“So, Kamau is so serious he wants Irene to come back?” I asked Sally as we were seated at her office together.
“Yes, let her come and we shall know what is the reason why. Seems fishy to me though. Maybe he is a beneficiary of the money that was being stolen.” Sally told me.
“Have you drafted Irene’s job description?” I asked Sally.
“Yes, I have.” Sally told me.
“Now, I wish we would be able to convince Luke to come back, at least with his presence and he knew what Irene had done, it will put her on check.” I told Sally.
Her face lit up.
“Brilliant idea! I never thought of that. But how will we get him to come back here?” Sally said.
“We will craft a plan, don’t worry.” I told Sally. 
Actually, I had no idea, no plan at all. But the idea of Irene coming back was not a good one to all of us.
As I went to have some tea, I met Collins already there. Carol and Chris joined us later.
“I would never want a man to finance my life at all, I love being an independent woman.” Carol was saying.
“What if you get a man who will volunteer to keep you? Tell you to just rest and enjoy life silently?” Chris asked Carol.
“No! I have a child to feed so I can never do that. By the way, my child is joining me soon to live with me.” Carol said.
As we sat there, Letisha joined us too. She seemed tired despite it being mid-morning.
She overheard what Carol was saying and Letisha told Carol, “I wish I would get a sponsor to finance my life as I relax at home. This work is just too tiresome.” 
I followed the conversation silently.
“If you depend on a man, he can do anything to you and you will be helpless.” Carol warned Letisha.
“No, Carol, just show him a lot of love and passion; he will give you everything you want.” Letisha told Carol. She was smiling mischievously.
“So, what will you be doing at home?” Carol asked Letisha.
Letisha thought for a while as if weighing her answer and said, “Oh! Just relaxing and enjoying life. No need to struggle when you have a sponsor.” 
Carol engaged Letisha for a long time and it was obvious that Carol was against Letisha in the argument.
Finally, Letisha looked at me and asked me, “What is your opinion Tony, do you support me or not?” 
“I support you! I fully support you. No need to struggle when there is a man who can cater for your needs.” I told Letisha to the astonishment of everyone who knew how much I was a huge advocate for women empowerment. 
Maureen looked at me and said, “I can’t believe you just said that!” 
“Oh! I am honest, women should stay at home and let their men work.” Letisha cheered me up.
“Oh! Time is up, let me go back to my office. Letisha, we shall talk more about that, in the meantime, let me go back and so some work.”
Sally had gone to see some clients and I took that time to go through the job description she had drafted for Irene. I noticed she had limited most of her work but that was what I also wanted. I kept thinking about bringing Luke back and I finally picked my phone and called Luke.
LUKE: Hello my brother, Tony.
ME: Hello Luke, did you go to South Sudan?
LUKE: Not yet, but I am still waiting to be posted there.
ME: Luke, I want you to come over. We still have a vacancy for you.
LUKE: I told you I am just going to be a missionary volunteer, I cannot take over the work.
ME: Luke, you can preach to people even when you are here. You can reach out more people in urban areas than in remote South Sudan. Consider that too, and besides, we can ensure you follow up your activities by giving you some free time.
LUKE: No, Tony, I am all right. They will be giving me survival allowance to cater for my life.
ME: Luke, they used to pay you Kshs 27,000 per month, If I am not wrong. I will double that for you and once you come back, you will be the chief accountant or the head of accounts department. 
LUKE: Really? Tell me more!
(I knew the allure of money few people would resist)
ME: I am honest with you. We have talked with the boss and she has assured me you can get that amount as Salary. Consider that. We will give you a good house allowance too. We have restructured a lot around here and the place is now more conducive for you.
(Luke remained silent for a while)
LUKE: Tony, I hope you will keep your word, I will get back to you in the evening. Thank you for the offer. 
ME: Welcome. Make sure to come back to me via a call.
After disconnecting, I began thinking how to scheme so that one of the accountants would perhaps quit or be laid off so that Luke would come back. I knew Luke and Irene are like two polarities and with them around each other, Irene will be fearful and avoid any schemes since she knew Luke had busted her once.
Carol came to my office to consult on some few issues and as we were talking she said, “Is Letisha serious? She can afford to rely on a man to survive?” 
“May be…she sounds desperate too!” I told Carol.
“I know if you ever make a move on her and lie to her along that line, she will gladly say yes.” Carol told me, as an afterthought.
“But I am married now, I cannot joke around with single ladies.” I told Carol but an idea came into my mind.
I had noted Letisha had tendency to come to work late, despite her being hardworking, it was obvious she did not love her work that much.
“Call Collins for me.” I suddenly told Carol. 
As she went, she promised to call Carol and within minutes Collins was in my office.

“Collins, I have a small assignment for you. Let it remain a secret between me and you. I want you to seduce Letisha, promise her that you will cater for her needs, enough for her to even consider quitting and enjoying life.” As I was telling Collins that he laughed and asked, “Tony, where will I get all that money from? Besides, this lady is too proud not my type.”
“Collins, I can give you some money to accomplish that, about her being your type is not an issue, I just want her out. I had noticed her ogling at you and I think she will fall for that easily.” I told Collins.
Collins thought for a while and said, “Ok, I will try, but I do not guarantee that will work out. Why not just fire her?”
“You cannot fire her just like that, she needs to quit on her own to pave way for someone else I want to come in the company. It should happen very soon.” I told Collins.
“But why can’t you do that on your own? You are a man too and I guess ladies around here like you too.” Collins told me and laughed.
“With Sally around here, that will be difficult.” I told Collins.
“Ok, I will try. How soon?” Collins asked.
“As soon as possible.” I told Collins.
Collins left.
But I kept wondering? Will Letisha fall for that? That was going to be tricky. I knew it was capital offense to boycott working for more than one week, and all I wanted is her to reach that point or just resign. I even thought of asking Sally to come up with a scheme to lay off Letisha from accounts department to create a chance for Luke to come over.
As I was thinking, Cynthia came to my office.
“I have these orders from accounts office. They want to purchase some folders to help in placing some of their files together.” Cynthia told me.
“We do not have fluid cash today; do you mind coming back tomorrow? Sally has gone and will withdraw some money and come with some. I will approve that order tomorrow in the morning.” I told Cynthia. 
As we were talking, Cynthia suddenly rushed to my office sink. She looked sickly. 
“What is the problem?” I asked Cynthia.
She looked at me, gave me a miserable look.
“Tony, I think I am pregnant.” She told me almost whispering. 
I felt like it was a sick joke.
“What do you mean? I am not responsible for that!” I told her. She remained silent for a while.
“I also don’t understand.” Cynthia said silently. 
“But Cynthia, I did not ejaculate inside you, how possible? I think you are joking with me. I guess you have some other men out there and you want to make it seem like I am responsible.” I told Cynthia.
She just looked at me and remained silent. I felt confused all the same.
“Tony, I have never had sex with another man except you. And as you say, you spilled outside, so I am also wondering how that could be…maybe I am just sick.” Cynthia told me.
I thought for a while and told Cynthia, “Cynthia, take an off, go to hospital and get cheeked. Maybe you have malaria and you need treatment. Go and fill an off-day form, I will approve for you and I want you to go immediately. As soon as you get tested, let me know the findings.”
Cynthia went and picked a form, I filled for her and she went away.
It was almost noon.
I took my lunch silently, not sure what I would do if Cynthia turned out pregnant. That would be so scandalous for me.
“Hey, Mr. You are so silent today, what is the problem?” Letisha asked me once she came for lunch. 
“Ah! No problem. I just want to remain silent for a while.” I told Letisha. I just wished she would leave me alone but she did not.
“Cheer up Mr. Tony, I know you work a lot and you need breaks. Stop over working.” Letisha told me.
“We must work to live.” Zuhura told Letisha.
“I just wish I would live without working. If I get a man who will promise to finance my life without me working, I will gladly accept that offer.” Letisha told Zuhura. 
“I once stayed as a house wife, but I did not like it. So, I searched for a job and here I am.” Zuhura told Letisha.
Collins tried to engage Letisha but Letisha kept deflecting his advances, and it was obvious Collins would never win over Letisha. Letisha was a one proud lady and she did not view Collins as her level since Collins earned less than her. She finally blasted out and said, “I am a lady with a class! I cannot move around with men who earn peanuts. I value myself a lot. In fact, a man who is not driving is not my level of a man. Sorry to say so.”
“Damn! That was brutal of you Letisha. As long as a man loves you, there is no problem.” Carol tried to reason with Letisha. Letisha just sneered with contempt.
I laughed. “Letisha, there is more to a man than wealth. Calm down.” I told Letisha.
“Then that man would need to be so loving and caring to compensate. Most men are useless of late. All they do is fuck you, leave you with babies and disappear.” Letisha said with a lot of anger. She sounded like a woman who had been hurt in the past. 
“Letisha, I understand you.” I told her.
We walked back to office and I was accompanied by Letisha and Abdi on my way to my office.
“Letisha, you always sound angry with men. Why?” I asked her.
“Tony, it is a long story. I hate to discuss it.” Letisha told me.
“Am I entitled to know?” I asked her but she answered immediately with affirmative.
“No! That is between me and my God.” Letisha was proving so difficult to open up.
“But you are a nice man, at least you have a wife now. I really wish and desire to get the right man when the right time comes. A man who shall wipe away my tears and make me forget my past.” Letisha said and she sounded pained.
“Nice men are all over, why not just get a good man for yourself?” I asked Letisha.
“Yes, I am also single too.” Abdi said.
“Sorry, you are a Muslim. I cannot get married or date a Muslim.” Letisha told Abdi.
As we were talking, Sally texted me and told me she won’t be coming back to her office since after meeting some clients she would be late and would just go home.
I replied and told her that was ok.
“Letisha, true love transcends all boundaries beyond religion, tribe and even race.” I told Letisha.
“I am so specific with my life. There are tribes I cannot get married to or even consider them in my life.” Letisha said.
“Letisha, you will come to regret later after on your staunch stance with life.” Abdi told Letisha.
“So, what type of men do you fancy? I guess you should just tell us now.” I asked Letisha.
“Eish! Is it a must for you to know? This is my own life, I do what I want with it.” Letisha said.
Abdi laughed and to my surprise he told Letisha, “You are as stubborn as a pregnant camel!”
That made Letisha really angry and she just walked faster ahead of us. She was swinging her big hips as she went, as her loose white dress was swinging in motion with her gait and movements.
I settled in my office and as I was logging in into my laptop, my phone buzzed with a message.
It was from Cynthia and it read, “Tony, I have done the test. I will let you know the results tomorrow.”
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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