“Anything the problem?” Cynthia asked me.
“Ah! No problem. Take the newspapers to boardroom, let everyone read them from there.” 
She took the papers to boardroom.
Later in the day, I held a meeting with Carol and Chris to brief them more on their roles, as well as giving them more tips on their work. After the meeting, at around 4 pm, Chris went for 4 pm tea and I was left with Carol.
“Tony, Irene is free according to today’s paper. I hope she won’t be a threat to you anymore.” Carol sounded concerned. 
“I do not think she will be a problem to us anymore. If she tries, I will personally kill her; I did rather go to jail for that.” I told Carol. Truth is, I could not entertain her nonsense anymore.
When I went to Sally’s office however, she did not in any way sound disturbed by the news. Her confidence in herself baffled me.
“If she tries anything fishy with me, she will know the real wrath of a Turkana woman.” Sally said and she sounded serious. 
Everything moved on well for the next few weeks. Everyone seemed to settle perfectly in their department. The level of team work was excellent. Through Sally’s directive, we got a new gate man, a young, tall and slim Kalenjin guy by the name Cornelius Kiptoo who we believed was the best since he was a no nonsense man who ensured no one would get into the compound without all necessary security checks, unlike the previous old man who would at times even sleep on duty leaving outsiders to just get in unnoticed. 
Maureen too with the assistance of Cynthia really marketed our company and we began getting more clients. Our major operations were offering business consultancy, corporate branding and rebranding, which involved even international companies. Whereas most operations had remained hazy when the company was under our deceased boss and Irene, under Sally, I began really appreciating what we did and understood most of our operations. It was becoming clear that the former management team had wanted most operations to remain mysterious to most of us so that they would continue embezzling funds without being suspected as most clients paid handsomely to us, and we were getting more funds to finance our operations.
It got to a point where even in absence of Sally, or even both of us, the rest would comfortably handle clients on site or offsite. 
One morning, Carol came to my office and she seemed sad.
“What is it Carol?” I asked her.
“I got bad news from Charles’s wife. Charles committed suicide after learning he was HIV positive. However, his wife was confirmed HIV negative. But she is so saddened by her husband’s death as he was the sole bread winner.” Carol told me. 
“That is so sad to hear.” I told Carol. She looked down briefly.
“I feel like I am responsible for his death, I feel like I killed him.” Carol said sadly. 
“No. You are not. Calm down.” I told Carol. Though I also felt like I was partly responsible for his death since were it not for us wanting to distract him from Irene, probably he would have been alive.
“But I have decided to keep the baby.” Carol suddenly said. It was then I remembered she too was pregnant.
I smiled and told her, “By the way, Sally is also pregnant, expecting our baby. She even went for scanning and the doctor said she is expecting a baby boy.” I told Carol. She looked at me and brightened.
“Wow! I am so happy for you guys. And you have all this time kept this from me?” Carol asked.
“Sorry, we were so busy with a lot of work, I hardly remembered to tell you. Besides, you also hardly come to my office since I got out of IT department.” I told Carol.
“You got elevated and I respect your office.” Carol said.
“No, you don’t have to fear coming here. Feel free.” I told Carol.
After we talked for some time, Carol left for her office.
I began thinking of officially going to Sally’s place to seek their parent’s approval to formally marry their daughter.
In the evening, I noticed Sally had a lot of work and wanted to extend.
“No, I want to go home with you.” I insisted to her.
“Then help me finalize this report I am compiling.” Sally told me. I took part of the report and we did it together to completion and she sent it to the directors. 
“I want us to plan to visit your parents formally. I shall come along with my elders too.” I told Sally, she was excited with the idea, but fearful as she did not know what to expect after running away. It was not possible to communicate with his cousin as his phone was almost never available.
“Who shall we leave in charge for the 2 days we shall be away?” Sally asked me.
“I suggest Carol, with the help of Abdi. They seem able to manage this place too. They should handle the office for the 2 days. Thursday and Friday. We shall hire Ken to take us there with his Land cruiser.” I told Sally.
We left the office at almost 7 pm.
The following morning, we called Abdi and Carol to a meeting to brief them on what roles we expected of them. They admitted it was challenging but were willing to take up the challenge. As we were talking, Abdi said, “By the way, this place seems small and the company is growing very fast.”
“Oh! By the way, directors wanted me to plan on how we shall get a place of our own instead of hiring. They want us to purchase a certain plot, set up our own office complex there soonest possible and move our operations there. I had nearly forgotten that!” Sally said.
An idea came to me. Ken, despite being a taxi driver, told me he had also done architecture.
“I have a suggestion. Ken the driver told me he did architecture. Why can’t we try and see if he can design for us the facility, do the cost listing and estimations so that you can hand over to the directors?” I told Sally.
“You mean, that friend of yours is a designer? I find it hard to believe!” Sally said.
“You better believe. Remember you also worked as a tea girl here and no one ever thought you can be a manager.” I told Sally.
“Oh! Yes. You have a point. We shall discuss with him that on our way. For now, let us brief the team on how to handle the place on the two days we shall not be here.” Sally said.
“We have so many hidden opportunities in this world. Most people are at their level not because they are incompetent, lazy or fools, but due to a lack of opportunity. Let us give that opportunity to Ken, you never know, he may surprise us!” I insisted. 
As we were talking, Reginah texted me saying she wished to meet me if possible that evening. I replied I shall meet her if possible.
“I also suggest we probe Celestine more. She is a cleaner here but who knows, she might be having hidden potentials. We may be denying her an opportunity. Furthermore, she is an introvert and rarely talks so we can make her talk more about herself to us.” I suggested.
Sally added, “Who would have known Cynthia can also work as if she was already trained? The lady is just too smart as if she has a college education. I am thinking of adding her more roles in her work.” Sally said.
“I guess we shall have an internal workshop to explore more of our potentials, talents and abilities. Make employees free to share with us what they perhaps know or can do. Even Cornelius shall be in that meeting. The way he handles himself, there is more into him.” I said.
We continued to discuss more until 10 am and we went for our usual tea break.
After tea break, we went back to our work and there was a lot to be done so that by the time we were travelling, we would leave things in order.
We decided to travel on Thursday and we left Nairobi at exactly 9 am. We passed by our home, in Githunguri and picked along my father, my aunt and another elderly man. My father was worried since he had no idea about Turkana traditions. 
Ken was cruising at top speed as he was used to. Under my father’s suggestion, they sat at the back seat with elderly man, Sally sat at the furthest back seat with my aunt, as I sat in front with Ken. On our way, I briefed Ken about the project we wanted to give him to design for us an office complex and he was so excited about the idea. 
My aunt gave Sally good company since despite her being my aunt, she was barely older than me so they were generally like age mates and both ladies coped with each other perfectly.
“It will give me an opportunity to practice what I learned in campus.” Ken said.
“Will you also supervise the work?” I asked Ken. 
“I will get a competent foreman, who will work under me. I will be coming on site to just ensure the work is progressing well as I continue to get some extra income from my usual work.” Ken said.
“If you do a nice job, more will come your way.” I told Ken and he was so happy about the idea.
As we were cruising, I noticed it had rained a bit and some deer and gazelles were grazing in the bushes.
“My father really loves gazelle meat.” Sally said.
“I once ate it a long time ago, it was very sweet.” My father said.
“Yet here we have so many and we cannot get even one of them.” I said.

Ken looked at me suggestively and continued driving. 
“Can’t one of them just throw itself on the road? We can knock it and go with it.” Sally said jokingly.
“What if it makes us overturn?” The other elderly man asked.
“This vehicle is so strong; a gazelle cannot make it overturn. Besides, the guard rails are so strong and are pure metal.” Ken said as he accelerated. 
“Have you ever eaten some gazelle meat?” I asked Ken.
“No, I have never eaten wild meat either.” Ken said.
“You travel a lot and take tourists to Masai Mara, how comes you have never even ate one from there?” I asked Ken. He looked at me.
“Poaching is a crime, we would just have to poach to get one.” Ken said.
“Some people are licensed poachers of game meat.” My father said.
Suddenly, an idea came over my mind, a wild idea and I did not even expect Ken would agree to it.
“Ken, did you carry your gun?” I asked Ken. He was startled by my question.
“Yes, why?” Ken asked concentering on the road ahead. Some gazelles were grazing from afar. 
“I want you to stop and shoot one of gazelles for us.” I told Ken. He looked at me as if to gauge whether I was serious. 
“Tony, you must be joking. These animals are hard to shoot more so at such a long range.” Ken said.
“Stop. Try shooting one for us.” I told Ken.
Ken slowed gradually and came to a complete stop. We got outside and stretched our legs a bit. Ken brought out his gun and I could tell the rest were so surprised. 
“I carry a gun for security reasons.” Ken told them smiling. 
“Now, shoot one for us.” I told Ken. 
“I am not so sure if I will hit one, I have never shot something at such a long range.” Ken said corking his gun.
“Have you ever shot anything?” Sally asked Ken as my aunt just looked at the horizon.
“Yes, a lion that was just about 10 meters from me. I have never shot a human being though.” Ken said with some pride.
Ken took some time to aim, when he was sure he will make a hit, he fired.
It was immediately obvious he missed as all the gazelles heard the loud bang of the gun and began running away top speed, going in zig zag.
“Damn! There goes our meat. You missed!” I told Ken. 
“I told you it is not easy to hit at such a long range. Now it won’t be possible to hit any while they are running away.” Ken said making as if to return his gun.
Suddenly, Sally told Ken, “Give me the gun, faster!” 
All of us were surprised.
“Do you know how to use it?” Ken wondered. Sally looked so serious and Ken handed her the gun. She recorked it fast with a lot of ease.
We stood there completely and genuinely surprised.
She knelt down with one knee; she was wearing a long loosely fitting dress so that was easy. She quickly aimed at one moving gazelle as they almost rounded a huge rock as to go out of our view and fired.
One gazelle shot in the air so high, fell again on the ground, did a complete roll and fell down struggling to move.
I did not wait to know if it was really shot, but I bolted towards that direction, with Ken following me. Sally followed us walking at top speed.
I thought I was dreaming. It was a perfect kill: the bullet hit the gazelle right on the chest, probably the bullet hit its lungs or heart since the gazelle was completely immobilized as it lay down there dying. I was completely awed by Sally. 
We carried the dead animal to the small boot of the car and proceeded with our journey. I could tell everyone in that vehicle beheld Sally with new respect, including me.
“When did you learn to shoot?” I asked Sally.
“I grew up in a hostile environment and raiders from Ethiopia, Sudan and Pokot raiders would come to kill our people and take away our animals. So, my cousin taught me how to use a gun so that in case they ever got me by surprise I would be able to defend myself. I never wanted to kill anyone though. So, I just mastered how to shoot, but have never bothered shooting someone.” Sally said.
“Do you know how to use pistols?” I asked Sally in awe.
“Yes.” She answered calmly.
It dawned upon me that the day she held the pistol that Irene had dropped, she could easily have killed Irene with one clean perfect shot, but for whatever reasons, she never bothered. Sally was not a killer, but she was a lethal woman who would be dangerous if she chose to. 
When we got to Sally’s place, we learned that the man who had wanted to marry her got married to another young lady. Sally’s father was so happy to learn that we were willing to help him repay the debt he owed the old man and we left him with enough money to take care of that. We paid dowry for Sally after some negotiations with their elders and ours; after we were done, we left the following day which was on a Friday evening.
Sally’s father was also extremely happy with the gazelle that we took for him. He took it and blessed us. We even roasted some of its meat and ate.
As we were about to leave, I stood alone with Sally and asked her, “Sweet Sally, so all along you knew how to use a gun and you never told me?”
Along the way on our return journey, Ken told me he was feeling tired and I suggested I take the wheel. I drove for almost 200 KM as Ken slept until he was fresh to continue.
We arrived at Nairobi at almost noon in Saturday. When we got home and settled, Sally looked at me smiling and asked, “Sweet Tony, so all along you knew how to drive and you never told me?”
I knew what she was arriving at. We both laughed.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love

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