“How and where did you learn to use a computer that comfortably?” I asked her as a matter of curiosity to which she replied with a question. “Is it not right for me to know how to use a computer?” she asked while smiling. “I shall tell you when the right time comes”. She added with a finality.
I did not press further, but there was something mysterious about Sally now. Sally left to proceed with her work.
“These formulas are really giving me headache, been trying to work with them but I cannot seem to get it. Please assist me with them.” Irene requested keenly looking at her computer. “At your service, Madam”, I replied jokingly and Irene’s face brightened with a smile. So I went and stood behind Irene on her laptop to try and assist her with her work. I tried instructing her on what to do, but she seemed unable to get them exactly how I wanted them to work.
“If you don’t mind, let me sit on your chair, stand up for a while and let me work on them.” I told Irene who gladly stood up from her seat. As she twisted herself to pass behind me, her breasts brushed by my right upper hand. I sat and got looking into the formulas. Sure enough, they were complex since they were doing absolute referencing across several cells on different worksheets. But that was easy for me to do. I went on to solve the first scenario, making sure Irene gets to see what am doing in the process. She was really attentive all the time only interrupting me from time to time to clarify the meaning of some functions. The rows were too many though, and since they were different cases one formula could not work across all of them and that meant working on this for about an hour. Irene was as attentive as a student in a class, leaning forward to see what am doing. She was sharp, since she was memorizing them bit by bit though not necessary since the computer has automated functions that can work in any statistical scenario provided you know what you are doing.
As I continued teaching her how to use them, Irene kept leaning closer and closer to my shoulder until her right breast was gently resting on my right shoulder, her head almost parallel to mine. She was chewing a mint all the time. From time to time, she would lean closer to the screen of her laptop thus pressing me more with her right breast, before brushing my shoulder with it as she adjusted herself to be comfortable with one hand resting on the table. 
“Oh! Thank you, Tony, let me try them now”, Irene said, standing up to give way for me to pass. She stood so close to the table such that as I passed between her and the table, my left hip brushed her right hips. She settled on her laptop and got working. We continued talking about our work and she kept saying IT guys are nice guys who always love helping anyone. She would teasingly say from time to time that some of her friends are married to IT guys and they were so happy and romantic couple.
As she continued working, I noticed her face suddenly change as if she was in deep thought. “What is it Irene?”, I asked her, “Are you stuck?”, I continued and she said, “Yes, I need to draw a pie chart clearly showing performance with percentage and I cannot get how to go about it.” But this time, she did not want me to cross over to where she was seated, she just twisted the laptop to face me, she gently pushed it my way and she stood up to lean on the table as I showed her how to go about it inserting a graph. I just wanted her to know, not to do for her so I created dummy data fast to simulate for her the process. As she leaned directly in front of me, her blouse hung lower to reveal a perfectly shaped cleavage folded inside some snug red bras with a silver outline on it. I could not resist ogling at them to a point Irene noticed, looked at me, smiled and adjusted her blouse to reveal less of her cleavage before saying, “Am sorry”. I told her, “Never mind”. But she continued leaning at the same angle and with the movements of her hands from time to time to adjust herself comfortable on the table, her blouse lowered again and she did not bother adjusting it. I just assumed am not seeing them, but to be honest, I was salivating for them. What man does not admire a perfectly outlined cleavage anyway?
After showing Irene how to insert a graph, she went ahead and tried in my presence, missed the process twice but the third time she got it perfectly. I looked at her and told her, “Congratulations, you deserve an award, bright student.” That remark sparked her. She stood up, placed her hands on her chest pushing her blouse to make her breasts protrude a little more from her chest before exclaiming, “wooow, thank you, oh, oh my god, I appreciate you Tony, “she sounded so thrilled at one time I thought she is going to scream. She was reacting like a child who has just learned her first baby step and is just giggling at her parent thinking she has made such a huge achievement in her life. But I could clearly tell she was so happy about her achievement.
“Haha, Irene, is this the first time you got something so perfect?”, I inquired to which she replied, “No, just that am happy I have learned something new today, I only thought only IT gurus can accomplish this, but am happy am able to”.
Time had passed and it was almost time to leave. Sally came by my office at exactly 5:00 pm so that we can walk home together. As soon as she entered the office Irene asked her, “are you two neighbors? I always see you go together in the evening.” Irene was looking at me as she asked this question. Even before I answered, Irene excused herself to go to the ladies’ washrooms so that we can walk out together on our way home.
That instant she walked out, Sally came and stood up beside me, looking at me as if she wanted to say something. “Remember I told you I owe you?” She said. Before I even asked what is it that she owe me, she reached her handbag, brought out an I-pad. I suddenly remembered the shattered I-pad. “I took this I-pad to be repaired downtown, remember it was my fault its screen got shattered.” She said, looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, feeling rather confused. I wanted to ask her how much it cost to repair it. But I was grateful she did I had completely forgotten about it. I took it, it looked new and I could see it was so shiny, like someone took time to clean it. Immediately I placed it inside my cabinet, I pulled Sally gently and gave her a long gratitude hug to thank her for that gesture. She held me so tightly as if she did not want to let go. I could feel her chest rising and falling gently with her deep breathing. Her breasts felt full as they pressed on my ribs each time pushing me with the rhythm of her breathing. She was embracing me tightly as if protecting me, as if I was some precious thing to her. I too held her, pushed her head to lean on my left shoulder where it remained for some time. I suddenly felt the urge to kiss her and as if we were communicating through telepathy, Sally lifted her head and looked straight to my face, she as a shorter than me and it felt so nice looking at her from above. Her head tilted as if she too expected a kiss. I held her chin, pulled her gently by her waist and she reciprocated by pushing herself into me with more pressure until our abdomens were tightly rocked together. She was so warm like someone who had just come from a hot room. I leaned forward ready to plant a kiss on her now gently parted lips when suddenly, we heard someone screaming from outside my office. We got so startled such that Sally literally pushed me away until I nearly lost my balance. What now?
I rushed outside and left Sally standing in my office only to meet Irene holding a stone. “What is it with you screaming at this time?” I asked Sally and that instant I saw what made her scream. At the parking lot was huge dog, very muscular German Shepard with blood shot eyes directly looking at us, angrily snarling as if about to attack. I felt scared since I knew these dogs are so strong they can tear you to pieces within no time. Just as I was about to tell Irene to run and hide in my office, our gate man came in and whistled. The dog jumped towards him, I thought it was attacking him only for it to start licking his hands.
“Today I came early with a guard dog, sorry it frightened you”, the gate man said motioning the dog to sit, and it obeyed. I breathed a sigh of relief. “It is ok man”. I replied. Irene dropped her stone. She was shaking clearly scared. Sally was at the door this time, but somehow, she was smiling instead of being scared, when I looked at her, she giggled. 
>>To be continued>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry.

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