Roland couldn't see that Omote was nervous around his uncle Akporo, he was irritated that his uncle could not take his eyes off his woman.
Roland was aware that his uncle was a womanizer. He had multiple children out of wedlock through young Girls, leaving his wife who lives In London in tears.
It was as if Akporo was deliberately trying to make her uncomfortable.
It was only the sounds of cutleries that was heard until Chief Akporo broke the silence.
"Tell me Omote dear, how long do you intend to date my nephew?" Chief akporo asked.
"As long as we want to." Omote replied in a shaky tone.
Chief Akporo was not satisfied with the answer, he tried to pin her down. "I hope this is for real?"
Roland smiled at his uncle. "We will be getting married uncle, give us time." Roland said as he reached for the chicken and took a bite.
Chief Akporo smiled tightly and wiped his mouth with the serviette. Roland wiped his hands too and joined him.
"Thank you my brother. Omawumi nnem, doh. thank you all for a palatable lunch." Chief Akporo said.
Omote became even more uncomfortable as Chief and Roland sat closely on the sofa. They were having a conversation in soft whispers.
Omote couldn't stare at them, she was afraid.
"Are you okay my dear?" Roland's father asked. She nodded.
Roland's father took his wife's hand and helped her to her feet.
"Thank you baby." She said softly. Omote stared in disbelief, she could not believe that Roland's parents still gave each other endearments, despite their old ages.
"Omote, do you need more rice?" Roland's mom asked pleasantly.
Omote's lips were trembling when she said "No ma."
She was the last to leave the dinning table. She felt her legs shaking as she walked slowly towards the sitting room.
"Are you okay my love?" Roland asked .
Omote shook her head in disagreement and lowered herself on the sofa.
"I am having fever" She said weakly.
Chief chuckled.
"Oh dear sorry. Do you need to see a doctor?" Roland's father asked, holding her hands tightly. Omoted nodded again.
She stared at her hand as if measuring it smallness compared to Roland's father's hands.
"Let me take her home." Roland said, as he rose from the sofa and gave his mother a peck on the cheeks. Omote gently hugged Roland's mom and dad in a warm delight. She laced her hands into Roland's hands as they both walked gently towards the car.
Omote was relieved that she had left Chief Akporo's presence. She had wished in her heart that Chief should just die or disappear and never show up again. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Roland's countenance had changed to sad. She laid her hand on his. " I enjoyed today, your parents are fun loving people."
"So I did." He took his hands away from hers.
"Oh baby, I forgot to greet your uncle when I was leaving." She said.
Roland drove the car slowly to a corner and stopped. He looked deep into Omote's eyes. It was strangely silent as a line of tear rushed down Roland's eyes.
"You used to be my uncle's girlfriend." He said in broken whispers. Tears moistened Omote's eyes. She became mute for a long time. Roland's gaze became cold and hard.
He knew that even the most innocent looking person could become dangerous, that was especially true of this woman.
Roland clicked the car door open. " Get out of my car, get out of my life you whore!"
He screamed.
Omote closed her eyes, her face flushed with embarrassment at the methodical and detached manner with which he ordered her. Even Chief at his worst had not made her feel this kind of shame.
"I never slept with him." She said tearily.
He threw her handbag away and pushed her out of the car, leaving her on the sandy floor. He drove away without turning back.


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