I looked at her for a while studying her face to gauge her honestly. She seemed very serious about her statement. She looked at me too and told me, “Tony, stand up where I can see you well.”
I did just that. She looked at me, as if studying me, from top to bottom giving some suggestive nodes.
“I can help you get designer clothes that will make you a hot cake. Your physique should complement a certain style.” Carol said before motioning to sit down. She went further to explain to me that she does fashion and design as a hobby. One thing she was excellent with was photoshop where she could look at you and design a dress which she would take to her favorite tailor to make them. For a while, I thought about Sally and how fantastic she would look with fashionable clothes or how we would get some African wear for both of us. My thoughts were wild.
“Fine, you will design one for me so that I can see your work, then from there I will decide whether to give you more.” I told Carol who nodded in agreement.
“The two years I stayed before getting this job, that was what I was doing instead of being idle.” Carol said.
Friday came so fast. I managed to talk to Luke and convince him to accompany us to a Friday out party for employees but he agreed on condition that there should be no alcohol near us. I had no problem with that since I too was not an alcoholic. We agreed to look our level casual best so that after work, we would just pass by a certain restaurant, have some dinner and part ways.
Irene wore some tight fitting blue jeans, white fitting top, high heeled shoes and a golden necklace. I chose to wear a black Jeans, red T shirt and sports shoes. Luke came wearing a blue suit but inside he wore a yellow T short with blue stripes. Zuhura wore a brown very long Swahili cloth known as “Dera”, a Buibui outside and a head veil while Carol wore a long tight fitting pink dress which had a slit up to slightly over her knees, some red long sleeved top and black high heeled open shoes.
Irene made sure to go into each one’s office to confirm attendance since she was the organizer. 
“So today I want to see you dancing, you seem like you can dance.” I told Carol jokingly.
“Can you dance?” Carol asked me.
“Yes, I can dance. But you seem a better dancer.” I insisted. 
Just as we were speaking, Luke knocked at my office door and I told him to come in.
“Excuse me, I cannot remember my access password to the server, are you able to get it for me?” Luke inquired while standing slightly beyond my office door inside my office.
“Yes, I can assist you. Just hold on for a while.” I told Luke.
I logged in into the server and checked for all use codes and when recently used in the server log. But on Luke’s details there were several alerts indicating that he had tried to log in 5 times without success and thus his account had been temporarily suspended as a security measure for 30 minutes.
“Luke, seems like your account has been suspended. You will wait for 30 minutes then log in with this new password.” I told Luke and gave him the new password.
“Luke, cram your password. You are not supposed to forget.” Carol told Luke while looking at him from the side of her eyes.
“Oh! Human is to error, I can also forget.” Luke said.
“But you are able to cram all those Bible verses you quote to us all the time, why should you forget a simple password?” Carol asked Luke looking at him. She smiled and Luke looked away as if avoiding Carol’s stare.
“You are the experts in this field, you know better than us.” Luke said politely.
“By the way, I like your suit. You are so smart today. At least today you are a bit casual; no suit and tie.” Carol told Luke taking time to slightly touch Luke’s coat.
“Thank you.” Luke mumbled.
“But it is not a sin to wear Jeans at least once in a while.” Carol pressed on.
“Carol, Christians should be decent always and should not wear provocatively like you wear all the time.” Luke told Carol sounding so serious.
“Oh! Come on! God isn’t interested with our bodies but our spirits. I can wear what I want.” Carol said that while caressing her voluptuous thighs as if straightening her clothes. Her finger nails caught my attention; she had painted love patterns in red on all her nails.
“Carol, may I see your fingers please…”I requested Carol.
She proudly placed her fingers on top of the table. She was finely painted love pattern with red and a yellow diamond flower at the middle.
“So nice, you look beautiful.” I complemented Carol.
“Luke, wouldn’t you wish your wife or girlfriend to adorn herself like me?” Carol asked Luke while standing up so that Luke can have a clear view of her. She then twisted herself and assumed a posture that made her left hip protrude.
“Not at all. My wife should look like a Christian not like you.” Luke said in a very serious tone.
“Am a Christian Luke, not a pagan.” Carol sounded offended, ironically, she smiled.
“But at least today you are better, some days I would not even dare being seen with you by the road.” Luke told Carol.
“Aw! Thank you. I wore like this since I knew in the evening we shall be together but would not wish to offend you. But am sure Tony does not have a problem with my dress code.” Carol said looking at me. I smiled and nodded at her in agreement but deep down I knew I would not wish to also accompany her anywhere wearing like a video vixen since I hate being the center of attraction.

When evening came, we accompanied each other to the bus stop to take a matatu to a restaurant which was slightly past where I stayed by about a KM. We were Irene, Carol, Luke, Zuhura and me. As we waited for a matatu, we talked about almost anything. 
After sometime a matatu came and I told Carol to get inside before me and she got at the front seat close to the driver as I sat beside her close to the door. When she sat, it was evident that her hips were larger than I estimated, she completely filled her seat and was pushing me a little too hard and since the central seat was slightly raised, she heavily leaned on me with her left thigh until my right leg was getting tired. Her thighs were very warm. As the car rolled and hit the bumps, she would slightly push me even more until her left thigh was almost entirely on top of my right thigh; and she did not seem to care.
My turn came to pay. I tried to wiggle myself to remove my wallet from my right jeans pocket which was rather tight but all I could manage was press her thighs with my knuckles. 
“Excuse me Carol, I cannot get my wallet to pay. Please move slightly.” I told Carol who in turn said, “Oh! Sorry. Let me just pay for you don’t bother.” She said. She reached for her handbag which she was holding on her voluptuous thighs, fetched a Kshs 100 note and handed it to the conductor before saying, “The two of us.” Fare was Kshs 50 per person.
I thanked her and she eased herself further to make herself comfortable on her seat before saying, “next time I will have to seat close to the door.” Carol said, looked at me and smiled before looking at her thighs.
It was evident even the driver was struggling not to bump on her thighs as he engaged the car’s manual gear.
We arrived slightly past 7 pm. Irene had ordered the hotel to cook for us some roasted goat meat in advance and a small ugali plus some soft drinks. When we got there, some music was playing softly in the background. The waiter who seemed to recognize Irene showed us to our table and we sat down before being served. The waiter was very a very nice soft spoken young man.
We got talking and introducing ourselves to each other and I demanded that along the way, each one of us should also state his/her marital status. We also agreed that each should answer any question we raised in good faith or just say, “pass” if the question was not agreeable.
Zuhura was the first to talk. We chose her since she was unique in the group, being a Muslim and from Coast region.
“My full names are Zuhura Husna Alladin. Am the first born in a family of 21. Am 27 years old and am married. I also have 2 children, a boy and a girl. Boy – 4 and the girl 2. My husband works in Kuwait.”
We were all surprised. 21 children how were they spaced?
“You said you are 21, how? You being 27?” Carol asked really surprised.
“In Islam, you are allowed to marry more than one wife, my dad has 7 wives and except the first wife the rest all have children.”
“God only created one man for one woman. Marrying many wives is ungodly.” Luke interjected Zuhura.
“Even in your religion, all patriarchs, prophets and kings had many wives but you hypocritical Christians insist on getting married to only one woman yet you cheat on her with numerous others why not just marry more than one woman and be happy?” Zuhura told Luke sounding very serious than we have ever heard her talking.
We asked her lots of other questions.
Carol was next.
“My full names are Caroline Anyankore Imbuyaza. Am 25 years old, third born in a family of 4. 2 boys 2 girls. I am currently single, not searching but just having fun with my life. Anything else you wish to know I can answer but I prefer in private.”
“You have a funny name. Are you even a Kenyan really?” Zuhura wondered looking at Carol.
“No. My family originated from west Uganda but there were some serious inter clan clashes and my family was targeted to be killed. So, my father got to know and we all migrated to western Kenya and here I am.” Carol said in a rather preemptive manner.
There was some silence. Everyone seemed to have lots of questions for Carol. But it was Irene who spoke finally.
“Carol, I have a very personal question if you don’t mind answering here.” Irene said.
“Ask, I will answer if possible.” Carol said adjusting herself on her chair to face Irene. Irene smiled shyly before saying.
“Sorry if the question is offensive. But I have read about Kachambali from Ugandans. Do you know about it and do you mind telling us more about it? I know it is related to women.” Irene told Carol.
Carol remained silent, looked at Irene keenly before turning to face Luke then finally Zuhura.
“No, it will offend Luke. I did rather not talk about it.” Carol said.
Luke got curious too and insisted on knowing. 
“Ok, if you insist. No apologies if you get offended. You asked for it.” Carol said before beginning to narrate what Kachambali is.
“Kachambali means, “waters” for lack of a better term. But it is some sex art practiced by Ugandans. The man makes the woman aroused. Then the woman sits with her legs wide apart while the man directs his erect dick towards the woman’s private parts. The man uses his erect dick to stimulate the woman’s l@bias, vulv@s, cl!t*ris beginning slowly and increasing speed and pressure with time. The woman might spread out her vulv@s to help the man reach more surface area of her genitals. Then the man pauses to slightly slap the woman’s genitals with his erect dick before resuming the procedure. After sometime, the woman will feel like she is about to urinate. When she feels so, she relaxes and let the fluids that she is holding come out. Sometimes the fluids are so much they come out in a gush but the pleasure the woman experiences is out of this world.” Carol explained into further details before she fidgeted on her chair.
“Jesus Christ!!” Luke was utterly astonished before adding, “Some of these things you do are demonic!” 
Irene stared at him and told him, “Luke, sex is not demonic. And please stop making this sound like a fellowship meeting. We came here to socialize and so can you also tell us more about yourself?”
“My names are Luke Owino. Jesus is my personal savior and I love preaching the gospel. I am single and searching and I hope to meet my Eve one of these days. Am a last born in a family of 5.” Luke was brief and direct. No one seemed willing to ask him any questions. 
It is me who finally asked him one question which I was sure he would answer to the negative.
“Luke, would you marry Carol?” I asked Luke. He looked at me for some time as if weighing his answer.
“Yes, as long as she would get saved and stopped wearing like a prostitute.” Luke answered to utter amazement of each one of us.
Carol snapped.
“Did you just call me a prostitute?” She asked rising from her chair. She was so angry, breathing heavily you would literally see her breasts rising and falling. When she spoke, her entire body trembled in an arousing manner. Before even Luke spoke, Zuhura looked at Luke and told him, “It is not right to judge someone by outside appearance. It is even worse to start labelling her names. Please be sensitive to people’s choices and feelings.”
“I can’t take it anymore. I have had enough of Luke and his holier than thou attitude. Am out of here.” Carol said and began walking towards the restaurants entrance. I realized how serious she was.
Irene called the waiter hurriedly and paid for all us and followed us. I found Carol standing at the door.
“Please don’t spoil the evening. Forgive Luke” Irene tried to persuade her but she would hear none of it. 
“Ok, let me take you home.” I told Carol. We got into a matatu the two of us and we left the rest behind.
On our way, Carol looked at me and said in a soft tone smiling, “You have not told us about you, remember. I am interested in knowing you more but let me first cool down my anger. We shall talk later. Are we still going tomorrow so that I can show you the agency that recruited me?” She asked.
“Oh! Yes, I had nearly forgotten. It is very important and the sooner the better. There is someone I am looking a job for and it is very urgent.”
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry.

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
