We just put on our bathrobes and prepared supper together, and that evening we did not even switch on the television. We ate together, washed the dishes together and even ironed our following day clothes together.
We went to bed and made some sweet romantic love, with a lot of Taoism in order to promote s3xual healing amongst us until we just passed out and slept like little children.
Cut out scene.
(The 2 pages with the Taoism erotic scene)
We must have slept without knowing since by the time I woke up, it was some minutes past 3 am in the morning. Whereas I slept on top of the blankets, I woke up under blankets.
Sally woke up too briefly. 
“Did you cover me?” I asked her.
“Yes, you slept almost immediately you nearly passed out on top of me, so I rolled you over and covered you.” Sally told me. That was so caring and kind of her considering the night was cold. Sally just treated me like a baby, her baby and I knew she was going to be a good mother. 
I went back to sleep and we slept holding each other.
In the morning, Sally woke up and cooked some millet porridge which we drank, prepared to go to work and off we went.
When I got to my office, Irene had already come to office and she greeted me.
“You did not get time to review my yesterday’s work.” Irene told me handing me over her flash disk.
“Oh! Yes, thank you. Let me go through it.” I told Irene.
I went through the constitution silently.
“This is good work, let me send it over to the boss for review.” I told Irene and sent the document to Sally. It was not a long document, but it had details of welfare constitution.
Immediately Sally saw it, she called me to her office. 
“The constitution is good, but I want some few things amended. For example, when someone comes into the company, he or she is automatically a member and membership cease immediately you leave the company.
Also, contribution should come direct from salaries, at end month. Contributions to be uniform.” Sally said and made notes. She reverted the document to me via email and I went to discuss it with Irene in my office. 
So, I called Irene to come sit close to me in my office but as we discussed I realized she was not paying attention.
“What is the matter?” I asked her.
“Tony, I feel so lonely, I miss you, I miss the times we were together. I feel bad now that I am pregnant with your baby and you are out of bounds. I cry almost every night remembering everything about you. Please Tony, consider me too. I am a human being with feelings too. You are completely ignoring me like I don’t exist, like there is nothing between us. This is not fair. There is a child between us. Tony, please be human to me at least. I know you cannot leave Sally but at least consider my feelings too.” Irene told me sounding miserable. 
“Irene, I am sorry for what happened and I regret you are pregnant, but there is nothing I can do.” I told Irene.
Irene made an attempt to touch my hand.
“STOP IT! This is a work place, and you better carry yourself professionally.” I told her almost shouting and she immediately backed off.
As I was thinking what to tell her next, Carol knocked at the door. I told her to come in and immediately she came in accompanied by a lady who by all means you would not need to guess twice, she was her sister. 
She was slightly taller than Carol, not as dark as Carol but almost chocolate and the rest of herself was like Carol, body shape, walking style and size of her ass. But I could tell her style was not like Carol, she wore more decently.
“Meet my younger sister. I am introducing her around. I went to boss office and she told me she is a bit busy so she suggested I take her around she will talk to her later. She will introduce herself.” Carol said.
Carol’s sister extended her hand to shake my hand.
“Hi, my names are Loveynna Imbuhira Imbuyaza, Carol is my elder sister. Pleasure to meet you.” She said. Her voice was high pitched and as I looked at her eyes, she looked sleepy and I wondered whether she just arrived that morning.

“Welcome, did you travel tonight?” I asked her.
“No, I got here yesterday.” Loveynna told me and I thought perhaps those were her natural eyes.
She greeted Irene too excitedly and shook her hand.
“Looking forward to know you more.” Irene told Loveynna.
“At home we call her love, sort of a nick name.” Carol told me and they both laughed slightly. 
We all laughed and Irene said, “Ok, we shall be calling her love, sounds easier to me.” 
To be honest, love sounded easier to pronounce and the other Luganda names were more difficult to even pronounce. But calling someone love sounded peculiar to me. 
Loveynna to be honest was super sexy and it looked odd having her work as a cleaner. That meant she was a lady who carried herself with absolute humility. I knew she would drive Collins crazy and I hoped she was not HIV positive too, crazy wild thoughts.
I went to have some tea and left Irene in the office working on correcting the document of welfare constitution.
At the cafĂ©, I met Sally seated with Loveynna briefing her on her roles. She sat with legs closed listening keenly but her huge hips protruded from her small chair she was seated on. 
“In case you have an issue, feel free to forward it to my office or to Mr. Tony’s office. We encourage openness around here.” Sally told her as I sat to drink my tea.
“Our offices are completed, I will procure the services of a certain company which helps people to move places to help us settle there. We should settle there and begin working from there by next week.” I told Sally.
“Oh! Great. Do that soonest, we should be out of this place now. It is getting smaller for us.” Sally told me.
As soon as I finished my tea, I went to Collins.
“Collins, we shall be moving out of here tomorrow. I want you to ensure everything that can be packed is packed and arranged. Ensure everything shall be safe. When the guys come, assist them as much as you can.” I told Collins who was still working in the compound. 
Sally was walking with Loveynna back to office when Collins saw them and his mind completely switched off from what I was telling him. He watched her until they got inside the office. No sooner had she disappeared than Collins looked at me and said, “DAMN! Who is that?” 
“Collins, concentrate with what I am telling you.” I told Collins authoritatively.
I briefed him on everything and I went back to Sally’s office.
“I need some money to pay the moving company as a down payment today.” I told Sally. 
She approved some Kshs 30,000 for me and off I went.
On my way out, I met Cynthia coming back from some shopping. 
>>>To be continued>>>

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