I ran after Sally calling out her name.
Suddenly, someone slapped my back. I was about to turn and heard Sally’s voice ask me, “Why are you shouting my name?!”
Damn! It was when I woke up and realized I was dreamin; a very nasty dream.
“I was dreaming. I saw you running away from me…” I told Sally.
She laughed.
“I cannot run away from you, why would I? Wake up now it is already morning.” Sally told me, kissed my forehead and got out of bed.
I really thought so much about the dream, so much until we got to work still thinking about it.
“I wish we also diversify on services, and hire more people. That will be an opportunity to earn more.” I told Sally as we discussed further about our intentions to expand our work as we get new branches.
“Who do you have in mind that can run the Mombasa branch once it is established?” Sally asked me.
“I was thinking of Stella. She has managerial skills. Chris can go with her as the head of ICT there, and Letisha as the accountant as we get more people. We will also have to hire another person with your qualifications for business advisory for that matter.” I told Sally.
“Let me call Morris we see the recruitment process. I am not for the idea of having smartex recruit for us all the time, we need people we know.” Sally said as she picked the office extension. Suddenly she looked puzzed.
“It is not going through…” She told me handing me over the handset. It had a monotone.

“Let me call one of them.” I said and went to HR’s office.
“Oh! Good morning, Tony. What brings you to our office this early?” Irene greeted me.
“Good morning, Irene and Morris. Check your phone it is not going through.” I told them. Sure enough, the handset had been misplaced such that it sounded busy signal.
“We have a little discussion in our office and we need you. Please come along.” I told Irene. She stood up and followed me. She was in high spirit and in good mood that morning.
“Welcome, Irene. Good morning.” Sally greeted her.
“We wish to hire some more people and we wanted to include you in the hiring process. We are opening a branch in Mombasa soon and we need some few more workers.” Sally briefed Irene and opened the forum for suggestions from her.
After the whole discussion which lasted for an hour, Irene was about to go when she got an urgent phone call from the day care center where she had left her child. She was needed there immediately. And was not given a reason as to why.
“What is it Irene?” Sally asked her.
“I think it has to do with my child.” She left. She was so worried.
After an hour, Irene called me.
“My child is sick and the doctor has told me she needs urgent blood transfusion. The doctor suggests immediately.” Irene told me.
“Let me come over and see how I can help.” I told Irene. I had other reasons for going there.
I told Sally am leaving but did not tell her where to. She was all right with it though.
I got to the hospital where Irene had taken her child. The baby looked sickly but was not that bad and I did not understand why the need for blood transfusion.
“I want to speak to the doctor, this is my child.” I told the nurse who in turn called the doctor for me. Irene was there all along.
When the doctor came, I asked him, “Is it necessary to have her transfused?” I asked him.
“We are thinking of that. It is a case of anemia and does not look good.” The doctor told me.
“Fine, I am ready to offer my blood if that will help.” I told the doctor.
The doctor suggested some tests to see if my blood matches her blood. Irene looked panicked.
“Relax, honey, all will be well. I am sending you to an Mpesa to get some money for payment as I remain with the child.” I told Irene and wired Kshs 50,000 to her Mpesa to go and withdraw.
“Thank you.” She said and immediately left for the money.
“Doctor, I want you to also include DNA test for the child.” I told the doctor who looked at me puzzled. I gave him a stern look to discourage him from asking me questions. He immediately ordered for a test since the hospital was a private hospital and money was an essence.
I was told the test will be concluded within 12 hours so I was to go and come back the following day. However, all the other tests indicated my blood was a universal donor and thus it was easy to donate to the child. But all the same, the doctor said they can monitor the child overnight and give feedback of it was necessary to really give her blood transfusion.
Irene was so happy with how I was taking care of the whole situation until she gave me a hug in front of the doctor, who smiled at us and said, “Nice couple.”
“I love them, they are my family.” I told the doctor.
“So, we have been admitted until tomorrow, phew.” Irene said looking lonely.
“I have taken care of everything, you will go to the private ward where you will have peace and comfort.” I told Irene. The baby was jovial and lively.
I had to leave them once I ensured they are comfortable and went back to work. All I wanted was a complete DNA test and nothing else.
The following day, I passed by the hospital after dropping my wife at work to go and check on Irene.
“Oh! Your baby responded so well, we will not need to do a blood transfusion. We have however recommended more breastfeeding and better diet for the mother. We will do more follow up to monitor the baby’s progress.” The doctor told me smiling. He was very professional.
Irene was so happy to hear that my blood matched the baby’s blood but did not know if I requested a DNA test.
After footing the bills, I told Irene and the baby to go to the vehicle as I cleared with the doctor.
“Mr. Tony. Tell me the truth, is she your wife?” The doctor asked. He was a middle-aged man.
“No, she is not. We just sort of got the baby together.” I told the doctor.
He breathed in while looking at me.
“Well, I will go straight to the point. We conducted a DNA test and the results are negative. Meaning the child isn’t your child.” The doctor said in one sentence.
Instead of being shocked, I felt relieved. I even smiled, to the amazement of the doctor.
“Honestly, I am relieved to know she is not my child. That is all I can say. It is a long story doc.” I told the doctor.
He looked even more puzzled.
As he was about to talk, I told him, “Leave the rest to me, I can handle it.”
“All right, I wish you all the best. Phew, women will be the end of us.” The doctor said.
I turned to look at him. He continued, “I broke up with my first wife after I discovered she got a child with her ex and lied to me it was my child. After 3 years, I did a DNA test and learned the child was not mine. I just chased them away. I am single now as we speak.” The doctor told me.
“How long have you been single?” I asked him.
“Almost 7 years now, I got so pissed off by women, I would rather be single. It is a long story. Can we meet over for a drink in the evening if you are free?” The doctor asked me giving me his business card.
“We can meet, thought I don’t drink but will be happy to meet you.” I told him and gave him my business card.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting for long. I will drive you home now. Please take care of our child for now. I think the day care they were not taking good care of her. She is not sick, just malnourished.” I told Irene.
“I am so happy for you darling.” Irene told me and gave me a light hug. We drove talking about other unrelated issues with the day’s events.
To be honest, I felt pity for Irene, and confused not sure how to even tell her what I felt. But at the same time, I felt so relieved to know she was not my child.
But the question remained, whose child was it?
“Sally, I have a surprise for you. Sorry I did not tell you what I was up to. I requested the doctor to conduct a DNA test for Irene’s child. The child is not mine.” I told Sally.
She stopped what she was doing and looked at me keenly.
“What do you mean she is not your child?!” Sally asked.
“I mean just that.” I told Sally calmly.
“Damn! And the stupid woman nearly broke us up yet after all she was not even carrying your child, damn! Who does she think she is….” Sally was getting agitated.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down. I am in charge. Ok? Calm down.” I told Sally.
“How do I calm down knowing someone nearly killed me with pressure yet after all she was a liar!” Sally was getting angry.
“Hey, my dear, hey, you are raising your voice. Easy now.” I told Sally. She was about to speak when I stood up and pulled her so fast against my body, gave her a kiss on her lips.
“Now you are cool.” I told Sally after kissing her, she smiled.
“So, what are you going to do about it?” Sally asked.
“For now, nothing. Let her stay thinking we do not know. After all, she blackmailed me by even bribing a doctor to lie that the child is mine.” I told Sally.
“Irene has always been a schemer. But she will know am always ahead of her. But this one caught me by surprise, I really never expected the child is not yours.” Sally said. She paused.
“But then again, how did she play this as to get another man’s child?” Sally asked.
“I think we shall never know, but all I care, I now know the truth. But knowing this brings out other questions that remains not answered.” I told Sally.
As we were speaking, Maureen brought in some report and left.
“Hey, I feel hungry, let me go to the café and see what is there.” I told Sally.
“Hi, Tony, we missed you.” Zuhura said. She was with Luke, Carol, Cynthia and Collins.
Coincidentally, they were talking about how women keep getting children with other different men and lie to other men the children are theirs.
“Like I have a cousin who has 2 children with another man not her husband, but the husband has never known the truth.” Carol said.
“If I know you did such to me, I can kill you with your bastard.” Collins said.
“You cannot kill the child; the child is innocent!” Cynthia said.
“I don’t care. Women should respect us!” Collins said.
“I also cannot take that kindly, but as for me, I will just divorce you.” Luke said.
“Just bring up the children. No child chooses where to be born.” Carol said.
“Carol, but you can choose who to sire them with.” I told Carol. She looked at me with a flat expression and I knew that was the wrong statement to tell her.
“Well, women can choose to be faithful. Why get a child with another man when you have your husband?” Luke asked.
As we were talking, Maureen joined us and said, “One of my children is not my husband’s and I do not care what he thinks about it. He had denied me good sex. So, I got into an affair. The man was fucking me so nicely, sucking my pussy, sucking my clitoris, and I gave him all of myself without care until I realized I was pregnant, or rather I fucked him knowing I can get pregnant. So, 3 days after I went and fucked my husband and he thinks the child is his.”
All of us remained silent. I broke the silence.
“Tell us more…” I told her.
“Women love good sex and any man who promises good sex, the woman might as well decide to get a child with him.” Maureen said.
“You shall go to hell.” Luke told Maureen.
“I don’t care. Besides, if I tell God to forgive me, he will forgive me. After all, all children are blessings regardless of how they were born.” Maureen said.
“I do not believe that.” Luke insisted.
“Luke, most children are born out of illicit sex. Some are born before people are legally married, some are born out of fornication, some out of adultery, some out of rape, some out of incest, etc. So, stop with your nonsense. Who knows perhaps even you are as a result of adultery. Tell us, when your parents gave birth to you, were they married?” Maureen asked. Luke thought for a while and said, “Well, that is past, we are supposed to move towards God’s grace.”

But my mind raced. To be honest, as per my outlook, most children in this world were born out of illicit sex. Can that mean God meant some sins would bring about blessings e.g. you fornicate and get a child, you commit adultery and get a child, you rape and a child comes about, you cheat on your wife and you get children etc.
“Women are supposed to be faithful, but men can have as many women as he can.” Collins suddenly said.
“Collins, even us women can have many men!” Cynthia said.
“Fine, how many pregnancies can you carry at a time say, a year?” Collins asked, before Cynthia answered Collins said, “I produce millions of sperms and in a year, I can make over 20 women pregnant. So, we can never be equal young girl.”
“What do you say about that, Tony?” Zuhura asked me.
“Well, Collins is true.” I said. All seemed surprised.
“I never expected you to agree to that!” Zuhura said.
“It is simple Biology; besides, men do not undergo menopause. We can sire until we die, women on the other hand by 50 most cannot get children.” I said. All nodded in agreement.
Suddenly, my phone rang.
It was Reginah.
I excused myself to talk outside.
REGINAH: Hello, Tony my dear.
ME: Hello.
REGINAH: I have just missed your voice, it is long time since I talked with you. How are you and your sweet dick?
ME: {Laughed} We are fine, my sweet dick is coiled somewhere below my belt.
REGINAH: So, when are you coming again to dismantle this pussy?
ME: When I get time, I will come.
REGINAH: I wish to meet you soon so that we can talk. I have a surprise for you.
ME: What surprise?
REGINAH: You shall know when you come. Find me on weekend perhaps if you get sometime. How is your family? How is your sweet wife?
ME: We are all fine and kicking.
REGINAH: Fine, nice to hear from you. I have to go, bye and take care. I love you. Mwaaa
ME: Nice to hear from you too. Nice time.
She disconnected.
I was about to go back to the café to finish my tea when again my phone buzzed. I looked at it for a while without knowing who it was since it was a new number. My true caller was not even showing who it was. I picked it all the same. It was a man’s voice from the other end with a deep accent.
“Whoever the hell you think you are, I am going to get you soon and you won’t like it. I am watching you.” The voice said and disconnected immediately.
I looked at my phone once more. I felt anger. Who dares to threaten me at that this time of the day? I wondered.
“What is it, you look like you are about to kill someone!” It was Loveynna passing to go on with her work.
“Oh! No problem, just tying a stone face.” I told her. She smiled but did not look convinced.
I went to Sally, I wanted to tell her but thought against it.
»>To be continued»>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
