to caress her left thigh but she held my hand and moved it away slowly.
Suddenly, Irene extended her hand to me.
“Give me your phone.” She more of commanded than requested.
“What for?” I asked Irene.
“Just give me your phone.” Irene insisted.
I gave her my phone, I had just bought a new X-Tigi A1 Plus flagship. 
“Wow! Nice phone. Please give me its passcode.” Irene insisted and I immediately knew what she wanted. I felt cornered. 
“Ok, 274195.” I told her and remained Silent as she opened the phone, began scrolling through call logs and messages.
“But I can see you are still with Sally, you have even saved her as ‘sweetie Sally’ why are you lying to me? Tony?” Irene asked me.

“Today, if you accept me, will be the last day she ever hears from me. I am just with her because of lack of a better girl, like you. Men do that all the time but once the right woman comes along, we do away with the previous woman.” I told Irene affirmatively. 
Irene studied me for a while and I smiled.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked Irene.
She looked at me and smiled, a sly mischievous smile.
“I want you to call her, tell her you are done with her and you have found the right woman for yourself. Then give me the phone I tell her to keep off from you.” Irene said.
“Is that really necessary? Can’t you believe me? Irene, why are you such a difficult woman?” As I asked her that, she stood up and looked at me sternly and literally barked at me, “Tony, stand up and leave my house! Now! I am not stupid. LEAVE!!”
I remained seated on the seat, very calmly and I could see she was surprised by my calmness.
“Irene, my dear. Sit down, this is a very simple issue. We will handle it smoothly stop being a drama queen.” I told Irene.
“Tony, I am not joking! Leave!” Irene said moving to lift me but as I stood up, I pushed myself towards her chest and held her tight such that I literally crushed her breasts. She made to push me but I held tight, looked her into her eyes and told her firmly, “Ok! Your wish is granted. Sit down.”
“I am waiting, call Sally and tell her she is no longer yours.” She sat tapping her carpet with her right leg looking at me, hiding a smile.
I gently took the phone, Irene made sure I called Sally. I highlighted Sally’s number, looked at Irene and she nodded winking, as if telling me silently, “go on!”
I called.
Sally picked on the other end.
I put the phone on loud speaker and told Irene to remain silent until I told her to speak.
The conversation went like this:
Sally: Hi Darling.
Me: Hi Sally.
Sally: Why don’t you call me darling in return?
Me: (Silence)
Sally: Hello, honey are you there? Hellooo, Honeeeey, Hellooo….
Me: Stop calling me honey.
Sally (Surprised) Why? Anything the matter?
Me: Sally, I am sorry if this will disappoint you, but my heart is no longer with you. I am sorry for having wasted your time. I wish that you understand me as I had no choice. When you said you loved me, I was so lonely and single; I had not found someone who touched my heart or ignited my love but I have finally found someone who touched my heart and I have now fallen in love with her and I wish that we terminate our relationship as from today, as from now.
Sally:( Silence, more silence…begins to sob)…Tony, why do you want to kill me? Why? What have I done to deserve this? Please Tony, don’t do this to me. We can talk over this issue and if I have done something wrong you can forgive me, please Tony please….please honey….
Me: My mind is already made up. Find someone for yourself, I have found someone suitable for me. You are not worthy me. I now have someone of my class and we will get married soon.
Sally: I know that has to be Irene. She is the devil who has always wanted to break us up….
Me: {Cutting her short} You dare call my new found love a devil? You whore who the hell do you think you are?
Sally: Honey please, forgive me if I have done something wrong, please I will come over so that we can sort out the issue, please honey, can I come tomorrow? Please don’t do this to me, I beg you in the name of the saints and the holy living God, please (More crying)
Me: Sorry, Sally, it is over between me and you. In fact, my sweetheart is right here with me and she is so annoyed you have insulted her.
Irene: Sally, from now hence forth you must stop calling Tony your darling, he is mine and I wish you get your own man. In fact, Tony was never meant to be yours. So, you can cry all you want but Tony has decided it is me and him. Sorry sweetheart, but that is how life goes.
Sally: Irene, please don’t do this to me, please. Oh! Lord, what did I do to deserve this? Oh! Irene please I beg you, please leave Tony for me please. I will do whatever you want but leave him for me please. (More crying almost getting hysterical)
Irene: Sally, you are now wasting my time with my darling. If you don’t mind, excuse me, we have important issues to attend to.
Sally: (Now wailing), Tony please, I know deep down you still love me, I know you are just confused. Irene must have bewitched you, please honey, come back to me.
Me: (To Irene) come on honey, I now need a kiss. (To Sally) Sally, you are wasting my time. Go to hell!! 
At that point, Irene moved over to where I was seated, sat on my lap and kissed me loudly, pausing intermittently to laugh softly.
Sally: (Crying) Tony, I will take tonight bus and come to your place we talk, please…
Me: If you dare, I am going to kill you.
Irene: Sally, sorry, find something better to do with your time. Bye! (She made a sarcastic motion with her hand, took my phone, placed it so close to my lips and gave me another loud kiss and shouted to Sally) Sally, can’t you just get the message and stop bothering us!
Sally: (Sniffs a little), (tries to say something but she is not audible enough) (Call terminates)
“Did you really love that girl?” Irene asked me.
“No, I never loved her at all, but to be honest I was sexually starved so I was just fucking her, but now that I have found you, you will be mine forever.” I told Irene and she hugged me and chuckled.
Irene then looked into my eyes for some time and said, “Tony, you are so brutal. Damn! Don’t you ever do that to me, I can literally drop and die. But Sally was never the right woman for you. I am so sorry about her.”
“Sure, Irene. You are such a wonderful lady, why would I waste my time with a lowly village girl?” I asked Irene and laughed.
And to prove to Irene how much I valued her, loved her and cherished her; I volunteered to make supper for her as she watched her favorite movie from the living room. 
On our way, I had bought some ingredients for making natural Viagra namely
• Water melons
• Lemons
• Pomegranate 
• Beet roots
• Mangoes
“Honey, today am preparing some nice fruit juice for you.” I told Irene and blended the fruits to make one thick fruit juice. I then served her.
“Hmm, it is so sweet. How did you learn to make this juice?” Irene asked.
“I explore a lot of stuffs and learned to make it. It is very healthy it cleanses your blood system.” I told Irene motioning her to drink some.
“Oh! I forgot something at the shop. Let me rush and come back.” Irene said suddenly.
“I can go and fetch it for you.” I told Irene.
“No, you made supper for us. I will go. Besides, it is exercises moving up and down the stairs.” Irene said standing up to leave.
Once she left, I sat at the chair and in my mind, I had a lot of thoughts.
I took out the pheromones perfume, sprayed some more on my clothes, some in the air around her living room and luckily, I had not shaved my hair in a long time and so I hooked up one receiver in my head underneath my hair.
She returned limping.
“Oh! What is wrong?” I asked Irene concerned.
“I was in a hurry, stumbled and fell, ouch! My knee hurts.” Irene said moving slowly to sit on the coach, as she dropped the paper bag she had put some few items she had bought from the shop.
“Sorry, let me take care of it. I will prepare some warm water and massage you if you don’t mind. Lie there and relax please, honey.” I told her and went to her kitchen, took an electric kettle and boiled some water fast. When I returned to her living room, she was lighting a mosquito stick which had a strong scent.
“I love these types, they make the room smell nice.” She said placing one at one corner of the room where the carpet had not covered. As she straightened herself, she nearly lost her balance and held her knee. I moved fast and stilled her from falling.
“Relax, stop making unnecessary movements. I will massage you and apply some deep heat on you.” I told her pushing her to lie on her coach. I looked at her knee and it had some light scratch; obviously she had fallen. I took some warm water and poured them on a big bowl, took a wash cloth and began massaging her knee with the warm wash cloth. I took my time to massage it varying pressure while at it.
“Do you have some ice in your freezer?” I asked her.
“Yes. What for?” Irene asked looking at me, puzzled.
I went and fetched some ice cubes, crushed them and placed them on her injured knee.
“Wow! It feels nice. You should have been a doctor!” Irene exclaimed. 
“If I was a doctor, we would never have met. I would be working at a hospital somewhere.” I told Irene jokingly.
“Oh! Yah. Glad you are not a doctor. But tonight, you are my doctor.” She said and caressed my arm.
I began applying some deep heat on her injured knee, right knee, and she writhed in pain.
“Ouch! My dear, slowly, you are hurting me, easy there…” Irene said and closed her eyes.
“Sorry, relax. All will be well. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday and you shall relax even more.” I pressed her even more and she moved violently.
“Ouch! Honey do you want me to scream?!” Irene said moving to hold my hands.
“Ok, relax. Follow what am telling you, it will assist you not to feel lots of pain. Lie low facing up.” I told Irene, she did just that.
“Breathe in…………………. out………………………………….out………………..” I told Irene and she was just doing as told.
As she was inhaling for long, I would move my hands and caress her thighs and as she exhaled, I would move to caress her legs below her knees. I moved to her leg fingers and began caressing them one by one.
“My dear, whatever you are doing, please continue I feel nice.” Irene said. I told her to close her eyes and she did just that.
“It is called reflexology. It promotes healing and relaxation all over the body. Can I do it to you all over your body?” I asked Irene. She looked surprised. She remained silent for a while.
“No problem.” Irene said and made to stand up.
“Wait. What do you want? I will assist you. We can bathe first and I will show you something else, another type of reflexology.” I told Irene. She looked at me shyly.
“I feel shy…” I did not expect that. Irene looked like a bold lady and I was surprised by her saying so.
>>>To be continued>>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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