“Tony, I really appreciate your company and concern. I know I hijacked you so accept my apologies. Let me escort you to up to bus stage. Please make sure to buy that hard disk if possible tomorrow”. She said standing up to see me out.
The following morning, I passed by one of computer hardware shops and bought a new hard disk worth Kshs 11,700 before proceeding to go to work. In the morning, I had called Sally and she had told me she had taken an off day urgently and she won’t come to work, but had suggested we meet in the evening after work, which I did not object.
“Good morning. Did you manage to get a hard drive?” Irene asked immediately she got into my office.
“Yes, I will replace it for you in the evening.” I answered. She did not bother to ask how much it cost. Given that she did not seem to bother much about it, I let it rest.
My office extension rang and boss called me in her office.
“Tony, I suppose Dan handed over to you the CCTV system. Now I want the main console to be in my office. You can have an extension of it in your office too. I also want a report every Friday on the security status from the system from you, areas requiring improvement etc. The gate man will be reporting to you too on security status since he too shall have a screen showing the movements of people in key areas within the facility. I understand he did some packages long time ago so it won’t be difficult to explain to him some of these things and how they work. On top of that you will be working with Irene every fortnight to review the stored images and videos of the place and report on anything that seems out of the ordinary. For Irene, she will also be monitoring the work status through the cameras and report to me anyone who isn’t in his work station when required to me.”
That sounded too much to me. But I did not object. I was also glad she seemed like she forgot about the assignment she was to give me about my neighbor I suppose.
Upon returning to my office, I found a thermos flask and some coffee cups on the table.
“Who brought them here, I thought Sally is not around today?” I inquired.
“Well, today am playing Sally’s roles. Am the tea girl and I thought I should serve you too. I also served the rest colleagues.” Irene said smiling. 
She poured for me some coffee and I drank it silently concentrating on the work at hand. Irene seemed busy too since she was talking lesser than usual.
“Tony, is it possible to recover the documents that were in the crashed hard disk?” Irene asked.
“No, it is not possible.” I answered casually.
“Please tell me if it is possible, I will do anything for you if you recover them for me. I heard East African Data Handlers can recover data from a crashed hard disk. Please do me a favor and enquire from them for me.” Irene pressed. Truth is, I did not want to commit myself to the task but I knew somehow it is possible as long as the hard disk plates are still available, but that would cost her even more.
“Ok, give me time I will give you feedback, meanwhile let us fix your computer and restore it to normalcy.” I answered with some finality that made Irene look at me in the eyes as if to gauge my honesty.
In the evening on our way, Irene instead opted to call for a cab to take us to her place and she paid for it. When we got in the house, she disappeared in her kitchen and emerged with some fruit juices. I had told her my favorite was a cocktail of water melon, lemon and mango grinded together and that is what she made for us.
“Make yourself comfortable, welcome”. Irene said. She disappeared to her bedroom.
When she emerged from bedroom, she was wearing a long silk greyish night dress which had a fully body slit at the right side interlocked like the shaolin gowns. 
I had opened her computer’s system unit and she moved closer saying she wanted to see how a computer looks like inside. She got asking questions about every device and component inside the system unit while sipping her juice softly.
“You have hardly drunk your juice...” Irene wondered.
“I will once I am done with the most difficult part of configuring the hardware of the system unit.” I answered while taking 2 more sips from my juice. The taste felt awesome and I could tell it was tastier than the one I used to prepare for myself, I really wondered what extra ingredient did Irene use to make the juice, but did not bother to ask. 
It was pretty easy for me to fix her computer since I had done this countless time to countless computers.
Within around 40 minutes, I was done configuring the hard disk, installing all the necessary software and cleaning up the system unit. After I got settled it is when I realized that Irene was so close to me I could literally feel her body warmth. Her night dress slit was slightly open fully body length and I could see she had nothing inside her gown. Her right thigh had a small tattoo that I could not figure out what pattern that was. I could see Irene was browner that I thought but her figure was no different from what I guessed since she usually wore figure hugging dresses most of the times.
Irene moved to pick her glass of juice and the slit opened further, revealing most of her right thigh and part of her upper body such that her right breast was slightly visible too. I pretended not to see her but the allure was overwhelming. Part of her was so charming I did not know whether it was sheer lust on my part or it was imaginations but there was something in Irene that was now an apparent mystery to me. I felt a little dizzy. 
“Wow! Thank you for resurrecting my computer, can I have a look at it?” Irene asked seemingly oblivious of the temptations she was subjecting me to. I could feel my blood beginning to boil when she moved closer to have a look at her newly installed computer and to see if all the basic software were in it. As she leaned forward to pick the mouse, her right hand brushed mine a bit and it was hot as if almost radiating. She proceeded to click randomly on the icons on the screen as if admiring a new set of a computer.
“Tony, am so grateful I don’t know how to repay you. God bless you so much am glad I have a colleague like you. You are like a brother to me.” The term brother flattered me until I chuckled. “What, you are a brother to me, Tony, a good friend of mine”, Irene continued before adjusting herself to cover up the open slit on her night dress.
“I am done, I have some chores to do. I should me on my way.” I told Irene standing up readying myself to go. “You will go through the computer and let me know in case you need more.” I added affirmatively. 
“Thank you for your time, Tony. Pleasure. Can I call for a cab to take you to your place.” Irene inquired, and as I hesitated, she insisted, “Please, it is the only favor I can do you for now, pleaaaaase…”I did not object. She called and within no time the cab that brought us to her place was at the gate waiting for me. The driver was a young man who had introduced himself as Ouma to me. He was very friendly and talkative too. He also seemed my age mate so it was easy to chat with him along the way as he drove me to my place.
“Dude, you are lucky. Is that your cookie?” Ouma asked referring to Irene. Before I even answered he added, “Count yourself lucky dude, that lady so many men have tried their luck on her but she turns them down. I know her since campus and she is tough as metal.” I did not know what to tell Ouma, I just smiled.
I bid Ouma goodbye and got into my place, made myself some supper hurriedly before taking a cold bath and retiring to my bed. For some unknown reason, Irene’s figure that she had partially revealed through the slit on her night dress haunted me throughout the night like a spirit.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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