“Honey, wake up, breakfast is ready.” Irene woke me up. I had literally over slept.
“Oh! Thank you.” I told Irene, noting that she was stunning having already bathed and worn her Sunday best.
“I want to go to church, I normally attend the morning mass. Will you be in the house until I come back?” Irene asked.
“No. I want to leave and go do some washing.” I told Irene.
“Can I pass over to your place and do the washing for you if you don’t mind?” Irene asked. 
“No. No problem. I will manage, thank you.”
When I got to my place, I called Regina and explained to her about what Irene had said and she suggested we meet at town, at a secluded location. As I was doing my weekend washing, Cynthia came to my place. 
“Hi, Tony, sorry I came without notice. I just wanted to greet you and request a little favor from you.” Cynthia requested.
“Oh! No problem. What is it that you want?” I inquired from Cynthia.
“I want to apply some online university and I don’t seem to be able to login to their website, would you mind showing me how to do it?” Cynthia asked.
“No problem, but right now I am busy. Come back in the evening and I will assist you.” I told Cynthia and she went her way promising to return.
As I was doing my laundry, I realized that it was difficult removing the stain from the seat cover that Cynthia stained with her monthly flow; I just soaked it in jik and left it there.
After doing some washing, I called Sally and we spoke for almost 30 minutes before promising her I shall call her later as I was preparing to go for some errands in town.
I met Regina and she was very happy with me. She came wearing a long brown loosely fitting skirt and a white t shirt and she had left her hair to flow freely on her shoulders. 
Congratulations if you finally managed to extract any information from her using the technique. Most of us took months of not years to master the art.” Regina told me and gave me a light hug.
“So, I am a genius! Ok, let me play the conversation for you.” I told Regina feeling proud.
We listened softly to the entire conversation until the entire of it skipping the places with prolonged silence. But as soon as we finished listening, Regina looked at me keenly and asked, “Are you sure that was hypnosis? The lady was sleeping…” 
“Yes, she talked in her sleep.” I said, baffled. I thought what was important was information.
“Tony, I don’t know how you will take it, but I must say, I am impressed by your achievement. In fact, you have just opened a Pandora box. We totally never thought of interrogating someone in her sleep would be more effective. I guess I should invite you to our class and you will lecture us on what you did.” Regina said jokingly as she ended her statement.
“Now, Regina what do we do, or rather what do I do after here?” I asked Regina. I expected she will tell me to hand over the recording so as she can use it to file a case against Irene but what she said next took me by surprise.
“Tony, in as much as I would wish to, I am not going to press a case against Irene. In fact, I consider to have helped you this far. It is your money that was conned. Now, strike back and use this information to get your money back. Manipulate the situation to get full refund. You can tell her I have the case and failure to her refunding you, you will press charges against her. But with how we operate, if we press any charges against her, you won’t get anything. Zero benefit, zero compensation.” Regina sounded very serious.
“Regina, do you know that means I will have to proceed with her, continue pretending I am in a relationship with her until the right time comes for me to try my luck on this?” I told Regina.
“Stop acting like a small boy, Tony. You have a nice dick, you have a nice body, you are charming, you know how to drive a woman crazy, you know how to touch a woman’s heart what else can’t you access from a woman if you wanted to? In fact, I am amazed you are not a playboy who swindles rich women using your charms. At least be a play boy for once, for your own benefit and perhaps for the sake of your future. Use your fucking brains too!” Regina told me sounding impatient and agitated such that she made me feel like a little naïve boy.
I thought for some time. It was obvious that I would have to scheme further while venturing into some risky territory I never imagined myself being into. 
“All in all, let me tell you my next plan. I told you Irene might offer crucial information that I needed, I now have it. All I wanted were names, names and names. And she told you names; they are in the recording and I know those are the correct names. I will pursue the named people and I know some are in Kenya. I will however put Irene completely out of the picture; she is no longer my business but now she is your business to handle to the end. Do whatever you wish with her: I am done.” Regina spoke with a frightening finality it made me shudder. She noticed and the next thing she did took me by even more surprise. She quickly moved to where I was seated, took hold of me, hugged me tightly and gave me a long French kiss taking time to explore my dental formula with her soft warm tongue. Luckily, the spot we were seated was secluded and since it was inside a darkly lit restaurant, I knew there was some privacy. 
She continued kissing me as if she did not care if anyone was looking at us. My heart was pounding with the realization of what she was doing in public. She began caressing my thighs and slowly edged until she began caressing my now erect johnnie under my trousers; taking time to play with it inside my boxer, pressing it varying her intensity a thing that was driving me crazy with lust. I knew I wanted to tell her to stop but Regina had this overwhelming charm that completely threw me off guard. She suddenly moved on top of me and pressed her bums on my thighs still kissing me hard. She began unzipping my trousers but immediately she touched my dick with her soft hands, she stopped kissing me, looked at me in the eyes and smiled. She remained motionless on top of me looking at me.
She suddenly said, “Power of surprise. Take your opponent by surprise, use your charms in sudden swiftness to unsettle her, it will confuse her and she will be very vulnerable to you. Nothing awakens passion in a human being than the element of surprise, emotions gets confused, feelings gets carried away, lust awakens like an animal of prey facing its weakened victim, the mixture of guilt and pleasure makes the spirit weak someone does not know whether to say yes or no, the flesh responds and after a certain level, the brain bows to pressure of yearning for carnal pleasure, from there the person is yours to do any binding. That is how people end up losing everything in the name of love, or is it lust? That person who can awaken your wildest passion from deep within you like wildfire, you will remain a captive of that person for as long as the person is willing to hold you to captivity. It is a mixture of love and hatred; complicated feelings when pressured by lust always leads people astray. Lead Irene astray and get what you want, Mr. Handsome.” As she finished saying that, she dismounted from me and sat beside me smiling looking at me from the angle of her eyes.
Regina was like a goddess, she could literally take over a man no matter how strong that man was. I wondered what was her motivation in all that…
I remained relatively aroused even as we left the restaurant and I knew a little sexual provocation and I would lose control. But I kept thinking, is Regina planning to lead me into mental captivity? But my problem was not even Regina, but Irene.

As I sat in my house watching some movie, Cynthia knocked and I told her to come in. She came with her laptop and a modem. 
“You have a nice laptop.” I told Cynthia.
“Thank you, my dad bought it to me as birthday present last year.” She said.
“When is your birthday?” I asked a bit of casually.
“I was born on 1st of September 1999.” She answered casually too but the date hit me.
“Cynthia, we share the exact birthday, but I am 10 years older than you, incredible!” I told her, and indeed we shared same birthday.
“Wow! Are you my soul mate? Sorry, I heard that people who share similar birthday end up making perfect lovers.” Cynthia said with a chuckle.
“Actually, that is just a belief. Being great lovers is more of determination than destiny. Love is a decision you make and adhere to.” I told her keenly.
“So, Tony, you do not believe in horoscopes?” Cynthia wondered.
“No, I do not believe in them.” I told her.
“So, what do you believe in?” Cynthia asked. I wondered what exact answer did she want to hear.
“I believe in doing the right thing, to the right person, for the right reasons, at the right time and for the best interest of humanity.” I answered.
“You sound so philosophical. I like how you talk it.” Cynthia said.
“Ok, you said you wanted me to show you some few items, may I show you right now.” I told Cynthia moving close to where she was seated.
I opened the website she was logging into and realized that the website needed you to exclusively allow its cookies to be downloaded to your computer via a browser for you to access its private portal. Also, the system was best suited for Google Chrome yet she was using Micro soft edge. I quickly downloaded and installed for her and configured everything swiftly until she was able to log in.
“Is that all you needed?” I asked Cynthia after she was satisfied her application was going through.
“You have a nice house; do you live alone?” Cynthia asked.
“Yes, I have no one yet to live with me.” As I scanned her, I realized she was not wearing a bra but her breasts were so firm and rounded you would have thought she was wearing a supportive bra.
“Tony, you should get married. Living alone is hard.” Cynthia said boldly.
“I will marry soon.” I told her.
“Do you have someone already?” Cynthia asked and smiled.
“Yes, she will be coming here soon. You will meet her. She is a nice lady.” I told Cynthia. She remained silent for a while.
“Cynthia, if you don’t mind, let me select for you a movie so that you can watch. I have some chores to attend to in my bedroom. I can leave you to watch the movie I will join you soon. Which movie would you wish to watch? I have a lot here in my external hard disk.” I told Cynthia moving to take the external hard disk from my laptop bag.
“May I watch a series instead if you have one.” She requested.
“I do not have any series. Sorry.” As I told her that, she told me, “Ok, what of a romance or adventure movie?”
“I have one called the boy is mine. It is a nice one. It is about a lady who loves a man so much she could not break up with him regardless of the fact that the man had so many women who wanted him.” I told her, and inserted the hard disk to begin playing the movie.
“Wow! Sounds nice. The man must have been very handsome, just like you.” Cynthia said and smiled.
“Thanks, I feel flattered. But I am not handsome, handsome men exist.” I told her as I began playing the movie.
“I am fine now.” She sat comfortably to watch the movie.
I went to my bedroom to fold some clothes I had and prepare the ones I was to wear the following day. We were to have a staff meeting and I was to head the meeting so I wanted to look nice and professional. I picked my favorite navy-blue suit, a white shirt, a blue tie and black sharpshooter shoes.
After folding my clothes, I began arranging some books I had kept in my bedroom which had gotten disorganized as I searched for a novel which I could not remember where I had kept, by Sidney Sheldon. It seemed like the novel was missing, and it was my favorite novel.
After all that, I decided to rest on bed for a while but I must have fallen asleep since I woke up with a feeling I was not alone in the bedroom, like there was a ghost in my room. I scanned the room from the side I was facing, towards the wall but I did not see anyone. I concluded I must have been dreaming but on turning to face the door, behold, Cynthia was not just in my bedroom but she was sitting at the edge of my bed. She startled me.
“Sorry I came in unannounced, but I tried calling you and you did not respond so I thought to come and wake you up.” Cynthia said and paused.
“Ok, did you come to tell me you are leaving? No problem you could just have left and locked the door. I would have woken up to lock it with the security latches.” I told Cynthia but she just looked at me as if she wanted to say something but lacked the courage to, she just smiled sheepishly.
After some awkward silence, she said, “I don’t understand myself. I guess I was afraid being alone in the living room.”

“Cynthia, it is ok, but you should not have come to my bedroom. What if you found me naked or something? You are intruding into my privacy and if you don’t mind let us go back to my living room. Besides, I feel hungry I should have eaten something by now.” I told Cynthia, stood up and motioned her so that we could go to table room.
“Don’t cook. I have some food I can bring for you some.” Cynthia said. I thought about it for a while.
“Ok, you can bring me some.” I was feeling so lazy.
Cynthia went fast and came back with some food. Rice with some meat stew and also brought some porridge for me. I was grateful for her gesture.
I ate slowly and as we talked, while watching another movie which we were not even concentrating on. The food was extremely sweet, or perhaps I was so hungry.
After I finished eating, I began dozing on the coach. 
“Tony, I think you should sleep now. I want to go.” Cynthia said standing up to go, taking her food items in the process.
As she left, she briefly stood at my door, looked at me and said, “Tony, there is something I wish to tell you, but I am feeling shy, I think I am afraid to tell you. Can I come and tell you tomorrow?”
“Yes, no problem.” I told her. I nearly guessed what it was.
The following day at work, I kept thinking what Cynthia wanted to tell me. Also, Irene was all over giggly with happiness moreover whenever she met me. She was in extremely jovial mood.
“She is happy because of you. I think Irene genuinely loves you, Tony.” Carol kept telling me.
“Perhaps, but I love Sally even more.” I would tell Carol.
“Remember you took her virginity. Virginity is something ladies treasure a lot. She now feels like you are special to her. I just don’t know how you are going to handle her.” Carol told me.
“How are you going on with Charles anyway? You have not updated me of late.” I asked Carol.
“Charles is mad with me, He really wants to get under my underpants and I just won’t allow him. He even knelt in front of me the other day begging me to allow him even once. I guess you have to finish up with Irene fast so that I can let him go. He is becoming a bother to me now and besides, he is nearly tempting me to do it with him. Remember I am also human and oh! Boy! The man has sweet rhymes!” Carol said and laughed.
I laughed too. “But Carol, what man would not go mad for you? You are so sexy and besides, most men go gaga when they behold a lady as shapely as you; big rounded hips, small waist, rounded hips and thighs, very smooth skin and what more? You shake your bum bum so nicely when walking all men turn to look at you!”
“Tony, stop flattering me, you are making me blush like a teen!” Carol said and laughed.
“Carol, honestly, you drive men mad. Look at yourself well, by simply wearing provocatively it is enough for you to seduce a man…” As I told Carol that, she stood up and twisted and turned herself in my office imitating some dance moves. Her boobs danced up and down and her hips moved in an imaginary tune. She then did a few jigs and said, “I did that to him, you would have seen him! His jaw dropped and guess what? He got an erection!” Carol finished with a laugh.
“Why are you teasing him that much? He will rape you if you continue denying him.” I told Carol jokingly.
“Let him dare! He will regret for the rest of his life.” Carol said with lots of confidence.
“What will you do? Crush his balls or what…” I asked her laughing.
“No, nothing. Haha. Do I look like I can fight with a man?” Carol said and that instant, Irene came into our office.
“Carol, you seem so happy, what is it?” Irene wondered but before she answered, Irene said looking at each one of us, “We have gotten a new person to manage the restaurant, a new tea girl to say. She will be joining us from tomorrow. So, Carol from tomorrow you are relieved. Also, our compound will have a Gardner and care taker, a guy he will report tomorrow too. At least we won’t just have one bull in the compound.” Irene finished saying and looked at me, smiled and winked at me.
“Prepare for afternoon meeting.” I told Irene as she left.
In the afternoon, the boss joined us and we got discussing departmental issues beginning with mine, then accounts, then security which was under gate man, restaurant which was under Carol temporarily, Accounts which was under Irene and management still Irene and Boss.
Towards the end of the meeting, boss said we shall be having two new staffs joining us.
When questions session arrived, Carol asked, “Boss, why don’t you split accounts department? I guess Irene is overworked and overwhelmed. At least have accounts and management as two separate departments.” 
Boss turned to Irene and asked her, “Do you buy that idea?” 
Irene looked at me and made a proposal, “Yes, I propose that Tony go to management, Carol to take over in IT department and me to concentrate on accounts and financial management.”
Irene knew if that was implemented, I would have to share office with her. I guessed she really wanted that for obvious reasons.
“I will think about it, good suggestion Carol.” Boss said and since there were no more issues to discuss, the meeting ended.
“So, we will share office soon.” Irene said as we left the meeting. 
“The boss will have to decide that.” I told her smiling.

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