That day we did not go to work. The directors told us not to report that day as they were to have a closed-door meeting to deliberate on what next after the disastrous event of eventual death of our boss. 
“So, you wholly believed I have left you for Irene?” Sally asked me as we sat at home.
“Yes, the day you slapped me I thought it was over. Damn! I now fully understand.” I told Sally. 
“Forgive me for subjecting you to so much emotional turmoil and humiliation. But I had told you to let me do it my own way. Irene was way too smart and could see into your feelings so I had to do that.” Sally told me.
“And the mother of all questions, how did you get the documents? I thought they were all burnt!” I told Sally.
Sally breathed in and began narrating the whole saga.
“I got a book from your home library about hypnosis. I also got the perfumes described in the book. I decided I shall seduce Irene and pretend I was a lesbian. Apparently, I did not think it could work but it worked. Irene was moved by revenge and would have done anything to separate us so she fell for thinking I was drawn by her charms. I once called her into my office and kissed her.” Sally paused.
“You mean, you kissed her?” I wondered.
“YES! A nice passionate French kiss and began caressing her. I am a woman remember, I know what drives me mad, so I knew the weak points to press to deliver maximum effect. It worked. I began to hypnotize her and she got talking. It is how she revealed to me that the original documents were hidden in boss’s office. During hypnosis I drugged her with some herbs to send her to sleep. She slept.
I took the keys from her handbag, went to Boss’s office, took out all documents but I knew there was a challenge; she would somehow get to know. So, I went to the store, took all old newspapers and stashed them in files and folders so as to appear like all documents were still intact. I hid all of them in my office cabinet. I closed the office and returned the keys to her handbag. I just waited for her to wake up at around 8 pm.
When she woke up she wanted to know what happened. I told her it was so sweet for her until she slept; she just smiled. All that I did when you went to Mombasa.
I was lucky since the following day she took out all documents and burnt them not knowing she was burning old newspapers.”
“Where did you get the herbs to drug her?” I asked.
“I carried some with me the ones I used to drug that old man who wanted to marry me by force.” She revealed. 
She continued, “So in the subsequent days I began doing audit with the real documents as I also prepared the fake audit too. But I realized some documents were missing.
I hypnotized her yet again and she revealed to me some are at her home. I devised a plan to end up at her house by pretending to be a lesbian and she fell for it. So, we went to her house, I hypnotized her yet again and she told me where all were located. I drugged her, removed all of them and hid them. Since they were so many, I put them in a huge parcel and went to a courier service to have them sent to me at my work place as a parcel. It was delivered the following day.
However, when she woke up she was so horny and was crying to have fucked. I had anticipated that and I had bought a dildo so I just used it to release her sexual tension.” Sally said, paused and smiled at me.
“Damn! Continue, I am listening!” I urged her.
“So as not to seem suspicious, I decided to continue being with her and even sleeping at her place. I got to know she has several bank accounts but she was running into problems since the accounts have been frozen pending investigations, so before they froze the accounts, she got to sense it and withdrew 3 million which she kept inside her house. Probably to be using them when they freeze her accounts. All the whole she was revealing that to me in deep hypnotized state. I asked her where the money was and she told me. She even gave me the secret password to the secret safe hidden in her house. I drugged her again.
I went in search of the secret safe, opened it and to my astonishment there were so many fresh 1,000 notes! I took them, sealed them like a gift and carried them in my handbag the following day to work.
But yesterday evening as we came, I finally brought the money here.” Sally said.
At that point, I did not know what to think. Was Sally lying to me or?
“Do you mean, you have all 3 million here!?” I asked her.
“Yes, follow me.” I followed her to our bedroom.
She removed a well wrapped gift from our drawer. I had not realized she had kept it there the previous night.
She took it, opened it on our bed and to my horror, there were 1,000 Kshs notes, very fresh, very new. 
“Help me to count them.” Sally requested and we counted all of them and realized there were 3.2 million Kshs!
“Sally, this is stealing.” I told her jokingly.
“What was she thinking stealing from me? My most precious gift from me? Or you don’t know you are worth my own life, darling?” Sally asked me smiling.
“So, I continued to stay at her place. At no time did she ever see me naked, but one time during hypnosis I got so horny, after fucking Irene with a dildo I just went to the bathroom to masturbate, but I did not use the dildo.” Sally told me shyly.
“Damn! Continue…” I told Sally.
“I returned, continued fucking her with the dildo while she was hypnotized until she bled. I felt like I wanted to destroy her v@gina, how could she snatch my dick from me?” Sally asked.
“Damn! Sally that was savage of you, was that all necessary?” I asked her.
“The hell I should care, she should have known better not to mess with me. She cried due to pain but I soothed her until she slept. I went to her computer, there were a lot of secrets in her home computer about her business deals and all international connections. Do you know what I did?” Sally asked me.
“Tell me…” I was eager to know.
“I formatted the entire hard disk the way you showed me. Destroyed everything in her computer. All her business contacts, documents, files, records etc. including some photos you had taken with her in her house. I also got into her laptop, using her emails, I contacted all her business associates and told them “Due to some financial constraints, I am hereby withdrawing my commitment to our business operations. I hereby request you to cancel all transactions and operations that I had ordered.” Most replied. With that, I am sure her shoddy and crooked business empire will come crumbling down. She will be left with nothing. 
Rule number 15 in the 48 laws of power states that “Crush your enemies totally!” All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.
Irene was my enemy and I just wanted to completely finish her, never to raise again.” Sally told me.
I had never thought Sally could be so sophisticated with perfectly calculated moves in her actions. Sally gained my maximum respect that day, I beheld her with fear, awe, admiration, reverence, adoration to near worship. 

Sally was a goddess, she could be the nicest person if she chose to, but it was also real that she could be the worst person if she chose to. I found myself wishing that I shall never be on the wrong side of her life, I mean, that was total extermination of Irene and my boss. With Irene facing a near brink in her vast business empire and with the realization that Sally’s report could have shocked our boss so much such that she got a heart attack and died, I was left with no choice than to venerate Sally like a goddess, a goddess who could pronounce both blessings and curses in equal measure if she chose to.
“Honey, did you ever think I could have become a lesbian?” Sally asked me earnestly.
“I was confused, to be honest. I thought I have just lost you.” I told Sally. 
Sally looked at me into my eyes for some time, she then began taking the 1,000 Kshs notes and began stacking them inside the box she had placed them before.
“What are you doing?” I asked Sally. She looked at me, pulled me gently and kissed me.
“I want you right now!” Sally told me. I realized she was cleaning the bed so that we could make love.
I began kissing her passionately as if I did not care that there were Kshs 1,000 notes scattered on our bed counting to over 3 million Kshs.
I pushed her on top of them and began undressing her. We both undressed each other hungrily and it was apparent that we were so sexually starved.
I threw her on bed and as I began kissing and licking her body, she moaned and pulled me hard to lie on her. It was obvious she was too horny to wait and since I already had an erection, I pushed myself into her and we made sweet passionate love in the process scattering the money all over with some falling under our bed. We made love until we both climaxed simultaneously so hard until we cried.
We remained embracing each other until we slept, only to wake up at 4 pm.
“We must have overslept.” I told Sally.
“Yes, and I am also hungry.” Sally told me.
“Darling, we now are prepared to get married officially, use some of these to pay my dowry. We can plan on whether to have a civil wedding later or to just move on. I don’t fancy huge church weddings, I hate extravagance in my life.” Sally told me.
“That is a good idea, when do we go to meet your parents officially?” I asked Sally.
“As soon as we can, please go with your elders. It shows respect.” Sally told me. It was obvious she respected her traditions.
The following day, we went to work and it was obvious major changes were looming. Directors were there with us, but we noticed that Delilah did not come to work. 
Our directors called us for an urgent meeting.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen.” The founding director, a one Mr. Stanley Kamau greeted us and continued.
“As we saw the unfortunate turn of events, we cannot suspend our operations. The business must have continuity. However, as we already know, Madam Angeline is dead and we are organizing to go for her burial next week. But before then, I want Sally to take charge of the company as we plan what next, Anthony by the virtue of the longest serving employee you will be Sally’s assistant. Carol, you will be the head of IT department from now henceforth. The rest of you continue with your duties according to the capacities accorded to you by the company. In the meantime, we need the following positions filled:
• Assistant IT administrator
• Accountant
• Public relations
• Cook
We also shall expand our operations and we are expecting more workers to join us. Any questions or suggestions.”
I raised my hand and was granted permission to speak.
“We had Zuhura who was an excellent cafeteria manager, I suggest we recall her. We also had Luke Owino who was the accountant who first uncovered what had been going on, I suggest we reinstate him too in the meantime as we continue to search for the rest.” I suggested.
The director said it was all right, but before they got reinstated, Sally was commissioned with the task to review employees’ salaries within a week and give back a report. 
We also discussed so many other issues touching the company and our operations.
Towards the end of the meeting, the director acknowledged Sally.
“We take this opportunity to give our thanks to Sally Nasenyana for her exemplary service towards the company during her short period serving as the finance manager. Were it not for her dedication, our company was on the blink of collapse but due to her effort, we now foresee great success for our company. I hope and trust Sally won’t disappoint us as we look forward to working with her. As a reward to that, we have decided to cancel out her probation period and view her as one of our permanent employees. On top of that, we have prepared a special reward for her which we hope, despite it being a small reward, it will be our appreciation of her work.” Stanly said.
Sally was awarded a medal of honor, and on top of that a cheque worth Kshs 1.2 million. Sally was so overcome with emotions she cried right in front of all of us as she was receiving her reward.
When sally finally addressed us, she finally said, “Were it not Tony, I would not be here. Now, to I am making one request from the directors, that within 2 weeks, let us have a party or an evening dinner to commemorate our achievements at a place of my choice, I promise to choose for you a nice place.” Sally said smiling. 
The directors looked at each other, smiled and told her, “Your wish is granted, Madam Sally. Please inform us in advance once the venue is known. We shall finance the dinner. And thank you for such a great suggestion. We need to forget what happened yesterday and move on.” Stanley said.
Carol also had her own request and she said, “I also request that before then, Zuhura and Luke should be with us so we should work hard to get their contacts and invite them. It shall be a major reunion if that happens.” Carol suggested. The directors looked at her and told her too, “Your wish is granted. But we do not have their contacts so it is up to you people to contact them and have them here.”
Collins also had a suggestion. It seemed like everyone had a request. “ Eeh! I know my request is a bit strange but I am just requesting.” Collins said. We all looked at him. I hoped against hope he was not requesting to come with Mkhombelo to chew there since the dude had so much obsession of the herb which he chewed daily. I knew the guy smoked weed and he could make an outrageous request, or damn hilarious one.
“Ok, make your request.” I urged him. He looked at me and smiled, a funny smile that made even the directors smile.
“I am requesting to come with my wife that day, I know this is a stuff’s affair but kindly grant me that request.” He paused and continued in a funny way, “You know, eeeh, in such a social gathering you might feel temptations seeing people having a good time and at that point you miss your wife.” He said. I did not know what reaction to expect from directors but suddenly one of them laughed and told Collins, “That is my dude! I also never leave my wife whenever I am attending social gatherings, this world is so full of temptations and to avoid them, I ensure I am never so far from my wife. Kudos Collins for making such a strange but important request, it shows how much you love your wife.”
“Oh! Yes, I love my wife.” Collins said and laughed making the rest of us laugh too.
Collins made the meeting end with a freer conversation between us and directors. It was also obvious Collins was perhaps changing from being a womanizer into.
“Sally, you are such a blessing to us.” Carol told Sally once the meeting was over.
“Why?” Sally wondered.
“You just initiated a revolution in our company, now I am headed towards earning more salary on top of being the head of a department. That is great.” Carol said.
“That is how things should be. Whenever you go, make a positive and lasting impact. Let your significance in the society be felt. When I was a tea girl, everyone was happy. I used to deliver tea on time, I used to serve people on time, I used to ensure everything I do is right. I wanted everyone to feel comfortable. Now here I am, and still I want everyone to feel comfortable and ensure everything is right. That is what we call selfless services.” Sally told Carol.
“Tony, you have such a great woman.” Carol told me.
“You are also great too.” I told her. Both ladies exchanged looks and smiled.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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