That weekend was fantastic, we went for swimming my favorite hobby and enjoyed a lot with Sally. On Monday, we had planned that she will go to pay some of the money to JKUAT. 
However, when I woke up, I was not feeling like leaving the warm bed and go.
“My dear, you will get late for work, wake up and go.” Sally told me.
I just held her and continued pretending like it did not matter. When I looked at the time, it was some minutes to 8 am. I picked my phone and called my boss.
“Hello, I won’t be able to report to work today, I woke up not feeling well so I wish to go to hospital and get checked.” I told my boss while making myself sound sick.
“Oh! Sorry, Tony. Have you told Carol? Make sure to alert her so she can cover up for you today well.” My boss said.
“Ok, Madam. I will. Thank you for understanding.” I answered and hung up.
I immediately called Carol. But I had told Carol on Sunday that my lover was around so I did not lie to her. I told her I won’t make it to work, just that. She laughed on the other end and said, “Ok, Tony, I understand, take care. I will do my best.”
Immediately I hung up, Sally looked at me and laughed.
“You mean you can lie because of me? What more will you do because of me?” She asked while laughing and added, “My dear you are so funny.”
“No, am not funny. Am sick.” I told her smiling. She smiled too.
We began kissing and within no time we made love in the morning and there after woke up to prepare breakfast.
I explained into details how I was working hard to get money and the details of our business. I also told her a lot of what has been happening in our workplace. 
“Tony, those ladies will snatch you from me.” Sally joked.
“No way, I cannot be snatched am not an item.” I told Sally.
“I know when people of opposite sex work together feelings must develop.” Sally said.
After we woke up, I gave her the dress that Carol designed but I did not tell her who made it, I told her it was a present which I organized with someone to surprise her. She was so happy about it and it fitted her perfectly.
That day, she was to go and make some payments since she wanted to return to rural area that evening. Time was not on her side.
The day went on so well and I escorted her up to bus station in the evening and she took an overnight bus to go home. Sally was so happy I was making efforts to assist her redeem her certificates. 
“How was your long weekend?” Carol asked me immediately I got into office the following day.
“Was fine, I wish it was longer.” I told Carol on a light note.
“Hmm, I know.” Carol said moving aside to let me pass and take a seat.
“So how was yesterday, did you have anything challenging?” I asked Carol.
“I was unable to log in to our server but then again, it was not urgent so I did not want to bother you. Plus, I really want you to show me how to do network diagnostics since that is what challenged me yesterday.” Carol told me.
“Ok, come here I will show you.” I told Carol who took her seat and came to sit beside me, crossed her legs displaying her thighs which could not be fully covered by her short dress.
“First you have to determine whether your computer is able to access the network, from there you send a signal to the network bridge and if it succeeds send to the network router and if you can send a signal beyond the router, you are ok. Then you should be able to scan the network using a software to see any device that is unable to access the network and the devices that can, this way you will be able to isolate any device that is faulty, for example…” I was talking and Carol cut me short.
“Wow! Slow down, you are moving too fast I want to grasp what you are telling me, show me practically.” Carol interjected me.
“Ok, this is how you do it.” I told Carol who leaned forward to face my computer screen such that three quarters of her cleavage was out, I noticed she was wearing a red bra that held her breasts firmly in place. As I was showing her the procedures, I could not resist throwing glances at her cleavage which was so tempting. Carol was a quick learner and within around 1 hour she could do all the procedures all alone. After that I wanted to test if she can perform the procedures.
“Ok, now try them all of them one at a time.” I told her.
“By the way, remember tomorrow is the deadline to pay for our goods to import.” Carol told me.
“Oh! I had nearly forgotten. I will get them before tomorrow” I told Carol.
After sometime we went for tea break together, just as we were leaving office we noticed a new car coming into our compound, a small Toyota prado pure white.
“Did our boss buy a new car?” Carol wondered.
“Probably, let us see.” I said and we paused to see who came out of the car.
We were all genuinely surprised. When the car got parked at our compound’s car park, out came Irene from the driver’s seat wearing grey suit which had a knee high tight skirt. She strode proudly to where we were after shutting her car using a remote key.
“Hi, all. Nice to meet you. Tony, how was your long weekend?” Irene asked smiling suggestively as if she knew the reason why I did not go to work.
“My weekend was fine. I can see you have a new ride, wow!” I told Irene.
“God’s favor, my dear. I am happy this far am beginning to enjoy the fruits of my labor.” Irene said.
“Ok, we were going for tea break, please join us.” Carol told Irene.
“Ok, let me drop this in my office and come, wait for me.” Irene said pointing at her laptop. She went fast and came to join us.
“Irene, you really are so much ahead of us in this life.” Carol said looking at Irene’s brand-new car.
“You now look like the boss around here. Does our boss know you have a new ride?” We asked Irene.
“Yes, she knows. In fact, we were together this morning when I received the car log.” Irene said. It was evident now that Irene was closer to the boss than we thought and it was not a wonder she trusted her so much even with company secrets that the rest of us hardly knew. Besides, for her to work in 2 departments could have meant our boss relied a lot on Irene.
“Irene, men will now fear you, you exude power and confidence who will date you?” Zuhura asked Irene after learning she has gotten a new car.
“Real men do not fear successful ladies, besides, we also have feelings and need a man, so I see no harm.” Irene answered Zuhura.

“Can you get married to a man who does not have a car?” Carol asked Irene.
Irene seemed to think for a while before saying, “I would first give priority to a man of my class, but if such a man does not come along, I would not mind someone of below my class as long as he loves me and give me orgasms.” Irene said.
“Wow! Irene…you are so bold.” Zuhura said noting how Irene talks sexual terms with a lot of ease.
Within no time, the conversation deviated to sexual preferences of individuals but what shocked Zuhura was when Carol said she would not mind a 3 some, that is 2 ladies and one man. Zuhura was saying that is very wrong according to Islam and condemned it.
“Zuhura, now that your husband is too far, would you have another man?” Irene asked.
Zuhura seemed to think for a while before saying, “Hmm, I don’t know, not sure but I prefer remaining faithful.”
“Zuhura, these people will spoil you, don’t listen to them so much.” I told Zuhura.
“Hey, Tony, let us go back to office, I have some few things I need to learn from you.” Carol suddenly said looking at her watch.
“Hmm, let Tony drink his tea slowly, stop harassing him.” Irene told Carol but upon noting that I was standing up to leave she finished with her tea and followed us.
“I think Irene has other sources of income, do you think she can afford such a car?” Carol asked.
“Well, perhaps.” I answered.
“I suspect she has a sugar daddy too, someone financing her lifestyle. This lady is very expensive.” Carol noted. I have also always suspected that too but since I believe what I can prove, I have never wanted to believe that.
Suddenly, Carol’s phone rang.
She picked it inside the office and it seemed the person speaking from the other end was talking something about her child. As she finished talking she looked at me and said in a sad tone, “My child is sick, my mum just called me and told me that she needs money to take her to hospital, Kshs 3,000. I don’t have it in my M-pesa account could you be having some please?”
“Yes, I have some. Can I send them to you or to your mum directly?” I asked her.
“Send to her directly, it is cheaper that way.” Carol gave me her mum’s number and I sent her the money. Carol promised she would refund in 2 days’ time.
“You are a nice man Tony.” Carol acknowledged after I sent her mum the money and I just told her, “Thank you.”
In the evening as we were leaving, Irene invited to give us a ride on her new car and drop us at our individual destinations, but I declined for personal reasons. But that made Carol to decline too saying she is comfortable walking back home.
Irene rode out of the gate and zoomed away.
“Why did you decline her lift? I hope it has nothing to do with men’s ego.” Carol wondered looking at me keenly.
“No, I shall ride it later but not today perhaps.” I told her, not wanting to continue with the conversation.
As we were walking on our way home, I stepped on a small rock and lost my balance as instant pain came on my knee that got injured in my bathroom as I was bathing with Sally. I missed a step and stilled myself using one leg.
“Haha, now you see, we should have taken Irene’s ride. You will stumble and fall.” Carol laughed but immediately she noticed I was suppressing pain, she looked at me sympathetically and mumbled, “Oh! Sorry,”
“No problem, am ok.” I told her while taking sometime to caress my knee.
“What is wrong with your knee?” Carol asked looking at me.
“Oh! I just stumbled on something and fell, it will be all right.” I lied.
“Ok, walk slowly, we are not in a hurry to reach home.” Carol said holding my hand as if to lead me along.
I walked slowly since I could feel some pain in my knee and I did not really know why I was feeling the pain since it was not there the previous day. While walking, Carol joked with me saying she could carry me like a baby from behind, taking a few steps ahead of me and teasing me to climb on her.
“You cannot sustain my weight.” I told Carol.
“Try.” Carol teased me and I made as if to approach her on her behind but she accelerated swinging her buttocks rapidly as she went. I could not keep to her pace since my knee was not okay. 
“Ok, slow down, I cannot match your pace.” I said frustrated at how my knee was slowing me down.
“Will you be able to cook for yourself like that? You should now get married. You need someone to help you.” Carol said pointing at my knee.
“Oh! Come on! This is just temporarily, besides, I can cook while seated, not a big deal.” I told Carol.
We continued to talk casually until we parted and immediately I got home, I called Sally and told her about our next business deal that we had, I however did not tell her that Irene was involved as I felt that would not go well with her. She was not so comfortable of Irene and she had at one time thought Irene was after me.
“Honey, remember we still have one more month before Derrick puts me behind bars for failure to produce your original certificate.” I told Sally who remained silent for some time.
“Ok, be careful though. Do not do anything illegal anymore. You might not be lucky this time.” Sally told me.
We talked for a long time until I cooked some Ugali and omelet since I had engaged loud speaker so as I can continue with my work as I spoke to her over the phone.
The following day, was the day we were to meet Kurd and Irene suggested she carry us with her car to the venue and we had no choice than to agree so that we could all arrive on time. I decided to increase to Kshs 250,000 but Carol gave just 200,000 while Irene gave out 600,000. Kurd promised that he would import the cargo within a week and we would get it as usual. He also told us there were 10 other people who wanted the goods so he should deliver as promised.
But one week elapsed without hearing from Kurd, all his phone numbers were not going through. I visited the company’s website and it was no longer online. Any backward search of the domain name did not yield any results. We got very worried. I was the first to approach Irene.
“Irene, you are the only person who knew Kurd, explain to us what is going on. We are getting anxious and impatient. We are in total darkness.” I told Irene as we sat drinking tea from our work place CafĂ©. 
Zuhura stared at me and asked, “Brother and sister, is anything the matter?” She asked looking at my female colleagues too.
“Oh! No problem, we are fine, bring us some more mandazi.” Irene sent her to bring more mandazi as a way of sending her away from where we were seated.
Irene seemed like she too was not aware what was going on. She too was surprised, or she seemed to. I looked at her and felt like shaking her to tell us what she knew.
“I also don’t know what happened to him, perhaps we should give him more time. I am as worried as you two.” She said looking at me and Carol in turn.
“I want my money back, you were the only link between Kurd and us. You should be able to tell us what is going on.” Carol said and she sounded very serious.
“I promise I will look into the matter as much as I can. I also need money for some more errands.” Irene spoke sounding hopeless.
I had exactly 2 weeks before Derrick was on my case and he had even sent me an email reminder. Time was not on my side, and in my account, I had only Kshs 6,000, nothing else. A loan was out of question since I had a pending loan from my SACCO and did not want to go beyond my means. 
We were getting so frustrated even it was impossible to concentrate on our work and it was even a wonder our boss had not noticed anything on our individual performance. 
“Tony, I honestly feel Irene is hiding something from us. Find out more, you are in a better position to find out more about Irene and from Irene, I am barely new in this company and do not know much about her. Please do something, I cannot afford to lose an entire Kshs 200,000 just like that. That will be a terrible setback on my part. Please Tony, even if it means you using your masculine charms to seduce Irene to get to the bottom of the matter do just that. It does not matter if you will even fuck her while at it, fuck even her asshole if you have to but just ensure you get to the bottom of the matter.” I was shocked by Carol’s suggestion of me seducing Irene to know what was going on. I was even shocked at how she was putting it across and how she sounded desperate and serious about it. Carol was on the verge of tears and I could tell she was really pained. I was equally pained and losing that money meant my plans to have Sally join me to town would suffer a major setback too. Besides, with Derrick hovering all over me with demands for us to produce an original certificate or he would send police to come and arrest me was not easy for me. I have never felt that confused in my entire life.
I did not even know how to tell Sally about the whole thing, where was I to begin?
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry.

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