I sent her Kshs 8,000 and she replied, “Thank you sweetie, have a good day.”
Were it not for Irene’s payment, I would not have had any amount to send to Sally.
“Do you know where the SMARTEX is located? I called and they directed me but am unable to locate the street.” I told Carol as we were doing some work in the office.
She tried to direct me but it seemed like I was not able to get there on my own.
“Do you mind taking me there perhaps?” I asked Carol to do me that favor to which she agreed on condition that we go on Saturday since during week day it would not be easy. I had no problem with that either.
“Tony, what is the problem with you? You are growing thin so fast.” Irene told me one morning after greeting me. He was accompanied by Luke on their way to for tea break.
“Oh! Really, I haven’t noticed.” I replied trying to sound as honest as possible.
“Come on buddies, you may be famished let us go for tea break.” Luke said before adding, “but remember man shall not live on bread alone but on every word, that comes out of the mouth of the lord.”
“Hmm, St. Luke, there is more to life than just believing in God.” Carol said.
“No, Carol, probably Tony needs Jesus more than he needs food.” Luke insisted. I was not religious and this conversation was beginning to irritate me.
“Luke, if you so much believe, why not stay for just a week without eating and you will see the importance of food.” Carol dared Luke before suddenly moving to stand in front of him so close her breasts were nearly touching Luke’s chest. She was wearing very high heeled shoes which made her derriere assume a very provocative curve. She then added, “Luke, you cannot ignore the good things of life just because you are a staunch believer.”
Luke laughed a little before stepping aside. Irene laughed before looking at Carol and saying, “You little girl you are so funny. You are daring Luke with your beauty, Luke will probably call fire from heaven to burn you alive if you continue like that.”
“Ah, I don’t want to burn, I still have a lot of life to live, let me grab my office mate and go for some tea, seems you guys are not in a hurry.” Carol said and grabbed my hand and leading me the way towards our cafĂ©. 
Luke and Irene followed a few steps behind us.
“Oh! Welcome, please have a seat.” Zuhura said upon seeing us before slowly moving to where we were seated and adding, “What can I assist you with? There is Viazi, Kaimati, Bajia, Mahamri, and…”
Before she finished talking, Irene cut her short by saying, “Wow! Just bring me some Bajia. I once ate them when I was in coast and those things are so sweet.”
“What about the rest of you?” Zuhura asked politely.
“Bring me some Kaimati and Mahamri” I said.
“What about you Carol?”, Zuhura asked.
Carol hesitated before ordering exactly like mine.
“I can see you decided to copy Tony,..”Zuhura teased her before laughing softly.
“By the way Zuhura, why aren’t you cooking for us pork sausages? I used to love them so much and the previous tea girl used to cook them for us.” I asked Zuhura.
Zuhura looked at me briefly as if weighing what to tell me before saying in a very polite tone, “Am so sorry Tony, in Islam we are not allowed to cook, eat or even touch pork. It is haram to us. We believe it will make you impure.”
We all stopped eating and looked at Zuhura curiously. It is Luke who broke the silence by saying, “But Zuhura, the Bible says it is what comes out of a man that makes him impure, not what goes into him as food and Jesus sanctified all foods.”
“Luke, Muslims do not read the Bible, they read a book called Qur’an.” Carol said looking at Luke.
“We want you to be cooking sausages for us.” Irene told Zuhura in a commanding tone. 
“It is not a must for us to eat sausages, besides Zuhura has introduced a lot of fine foods for us, coastal dishes. We should in fact be requesting her to cook for us some bariani.” Carol said.
“It is biriani not bariani.” Zuhura corrected Carol.
“Oh! Thank you. Will you cook for us biriani tomorrow?” Carol requested.
“I will but biriani needs a lot of preparation and ingredients. It will also need more money.” Zuhura said politely.
“Don’t worry about money, how much do you need? I will give you Kshs 3,000. Buy everything and make sure to make more biriani I want to carry some home. Remember to come for the money by my office.” Irene said while looking at Zuhura keenly.
“Thank you. That is so kind of you, Irene. May Allah bless you and add more unto you.” Zuhura said.
“Will eating pork make you into a sinner?” Luke asked Zuhura.
Before Zuhura answered, Carol interjected by saying, “Luke, in matters of faith, it is all about what you believe. Muslims also don’t believe in Jesus. And by the way, in Leviticus even the Bible forbids people from eating pork.”

“But there are pork sausages and beef sausages. Which of the two do you love most Carol?” Luke asked Carol. At that point, Carol chuckled a little, looked at each of us mischievously and said, “I love all sausages, but my favorite is the human sausage especially sucking it.” After she finished that statement, she laughed a little.
“Human sausage? Are you a cannibal?” Luke wondered completely astonished.
Zuhura looked at Carol in awe, as if wondering too.
It was Irene who broke the silence with a thunderous laughter that completely took Luke by utter surprise. She laughed until she nearly lost her balance such that we all began laughing except Luke.
“Oh! My goodness. Luke, which world do you come from? You mean you don’t understand what Carol just said?” Irene said before finishing with a laughter.
Zuhura looked at Carol, smiled and said, “You little girl you are so naughty. You will make Luke rebuke you so hard.”
“Can someone please tell me why you are laughing and what Carol meant?” Luke asked looking even more confused.
“See Tony in private, he will explain to you. I, Carol and Zuhura are not in a position to tell you.” Irene said before adding, “Oh! Let us go back to work, we have talked a lot. I guess we should plan for a Friday out for employees and we shall get to interact more and to know each other more.”
Back at office, we continued to talk casually with Carol and we were now more used to each other. I came to learn that this was her first job but she had been working while still in college part time so she had some experience. Carol also said she really admired the life of socialites and her favorite socialite was vera sindika. And to be honest, were it not for her height, she really looked like vera sindika before vera bleached or is it skin lightening procedure?
She also showed me a personal fashion blog that she controlled. The blog however had a private section which you had to be a member to log in. I told Carol to give me access and she told me, “later, if you log in to that private section you might start viewing me negatively.”
“Why should I view you negatively because of that?” I asked curiously.
“You shall know when the time comes.” Carol said looking at me smiling.
“Oh! I just remembered, I was to configure Luke’s laptop to be able to access our server, can you please go and configure for him?” I requested Carol.
“Sure, let me give it a try. If am stuck I will call you to come over.” Carol said waking up to go. Before she left she adjusted her short skirt to cover her a bit more before adding, “Luke is an innocent boy, no need to put him into temptations”
“Haha, you are going to work in his office, not to seduce him.” I told Carol jokingly.
While Carol was gone, I picked my phone and called Sally. Luckily, she was available.
“Hello sweetie.” Sally answered from the other end sounding so happy to hear me.
“Hi honey, how have you been? I have really missed you. I miss your voice, I miss your hug, I miss your kiss, I miss your touch, I miss your sweetness that used to drive me crazy until I nearly fainted…” I continued telling Sally who was laughing so hard in the other end telling me how crazy I am. I blew a kiss over the mouth piece and Sally did the same. I began singing to her this song:
“An empty street, an empty house, a whole in my heart, ….
So, I say a little prayer, hope my dreams will get them there, when the skys are blue, see you once again, ….my love.” I knew I could not get it perfectly like the original musician but I really felt like singing a song to my sweet Sally.
“Wow! Tony my dear, you are driving me crazy, I feel like I can get inside this phone and fly, land right on your chest and hold you and never let you go forever. And the sky is so blue today” Sally said and finished by blowing a kiss over her mouth piece. My heart skipped a bit.
Just as I was about to talk, Carol stood by my door and said, “Excuse me, I forgot the server IP address and password, please remind me.” I told Sally to hold on.
“IP address is and password is ad#m!N16**d4rT. Please do not let anyone know that password.” I told Carol hurriedly in a low tone.
“Thank you.” Carol said and went as fast as she came.
“Sorry honey, I have to work too on this end.” I told Sally.
“I understand. Work hard my dear your life depends on it.” Sally said and I could feel her sincerity on the other end. We continued talking for some time before Irene knocked at my door. I knew Irene to never be in a hurry to leave my office whenever she came and I told Sally, “Honey, I have some work to do, I will call you later in the evening, I love you.”
“I love you too, take care.” Sally said before hanging up.
“Yes, Irene, welcome. How may I assist you?” I asked Irene sounding as professional as possible.
“Oh! I just came to see you. I have not been in your office since Carol came, or Carol is keeping you busy nowadays you have forgotten us?” Irene asked and sat at Carol’s chair. 
“Oh! I have been busy showing Carol some of the work here and I am glad she is really catching up.” I told Irene.
“She seems very hardworking. I like her already. I know you enjoy her company too she is naughty in a good way.” Irene added smiling before continuing, “Am getting bored in my office. Luke speaks nothing except about work and Bible only. He is too religious he makes me uncomfortable. I wish I would stay here all the time.”
“But for sure you cannot you have your office.” I told Irene.
“Can’t I swap between me and Carol? Carol to be staying at my office and me to be staying here.” Irene said jokingly. 
“Haha, madam boss will fire you.” I told Irene who nodded in agreement.
“I came to make a proposal. This Friday, I want us to have an outing for stuff. We shall go at Moonlight restaurant. I picked that one since they have a section that does not sell alcohol because I want Zuhura and Luke to accompany us too. I do not want them to feel out of place and I want we get to know each other more. I have already spoken with Zuhura and she has agreed but Luke is a bit reluctant so I wanted you to try to convince him for us.” Irene said.
“Why didn’t you consult me before making all these plans?” I asked Irene.
“Am sorry if I got you by surprise. Please forgive me.” Irene said.
“No problem, I will speak to Luke. I know Carol will agree to the idea very fast.” I said apprehensively. 
Carol came and found Irene and me talking about the plan. As soon as we briefed Carol about the plan, she was so excited about it she wiggled moving her big hips very fast before adding, “Shall we dance? I love dancing a lot.”
Irene looked at her a bit surprised.
“Wow! Do that again.” Irene told Carol. She hesitated but Irene insisted. 
“Put some music for me.” Carol said. Irene picked her phone very fast, put on some music and told Carol to dance to the tune. But Carol looked at us before saying, “Am shy, no, not today, we shall dance that day.”
“Aw! Ok. Let me switch off my phone.” Irene said and switched off her phone. Carol stood leaning to the wall, making her hips protrude even more due to pressing the walls. Irene looked at her for a while and said, “Carol, you have a beautiful body shape. Do you do modelling? You should try some modelling. Those assets should not be locked here with Tony all day while they could be making money around the globe. Vera Sindika is rich thanks to her assets.”
“I have no problem locking them here all day with Tony. He seems comfortable at it.” Carol said before looking at me from the corner of her eyes.
“Well, have your seat.” Irene told Carol before standing up to leave. Carol sat almost immediately. Irene left.
“I have managed to configure the laptop to access the server. I owe you a soda for showing me that I never knew how it is done.” Carol told me sounding grateful.
“I will show you even more. Just be patient with me.” I told Carol.
“I wish that you audit my fashion blog and see if there are some security features I should enhance. Some of the photos in that website should never leak to the outside world.” Carol told me smiling.
“Oh! Don’t tell me some of them you are naked.” I told Carol.
“Why not? We should appreciate our bodies. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we should be proud of ourselves. Like you, you are also handsome only that you do not seem to care much about your looks.” Carol said.
I looked at her for a while studying her face to gauge her honestly. She seemed very serious about her statement. She looked at me too and told me, “Tony, stand up where I can see you well.”
I did just that. She looked at me, as if studying me, from top to bottom giving some suggestive nodes.
>>To be continued>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Anthony Kerry

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