“I have never witnessed witchcraft, but I only hear of it. Why?” Sally asked.
“Well, just wanting to know. No problem.” I told Sally.
The following day as we arrived at work, we met Irene had already arrived. When she saw us, she approached us and very excited.
“Good morning Sally, you really look nice today, wow!” Irene told Sally. They both hugged each other, and to my surprise, gave each other a light feminine kiss on their lips. Sally was wearing a tight red mini skirt which made her hips more visible, a light brown blouse. Irene was wearing a long blue skirt and a white top.
“Wow! You look nice too. So lovely.” Sally told Irene.
I was impressed by how lively both were at each other. 
But that day, what took me by surprise was when Sally was with Irene in their office; I was there too. We were having a light conversation as Sally continued to compile her report from the documents that Sally had gotten from Irene.
“Irene, confirm for me this date please. It is not very clear.” Sally told Irene.
“Oh! Sorry, my handwriting is a bit poor.” Irene told Sally and stood behind her while showing her the correct dates.
But Irene began caressing Sally’s shoulders all the way to where her cleavage was, and it was like Sally was enjoying it. As they continued to work together, Sally also caressed Irene’s hands reaching to where her breasts were. The two girls were so passionate with each other to a level I was no comfortable with.
Was Irene trying to introduce Sally to lesbianism so as to break us or what was going on? I kept wondering.
Then they began talking about how being a lesbian is liberating. 
“You actually do not get to worry about a man. Men are bothersome and I would not want a man in my life again.” Irene told Sally.
“I also think about that constantly. It is cool making out with a fellow lady.” Sally admitted.
Was this kind of a sick joke? I tried to lighten up the conversation.
“But, don’t lesbians miss a dick once in a while?” I asked them.
“No, we can do it with dildos. Besides, it is only a woman who understands another woman most, her feelings, he sexual desires, her everything.” Sally said and Irene nodded in agreement.
We talked for a long time about lesbianism until we went for tea break.
That was the talk that dominated the entire conversation with me and Collins objecting it, but it seemed Sally and Irene were really for it. The rest seemed to take a neutral stance with Celestine siding mostly with my view. 
Our boss was not around that day and most of my time I spent at Sally’s office as they prepared the reports with Irene. Irene kept smiling at each step and it was obvious she was so happy with the report. I later left the office and went to my office.
“Tony, watch out. Irene is up to no good. She will break you apart before you realize it. Irene is displaying some lesbian tendencies a lot and it is obvious Sally seem to be influenced. I know of a friend whose marriage was torn apart by their lesbian close family friend. The woman literally introduced the wife to lesbianism until she divorced her husband.” Carol told me sounding concerned.
“I don’t know what to do anymore.” I told Carol. 
“I don’t know what to tell you anymore. Just a friendly concern.” Carol told me.
“I have asked Sally about it, but she just told me she knows what she is doing. She sounds a little defiant.” I told Carol. 
We had gotten so used to Carol as friends we shared quiet a lot. 
“Tony, can I share with you something?” Carol inquired from me. I wished she changed the topic.
“Yes, feel free. I am all ears.” I told Carol.
“The day I had sex with Charles, I was not aware but it is apparent that I became pregnant. I have missed my period and it has gotten me really worried. I just don’t know what to do.” Carol told me.
“Carol, be serious, that is not a joking matter. What do you mean?” I asked her.
“Serious, I tested positive for pregnancy today morning. I did the test.” Carol told me in a flat tone and I knew she was serious.
“Damn! What will you do? Will you abort?” I asked her.
“No, I don’t believe in aborting. Even the previous time I got raped I did not abort. May be my destiny is to have my children through rape.” Carol told me.
It is then I remembered she had told me she wanted a second child. Could I convince her to keep the child? What would she think. Before I answered Carol told me.
“I am so disappointed with this life. I feel like killing myself.” Carol told me and began crying. It hurt me to see her crying. I did not know whether to comfort her or to just leave her to cry.
I remained silent and let her cry silently.
“Carol, stop crying, all will be well.” I told her finally.
“Tony, why can’t I just get a man to love me? Now this is a second child on the way, what will I do? This life is so unfair. I have always wanted to have a man to love me, to get married perhaps and live in a nice marriage, but each day passes and my dream to ever enjoy love with a man I love seems to fade. I feel so hopeless.” Carol told me.

“There is a reason for everything in this life. Sometimes, a bad thing happens but the outcome ends up being a good thing. I think, you should keep the pregnancy.” I told Carol. She looked at me.
“I really felt like aborting, but I fear an abortion might make me infertile, and I also believe aborting is killing. I am in a serious dilemma.” Carol told me. Sadness was all written in her face. I did not want to give her a wrong advice as she really trusted me with her private life.
“What do you advise me to do? Tell me and I will just do as you tell me.” Carol told me. I felt that was a challenge. After some silence, I told her.
“Keep the baby. The baby is innocent. No one applies to come to this world regardless of the circumstances that led to the conception. Every life matters. Give that child a chance to live. You never know, the child might end up being a blessing to your life.” I told Carol. 
She looked at me for a while and told me, “I hope you are right. I believe in your words. I know you love me and would never want me to come to harm.” She told me.
“Yes, I love you.” I told Carol. I stood up and went to give her a hug. She stood up and hugged me so tightly.
Suddenly, our door opened and to my surprise, Sally and Irene came in. I did not know what to tell them. By the look of the two, it was obvious Sally heard me telling Carol I love her.
“Tony, tell me I did not hear you right.” Sally told me. Irene just stood by and smiled.
“I can explain.” I told Sally.
“I don’t want any explanation. I heard for myself.” Sally told me, looked at Carol and told her, “I am done with men, you can keep him.”
Irene and Sally held each other’s hands and left the room.
“Oh! My God, Tony I am so sorry I got you in trouble.” Carol told me. I did not know what to say or do. 
“Fine, I will see what to do. In the meantime, just do as I told you; let the baby live to see sunshine.” I told Carol.
I was trying to retain my composure but deep down, I was breaking apart. I felt like my brains were about to burst as I was obviously overthinking. 
It was clear Irene wanted to break us apart with Sally and she was winning in every step of it.
Perhaps Irene had bewitched Sally as Carol had suggested.
I decided should Sally leave me, I would not go for Irene; I would rather lose both.
Carol was out of question as I would never even get into a relationship with her owing to her unfortunate life circumstances. I was in a real dilemma.
Worse, Sally was cascading towards her eventual premature termination from the company by presenting a report from documents which obviously were fake. Sally was so naïve. I even toyed with the idea of trying to go back to Irene if Sally left me as it was obvious Irene also wanted me from the word go. 
I was so lost in thoughts such that I did not realize when lunch time came and passed. I decided to continue working silently. Carol really blamed herself that day but there was nothing I could do to her.
Irene left early as she had some errands in town. I went to Sally’s office.
“Tony, you cannot convince me anything. You told me with your own mouth that Carol is HIV positive. I found you telling her you love her. What do you expect me to believe? So, you are fucking an HIV positive woman? Oh! Please, I am not ready to die of AIDS.” Sally told me.
We continued to argue for almost one hour.
Irene later came back at around 6 pm.
“If you will excuse me, I have some work to do in town. See you later” Sally told me and it was obvious they were leaving with Irene.
“Sally, I want to have a word with you.” I tried to be firm.
“Go and have a word with Carol.” Sally told me in full hearing of Irene. I felt ashamed. As Sally stood to leave, I held her hand firmly.
“Leave me alone!” She shouted at me. I was shocked. Sally had never shouted at me.
“Please just leave her alone.” Irene pleaded.
“This is none of your business, stay out of this.” I told Irene. She smiled, a mischievous smile.
“You have no authority to command us around. Now can you leave me alone.” Sally told me and took her hand away from me forcefully.
I lost my cool and grabbed her with much force on her shoulders and turned her to face me.
To my horror, she slapped me.
“Sally, you just slapped me, You------just-----slapped----me?! Ok.” I told her and left the two.
I have never felt that humiliated in my entire life. I have never hit a woman and I was not about to hit Sally, I believed now she was bewitched. I went home not thinking anything in particular but feeling so angry, disappointed and dejected.
When I got home, I called Sally but she did not pick my call. I texted but she did not text back. I wanted for her to come home but she did not come home only to later text me, “I am sleeping at Irene’s place, meet you tomorrow, good night.”
I had never thought a man could lose a woman to a fellow woman, but it was becoming clear that I was losing Sally to Irene. Whatever Irene had done to my sweet Sally, it was too terrible to imagine. I kept asking myself the whole night, what has Irene done to Sally? Has Sally lost her mind? What has become of Sally to even go to the extreme of going to sleep at Irene’s place? Was she out of her mind? Did she even know what she was doing? What next for me now that Sally is gone?
I thought, and thought, and thought. I even thought of deciding to just fall in love with Carol despite her HIV! I felt like becoming a womanizer. I did not know what time I slept, but to be honest, I slept like a dead man since the following morning, I did not even hear the alarm. I did not even eat the previous evening.
The following day, I was looking terrible.
“Can you imagine Sally went to sleep at Irene’s place?” I told Carol.
“I really blame myself, Tony. But Tony, I think you should search for a pastor to pray for her. Sally is out of her mind.” Carol told me.
“I don’t care, let her go.” But deep down, I knew I really loved Sally.
The madness did not stop there, the following few days, Sally continued to sleep at Irene’s place and Irene gladly gave her clothes to put on, even buying her some new clothes. They openly showed signs of practicing lesbianism. They would hug each other a long passionate hug, kiss each other even on their lips, hold each other’s waist while walking, feed each other while at office, and do a lot of stuff at each other that indicated they were in some sort of a relationship.
I pleaded with Sally and she completely continued to openly humiliate me in front of Irene. It was obvious Irene was so pleased with the turn of events as she would chuckle sarcastically, laugh sarcastically, and at times openly mock me while sneering at me. 
A thought came into my mind and I called Cynthia, Sam’s daughter.
“Cynthia, are you around?” I asked her.
“Yes, I am. You have really gone silent on me. What is it?” Cynthia asked.
“I want to meet you in the evening.” I told her.
“Where?” She asked.
“At my place, come at around 5 pm.” I told her. She sounded excited at the prospect of meeting me.
Cynthia came and arrived at my place at around 6 pm.
She hugged me upon seeing me.
“What did I do to you to make you forget me?” Cynthia asked.
“Ah! I was busy.” I told her. I felt troubled though.
We got to watch a movie and I slowly edged to where she was seated until I began caressing her. She did not resist. I began caressing her hands slowly all the way to her cheat and began stimulating her breasts. She was really enjoying it but she was extremely shy and just remained still just breathing intermittently taking time to look at me and smile. 
I slowly reached for her bra and removed it to reveal extremely erect tits. I began caressing her nipples and she arched her back with pleasure. I continued to caress her abdomen and reached for her pubis and began touching her pubic hair. She got bolder and began kissing me too. We continued to kiss for almost 30 minutes, caressing each other, as we undressed each other until I remained with my inner pants which was a short and Cynthia was completely naked. I reached for her crotch and she resisted. She had some nice pubic hair and her body was that of a young lady probably still growing up, like a banana that had just began to get fully ripe.
“Tony, I am afraid, I am a virgin.” Cynthia told me softly and shyly.
“You will enjoy it, trust me.” I told her. She completely avoided looking at my erect organ and did not dare to touch it.
I caressed her pubis, her vulv@s and she was already wet with desire. She crossed her eyes as she let me do the rest. Her breathing rate was now so fast it really aroused me.
“Tony, will you marry me once you break my virginity?” Cynthia asked.
I did not answer her. She did not ask again as she concentrated on getting the pleasure. The way she was reacting, it was apparent that she was experiencing some feelings for the first time in her youthful life. She was reacting like she had suddenly realized she is a woman capable of experiencing some feelings, she kept making erotic noises. I was impressed that somehow seemed so mature of her age. It did not really seem like we had a difference of 9 years. But I kept thinking, provided she is not an under-18, she was ripe for passion.
“Tony, please, Tony….” Cynthia kept saying as I continued to caress her and drive her over the edge with fiery desire. I sucked her nipples and she went wild with desire until tears rolled from her eyes.
“Tony, ooooh! I never knew it feels this nice to be loved, please just love me, Tony…” Cynthia would say. I remained silent and concentrated on giving her carnal desire and passion. I licked her body, her abdomen and finally kissed her pubic area and she lifted her hips in the air over the coach we were lying on revealing her private organs like some flower petals waiting to be deflowered; She was crazy with desire.
“Tony….oooh Tony….”Cynthia kept saying all the time, she would hold my head and caress my ears as I licked and sucked her nipples. She was so hot and so ready.
I felt the urge to completely undress and devour the virgin that was right in front of me.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated By. Dr. Love.

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
