On the last day of our leisure trip, our boss organized a conference for us in conjunction with a stuff recruiting firm which whose expertise was human resource management and stuffs empowerment, the firm’s name was BLUE CRYSTALS LIMITED. That particular day they organized a topic “Maximizing Employee’s potentials.” The day’s speaker was a one Derrick Wainaina who said he had 3 Degrees, Masters in Human Resource and PHD in Human Resource and Strategic Management. He had a commanding presence he reminded me of my former high school head master who was a no-nonsense fellow.
“The success of any organization is anchored on strict adherence to organizational policy and ensuring that all employees are trained and qualified for the duties they are assigned.” Derrick began his lecture in a very commanding tone without blinking or battering an eye. The silence in the air-conditioned sound proof hall was so much you would even hear a pin falling. He continued, “all employees need to be remunerated and compensated for what they do in any organization.” Derrick really emphasized on proper remuneration.
Along the way, Derrick projected a video segment from a movie called “Vertical Limit”. The scene went like this:
A certain family was scaling a very high vertical stone wall. Along the climb, one of the team members lost his balance and began falling, but the ropes held him tight. But as they struggled to remain alive, it was apparent that the rope could not hold them anymore. So, one of the team members argued, “Why can’t we sacrifice one person for the rest of us to live?” They argued a little bit but eventually decided it would be better for one person to die than jeopardize the entire team, thus they cut off ropes for one person who crushed to his death, and the rest lived.
“Isn’t that rather too cruel?” Sally asked.
“I know it is. But don’t expect kindness from this world. This world is a cruel place to live so you must be ready to make huge sacrifices in order to live on. Similarly, companies sometimes have to let go some people in order to live on.” Derrick said with the finality of a judge. 
My boss was silently taking notes as Derrick lectured. 
“What if someone can afford to do a certain job even if he/she did not do that in college, why not just let them do it?” Irene asked.
Derrick looked at her for a while before answering, “If you want to maximize on your potentials, the best is to stick to what you are trained on. Any other skills just redirect it to your area of specialization. For example, what is your qualifications?” Derrick asked Irene.
“I did Front Office and public relations, but am good in accounting too.” Irene answered. 
“Then just stick to front office and public relations. Your other skills should be used to empower that department if you really want to be resourceful.” Derrick answered before adding looking at my boss, “and if someone in your organization is not qualified for what s/he is doing, reassign that person to the rightful department and if that department does not exist release that person to pursue a career that suits his potentials.” 
Sally fidgeted where she was seated. I sure hoped my boss does not implement Derrick’s suggestions otherwise Sally would not fit in our company anymore.
“Ok, moving on. Some of the fundamental principles of management that we will discuss are Henri Fayol’s principles namely Division of Work, Authority and Responsibility, Discipline, Unity of Command, Unity of Direction, Remuneration, Stability of Tenure of Personnel…”Derrick was scrolling through slide by slide in a power point document at a glance before explaining each principle in-depth, but along the way, his laptop stopped responding and displayed a blue screen which in ICT we call “Blue screen of death”.
“Is that also another principle?” My boss asked jokingly.
“Oh! No, my laptop is still new and am surprised it can crush at this moment.” Derrick answered and then laughed. He seemed to be in total control. He tried to revive the laptop but it was evident he was not going anywhere with it. 
“Sir, may I offer some assistance please.” I finally told Derrick. He looked at me for some seconds before motioning me to attend to his laptop. 
I first removed the laptop battery. I then put it in operation position, opened its lid and pressed the power button on severally. 
“I guess the battery is not connected…” Derrick wondered.
“Yes, but am doing something else apart from powering it on.” I answered.
“Ok, continue with your wizardry.” Derrick said and continued to keenly observe what I was doing. 
I then returned the battery, powered the laptop and as it began powering on, I hit the F2 Key to access its BIOS set up. I adjusted its BIOS to match the Operating System that had been installed in it, did some few other adjustments, corrected its clock speed to stop straining its resources and powered it again by existing BIOS set up and hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL key’s simultaneously. 
After powering it on fully, I adjusted its screen resolution to maximize its display.
“It is done, sir, you can continue.” I told Derrick before going on to sit down.
Derrick continued as if nothing happened and I wondered, not even a ‘thank you’?! or some acknowledgement of what I just did?! 
In the afternoon, we went for a swimming session with Sally while Irene went ride some horses. As we sat by the pool, Sally looked at me and said, “Tony, I think am on my way out of this company. If our boss will follow what Derrick said, I stand no chance at all.” I did not answer but the answer was obvious.
“But all the same, you can always get another work. Getting out of our company is not the end of life.” I tried to cheer Sally the entire afternoon but she remained gloomy all the time. I even tried splashing her with some water as we were swimming but it was apparent that Sally was sad. I wished the time to move on very fast and we resume back at work since it was obvious Sally’s sadness was also making me very unhappy. 
As we went to change into dinner outfit, we met Irene riding horse alongside Derrick who was also riding the mad horse that we rode the with Sally the previous day, and it was so calm. Irene seemed like she was really enjoying his company too.

We resumed working on Tuesday of the week and we all reported to work as usual. Later in the afternoon, our boss called us for a meeting.
“I am so happy that we all went for our recess, we really enjoyed and am sure we are all reenergized to work even more. As we all know, our company is still small and growing rapidly so it is time to do some internal restructuring in order to achieve our goals even better. We are changing for the better, but I would urge all of you to bear with the changes and cooperate to your level best.” My boss said then looked at each one of us for some time before continuing.
“After the meeting, I will be meeting each one of you privately in my office and discuss with you what is expected of you, will also take suggestion from individuals.”
After the meeting, I was the first to be called into boss’ office. For some reason, I was so tensed than my usual self and did not like it.
“Anthony, first let me begin by appreciating your work in this company.” My boss continued but I was not paying much attention until the part she said, “we will be hiring an assistant for you. You will remain the head of ICT department and you are to train your assistant on company operations regarding to ICT.” After what seemed like forever, I left her office and went back to my office.
When Irene’s turn came, she stayed for too long, but immediately she was done she came straight to my office.
“I have been told that I will be concentrating on Company’s public relations and front office operations.”
Sally seemed to last forever in boss’ office we even left her there as we went home. Irene tried to persuade me to go to her place to finish her computer but I was not in the mood. Immediately I arrived at my home, Sally sent me a text to go meet her at her place. I did not object.
I arrived a little after 8 PM at Sally’s place and found her cooking supper. We got casually talking about the day, how our trip was and anything else.
When we sat to eat, Sally looked at me and said, “I know Irene will now have all the time with you.” 
“What do you mean my dear?” I asked.
“The boss told me that my services are no longer needed in the company since they will be hiring another lady who has done catering and was a former chef at a certain hotel.” Sally said sounding so emotionless. I did not know what to do or to say.
“So that simply means you will not be with us anymore…” I asked.
“Yes, in fact today was just my last day at that company.” Sally said before adding, “I really don’t know what to do since I don’t have formal certificates. I don’t have enough money yet to redeem my Degree so I just have reached the end. I think I will just return to reserve and continue helping my parents with farm work.” 
“No, I cannot let you go back to the village.” I told her.
“How will you do it, haha, are you going to marry me and keep me as a house wife?” Sally asked and laughed even more.
I was not laughing at all and she realized how serious I was.
“No, am not about to marry you.” I told Sally.
Sally looked at me puzzled, lost in thoughts before saying, “I know you cannot marry a house wife, you want a working-class woman who will be helping you out with this life. Perhaps you already know who it is but you are just taking me round and round until I return back to the village and you….” 
“Shut up!! Let me think, okay!” I found myself shouting at her and she instantly stopped talking and looked at me.
“This is my plan. You told me you have a Degree which is still holed at JKUAT.” I said.
“Yes, how will you get it?” Sally asked.
“No need to get it. I will just make a Degree for you. A fake Degree and that is what you are going to use to get a job.” I told Sally in a serious tone.
She laughed.
“Tony, you are a joker. How will you make a Degree look like JKUAT Degree? How will you obtain the serials?” Sally asked.
“Leave that to me.” I told her.
“Please honey, don’t do something which will put you in trouble. Am ok the way I am I can go to reserve and wait until I get another job.” Sally said and continued. “Irene been eying you I know, and now she will get all the opportunity with you.”
“There is nothing between me and Irene. Besides she will be moving out of my office for good since my boss promised to hire an assistant for me.” I told Sally who looked at me for a while.
“Am sure that assistant will be a lady: gender balance in the department.” Sally said before adding, “Oh! Am just joking. But before you even think of making for me a fake Degree, I will have to travel back home to relax my mind am so confused.”
We finished eating supper silently almost at 11 PM into the night.
Sally seemed more tired than usual and I volunteered to do her dishes and the clean up before we retired to bed. 
“Tony, do you love me?” Sally asked looking into my eyes and she was so close to me as we lay on her bed dozing.
“Yes, you know that I do love you.” I answered and I really meant it.
“If you love me, please guard our love. Do not let anyone come between us.” Sally said and I could feel she meant Irene only that she did not want to mention her name.
“Sweet Sally, I love you with all my heart.” As I finished that statement, Sally kissed me and held me so tightly. We began caressing each other. I reached for her breasts and fondled them for some time. I then began sucking them one at a time before pressing myself against her warm body. I could feel myself beginning to get an erection. I slowly caressed her all the way to her abdomen and reached for her crotch. I touched her honey pot and to my surprise she was as dry as Sahara Desert. I looked at her eyes for a while.
“Honey, I really would wish to make love to you tonight, but am not in the mood please bear with me.” Sally told me in a very soft voice.
“I understand.” I told her and just held her tight and we lay there in a tight embrace. My erection was rock hard until my balls were aching but did not want to bother her anymore. She briefly touched my hard dick with her hand. Caressed it for a while and stopped as we both began dozing still embracing each other.
That night….
>>>To be continued>>>

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