Irene sooner returned to her office. But she kept calling with our office landline to inquire how to use the new system that I had installed in her computer. As if she was really driving a point home; that she indeed needed to stay in my office for a few days in order to learn more. Either way, she was justified since all other employees would at times camp in my office for a day or two to learn any new system that had been introduced via the ICT department. 
The following morning as soon as I opened my office Irene came with her laptop. She was wearing a yellow tight blouse, a red mini-skirt that was rather too tight for her buttocks. That day she was really jovial, and talkative too as if she was excited for something, like being in my office was a morale for her to work that day. Immediately she saw me she complemented me, “Oh! Today you look so smart, I like your shirt” she said and touched my collar, I realized she was rather straightening it since I had left home in a hurry did not really bother to even look at myself in the mirror. As she did so, she said, “you need someone to take care of you, I know bachelors are always in a hurry to leave him. Did you take breakfast?” 
That question caught be by surprise. Sure enough, I had not taken any breakfast and I was famished. All I wanted was break time to arrive and Sally to bring me some tea and a few snacks to energize my day. But before I even responded, Irene had fished out some biscuits she was carrying in her handbag and handed me some. I could not decline, I thought it would be so impolite to decline. “Thank you”, I said not really looking at Irene. One thing I could tell, Irene was trying to really be nice to me, a thing I enjoyed too.
So, we settled to work and Irene sat at one of the office chairs on the opposite side of my table directly facing me. She opened her laptop and got working. I could hear her typing so fast, actually, Irene was famed for being the fastest typist in our organization having done secretarial and speed typing courses. But her constant tapping her keyboard was rather exaggerated as if she was doing some interview. Irene was even able to type while not even looking at her keyboard or even while talking to someone and I could notice most of the time as she was typing, she was at the same time talking to me and looking at me. 
I then heard a gentle tap at the door and before I could respond, Sally came in carrying a thermos flask and some cookies as usual. She greeted both of us. I could see she had carried two cups only as usual but now we were 3 of us in the office.
Sally settled to serve us some chocolate drink. Somehow, she had discovered chocolate was my favorite beverage and not the usual tea that we used to take, and she made it a point of preparing me some chocolate instead. Immediately she poured some chocolate on my cup, the whole room filled with some sweet aroma of tea masala which made it so appetizing and refreshing at the same time. I was starving and I just reached for it and began sipping it. 
“Let me go for an extra cup”, Sally said looking at Irene but before she could go Irene responded, “no don’t worry, am ok.” But Sally persuaded her to take some and she agreed to use the extra cup that Sally had come with. 
“How is work?” I asked Sally, motioning her to take the extra chair in the office of which she did. Not that I was interested in knowing about her work, but I just wanted her to stay for some time in my office. 
Sally was wearing a long navy blue dress, pink blouse which had white collars. For some reason, I just felt my heart begin to race seeing her seated there. Her bums protruded clearly on the dress as she sat and in my mind, I was doing comparison, Irene was taller than Sally but a bit slim while Sally who was shorter had larger hips than Irene. Crazy thoughts were racing in my mind.
But we just sat there the 3 of us talking anything to everything ranging from current affairs, previous night news, the weather since it was a bit chilly that day though not really cold. 
“Sally, do you know how to use a comp?” Irene asked Sally. I expected Sally to say no but to our surprise she said, “Yes, I do”. Irene looked at her as if she too expected her to say no. “Can you type?” Irene pressed on. “Oh! Yes, I can type”. Sally answered before asking, “Do you want to see me typing?” Irene replied yes.
Sally confidently stood up and motioned Irene to sit aside. She took the report that Irene was typing and began to type. 
“Waaaao, Sally, I don’t believe!” It was Irene talking. Clearly, she did not expect Sally can type that fast, leave alone use a computer. I was also surprised but pretended not to. Though she as not a fast typist clearly, she was comfortable with the laptop. Sally laughed. “I don’t know much about the computers, just playing around it”. But being in IT, I could tell someone who knew how to use computers just to play and who knew how to work with it. Clearly, Sally seemed like someone who had used computers before.
After sometime, Sally stood up to go. “By the way, Tony, I still owe you”. Sally said. I could not remember what she owed me. Before I could ask what is it that she owe me, she smiled at me, that smile from her that always melts my heart, while at the door and left without saying a word.
“Did you teach Sally how to use a computer?” Irene asked. “No, I did not teach her, in fact I did not know she knows how to use one”. “Hmmm, Tony, tell me the truth, no harm knowing the truth if you taught her she is also our colleague. Seems like she has been working with one. “Irene remarked. I surely did not care since who knows? Perhaps she used to work with a computer before she came to be a tea girl. 
During Lunch time, I had too much to do I did not leave my office. But Sally brought me some lunch, while Irene went to eat some lunch at some cafĂ© somewhere outside the compound. When Sally found that I was alone in the office during lunch hours, she seemed like she had more freedom to speak more when we are alone. At one time, she even took a spoon and fed me like a little baby before bursting with laughter after some food slipped and fell on my trousers leaving some stain. 
“I will come and wash it for you, don’t worry” she said. I knew she would. I was eager to know more about Sally now. 
“How and where did you learn to use a computer that comfortably?” I asked her as a matter of curiosity to which she replied with a question. “Is it not right for me to know how to use a computer?” she asked while smiling. “I shall tell you when the right time comes”. She added with a finality.
I did not press further, but there was something mysterious about Sally now.
>>To be continued>>
As Narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry.

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