She looked at my eyes. Tears were flowing like a waterfall from her eyes, “Tony, my dear, tell me please and do not hide it from me, tell me the truth. It means a lot to me. I am so hurt; my heart is bleeding and I feel like dying. Please Tony, just tell me, do you love me?” 
There was a lot of emotional anguish in her voice.
I knew a wrong answer will surely break her heart. In as much as I did not know why she was asking that, I went ahead and told her, “Yes, Carol. I love you.”
“Tony, if you love me, do this…it is like a favor to me too because I also love you.” Carol requested.
I knew if the favor was too much to ask, I had no choice than to break her heart. 
“What would you wish me to do?” I asked her apprehensively. 
She looked at me for some minutes and when she finally spoke, she said, “I was once in a relationship with a man who I loved so much. However, I once got tempted by a man who was as handsome as you, he seemed very fit and healthy. He was also so romantic. He kept bothering me and I finally said yes. I cheated on my boyfriend. Unknown to me, the man was HIV positive and he infected me. By then my boyfriend had travelled and I had all the time with the man. We had a lot of fun together, I thought it was just some innocent fun and I would dump him once my boyfriend returned. However, before my boyfriend returned from a 5 months trip, an HIV awareness campaign was done at our village and I went to have an HIV test for fun. I even thought I can never be HIV positive since I was good looking…” She paused and looked at her hips and continued,” But it turned out I was HIV positive. I was mad with myself, with the world and vengeful. I knew I would die so I had decided not to die alone and when my boyfriend returned, I infected him. I went ahead and infected several other men but I felt so guilty every time I had sex without a condom and eventually I decided I will not do it again. I stopped having sex completely, forgave myself, accepted myself and enrolled for HIV care to be taking ARVs.
All I am asking Tony of you, if you love me, I want you to be faithful to Sally your wife.” Carol said and her words hit me hard to the core of my heart.
“Tony, promise me to be faithful to Sally, stop fucking around. You may get an infection and perhaps infect her and that will really break her heart. I feel it will be a favor to me too; be faithful to her.”
“Carol, I promise.” I told Carol and she hugged me tightly. She seemed to forget Collins was there with us but suddenly, she released me, stood up and walked to where Collins was seated. She took his hand, lifted him up to his feet and hugged him too.
“I feel tired already, let us go home. I have not called Sally to alert her my whereabouts and it is not right.” I told them and we went away. We left Charles and his wife in the health center.
“Honey, at least you could have called me to tell me you will be late. I sat here waiting for you.” Sally told me when I got home. It was almost midnight.
“I am so sorry honey, I got held up with some issues but all is well. Just a few errands of life.” I told Sally.
Sally served supper and we ate together while watching a movie.
“Honey, tomorrow, do not waste any amount of time. Submit your papers. Try your luck. Please try your best, getting a job nowadays it is difficult.” I told Sally.
That night, I did not sleep well, I kept thinking of the details of the day.
The following day, I met Carol had already arrived at work and began her day as usual.
She was her usual lively self and I was amazed at her.
“Hi, good morning.” Carol told me.
“Good morning, Carol. How was your night?” I asked her.
“My night was fine. Irene was here. She wishes to see you in her office.” Carol told me. I was surprised that Irene was already at work that early morning.
I went to Irene’s office and she stood to give me a hug.
“Tony, I am just excited. Today is the day Smartex is conducting interviews for the new position and my cousin had submitted his papers earlier. I am sure he will get the position.” Irene told me. She seemed too excited to even worry about the previous day saga.
“Wow! Am happy for him. I am looking forward to working with him soon.” I told Irene but truth is, I did not really wish for him to get the job so that Sally would get it. Besides, wasn’t it nepotism for two people from same family to be working in same place? I knew Irene had an edge over the influence towards ensuring the post went to her cousin. There was no much I could do to help Sally beyond what I had already done.
“Irene, you were second in command. How do you feel having someone on top of you?” I asked Irene.
“No problem, as long as he respects me. It will also help me concentrate with my work best.” Irene said.
“And your immediate boss being your cousin…” I asked her but she just remained silent.
“What was Charles doing at Carol’s place at that hour?” Irene’s question caught me off-guard.
“We happened to be passing around there and we heard Carol screaming. We went to help only to find him there. He wanted to rape her.” I lied to Irene.
“But why would Charles do that?” Irene wondered.
“We also got to know Charles is married.” I told her. She looked at me.
“Damn! And he was lying to me he was single!” Irene exclaimed.
“Not just that, he is also HIV positive and wanted to rape Carol and infect her with the virus.” I told Irene. The expression on Irene’s face said it all. She was so angered by it. I knew that was effective enough to keep her away from Charles.
“Oh! God, thank you Lord. I am so lucky I never got intimate with him.” Irene said.
“Yes.” I told her. But my worry was beginning to build up. Now with Charles out of the way, how was I to handle Irene?
“Tony, it is very important to be faithful to your lover. You will avoid a lot of problems and a possible infection.” Irene told me.
I went back to my office and we continued to talk and work as time flew.
When we went for tea break, we found Collins with Delilah already at the table eating. Delilah served us and left me and Collins on the same table as she went to sit with Carol. Carol however drank her tea fast and went back to office.
“Tony, you know I am still shocked. I just can’t believe all this. If Carol is HIV positive, how many beautiful women are all over who are infected with HIV? I guess it is impossible to know who is HIV positive. I used to assume all people with HIV are thin; I was so wrong!” Collins told me.
“Actually, I know some of the healthiest people are living positively. But I never expected Carol to be positive.” I paused and looked at Collins, I asked him jokingly, “Do you still want her ass?”
“Hell no! I do not want to die a horrible death.” Collins said. In fact, that day he did not talk much about Carol.
When evening came, Sally came home very delighted.
“I attended the interview and all was well. It was conducted by Derrick and some 2 men and 2 women. I know I answered all answers correctly. However, my experience was questioned. I could not lie since Derrick was there and could remember me. So, I just said I worked as a volunteer in Lokitaung working as a financial advisor and accounts manager at the firm. I hope that will matter since it was obvious I was the least experienced among all the interviewees there.”
“Darling, have hope, all will be well.” I told her. I knew she stood no chance considering Irene was able to influence the outcome of the entire process. However, I did not tell Sally that.
Two weeks passed without hearing any word from Derrick or the recruitment agency. However, one morning as I was going through my work, Irene came and requested to see me in private.
“Guess what?! My cousin has qualified for the post, I am so happy about it. He shall report to work very soon. I am so thrilled about that. Wow! My efforts paid off.” Irene was over the moon with happiness she even wanted to invite me for a celebration but I told her I shall be busy. I kept wondering whether they had communicated to Sally about the fact that she did not qualify. 
Anyway, I resolved even if she would not get the position, at least she had redeemed her certificates and would easily get a job elsewhere. Throughout the two weeks, our boss did not miss even a single day at work as she seemed to be really preparing for the arrival of the new employee who shall work under her. Since in our office blocks we had a vacant office which was being used as a store for files, nice desks were bought and the office was completely furnished. It had even a water dispenser of both hot and cold water, a TV screen, a small fridge, a medium sized cabinet for the files among others.
I was also requested to purchase a new laptop with high specifications to be used by the new Finance manager. In short, he was to come and find everything in that office ready, all he shall do is to be taken through the normal orientation and commence working immediately. His roles were totally outlined for him in details, and Irene was to offer him so much assistance to ensure that he performs his duties to the best since the department had a lot in common with Irene’s department. I was also to offer all technical assistance whenever necessary. By the preparations, it was obvious the post was going to be very important in our company. We did a lot in two weeks and all along I never bothered to tell Sally that someone else had gotten the job. I felt that there was no need to tell her until I was so sure she would not get the position.

However, Sally kept asking me, “Has anyone taken the job yet?” In fact, she felt like it would be a huge miracle to even qualify for the position. I kept telling her, “Have hope, Darling, have hope.” But deep down, I was hopeless. I however shielded her from disappointment. I knew I must remain strong for her as a man. I knew I must not indicate to her I had given up, I knew I had to keep my spirit positive. Whenever she asked me, I kept encouraging her. In fact, I taught her a lot with my laptop about computerized office operations, took her to shopping and bought for her a lot of official suits. In fact, I also went to Carol’s designer and requested that he make nice feminine official suits for her, designer suits suitable for her.
I even ensured she got a personal laptop and she would get comfortable using the latest computer software suitable for her job e.g. QuickBooks, pastel, SPSS, excel, and also computerized financial management, computerized business modelling, Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems and strategic Information Systems. I taught her how systems interacted in various departments and how to troubleshoot any in case there was a failure. I was amazed Sally was a very quick learner, probably due to her eagerness to get the job.
All along, I never told her that someone else had been shortlisted. I kept my hopes alive. I felt the need to protect her feelings from any disappointment. I loved Sally, and I did not wish any disappointment upon her. It was like an obsession to ensure she got the position; as if she would not be able to get another job in town. 
One Tuesday morning, as we were doing our work in Office. We heard our boss talking with Irene. 
“He should be here any moment from now.” Irene told the boss and my heart sank. I knew the position had simply gone like that.
After about one hour, Irene came into our Office with a young man who she cordially introduced.
“Tony, Meet Solomon, he is the new Financial manager cum business administrator of NexTech Suppliers Limited.” Irene said. Solomon extended his hand and gave me a firm handshake.
However, when Solomon shook Carol’s hand, he held her for a little longer and I could see a lot of admiration in his eyes. I wished he knew more about Carol before he thought of trying his luck on her.
He was very smartly dressed he looked like a business executive. He was a lean guy, almost my height, brown with a very nice haircut. He also had a charming smile and I noticed he carried himself with some pride. He looked to me more of a male model than a business executive though based on his outfit and mannerism. 
Irene showed him to his office and they sat there for long discussing a lot about what was expected of him. Irene felt it was important for me to be there as she took him through the orientation; for some reason, Irene wanted both of us to be friendly; and indeed, Solomon was a very friendly fellow. 
Irene left us in Solomon’s office and we got talking.
“Man, you must be so lucky to get this job. Many people had applied and did not get it. Count your luck buddy.” I told Solomon.
“Tony, it is called being smart, you must be smart in this world to survive. I really needed this job.” Solomon told me.
Solomon spoke with fluent business terms it baffled me how he even mastered all of them, but he was so prone to bragging, wore some pride that I did not really like and he kept saying of being smart so much such that he looked like a one big con. 
But I resolved to offer him whatever assistance he needed from me and within a few hours I had taken him through the financial system, Integrated Financial Management System, created an account for him in the system and configured his security passwords and any other necessary features. 
“Wow! Tony, you are a genius in IT, you are so comfortable with the systems.” Solomon noted.
“Thank you, I have worked with computers for so long they are now part of my life.” Solomon said.
When I returned to office, I found Carol busy.
“The man looks fake to me. How did they get him?” Carol asked.
“So, you have also noticed?” I asked Carol.
“Yes. I told you I never trusted Irene at any given moment. Now she has now brought her cousin here who looks like Kurd?” Carol wondered. As I was wondering, Carol continued, “The man looks like Kurd in all aspects, style, how he behaves, etc.”
“Well, he obviously went through a very smart recruitment firm. So, I guess he is real. Let us wait and see.” I told Carol.
I however did not feel like telling Sally that someone else had gotten the job. I resolved to tell her if Solomon lasted for more than 2 weeks in our company. I had a strong feeling that he would not last beyond 2 weeks, I just could not tell why I was feeling that.
However, the following morning, things seemed to have changed so sudden it took all of us by surprise. I had just settled at my office and I was late since I had gone to town to buy some office items and when I returned, Carol called me to talk to me in private.
“Tony, I think there is a problem. 2 men who introduced themselves as directors came in accompanied by some CID officers. They are looking for Solomon. Solomon is nowhere to be found; he did not report to work. The directors are so angry. One of them I overheard him saying, “she is coming today and I want you to offer maximum assistance to her. We need to get to the root of the matter. I need a report very soon.” I guess they suspect something fishy but I am not sure what it is. One of them even mentioned Luke’s report. Irene seems so worried about the turn of events.”
I did not know what to say. It was confusing. In fact, I had never met the directors and now hearing that some CIDs were around got me worried. Was Solomon a criminal?
As we were wondering what was going on, a car stopped at our gate. Our gate man moved to open the gate and in came the car, a Toyota Prado. 
I and Carol stood by the window of our office to look outside and I could not believe what I was seeing.
Derrick was the first to come out wearing a nice black suit and a white shirt and a blue tie and from the passenger’s door to the left, out came Sally wearing like a business executive; a navy-blue suit which had a long blue skirt with a slit up to knee level, a light blue shirt, one inch heeled black shoes and she was carrying a laptop bag with her. I was in total shock.
Carol was equally shocked, but she smiled upon seeing me smiling.
The smile that Sally gave me upon seeing me standing outside my office looking at her was priceless and memorable as she walked alongside Derrick towards our boss’s office with confident and majestic strides like someone who had just landed from the moon.

>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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