“Yes. I hear some ladies have both organs.” I said but I wondered all the same if Venessa was indeed a shemale since she had wanted me to fuck her.
However, as we were talking we suddenly got the attention of Carol and Letisha trying to outdo each other with gyrating their hips on the stage. They were dancing to some Spanish song with very fast beats and it was amazing just how they were swinging their hips to the beat.
“Wow! Look at those dames! They have nice asses!” A certain man seated close to our table said as he got so transfixed towards the two ladies dancing.
Carol was particularly bending so low such that her ass would come close to touching the ground before rising to the beat. They way she was gyrating her hips as she rose swinging from left to right left all of us with imaginations. Despite her being a mother of 2, she looked so flexible.
“I love slow beats.” Sally suddenly told me.
“Can we make a request to some blues songs?” I asked her wanting to dance with her.
“Just let them enjoy.” Sally told me smiling noting how the two ladies were really dancing to the tone of the songs.
Collins was also trying to dance with them but his body was just too heavy for the songs, or he was totally not flexible. His muscles had gotten bigger after he got himself a job as part time gym instructor and body builder at a certain gym close to our estate.
Loveynna was also dancing alongside some other men in the club but it was obvious she did not want any body contact with the men. Maureen was too just there moving her body not really dancing. Zuhura sat at one corner talking to another Swahili lady.
The evening was all right and we all ordered our meals but as soon as we finished I was feeling like going home since I was really tired.
“I think we can leave the rest to enjoy themselves, I feel like sleeping now.” I told Sally.
“All right, we can go home now.” Sally told me as we moved along telling goodbye to all that were close to us.
“I will leave in 30 minutes time.” Irene told us as we passed them.
“Hope you are enjoying the evening.” I told Venessa.
She looked at me for a while and said, “Oh! Yeah. At least I will dance off the evening and go home refreshed.” She said sounding excited.
As I was driving back home, I was feeling so sleepy I even feared I might sleep on the wheel. By the time I reached our gate, I was almost seeing stars due to feeling sleepy.
“Hey! Wake up!” That was Sally shouting to me to wake up. On looking, I could see the light and was not sure if I was dreaming.
“Do you want to mean, I slept this much?” I wondered out loudly.
“Yes, someone would think you got some sleeping pills. That was unusual you were not yourself yesterday. What happened to you?” Sally asked me.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I have never seen you this much sleepy. Was sleep killing you?” Sally asked. I tried to figure out much of the previous evening. I was feeling like my head had been hit by something hard. I was having a headache.
“My dear, I don’t know what you mean, but I feel so sick. I think I am going to see a doctor.” I told Sally. She looked at me puzzled.
“All right.” She said.
After breakfast I went to see a doctor at one clinic in the estate and he did some blood tests. The revelation was shocking. In my blood were traces of some sleeping pills or something that induced heavy sleep in me.
“But, I never left my table, I never ordered any drink opened??!” I wondered out loud to the doctor.
“Seems you have enemies now, according to me. Just watch out. Take those tablets I am giving you and you will be all right. Take care.” The doctor told me.
I drove back home slowly trying to think what might have happened.
When I got home, I found Sally doing some cleaning in the bedroom.
“My dear, someone must have put some sleeping pills in my food or drink, the doctor confirmed that to me. I am surprised.” I told her. She instantly stopped doing whatever she was doing and looked at me.
“What do you mean?!” She nearly exclaimed.
“The doctor told me so.” I told her calmly.
She thought for a while.
“But how? You never left the table?” She wondered.
“Then whoever did it must have done it in the food before it got to me.” I told Sally.
“This does not sound good at all. But who could have done that? What for?” Sally was getting freaked by the details until I had to tell her to calm down.
“This should be a police case!” Sally finally said.
“No, hold on. We cannot trust the police in this so easily. I will handle it my own way.” I told Sally.
“Meanwhile, why don’t you sleep a little bit? You even look tired as you are standing there talking to me.” Sally told me.
However, I lay on the bed unable to sleep thinking about so many other things.
The rest of the weekend passed on well without any other incidence.
Upon resuming my work on Monday, I passed through every office greeting everyone. Everyone seemed ready for the week. We had some budget we were planning to do and since Sally was attending some meetings out of town, I had to sit down with one of the accountants so that we can handle the budget.
“Hello ladies.” I greeted Letisha and Venessa in their accounts office and they both replied cordially.
“I need one of you to come and assist me in doing some budget in my office.” I told them.
“Go with Venessa, I am preparing some payroll details with Irene.” Letisha told me.
“Oh! All right, let me follow you.” Venessa told me standing up to go with me in my office. She carried along her laptop.
I noticed her laptop was a rare model.
“What are the specifications for this laptop?” I asked her. She smiled at me.
“1 TB HDD, 16 GB RAM, 3.4 GHZ processing speed, double processor core I 7. I like it since it makes my work so easy.” She told me. It was amazing how she was smart with the IT terms. Just as I was wondering she told me, “I did a Diploma in IT before doing accounts.”
“Damn! And you hardly included that in your CV!” I told her.
“I said I am good in IT, isn’t that enough?” She asked.
“Well, it is, but at least you should have stated you have a Diploma.” I told her. It was obvious hers was a big brain.
As we got doing the budget, were also discussing so much about life generally as if multitasking our brains.
I suddenly felt the urge to ask her out. We had finished with the budget and just talking.
“Venessa, how about I have a date with you?” I suddenly asked her.
She smiled, a broad charming smile.
“Is it a date you really want or you want more?” She asked.
“Well, probably more. I want to rise up and roll on your nice beautiful body as we ignite the sparks of passion in us, that is, if you allow me…” I told her and winked.
“Oh! That would be fantastic, you are handsome and I am tempted to say yes.” She said. Her statement however sounded incomplete.
“What do you mean?” I asked her.
“I…….gonna….have….to say……..” She smiled and just left it hanging.
“Oh! Just say it.” I told her.
She took deep breath and completed her statement.
“No.” She said with some finality.
I felt like I heard her wrong. Wasn’t this the same lady who wanted me to fuck her to give her a job?
However, I did not insist to save face but it really puzzled me why she had to say no so swiftly.
“All right, no problem.” I told her. I did not want her to even think I could try to persuade her into accepting me.
“Are we done with the budget? I wish to go back to my office.” Venessa said.
“Oh! Yes, you can go back to your office. Thank you for your time.” I told her.
“Most welcome.” She said politely and stood up to leave.
After some minutes, I went to the restaurant to have my tea. It was almost 11 am. The only person I met there was Cynthia.
“Long time Cynthia. How have you been?” I asked her.
“I have been fine, my dear. Nowadays you don’t even talk to me, huh!” she said.
“Oh! Sorry. I think I have been too busy.” I told her.
“Can I come over and sit there with you?” Cynthia asked.
“Oh! Yes, why not?” I told her. She took her tea and some smokies to come and sit with me. While she was walking I noticed her long dress had a slit running all the way to her thighs. Her slim chocolate thighs seemed so attractive under that dress which matched her skin color.
“You really should do modelling, you have a figure of a model.” I teased her.
“Really? I think I am not attractive enough.” Cynthia said.
‘You are.” I told her. She smiled.
“If I was, would you have left me that day without fucking me?” She suddenly asked.
“Do you still wish for me to fuck you?” I asked her. She looked at me, sipped her tea and adjusted her hair.
“Why not? It has been sometime since I got a dick. I really miss it.” She told me. She was sounding so bold than I expected.
“All right, make a day and I will.” I told her.
“In fact, I am now living alone. You can come to my place.” She told me.
“So, you mean you have rented a house?” I asked her. She laughed. I did not understand why.
“No, I have not rented any house.” She told me.
“What do you mean?” I asked her.
“My dad left me at that house. He went to South Africa for 2 years for who knows what but he told me it is for work. So am now kind of living alone.” Cynthia told me.
“You sound so excited living alone.” I told her. She gave me a broad smile.
“Yes, the freedom, independence etc. makes me feel so proud of myself planning my life all alone.” She told me.
“But still that is your father’s place…” I told her.
“No, it is now my place, you probably won’t understand but it makes me feel it is my place now. You should visit me soon.” She told me and gave me a wink. I winked back.
Zuhura came to pick the items and I noticed her tummy was now so big, like she was due in a few weeks.
“Wow! Zuhura, are you carrying twins!” Cynthia asked Zuhura loudly.
“I wish I was, but the scanning indicated I am carrying one big baby boy!” Zuhura said sounding so excited.
“So how soon is the boy coming?” I asked Zuhura.
“In 2 weeks’ time, the boy will be here!” Zuhura said excitedly. I marveled at myself since that was my child on the way, only known by me and Zuhura.
“I really wish to have a baby of my own.” Cynthia told me.
“then get married.” I told her.
She looked at me the way a teacher would look a stubborn student.” Tony, who told you that for me to get my own child I must be married? What if I just want to be a single mother?”
»To be continued»


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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
