I suddenly realized I was in deep trouble and Derrick seemed like a no-nonsense man. I felt cornered like a trapped goat waiting to be slaughtered. I suddenly felt hot despite the fact that it was too cloudy that day. I did not want Sally to get into trouble, but I knew at that point my desire to secure Sally a chance to come to town through whatever means even illegal could land me into deep trouble.
“So young man, why are you doing this? You seem to have a bright future ahead of you otherwise, I can call the police and you go to a cell right now.” Derrick sounded like he was so ready to make good his threat.
Because of my love for Sally, I was doing this. I studied Derrick to see if he had an iota of imagination as to why but saw a judge and executioner. 
I gathered all the courage to speak to Derrick, whether he decides to put me behind bars or not I did not care anymore. It was all because of my love for Sally. 
“Ok, Sir. I can explain.” I said avoiding eye contact.
“Be brief, and you better convince me.” Derrick said menacingly. 
“I am doing this on behalf of my fiancĂ©e whom am engaged to get married to very soon. However, due to circumstances she lost her previous job. She had not redeemed her certificates where she did her Degree so she opted to go to her rural home. With that am afraid I might even lose her or our engagement could end up breaking apart so I thought of how I could assist her to secure a job in town. She still owes JKUAT almost half a million and we are unable to raise the money. So, I resolved to make a counterfeit certificate to try to secure her a job in town. I really need her to come back to town; my life depends on it. I beg that you view it from a humane angle and see that I did not do this with evil intentions and I beg you to just help me where you can. She did a Degree in Business administration and Finance.” I paused seeing how keen Derrick was following my story.
“Continue, am listening.” Derrick said, with a softer tone.
“So, I thought by making a fake certificate and make it look like original I would be able to secure her a chance.” I added and remained silent.
Silence followed and Derrick’s eyes never left me. I have never felt that intimidated in all my life.
After what seemed like forever, Derrick finally said.
“I have heard you. I still remember how you saved my day when my laptop failed during my presentation. It was kind of you. That is the only reason why I will not call law enforcement officers for you. I however do not care if your story is true or false, all I want from you is this: I have given you exactly 4 months from today. By then ensure you have redeemed those certificates from JKUAT, original ones and once you do that, bring them to me. We shall there after consider her for a possible placement in one of our connected companies that we hire for. Failure to produce an original certificate within 4 months, I will personally ensure that you get jailed so that it be a lesson to all people who think taking shortcuts in life is the only way to make it. Am I clear?” 
“Yes, sir.” I said with a sigh of relief. I however felt more cornered since I knew it was virtually impossible for me to raise all that money within 4 months. Sally’s savings too could not help much.
“Meanwhile, I will keep this one. If you have a copy of it, do not attempt to search a job with it. It is illegal. You may leave.” Derrick said and I rose to leave.
“Thank you, sir, I appreciate.” I left.
When I got home, I called Sally and explained to her what transpired during the day. She got really troubled by it and even tried to tell me to stop being bothered by her fate, and that if we were meant to be together no matter what happens we shall still end up together. We spoke at length concerning our individual lives until midnight.
The following day, I was in a foul mood. I felt hopeless and helpless. Carol was the first one to realize I was unhappy. I explained to her the details of the previous day and she really sympathized with me, even telling me if she had the money, she would lend me some to repay later. That is when a thought struck me. Why not try to see if Irene could help? She seemed like she had a lot of money all the time.
I went to her office, luckily, Luke was not around having been sent to town for some official duties.
“Irene, I really need some money, around Kshs 300,000 or more. It is urgent could you perhaps have an idea how I can get all such amount as soon as possible?” I told Irene not directly indicating she too can help me.
“Wow! What do you need all that money for?” Irene wondered. 
I could not think of a convincing lie so I just told her, “I just need it.”
I then boldly told her, “I realized you have lots of money and I can tell you don’t just earn all of it from this place. Do you have leads perhaps where I can also get some more income?”
Irene thought for a while before telling me, “I am also a business lady. I get money from various businesses.” I did not feel much convinced but I did not care. Trying to even ask her what sort of businesses she did, she was just vague with her explanations.
As we were talking, Luke came.
“Hi, Tony. What is it you look so dull today.” Luke said.
“Ah! Am ok. I am all right.” I answered but my voice betrayed me.
Luke looked at me for some time before saying, “May God remove from your life all obstacles.”
“Amen!” Irene said. I did not respond. 
“Tony, let us meet in the evening for a cup of coffee after work, I will assist you.” Irene told me and with that, I left her office.
That day, Carol tried to cheer me up but in vain. When evening came, we left. I could not accompany Carol despite us taking same route since we got to a certain restaurant with Irene to have a talk.
“Ok, Irene. Tell me that what you do to get more income.” I asked Irene.
“I import some clothes from Tanzania that I sell in whole sale to various outlets in town. I do my importations online and I just go to receive the goods on weekends, ascertain how many bails they are and how much profit to anticipate so that people do not steal from me once I distribute them. From there, some people distribute them at a higher price for me and that is how I get some more income. In fact, some of the clothes I wear are imported.” Irene said before giving me a soft smile.
“Impressive! How comes you never told me all this? Can you link me up for the business?” I asked Irene.
“You shall need a capital of around 2 million.” Irene said.
My heart sank. If am struggling to raise only 300,000 how in this world am I to get 2 million?
“Irene, you are joking. I do not have all that money with me.”
“Well, you wanted to know how I make my money, I just told you.” Irene said firmly. Surely, girl child empowerment must be favoring some women, I wished Sally would be in Irene’s position.
“Is that the only thing you do?” I asked Irene.
“No, but that is the major one.” Irene said.
We talked in length and I was very impressed with Irene. But it was clear I would not be able to do all that within 4 months and raise the money I wanted since Irene told me she has been in that business for almost 5 years, even before she got employed in our company.
The following few days, Irene was very friendly with me, even offering me so many business tips here and there a thing I appreciated too.
But it was one Wednesday afternoon when all hell broke loose in our office. Boss called us for a meeting and all new employees were supposed to submit a report and their general feeling about the company. All was going well until it was Luke’s time when he dropped a bombshell.
Luke came with an outrageous report from accounts department. He began it with saying, “My faith does not allow me to lie, and so am going to present my report as it is.”
In his report, he claimed that Irene had been embezzling company’s finances by according herself a huge Salary where she appended a “0” in all her salaries as from 3 previous years from the day of the report.
“In my audit report, I have discovered that the total sum of Money that Irene has stolen from the company amounts to Kshs 10,692,000.” Luke said. We were all shocked. Irene was totally dumbfounded and I could see she was fuming as a dynamite about to explode. She looked like a lioness ready to defend her territory.

“Irene, is that so?” Our boss asked Calmly.
“He is lying, Madam. I don’t know where he is getting all these from. These are allegations and am willing to even stand in a court of law to prove my innocence.” Irene said, with tears flowing from her eyes clearly outraged. I did not know what to say.
“I have noted that you carry yourself like someone who is wealthy. If what Luke is saying is not true, could you perhaps explain to us your source of wealth?” Irene looked at me. She was unable to talk. Her lips were trembling.
I felt that Luke was being malicious or wanted Irene out of the way so that he can take over that department. I knew some people who are so religious are the worst schemers in this world. I sympathized with Irene.
“Madam, the allegations tabled by Luke are very serious. However, I have a proposal.” I said seriously wondering what next for Irene. I knew she was a hard-working lady and I could willingly explain her source of wealth given chance.
Ok, what is your suggestion Anthony?” Madam boss asked me, calling me by my full name since I was ever employed in that company.
“I propose that we bring in an external independent auditor to look into these allegations.” I told our boss.
“That is a brilliant idea.” Boss said.
“Madam, even Tony knows my source of wealth, please ask him.” Irene said looking at me desperately. I clearly was not in the mood to try to start explaining her business since at that point in time, I knew it would not matter to our boss.
“We shall know the truth, and very soon.” Boss told Irene.
“Luke, I am giving you the task to outsource for an external auditor to investigate this. Let me warn both of you in advance, “Boss said pointing at Irene and Luke each in turn, “If I find out that you Luke you are lying, I am going to fire you and ensure you are sued for defamation. However, if I find out that the allegations are true, Irene, am not only going to fire you, I will personally ensure you pay all that money or land in jail. I hope am very clear on that.”
“And if I may ask, why would Luke even lie about that. If it is a lie?” Boss asked looking at no one in particular. You would have thought that Irene had suddenly gotten her energy renewed, she suddenly stood up from her seat and from her mouth came a salvo of even more preposterous allegations.
“Madam. Luke is the worst hypocrite we have around here. He pretends to be so holy, so saved but he is a male prostitute. Ever since he came into this company he has been hitting on me trying to seduce me. I keep turning him down since he is not my type at all. He keeps telling me how much of a great lover he is, how much he loves and admires me, how much he wishes to fuck me or even marry me, how much he would drive me crazy with mad love. He even says he is willing to suck and lick all my body to prove his love for me. I guess he could be the one who has stolen that money to try to perhaps impress me later with cash to win my love. I cannot date such a useless man who looks like a crossbreed of a chimpanzee and gorilla. Am a woman who respects herself. This boy should start joking with bitches his class…”
At that point, Carol burst out with a prolonged fit of laughter until she rolled on the floor literally briefly revealing her thighs and some of her inner clothes, to the amusement of everyone except Zuhura and Luke. Zuhura was just silent, but Luke looked like he had just seen a ghost. I could not help but I also laughed.
My boss was scratching her head and she looked totally confused.
Luke just said, “Jesus Christ!” and began mumbling a silent prayer as if rebuking demons.
“I have had enough of you people today. Zuhura, you shall give your report next week. The meeting is dismissed. Have a nice time.” My boss said, took her I-pad and left, but she forgot her laptop on the table which I took for her to my office since I did not want to face her again that day.
Since it was well past 6 PM, we all left.
“Please Tony, you are the only one who knows about my business. Please come to my rescue. Stand up as my witness, please I beg you.” Irene was telling me as we were leaving our gate. Luke had hurriedly left since he was late for fellowship.
“Don’t worry, an auditor will come and prove you innocent.” I told Irene, giving her a light pat on her shoulder to reassure her. She however looked very troubled. I was certain that Luke was wrong since I had caught Luke via CCTV sometimes back attempting to hug Irene but Irene seemed like she declined. Though did not tell anyone.
“I even have evidence in my phone of a text he sent me sometimes back.” Irene said opening her phone for me to read the SMS.
The SMS read, “Good night, dear, sweet dreams. God bless you.”
Irene was so ready to prove her innocence.
After we parted with Irene, on our way home, Carol was still laughing remembering how Irene described Luke.
“Haha, but Luke surely how could he do that? Can he afford a lady like Irene?” Carol wondered.
“Haha, perhaps he should try you.” I told Carol jokingly.
“Oh! Hell no! I would never date such a religious bigot. Life would be so boring with such a man. I would rather someone like you.” Carol said pushing herself jokingly towards me such that her right shoulder bumped my left hand. I staggered a bit since I wasn’t expecting it.
“Oh! Carol, don’t you know you are strong enough you can hit me until I fall down?” I asked Carol.
“Ah! No. You are a man and I can tell you are strong enough.” Carol joked even further.
“No, am not super man.” I told Carol.
“Do you want to tell me you cannot lift Sally off the ground?” Carol asked and looked at me keenly as if waiting for an answer.
“Aha, I lift her up whenever I want.” I told Carol looking into her face.
“Wow! Lucky girl. Women love strong romantic men.” Carol said.
One thing with Carol, a day never ended without her mentioning Sally’s name; a thing that made me wonder. We continued talking and walking until I got to my place, and Carol proceeded to her place.
“Won’t you come in for supper?” I asked Carol jokingly.
“No, thank you. Next time. I shall invite you over another time too.” Carol said and went her way. I watched her back as her hips swung massively as she walked, as if she knew I was watching her.
That evening, I called Sally and told her about the dramas we had in office that day. She laughed on the other end until her ribs ached. However, what surprised me was when she said, “I miss that place, more so with you there.” I did not expect her to even miss the place after she got unceremoniously fired.
“Would you wish to come back there?” I asked her.
“If Irene gets fired, I will try my luck even if it means coming to see the boss personally. I loved that company and am willing to work there any other time.” Sally said.
She sounded so sure that Irene would get fired. I did not bother asking her why she thought or felt so, but I surely hoped Irene was going to reveal to me her source of money since I wanted money to assist my Sweet Sally so desperately.
However, that night I had a very strange dream. In the dream, Irene got fired after Luke’s allegations were found to be true, but Sally was back as a tea girl. I cannot remember where Zuhura was. In the dream, Sally came to my office and told me, “I am forever your tea girl, and your servant.”
I stood up, hugged her, kissed her and told her, “No, you are not my tea girl, you are my boss.”
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Anthony.

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