“I am going to sleep here, I shall go back to my place tomorrow.” Irene said affirmatively. I knew it had something to do with the message she had read from Sally. I knew I had to be clever and act fast. Ken drove away and went dropping each of the rest to their places.
“Tony, tell me. Are you still with Sally?” Irene asked looking keenly at me.
“Ouch! My stomach hurts!” I groaned loudly.
Irene looked at me. I did not look at her. But continued to press my stomach hard bending forward.
“What is the matter?” Irene asked keenly.
“I don’t know, I guess it is the food we have eaten at the club, I feel like throwing up.” As I said so, I rose from my seat and headed for the toilet and closed the door behind me. I stood for a while and flushed the toilet so hard and came out.
“Please go to my kitchen, in the drawer you will see some Eno. Stir one for me and bring for me. My stomach hurts a lot. Hurry!” I told Irene and she hurriedly rose and went to the kitchen to fetch some Eno for me for stomach relief.
Immediately, I picked my phone and composed a quick message to Carol. “ALERT: Play Sally when I call you, be smart.” I texted and hit the send button. I then immediately erased the message.
Irene came back and gave me a glass of Eno and I drank it fast, then lay still on my coach.
“Tony, I asked you? Are you still with Sally? I just read a love message from her on your phone.” Irene said agitated.
“Honey, she is just confused. I dumped her long time ago. She must have texted me by mistake. You can call her and confirm.” I told Irene.
She picked my phone and called.
Irene: Hello
Sally: {Silence}
Irene: Hallooo…..
Sally: Who are you and what do you want?
Irene: I am Irene, Tony’s wife to be and I am wondering why you texted him.
Sally: Oh! I am sorry if the message went to his phone. I was texting my new boyfriend. I don’t need Tony anymore in my life; you can have him all you want. 
Irene: Delete his number from your phone.
Sally: Done. I hate Tony, he is so stupid. But I know you shall regret why you took him away from me.
Irene: Fuck you bitch!
Irene terminates the call.
Irene laughed and looked at me; she said, “I do not want any woman to mess with my darling.”
I remained silent.
“But Sally’s voice on phone sounds like Carol’s voice…” Irene said, I hid my shock and replied, “Ah! The digital synthesizers by network providers synthesize human voice into monotone when there is poor reception so it is easy for human voices to sound similar during poor network connectivity.”
“You IT people know a lot, ok. Then the synthesizers or whatever you call them can mislead someone.” Irene said and sounded very convinced.
Actually, I had not engaged the tone switcher application such that when Carol called her voice would sound like Sally’s. 
We bathed and went to sleep together and since we were so damn tired, we slept like babies until the following morning.
The following day, Irene left my place at almost noon. But an idea came on my mind; I had to look for another house immediately and that day, I went to one of the housing agents to try and get another house.
I must say, I was so lucky that day as I immediately got a vacant 2-bedroom house which was very spacious with bigger rooms than the one that I was living in and it was so affordable unlike most 2 bedroom houses I knew. The housing agent suggested I could move immediately since houses in that estate were in very high demand and I was just lucky to have gotten that house. The agency was so organized. They provided even moving services meaning that you would just pay them and they move your items with their own means at a little fee. I however called Collins to come and assist me move house and he gladly accepted.
Cynthia saw me moving out and she came to talk to me.
“Tony, why are you moving out?” She asked.
“I want a bigger house because I want to settle soon.” I told her.
“I wish I would come over there and be your neighbor.” Cynthia told me looking sad. 
“How is your daddy doing?” I asked her trying to distract her.
“He is doing fine. He really thanked me for that day, saying I saved his life.” Cynthia said delightedly.
I tried very much to shake Cynthia off but she just would not go. She followed me to my new house and helped me with cleaning the house. She even cooked for us.
When she served us Ugali, Collins looked at it and asked laughing, “Is this mine alone or for the 3 of us?” 
“For the 3 of us.” Cynthia answered laughing.
“Young lady, do me a favor, go and cook Ugali for me, I will give you some money to do that.” Collins told Cynthia and gave her Kshs 500. She protested saying it was too much but Collins told her she could keep the rest, all he wanted was to eat and feel satisfied.
Later Cynthia excused herself and left, saying she shall be visiting.
After he left, Collins looked at me and told me, “Dude! That is a nice ass, dig that ass man. I will give you mkhombelo to give you energy to dig that ass. She looks like miss Kenya!” Collins said.
“She told me she is a virgin and I do not want to break her virginity.” I told Collins.
His eyes brightened and he told me, “Dude! What are you waiting for? Are you a man? Damn! Give me her number, I will bust her like a balloon, hahahaha” Collins said and laughed thunderously. I was beginning to realize that Collins loved sex a lot than anything.
=========== ********* ===========
It was on Monday morning when Irene came to my office to inquire for the assignment she had given me to draft the job description for the position of FINANCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR. I gave her feeling apprehensive but what she said dampened my spirit.
“Wow! Perfect. This fits into my cousin’s qualifications for the post. He has 3 years working experience on top of that and I will tell him to apply. I will make sure he gets the job even if it means going to canvass for him to get the position. He has suffered a lot looking for a decent job and he had been totally unable to get a job. He is a great man and I know it would be nice to work with him.” Irene said sounding so delighted. 
I knew Sally’s qualifications were no match for her cousin and besides Sally had not yet delivered her certificates to Derrick. I knew we had to try and try fast since Irene had money too and would easily bribe to ensure that her cousin got the job whose salary was so promising.
I had told Sally to travel that weekend but she was unable to and I felt she was joking if not letting me down. I decided enough was enough; I was going for her up to her village.
I went to boss’ office and persuaded her to give me a 3 days urgent off leave telling him my dad wanted to meet with me and it sounded it was an emergency and she agreed on condition that I carry my laptop and continue working while away. I however called Sally and told her I was going to pick her but she did not sound so delighted to her that; she just said, “You are welcome.” Sally gave me directions to her rural home.

I called Ken the taxi driver and negotiated with him and he agreed that he will take me there because I promised to give him Kshs 10,000.
Ken thought for a while and told me, “We are going to use a different car, not this one because where we are about to go, is a rough country. We need a strong car.”
Ken called one of his friends who brought to him a white Toyota Land Cruiser.
“Are you sure you want us to go there?” Ken asked when he confirmed the directions and distance to Sally’s place from Nairobi through the car’s GPS. 
“Yes, love is taking me there, if you cannot take me there, let me get someone else who will.” I told Ken firmly.
“You can count on me.” Ken said as we left Nairobi.
However, Sally kept constant communication on the way and she was so lively as we talked too.
Sally’s rural home seemed like it was at the furthest corner of the globe. She came from Lokitaung in Turkana county, a few kilometers from Kenya Ethiopian border and getting there required great effort. It was the first time I was going there but my love for Sally would make me cross mountains, valleys and deserts if that is all it meant to win her love. I felt like there was some destiny connecting me and Sally, like we were soul mates destined to be together. Regardless of the number of women I had ever met, there was something in Sally which kept me admiring her. She was like an oasis in the desert for my heart, and nothing could make me forget her love. 
Ken drove at top speed and most of the distance he maintained a speed of 140 KM/H and at times cruising at 200 KM/H when the road stretch was free from vehicles. Ken was indeed a professional driver as he seemed to be at utmost ease cruising at top speed.
Ken was very talkative man and kept the journey lively. We did not encounter any incidence on the road.
We reached Sally’s rural home at around 10 am the following day and I understood why Sally would not just wake up and decide to go to Nairobi. The place was very hot and dry. We hardly saw people there, as if the entire country was deserted except a few scattered people.
We called Sally who gave us directions until we saw her standing on the road. She came running upon seeing me and gave me a very tight hug, but she began crying and I did not understand why. 
“Sally, aren’t you happy to see me?” I asked her wiping her tears.
“I am, in fact I would wish to go with you.” She said with a broken voice. I just could not tell what was wrong.
She led us to her father’s house, which was more of a shelter than a house and he greeted us in some broken Swahili. Sally introduced me to her father, but she just introduced me as a friend and I felt disappointed. Her mother greeted us but could not talk even a single Swahili word.
“Sally, I have come for you. I now have the money to redeem your certificate and you need to go with me, get it and take it to Mr. Derrick as soon as possible. I need you to secure that job. I also need you in Nairobi I cannot afford to have you so far away from me.” I told Sally when her father left us alone. 
Sally just stared at me with a lot of sadness on her face.
“Sally, there is something you are not telling me.” I told Sally getting a little impatient with her.
“Wait, let me go and talk to my father.” She told us and left.
I could see them having a serious conversation with her father, with her little brothers and sisters looking from a short distance and I felt very confused.
However, Ken came to keep me company and we began talking a lot about current affairs, Kenya politics, and most of the time we discussed the details of our journey to Lokitaung. 
“Phew! How did you get to meet this lady?” Ken asked.
“We were working together, that is how we fell in love. I want to marry her.” I told Ken.
“By the look, she also loves you. And young man, you have a very beautiful lady here. Besides, she does not seem like a Turkana at all. She must be among the most civilized people in this entire community, you are damn lucky man, do not waste the chance.” Ken told me and laughed.
I laughed too. “If she says yes, I will get married to her. I really love her.” I told Ken.
“I know what you mean, when people are young they fall in love genuinely, but most old people stick to each other for convenience of life, no love at all.” Ken said looking sad.
“I can see these people are pastoralists, but I wonder how comes there is no single cattle in this place.” I wondered.
“These places experience cattle rustling all the times, maybe they are hidden somewhere so that cattle rustlers do not get them with ease.” Ken said.
As we were talking, a tall lanky man came and greeted us with a broken Swahili. We greeted him back. He was carrying G3 Rifle.
“Damn! These people are dangerous, they carry guns all over without fear?” Ken wondered.
“I would not be surprised if we encountered some gun fighters on the way. We must be very lucky.” I told Ken.
Sally spoke with her father for almost 1 hour. Her father called a small boy and spoke to him and it appeared he sent him to some place. 
The boy went away running at top speed and when he returned he was accompanied by some old man. When they returned, Sally came over and told me to follow her. She seemed very sad and I just could not tell why.
We sat down, and Sally’s father told her to tell me something but Sally just shook her head. She sounded a little miserable and agitated and I just could not imagine why.
Sally then said, “I will tell him when we are alone.” 
Sally’s father looked at Sally, then looked at me and said, “All right, have your time.”
He motioned the other man and they left us alone.
Sally stared at me, then covered her eyes and began crying mournfully like someone had died. I was at a loss on whether to console her but I just did not know how her father would interpret that, as I was not conversant with their traditions. I was in a series dilemma. My heart was beating as if it wanted to escape from my chest and I was sweating, with a lot of fear of the unknown.
Finally, Sally spoke.
“Tony, sweet heart. I am sorry this will break your heart but I had no choice than to do it. Tony, I am married. I got married 3 weeks ago. I cannot get married to you. I am so sorry. I know you love me, I also love you but we were never meant to be together, sorry. Please forgive me. The man you saw here is my husband.” 
The words struck me like a thunder. I nearly got a heart attack. By the look, she was not joking. She began crying so loudly it really broke my heart and I found myself shedding tears, tears of pain, tears of a broken heart, like I was crying for the dead. Never have I ever felt that miserable in my entire life. I wished the ground would open and swallow me forever so that I would never live to see another day.
Sally realized I was crying. She came to where I was seated, knelt and gave me a strong hug, held me for some minutes and then stood up and left crying.
Her father came to where I was and just stood looking at me. I could not face him with tears in my eyes.
“My son, stop crying. Be a man. My daughter will explain to you everything when she can but for now, I would advise you to go back to Nairobi. Life is not always fair but we have to live on.” He told me and just stood there.
I stood up and went to where Ken was sitting and he was utterly shocked to see me crying.
“Ken, let us go back to Nairobi.” I told him.
I approached Sally’s father and bid him good bye. He called the lanky man with a G3 riffle and told him to escort us; I later came to learn he was Sally’s cousin. He gave us escort inside our car for almost 50 kilometers until we got to the marram road where he told us we were safe to proceed with our Journey.
As we hit the road to go back to Nairobi, Ken remained silent and drove slower than we came. I could tell he was saddened by the turn of events.
My phone buzzed with a text. I opened and read it. It was from Sally.
“When you get to Nairobi, please give me a call.” She had written. I did not bother replying.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love

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