The following morning, Sally as usual passed by my office. “Good morning Tony, you did not reply to my message”. She said. I was surprised. I nearly told her that I got a message but was Irene bebs her name? But that instant, my mind raced and I just took my phone and checked my messages. Sure enough, Sally sent her message at 11:15 PM. I was fast asleep. Before I even tell her I was a sleep she just said, “Its ok, yesterday you seemed so tired may be you slept before then”, Sally said as she wished me a good day and went to her work.
So who is this Irene bebs? I wondered. 
I continued with my work wondering how to go about this boss’ assignment. In the back ground was some blues music that I enjoy whenever am working. Some of the lyrics that were playing made me feel like I wanted to hold someone by her waist and dance with her to the slow rhythm of the soft beats. 
As expected, during tea time Sally brought me some cookies and some tea-masala seasoned drinking chocolate whose scent filled the room with pure sweetness. 
“Tony, can you help me recover my email password? I forgot it and I really need to open it.” Sally said. 
“Oh! Yea, that is pretty easy, take a seat and am going to recover it for you right now, take about a minute or two.” Her face brightened, am not sure which of the two made her happy; recovering her password or telling her to sit down in my office. Luckily, I did felt rather at ease since our boss had not reported to work that day, and I was not sure if she was to come or not. I could also sense Sally was at ease too. 
So, Sally sat and I asked her the last password she entered in her mail; it failed and the mailing system prompted password recovery mechanism. The next step it asked her what was her phone number, I entered her phone number and next question was her birthday, luckily, she had used her real birthday when opening her email address and it just accepted. Then the system accepted a new password and she could log in to her email.
“Wow, you are such a genius, I never thought it could be recovered”. I wish she knew that was part of my job and I have recovered numerous email passwords for staffs in our company. 
Sally did not seem in a hurry to leave, but I also wished she stay a bit longer too. It sure felt nice having her around. Her periodic jokes, a smile every time and her touch on my shoulder made me feel empowered to work more and impress her more, like a male peacock displaying its colorful feathers to impress a female peacock. 
I started ogling at her and I noticed she was wearing a figure hugging long grey dress and a black sweater. Her cleavage was a little visible and her breasts were firmly tucked inside her clothes making a clear mount on her chest. She was smelling nice too and I could tell whatever spray she had used had a lingering effect wherever she passed. 
“Seat right here, log in to your email and see if it is fully recovered.” I told Sally as I excused myself to go to the male washrooms for a while. My telling her to seat there was a tricky way of ensuring I would return and meet her there, but I surely knew that email is fully recovered.
On my way, back, Irene called me to her desk. She was stuck opening a word document and she thought it was corrupt. I realized it had been prepared with Office 2016 version and on her laptop was Office 2007. “I will just upgrade your system, let me go and fetch my hard disk then I will come and sort you out”. As I finished that statement Irene asked, “Why didn’t you replay to my message?” Irene asked.
That instant, I realized she was the Irene bebs in my true caller. “I was dead asleep”, I lied. Truth is, I did not replay since I had not saved her number in my phone, at least this one she used. “Am sorry, next time I will reply”, I answered her smiling and she replied, “Thank you, I thought you ignored me. Anyway, sorry I sent with a strange number that you do not know. That is my personal number only known to my closest friends and relatives only.”
I noticed Irene wanted to follow me to my office to install for her the latest Office system, but since I knew Sally was in my office and I wanted more private time with her, I did not want Irene to come so I persuaded her to wait.
On returning to my office, Sally stood up, poured for me a cup of drinking chocolate and placed for me some cookies on my table. “Thank you, my email is ok now. You are such a nice guy.” Sally said looking at me smiling shyly. “You are welcome, anytime dear.” She took a deep breath as if she wanted to say something but no word came out of her mouth. It was like the word dear caught her off guard.
I heard a gentle knock on the door, and Irene pushed the door open holding her laptop. 
“Hi” she said to Sally and began talking to me even before Sally replied. “Sorry I couldn’t wait. I really need that program soonest since am finishing up some urgent work.” Irene said as she continued to lean with her buttocks on my office table. She was wearing a brown mini-skirt which was also a full suit and had high heeled shoes. Her spray was so strong its fragrance filled the room that instant she got in. She held her neck high looking at me as I placed her laptop on my desk to install it with the latest Office system.
Irene was a chatter box, she dominated the entire conversation.
From where Sally was seated, we could see each other’s face but Irene could only see my face since she was more of facing me more than Sally. Sally upon noticing that, she made a funny face, smiled then winked at me, making my heart skip a beat. “Let me go back to my work, will see you later.” Sally said and left.
“Oh! Sally had come to see you? I thought she just brought you some tea”. Irene said. “Well, she just dropped by to say Hi. She is a colleague too so she can pass by and have a word or two with me. Besides, this office is so lonely am mostly alone here so no harm having some little company for some minutes.”
That statement sparked Irene. She interpreted that I needed some more company in my office and she said, “Oh, really, I will be coming more often to keep you company then.” I did not reply. I sure did not need her company either, Irene talked too much and she was so much into office gossips a thing which I did not like. I hoped she would interpret that gesture but I was wrong. Irene continued, “tomorrow I will spend some more time here with you. I have this report am writing and it is giving me hard time to edit and am still new to Office 2016 system so I will really need your help and expertise. So, I will be your guest.” I felt like she was trying to manipulate her way into my office, kind of, imposing herself. At this point I told her, “You are welcome, but for a short while since I have a tough schedule ahead. Am supposed to redesign our network infrastructure and I need to concentrate. Currently the one running our system is too costly and boss does not like how it ends up being too costly to our monthly budgets.”
“It is ok Tony. I won’t disturb you, I will just seat here and work, will only disturb you when I need your help.” I felt cornered. Our company had an open office policy and anyone could work from any desk except our boss. Our boss encouraged that work place culture to foster togetherness and team work, and to enhance social interactivity among employees a thing which had a really positive impact on our organization and improved productivity. So I had no reason to tell Irene no. In fact, if I turned down her request to come and work from my office for a day or two, if that got to our boss, it would not go well with her. My boss hated workers who turned other colleagues down especially on office work assistance. She discouraged work selfishness completely. Besides, she too was very sociable to all her employees and would assist you like any time you needed her assistance. 
But that meant Sally would not spend much more time in my office the following few days as it was clear she enjoyed more when am alone with her.
Irene sooner returned to her office. But she kept calling with our office landline to inquire how to use the new system that I had installed in her computer. As if she was really driving a point home; that she indeed needed to stay in my office for a few days in order to learn more. Either way, she was justified since all other employees would at times camp in my office for a day or two to learn any new system that had been introduced via the ICT department. 
>>to be continued>>
As narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry

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