I moved closer to Sally and slowly sat by her side, but when I tried to hold her by her shoulders, she shook my hands away forcefully and shouted at me, “Leave me alone!!”, Her eyes were watery as if she was about to cry. 
I was surprised; but did not want to bother her so I left her alone.
I went to the kitchen and prepared supper for both of us; meat stew with Ugali and some spinach. I also prepared some drinking chocolate and served both of us. We sat on different chairs and watched some soap opera on the Television that I could not recall its name.
I broke the silence.
“Sally, when do you wish to redeem your Degree certificate from JKUAT?” I asked her, avoiding eye contact.
“As soon as possible, I wish to search for a better job. I am only doing this one so as to survive and not to be idle.” Sally answered before going on with her supper.
“Have you gotten a job opportunity that you wish to apply for?” I asked.
“Not yet. How will I apply without my certifications? Will someone believe that am qualified?” Sally asked.
“Well, someone can consider your knowledge, you never know just write a good cover letter and CV then try your luck.” I told Sally.
She turned to look at me, as if studying me and considering my statement.
“I had not thought of that…”
We continued talking further about what we individually wished to achieve in the near and far future and it was clear that we both shared a lot in common. For the first time, our conversation had no romantic overtones and it sounded professional and so formal. The good thing was, it did a lot to diffuse the tension that was between us until she could smile again while talking.
It felt like a new dawn knowing that much about Sally and it was clear that there was a lot to know yet about Sally. I even viewed her with much respect, not that I did not use to respect her, but knowing she was that educated made me view her with some corporate respect.
“Sally, forgive me for thinking you were…” As I was speaking, Sally cut me mid-sentence.
“Oh! Honey, let us not dwell on that. What is important is me to you, not anything else unless that changes anything in you. We should view each other as individual entities without attaching too much of what can be acquired. I also love you not because of your IT knowledge but because of who you are as a person.” Sally said reassuringly. 
Since we were both tired, we just put all the dirty dishes inside the sink, covered them with each other, bathed and retired to bed early. I must have slept so heavily since by the time I woke up, Sally had woken up, washed the dishes, prepared some porridge for breakfast, ironed my clothes and woken me up by dropping a very cold water drop on my forehead before shouting, “Come on, you are getting late for work. The alarm been making noise and you can’t even wake up!”
It was some minutes past 7 am and I knew I had to hurry up otherwise I would be late for work.
Time seemed to move on very fast. Each one of us did their roles towards ensuring that we get the best recreational trip and we booked a certain hotel at Diani which we believed had the best recreational facilities. It was my choice since I loved swimming and the hotel had a huge swimming pool which was so deep such that life guards had to be positioned by its side all the times. It also had among others bouncing castles, swinging ropes, horse rides, etc. but my major interest was swimming and horse riding.
The first day, we were free to engage on whichever activity you wished for and I told Sally to join me at the swimming pool. She was not a good swimmer so I had to show her some swimming moves more so to avoid sinking in the deep end. But Irene who also joined us was an excellent swimmer whose swimming prowess was like that of a fish. 
“So, what do you do when you want to dive to the deepest end? I can’t seem to manage it.” Sally asked leisurely splashing water by the pool side with her legs.
“Watch my hands as I swim, and dive.” I made the moves, ensuring that am pushing the water above me to offset the water pressure so as to push myself to the depths of the pool. Upon emerging, Irene did the same, diving behind a small boy who had come to swim alongside her father who was rather youngish and a good swimmer too.
We both watched as Irene dived to the deepest end. The boy rose so fast, his father followed but Irene did not rise.
“Wow! Irene is fantastic. Can she hold her breath this long under water?” Sally wondered. But I instinctively felt something was wrong when I saw some air bubbles rising so fast from the water besides her. My heart raced thinking, what next?
Irene raised a hand, tried to push herself upwards but could not. I knew I had to act fast.
I dived towards Irene and headed to where she was under water. Upon reaching there, I felt like the water was sucking us deeper and deeper. I am not superstitious but I felt like there was something powerful pulling us downwards, as if an angel of death was pulling us towards an abyss below the swimming pool. Something was very wrong here. Irene was already gasping for air and by all indications she was powerless and unable to push herself upwards. Without thinking much, I reached for her, grabbed her so hard and pushed her towards my chest nearly crushing her breasts with my chest. I straightened myself with my legs with all the power I could surmount, which was easy owing to my fitness since I used to be an athletics champion back in high school and in college. I gathered all the force I could. I first held Irene with my right hand between her legs so hard and levelled her a little above me under water, I then pushed myself upwards while holding Irene with my left hand against my chest and using my right hand to swim upwards, upon reaching the surface, I called for Sally, “Help! She is drowning, grab her and help me get her off the water.” 
Sally grabbed Irene by her limbs as I grabbed her ass so hard and hauled her out of water. She felt so heavy it was like pushing a rock out of water.
Irene’s face was pale. She was not breathing. I placed her down on the pool side facing upwards, held her hands on her chest and pushed severally before giving her a kiss of life and pushing as much air as possible inside of her. I again pushed her chest more forcefully, gave her a kiss of life. I repeated that like 5 times before she gave out a forceful cough, splashing my face with water and beginning to cough hysterically. She attempted to rise up but I held her down and told her to relax.
“My goodness, what is happening? Irene am sorry.” Sally looked at Irene sympathetically while holding her left hand.
I was puzzled since I thought Irene was a good swimmer, how could she drown?
“It is my boy who did all this, am sorry. I should have been more responsible.” It was the little boy’s father speaking behind me. The boy stood beside his father, obviously shaken crying silently. 
“Did what?” We asked in unison.
He pointed at a location at far corner of the pool yard marked in bold red, “WARNING: DRAIN POOL”
“So, what is that, or, what do you mean?” I asked even more puzzled.
One of the pool attendants who began by apologizing profusely to Irene told us that, the lever we were seeing there when pulled downwards, it activated an underground powerful pump that immediately began draining the pool water and the draining mechanism was attached to the lowest end of the pool; the end where Irene was when the little boy pulled the lever thinking he was just playing along.
“Damn! You nearly killed us you little boy.” I shouted angry towards the boy who cowered behind his father.
“My dear, relax, he is just a little boy. He probably does not even know what he was doing.” Irene said in a soft soothing voice before rising feebly, going to where the boy was, kneeling down to reach her level before holding the boy in a tight embrace that obviously made the boy comfortable, perhaps he was enjoying the feeling of her boobs on his chest and was growing into a man so fast.
“I am so sorry madam, please forgive me.” The little boy said before looking to his daddy and said, “Daddy, tell her to forgive me”.
“You are forgiven” Irene said before kissing the boy on the forehead.
On turning to look at the pool, all water was gone! Clearly, the pump must have been too powerful if Irene would not have died by drowning the pump would have literally sucked the life out of her.
Irene released the boy slowly, came and gave me a really tight hug before saying, “Thank you my dear, you saved my life!” Sally stood by our side keenly looking at us. When Irene let go off me, Sally said, “I think we should call it a day, am going to my room to change. See you later at the restaurant for supper.” She then turned slowly, wrapped herself with her towel and walked away silently. I watched her hips swinging under her towel as she walked away until she disappeared around the corner. I could see Irene looking at me at the corner of her eyes while my eyes were glued toward Sally’s behind.
>>>To be continued>>>>
As Narrated by Dr. Love, Kerry.

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