The following evening, we embarked on our journey to coast with my boss and arrived safely. We booked into a hotel with her taking the executive suite.
The first and second day of the one-week training went on well but on the third day, my boss called me to her suite in the evening and told me she had a computer problem. I went to her room suite.
“I want you to help me with some with some technical issue here with my laptop.” Madam told me. But as we went on she began acting funny.
Suddenly she stood up and her sleeping gown dropped, she picked it fast but smiled at me.
“Don’t worry, I mean no harm.” But she began deviating from the topic of discussion to more personal issues and finally she told me, “Tony, I have not had a man for the last 5 months. I have admired you for so long, please allow me to just make love to you tonight.” 
“Madam, I respect you like my mum, no I cannot do this.” I tried to protest but she really insisted, even saying she was just 17 years older than me. But to be honest, she had a beautiful body as I had never seen her almost naked.
I suddenly got an idea.
I turned and kissed her, a light kiss on her forehead.
“I am willing, give me some few minutes, let me go to my room and freshen up, I will come and join you.” I told her.
“Promise me to return please…” She pleaded.
“I promise, in fact I will even leave my hard disk here, I am coming with my laptop too and I will sort out your issue.” I told her.
She allowed me to leave, little did she know what I had in mind for her.
I had carried the SOCET entire tools as given by Reginah as she tried to convince me to conduct erotic hypnosis to Irene. I decided to conduct that to my boss.
I dressed up like I was going for role play, hooked up a receiver to myself and a recorder. I applied pheromones spray on myself.
As I was coming out of my room carrying my laptop, a female attendant looked at me and smiled. I knew she had sensed the fragrance, but I had nothing against her.
Immediately I entered my boss suite, she looked at me and said, “Wow! You look so handsome, and your spray is so sweet smelling.”
I connected her laptop to mine via a cross over network cable and installed some programs telling her they are for enhancing her laptop technical capability but unknown to her, I was setting my laptop to record the entire scene, take photos with the webcam. Once I was satisfied all was set, I moved to where she was seated on a coach and began caressing her; she was so delighted with it. By how she was reacting it was evident she was sexually starved and her sexual appetite was threatening to be ferocious if not ravenous. But unknown to her, I was hypnotizing her. 
Eventually she was so aroused to care, so willing, so open to all questions I was asking her. All the while she kept begging me to fuck her but to be honest, my dick remained flaccid the entire time, probably because I found the whole thing so disgusting.
Within 2 hours of intense erotic hypnosis, my boss was completely naked and begging me to just tear into her. But not only that, she had revealed to me so many things about her including where all the documents we wanted were hidden. They were in her cabinet and we had not even suspected that.
But I knew the challenge was to get them within time since it was apparent that they intended to burn them. I was not sure when they would be burnt, but it was obvious it was in my absence. Worse, via control console, my boss who had admin rights to the CCTV system had disabled the CCTV.
I was shocked until I stopped the hypnosis and let my boss regain herself.
“Tony, why are you tormenting me, please just fuck me!” She continued to beg.
“I cannot fuck you, in fact, I did not intend to fuck you. I have just recorded everything in my laptop via that camera (I showed her the small web cam), and the video and your photos are already uploaded in a private location. If you won’t tell me what I want to hear, I will ensure the whole world gets to see your nakedness, I will completely damage your reputation and ensure you go down to the abyss of shame.” I told my boss.
She was completely shocked, totally astonished.
“What do you want with me?” She asked covering herself in the process. Shame was written all over her and I sensed fear in her. She knew she could not get physical with me.
“I want you to let me know where all financial records for the company which were in Irene’s office are located.” I knew. She had said in her office during hypnosis but I wanted a clear sober confirmation.
“I cannot tell you!” She shouted at me.
“Aren’t they in your office, so that huge cabinet is where you have hidden them?” I asked her.
“How did you know?” She was surprised. 
“I am gifted with psychic abilities and I can see beyond what normal human beings can see.” I told her. She looked at me for some time and when she talked she said, “Please Tony, don’t do this to me. I am a woman full of respect in the society. I will do anything for you but please delete the photos and the video from your laptop, please.” She begged.
“I want all those documents.” I told her.
As we were talking, a message buzzed in my phone. It was Collins and he wanted to speak to me urgently.
“I will pay you any amount of money but please do not do this to me.” She begged.
“If you allow me to access those documents, I will have nothing to do with you anymore.” I told her.
“Fine, you will get them. No problem.” She promised me. I felt like screaming with joy but I knew, time was not yet to feel happy.
“Ok, I have to go. Once I get them, I will delete the video and photos from my laptop. Failure to, be ready to have your nakedness splashed all over internet. Good night.” I told her.
She crossed the room and held me.
“Tony, you are a man, please do not leave me the way I am, please my body will not give me peace, I am dying to have a man, please, Tony, please fuck me even if you will use a condom, I have some with me.” She begged. I looked at her eyes for some time.
“FUCK YOU!” I told her and left.
The first person I called that evening was Sally who told me she was fine, and Irene had continued to furnish her with more receipts and financial statements but I knew they were all fake. I had told her to continue pretending to accept them for her own safety and to hoodwink Irene as we planned what next.
But it was Collins’s call that broke my heart.
“Brother, I was working late today and after I finished my day at around 7:30 PM, I sat down to smoke my weed. And I saw Irene carrying so many papers from her office to the place where we burn litter. She has burned a lot of papers this evening and I suspect it was the documents we had wanted to access since as she was burning, some wind blew and a piece of receipt flew to where I was seated smoking weed.” Collins told me.
“Collins, stop joking. Are you sure you saw that or it is the weed you were smoking showing you weird things?” I asked Collins totally shocked. I knew if Irene had burnt all of them from Madam’s office, then whatever information we wanted had gone up in smoke, completely destroyed forever.
“I am sure. Sorry I never told you I smoke weed. But this is not weed at work, I was sober my brother, she has burnt all papers and files from boss’ office. Probably the evidence you were looking was what she was destroying.” Collins told me sounding so sure.
“We are screwed man, no problem. Life has to go on.” I told Collins.
“What happens to Sally now?” Collins asked.
“She shall just present a report showing Irene is innocent, whatever the directors shall decide we shall abide with it.” I told him. I had actually lost the initiative to continue with the whole thing, in fact, I decided after the report, I would also quit from the company as it was obvious Sally shall be dismissed too, and probably land in trouble for defamation.

The following day, the second last day to the end of the business training, I sneaked after lunch and decided to tour the streets of Mombasa, I went to fort Jesus, strolled all alone imagining myself with Sally watching the ocean and I felt so lonely.
I went to Mama Ngina drive and watched a few ships coming and leaving Mombasa port as some sea waves splashed the coral rocks. After Mama Ngina drive I walked leisurely and for some time until I found myself inside Majengo slums inside Mombasa. I was already so tired, was feeling hungry and thirsty. The day was too hot and it was already evening. I passed a few Swahili women cooking some Bajias and Viazi Karai and Kaimati, Mahamri and some other Swahili dishes I did not know their names.
Their aroma made me even more hungry and I decided to sit at one food kiosk by the road side and ordered some Bajias, Viazi Karai and to the surprise of the short Swahili lady who served me, I ordered soda. She tried telling me that the combination goes best with Kahawa chungu but I wanted something cold. She brought me the soda, stoney Tangawizi and I began munching at them hungrily. 
Then the two ladies began looking at me by the side of their eyes and laughed at me, they were talking in low tone but I have always had sharp hearing and I heard one of them refer to me as “mshamba kutoka bara” and they laughed so hard. I felt annoyed. They continued talking about me until I could not take it anymore. I stood up and paid hurriedly and I was ready to leave. Suddenly, a tall lady approached me, she was wearing bui bui completely covered up to her eyes. 
“Please sir, forgive them. I know they have annoyed you but I beg you, finish your food. I will add you more.” I was not looking at her, but her voice sounded very familiar it startled me so much until I turned to look at her face. As I could not see her face, I wondered, where could I have heard her voice.
The lady seemed surprised too. She looked at me still completely covered I could not see her eyes and exclaimed my name, “ANTHONY!” I have never felt that scared all my life. I had heard about Mombasa ghosts by the name “jinis” and I was damn sure I was right in front of a Jini. How the hell could a strange woman clad in bui bui know my name? that was scary to me. I nearly bolted out of there, but jinis are spirits and I reasoned, how can I outrun it?
Suddenly, the “Jini” gradually removed its head covering, making my heart race in utter fear.
I momentarily thought I was dreaming. Right in front of me stood Zuhura, the lady who once worked with us as restaurant manager, the beautiful Swahili woman who mysteriously vanished from our work place. How on earth?
“ZUHURA!!” I exclaimed her name.
“ANTHONY!! What are you doing here? Please come sit down, tell me what brings you right inside Majengo?!” Zuhura demanded.
“We came for a business training. I got bored and sneaked out of our hotel, decided to take a walk and found myself in Majengo.” I told her.
“This is wonderful!” She said and exclaimed some Arabic phrases which probably sounded like “Suba Naala wa taala” Whatever that meant.
“Zuhura, why did you go without even a warning? You scared us, we thought perhaps you got hijacked. What happened?” I asked Zuhura.
“Tony, would it really matter if I told you?” She asked.
“Tell me, this is between me and you.” I reassured her.
She looked at me and began a tale.
“I ran away because of Irene, Irene had been over pricing everything in the cafeteria and before I realized, I had incurred a loss of almost Kshs 250,000. I used to sign all my purchases records beforehand so that it would not require much approval. Remember before an item was bought there must be a signature of the department buying and the person authorizing the purchase before you got the money, I must say I trusted Irene so much as I would sign my whole purchases book and take to Irene. But upon approval, she would indicate for example I have taken and signed for Kshs 20,000 where as she would give me just Kshs 5,000 that I had wanted. It is when once I accidentally came to see the book, I was shocked. Irene threatened to say I was the one who was demanding all the money and that I should account for how I was spending it. I tried to tell her I was not even aware she was withdrawing so much money in my name or in the name of my department. She said that was my signature in that book. I could not deny. In as much as I knew I was not receiving the amount she had indicated in the book, the fact that my signature was there; I knew I could not prove my innocence. I have never stolen in all my entire life even Allah is my witness. So, I got so scared of myself, I knew I would probably get fired if such records came to be known or even go to jail for something I never did. 
I decided I would rather run away. So, I quit from work, I changed all my contact numbers and even destroyed my SIM cards so that no one would trace my where about. I knew if I was to resign formally, probably someone would do an exit interview and probably Irene would present such against me leading to my arrest. So, I had no choice than to escape.”
Zuhura told me. I was so shocked beyond words. I remained completely transfixed. But the realization that the documents were burnt even made me sadder.
“Do you have the book?” I asked Zuhura.
“No, why would I carry it? I left it there. I hid it inside the cafeteria cupboards, I think it is still there.” Zuhura told me.
“I will look for it once I return. Let me ask you one more thing?” I asked Zuhura.
“Ask my brother.” Zuhura replied.
“We are trying to see if we can do a financial audit in our company and your witness might be needed, are you ready to testify in case?” I asked Zuhura.
“No, no, no. Leave my life in peace. I am happy the way I am I don’t want any trouble, I would want to do you a favor, but on this one, I beg your forgiveness, I am not willing to.” Zuhura said.
“Ok, Zuhura, I appreciate. Please if you do not mind, give me your phone number.” I asked her.
She gave me her new number and told me not to give to anyone else. Her friends apologized to me and even bought for me a lot more kaimati to eat and kahawa chungu.
By the time I returned to the hotel, I was already full and did not eat the hotel food. All I wished was for the business training to come to an end so that I would just go back to Nairobi.
“My dear, I guess Irene burnt to ashes all documents we needed. What shall we do?” I asked Sally over the phone on the day I was travelling back to Nairobi. 
“This situation is hopeless, but when one door closes, another door opens, all shall be well for us darling, have hope. Our life is not anchored in NexTech. We shall just prove Irene’s innocence and let the management decide what they want thereafter. But trust me, all shall be well.” Sally told me in a very calm tone it surprised me.
“Darling, you sound so sure of yourself…” I told Sally.
“Sweet heart, what am I supposed to do? I must not show Irene she has won. Yes, she also knows she has won. But let her have her way, my way shall come later on. So far all the auditing I have done with the documents she has provided proves nothing wrong with the NexTech financial audit.” Sally said. I calmed down hearing Sally sounding so calm.
I wondered, had Sally gotten another job opening or what?
“I love you Sally.” I told her finally.
“I love you too.” She replied.
I disconnected the phone and settled to listening to the humming voice of the Scania Bus engine as it cruised at almost 100 KM/H towards Mtito Andei, overtaking other vehicles occasionally. I was seated close to a lady who had told me she was going to Nairobi in search of a job. I did not bother asking her what job but I realized soon, Sally might need to search for another job.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Tony

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