When I got to the station, the police manning the gate opened the gate for us after checking the vehicle. As the taxi driver made to park at the parking lot, I told him to head for staff quarters and without a thought, he headed there, little did I know it was a serious security breach and immediately, two police men gave chase with their guns pointed at the car.
We got at Regina’s place and I jumped out of the car and rushed to Regina’s house, got in without even knocking and found her drinking some coffee at the living room. She was so shocked to see me there.
“Tony, dear. What brings you here this morning without even informing me? And you look like you are chasing a ghost sit down and tell me what is wrong.” Regina told me.
“Regina, I need to know everything about you, right now and I am not joking.” I told her still standing.
She looked at me and stopped taking her coffee.
“What the hell is the matter with you? Calm down. Tell me what is wrong. Has someone killed anyone?” She asked seriously.
“It is you who have killed me, you knew it and you went ahead and did it.” I told her.
She laughed.
“You must be mad. Ok, tell me. How did I kill you and you are here walking? Or could this be your spirit and you are in the grave? Please stop with this joke and go straight to the point, I have some work to do.” Regina more of demanded.
I looked at her and collapsed at her seat.
“Why have you infected me with AIDS?” I asked her.
Her jaw dropped. She was shocked to hear that question and she looked at me straight into my eyes.
“Tony, stop joking! I am HIV negative for Gods sake, we did the test together and we can do it again and again. What the hell do you mean with these outrageous sickening allegations, JESUS CHRIST!...and how did you get to know that?” 
“Aren’t your names Regina Kathambi?” I asked her fuming.
“Hell no! Ok, my names are Reginah Gathambi R-E-G-I-N-A-H GATHAMBI A (K) AT THE BEGINNING! Where on earth did you get that other name from?” Regina went to her bedroom and came out carrying a bunch of documents and dropped them in front of her table so hard it shook.
“Scrutinize all those documents and tell me what my names are, including my birth certificate! And be ready to tell me what is the meaning of all this preposterous drama.” Reginah said sounding like a lioness.
I went through all the document, from birth certificates, to school certificates, to awards, to all job IDs and anything else bearing her names and to my utter shock, her names were not Regina Kathambi but was Reginah Gathambi and not a single document of her had Regina Kathambi.
I have never felt that stupid all my entire life, I began laughing to myself so hard such that Reginah began laughing too.
“Ok, let me tell you this and please forgive me for the inconvenience.” I narrated the entire morning Saga to Reginah and she laughed until she cried.
“Damn! Tony, never could I do that. It is a crime to infect someone deliberately. Besides, in my honest opinion it is very wrong not to even know someone’s HIV status before having sex with someone without a condom.”
I really apologized to Reginah for the drama but she was a really an understanding woman. 
However, when we came out of her house to go, the taxi driver had been handcuffed and the police were waiting outside with guns trained to Reginah’s door.
“It is ok, boys, no problem. He had come to report a certain very urgent case. He is one of us and works as an undercover, his name is Senior Superintendent Anthony but I will not disclose his place of work or any other information about him for he must remain as our undercover.” Immediately Reginah said so, the police profusely apologized and saluted me before standing attention. I shouted, “At ease!” Reginah nearly laughed.
“Ok Sir, what do we do with your driver? He is a wanted man.” One of the police men asked taking time to salute me. Reginah watched and smiled.
“I have an urgent assignment for him. Release him immediately, further command concerning him will come from Madam Reginah!” I told the police men and they immediately uncuffed him and told him, “Consider this as your lucky day.”
“Ok, go back to your stations.” Reginah commanded them and they disappeared. 
“Reginah, he has told me he is wanted. Let him go.” I begged Reginah.
He looked at him for some time and asked him, “What are your names and why are you wanted?” 
“I am Kenneth Kariuki. I am wanted for car theft. I carried some criminals unknowingly only for them to turn around and hijack another car and police think I was one of them because when police men approached, I left the car at traffic Jam and fled. HEY! I fear police more than I fear my wife!” Ken said.
Reginah smiled and asked him, “Your wife?!”
“Yes, officer, my wife is very dangerous, he even beat me up last night, not that I am weak, but I never want to hurt her.” Ken said. But to be honest, he looked like the type of a man who a woman can beat up.
“How much did you charge Tony to come here?” Reginah asked Ken.
“Kshs 11,000.” Ken lied. Reginah looked at me and smiled.
“Were you going to Uganda with a taxi or what?” Reginah asked but she fetched the notes from her pocket, paid Ken and we left.
“See you later, I will call you later. And please next time you get a complex scenario call first, confirm the details before rushing to make a conclusion. You will rush to your death honey.” Reginah told me as we left.
The police at the gate saluted me. They were the ones who had followed us up to Reginah’s home. I felt like a senior police man.
“Ken, you are very funny and witty!” I told Ken and he laughed.
“I am Kikuyu brother, besides that Madam seems very loaded. We need more of her and our problems in this world will be past tense.” Ken said in a deep Kikuyu accent and laughed hard.
“Here, get this… I must appreciate a brother for a blessed morning. I might as well call it a day.” Ken gave me Kshs 1,000 as he dropped me at our workplace gate, he also gave me his phone number and told me to call him whenever I needed a taxi. He was so happy like he had just struck a gold mine in the morning. He drove away singing a gospel song.
The time: it was 12 pm when I finally got at work.
“Tony, Madam boss said immediately you come, you should see her. She is so unhappy you did not arrive on time at work. You better have a nice convincing lie for her.” Carol told me immediately I got at my office. 
“I will tell her the truth since what I have might be good news for her.” I told Carol and she seemed to wonder what I meant.
I knocked at boss’ door and she told me, “Come in.”
Immediately I sat down, she told me to close the door behind me. I expected her to reprimand me. But immediately I closed the door, she softened her gaze and said, “Tony, Sam called me and told me you have something to tell me, be brief and tell me what it is.”
“First, I am sorry I am late. I had a lengthy talk with Mr. Sam in the morning. You had told me to investigate Sam for you, well this is what I found out: Sam got divorced and is no longer in touch with his ex-wife, Sam told me he loves you and wants to be with you, in fact he told me he feels so lonely and miserable without you in his life and wished whatever differences you have, you can go and iron them out. Moreover, even Cynthia his daughter talks nicely about you. Sam had told her he will introduce both of you to know each other and she is so happy and willing to have someone to call mother. She is so eager to meet you too.” I paused and continued, “Madam, I think you should go and meet Sam. In my opinion, he loves you so much.”
I however did not tell her about the rest of the drama involving an HIV positive woman, I felt it was absolutely unnecessary to even mention it as it would create unnecessary tension. Furthermore, Sam had not had sex with her so it would never serve any purpose for the boss to know.
By the time I finished talking, my boss was beaming with a huge smile like a teenager girl who had just discovered she is loved by a handsome man.
“Tony, I am so grateful, you did a fantastic job. I really appreciate. Thank you so much.” Boss said and I could tell she was so happy.

“Madam, can I ask you something sensitive? Please do not feel offended.” I asked her. She studied me for a while and told me, “Ask, feel free.”
“I have never heard you talk of a husband or children. Were you perhaps ever married? Do you have children?” I asked looking at her but immediately her facial expression changed and I knew the answer might not be good.
“Tony, life has a lot of challenges, and unfairness. I was once married to a very vibrant and handsome man like you. However, we stayed almost 10 years without getting children. Pressure increased from his family to get children and his family began interfering with our marriage. It got to a point I could not take it anymore and I called it quits. I sincerely thought I was barren and resolved never to get married again. But after 4 years after I got divorced, I met another man and we fell in love. When we got sexually active and I assumed I could not get pregnant but was so surprised to realize I was pregnant with 4 months pregnancy. I later gave birth to a baby girl. However, before we moved in with that man, he was shot and killed by thugs while going home from work. That is why I am still single up to today.”
That was a sad tale from my boss.
“I am sorry Madam.” I told her sympathizing with her.
“Oh! Tony, I already moved on. Life has challenges but we must press on and overcome them. Every fighter has scars. Those are my scars and testimonies too.” She said smiling.
“Well, ok. Excuse me to go back to my office. I am sorry I came late.” I told her.
“No problem Tony, I understand you perfectly, but at least next time you come late for whatever reason at least call or text in advance to alert me.” She said. Truth is, in the morning I was so confused I forgot to call.
I passed by Irene’s office. She rose, greeted me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips before moving on to sit.
“Why are you late? Boss was annoyed but it seems all is well.” She wondered.
“I had some issues that I was attending to urgently, but all is well don’t worry.” I told her.
I sorted some computing problems she had before proceeding to my office.
“You are so much at ease. I know you have perfectly ‘seduced’ the boss until she does not care you came late. Ok, let us go for early lunch and you tell me why you are late.” Carol told me as we proceeded to the restaurant.
When we got there, I met a lady at the restaurant. Also, there was a young man holding a flower vase as if he was admiring it.
“Welcome, my names are Delilah Mwende, am the new restaurant manager.” She told me with a smile extending her hands to greet me. Delilah was a petite, graceful, beautiful brown lady, medium height, quite talkative and very friendly. She seemed very comfortable with her job too and she carried glasses with professionalism that left me wondering whether she had decades of working at a restaurant. 
“Nice to meet you, my names are Anthony Kerry. I am in IT department.” I told Delilah briefly.
“Wow! Nice. I hope to know you more.” Delilah said and proceeded to serve us.
I approached the man who I judged was our new garner and care taker.
“Hi, I am Tony, I work in IT department.” I told him. He gave me a firm handshake it nearly hurt.
“I am Collins Wanyama. I am a new gardener and care taker in this facility. Pleasure to meet you.” He told me with a full smile. He was wearing an apron but when he removed it to drink some tea, I marveled at his physique.
Collins though shorter than me had very broad shoulders, probably the broadest I had seen in the recent past, he was very muscular, had big powerful looking hands and despite wearing a loose T shirt he was nearly filling it. He looked more like a professional wrestler or a bouncer fit for working at a club and I wondered how he ended up at our place. His head however was small compared to his body making his shoulders seem even broader.
“Dude! Do you work out or what?” I asked Collins, clearly impressed by his physique. He laughed with a deep loud voice before answering, “Yes, I do work out once in a while.”
When he moved, he looked like a robot. I knew Collins was not the type of guys you would wish to mess up with as he looked like he could break your neck with ease like breaking some sugar cane.
When we settled to have our tea, Collins ate 3 eggs, half a bread and 2 bananas. When he realized I was astonished by his huge appetite he looked at me and said, “My work is too physical, I need a lot of energy to perform so I must eat enough.” He ate fast and returned to his work.
When Irene came, I asked her, “Where did you get Collins, what are his qualifications of being here?” 
Irene told me, “He has a Diploma in Landscape architecture and he has promised to transform this place to look like a park.”
Carol laughed and said, “I think it is him who should be our security man manning the gate. I am sure no one would dare come in by force.”
“Hmm, you mean? But no matter how strong a man is, we women always soften them and subdue them. Samson was a mighty warrior but Delilah charms overcame him leading to his death.” Irene said with a smile.
“By the way, our new tea girl’s name is Delilah, coincidence…” Carol added loudly until Delilah heard her inside the restaurant booth.
“Yes, I am, but I doubt I am as charming as the Biblical Delilah, if I were, I would not be single.” Delilah said as by the way.
“Why be single with lots of men willing all over?” Carol asked Delilah.
“Men of late are just heart breakers. I wish to remain single for a while.” Delilah said and laughed while holding a calculator. When I observed her using the calculator, in idea came into my mind. I never thought of the fact that the restaurant would require a computer.
“Delilah, do you know how to use a computer?” I asked Delilah.
“Yes, a little. I did some packages so am not badly off.” Delilah answered.
“Ok, I will bring a computer here which you shall be using to do your work and keep your records. I hope you are ok with that.” I told her.
“Wow! Thank you. It will surely make my work easier there is a lot of paper work here. I will really appreciate. In fact, I will learn more as I work with it.” Delilah said clearly delighted.
“Which packages are you proficient in?” Carol asked Delilah.
“Word, Excel, Power point, Publisher, Access, and some bit of Corel Draw. I am also good with internet and I can say, the rest I can at least guide myself. But I am sure with you guys I can get to learn more.”
We finished with our tea break and as we were going back to office, we noticed that a certain large flower vessel with a big flowery tree had been moved to a corner of the compound, around 10 meters from where it used to be obstructing the restaurant door a little.
“Delilah, how did that flower get there?” Carol asked on our way out.
“Collins carried it.” She said and continued with her work.
“I envy Collins, I should join a gym. I have been slim for all my life I think I should build some muscles.” I told Irene on our way back to office.
“Don’t even think about it, I hate men with big muscles. They look to artificial to me.” Irene said and jokingly patted me in the back.
“Besides, muscular men have tiny dicks, who wants a tooth pick?” Carol said and laughed. Irene just looked at her in awe.
“What about slim men?” Irene asked Carol.
“Slim men, they are slim but the only big thing in their body is their dick. Slim men mostly have dicks which are proportionally bigger than their bodies.” Carol said with a chuckle.
Irene looked at me and winked. I just smiled.
“I also hear that slim ladies have big holes while ladies with big buttocks have small holes…and men love small tight holes.” I said.
Both ladies looked at me and unconsciously looked at each other’s buttocks as if comparing themselves. I realized that was a silly comment to make considering that Carol’s buttocks were way larger than Irene’s and I immediately added, “But when a lady is a virgin, her pussy is tighter regardless of whether she has small buttocks or big buttocks.”
“You are the man, you can tell us.” Irene said, looked at me and smiled.
But as we walked, Carol deliberately walked stepping with much force such that her buttocks literally trembled as she walked. The fact that she was wearing a short loose-fitting skirt and she seemed to have worn nothing beneath made it even more visible. I guessed she was feeling proud of her butt.
I turned around and behold, Collins stood from a far ogling Carol’s buttocks completely transfixed. When he realized I had seen him, he smiled with a broad maniacal smile. I smiled back and he went back to work.
Immediately I got to my office, I told Carol to order a new set of a computer to be taken to the restaurant. The computer was to cost Kshs 72,000 since it was to be a brand-new computer, Pentium IV, Dual core processor, 500 GB, 4 GM RAM with a 3.4 GHZ processor. I wanted the best for her work.
The order was placed and taken to Irene for approval. 
Since I was feeling hungry, I proceeded for lunch a little earlier and I met Collins already having his lunch. The man had ravenous appetite. 
“Man! That lady has a nice ass.” Collins told me referring to Carol.
“True, that lady rocks.” I told him.
“Do you dig that one?” Collins asked. We were getting used to each other so fast since he too had a friendly character and I realized he was a lighthearted man. 
“No, she is just a colleague.” I told him and smiled.
“Oh! Men, I wish she would give me some chance, I would eat Mkhombelo for 3 days and raw cassava before digging her.” Collins said and laughed.
I knew Mkhombelo as some natural herbs from Kakamega forest but there were very rare to get. They enhance men libido tremendously when consumed.
“Collins, do you know where I can get Mkhombelo?” I asked Collins.
“Yes, even today if you wish to get some. If you consume that stuff, you will dig your lady until she sings Hallelujah and call you daddy. It is why Luhya men are never divorced once married.” Collins said with some pride.
“Are you married?” I asked him as a matter of interest.
“Yes, 2 years now with a baby boy of 2 years. I made her pregnant and decided I would rather marry her than let her suffer alone with a baby.” Collins said before showing me his wife’s photo in his phone. She was a slim lady almost his height. I wondered why he got married to a slim lady yet he seemed to fancy ladies with fleshy bodies but then again, perhaps he made her pregnant and decided to stick to her.
“But I would not mind a second wife.” Collins added. 
“Haha, and I know your second wife would be like Carol.” I told him.
“Carol? Who is Carol?” Collins wondered.
“That lady who in my office with big ass.” I told him and looked at him. 
He laughed thunderously and said, “Oh! Yea! Man! That woman makes my blood boil.”
He was talking with so much ease like he had worked with me for months if not years.
When Carol and Irene joined us for lunch, Collins changed the topic and talked much about how he loved transforming places into living paradises, and even promised to make our compound very attractive. It was clear he loved his job. He however never sounded interested with computers at all.
When evening came, Carol left to meet Charles and I left with Irene as we headed to her place. She let me drive.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by. Dr. Love.

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
