In fact, I just called Sally and told her my car has been wrecked and I won’t be able to go immediately, also told Kiptoo to tell the men to come and meet me in town at a certain restaurant.
I went alone.
The men came and introduced themselves as Ahmed, Kassim and Armenia; they were all tough looking men, rookies sort of.
Ahmed was the first to talk.
“You need to come with us, try to resist and I will just shoot you dead right now.” He told me, I knew I was in deep trouble.
We got into their car since I had no choice, but I had informed the police to track my phone to monitor my movements around town. I had two phones one was hidden inside my suit and it was in total silent mode so that in case they tell me to give them my phone, I would give them one.
I do not know where I was taken, but we entered into a large compound and we went into a large living room.
After settling inside, Ahmed told me, “Let me go straight to the point of bringing you here. I know you are an IT guy and you have a connection with a one lady called Reginah. You are not our target, our target is Reginah but we know we can get her using you. So, I want you to cooperate. Reginah brought down some of our men and made other of our accomplices get jailed. We want them out as soon as possible. So, get Reginah through your wits and deliver her to us. Failure to you will face very rough consequences. We have monitored your wife and we will hijack her. And you won’t like it.”

I felt confused. What did that have to do with me? But anything touching my wife was a no go zone.
Before I even talked, the man continued, “We also know you have been fucking a certain lady called Zuhura who happen to be someone’s wife. If you will not cooperate we will make sure her husband gets to know and the capital punishment for adultery is beheading. So, I hope I am clear on that. Any questions?”
I tried to remain so composed but I was shaking from inside.
“So how soon would you wish to get Reginah?” I asked Ahmed.
“The questions should be, how soon should I bring her to you?” Ahmed said and smiled.
I remained silent for a while. I knew if it was all they wanted that was easy but I could not gather the courage to betray my best friend. I wanted to give them a timeframe.
“All right, within a month. I want to plan properly too.” I told them.
“Deal, do not fail, otherwise you won’t like it. Is there any help you need from us? We will give you our numbers, only call between 6 pm and 9 pm. Do not try to bring the police here, most police who you do not know are on our side so no fishy business, lover boy.” Ahmed told me.
He seemed like he knew me more than I thought and that scared me. What else did he know?
“Ahmed, can I ask you a question?” I asked him.
“You are not allowed to ask any question, your work is to get orders from us, or request any assistance. Right now, take that briefcase over there and open it.” Ahmed told me.
A young man placed the briefcase in front of me. He motioned me to open it without uttering a word.
I tried to open and it could not. Ahmed laughed a little.
“Punch in code number 6914. It will open.” He told me. I did just that and the briefcase clicked open, I gently lifted the lid up and to my shock and horror, there were Kshs 1,000 notes neatly arranged, perfectly laid down and it seemed like a lot of money.
“You take that, down payment for the job so that you will know we are serious. Reginah must fall, she is a huge stumbling block to our work in Kenya.” Ahmed said with a smile, a dangerous smile.
“All right, my car got wrecked. I do not have means to move around.” I told them trying to create a diversion.
“Do you need another car?” Ahmed asked me.
These guys looked like dangerous criminals. But nothing was making sense now. How did they know so much about Zuhura? Besides, they seemed Arabic and Zuhura was like an Arab. Do they know her husband? I kept wondering.
“Tony, I know you are confused, but you need not be if you cooperate no harm will come to you or your family, but if you fail, we will deal with you. Now you need to go. And by the way, the guys who wanted to hijack you are not one of us, they had to be eliminated so that we can have you soon.” Ahmed said so.
I got shocked. Why did he use the terms “They had to be eliminated?” The police did not seem interested in arresting them, but in just killing them. Were the police on these men’s side?
Reginah was screwed and there must have been moles amongst her service men. No one could be trusted anymore.
“We are setting up a command center in Limuru and it needs some IT expertise, I want you to call me tomorrow in the evening. We will go there with you since we need your assistance. Failure to, we will come for you and it won’t be good. Lastly, do not tell your wife about all this. It is top secret. If need be, tell her you are going to meet some business associates. We know you love her so much and no need to get her worried. “
After they gave me some drinking water, they escorted me back to city center so that I can take a car to my place. They made sure I take the money with me, and offered to pay a taxi to my place, which I had no choice than to take since I wanted to arrive home safely.
I got home a disturbed man.
“My dear, you are not yourself this evening. What is wrong and where is the car?” Sally asked me.
“My car hit an electric pole and got dented, I took it to be repaired. It will be here tomorrow.” I told Sally.
“Oh! Am sorry. What happened?” Sally asked me.
“Some vehicle nearly hit me head on so as I was trying to escape its collision, I veered outside the road.” I told Sally.
“Did you meet the Arabs who wanted to see you?” Sally asked. My heart raced.
“Yes, we met in town. They just wanted we talk some business.” I told Sally. I got home with the money and the suit from Reginah.
Philip began wailing from our bedroom and Sally went to attend to him. I took out my laptop and began doing some work as I thought what next after the day’s events that were threatening to turn into an action movie.
Suddenly, something came into my mind.
The men who these Arabs were referring to were the Pakistan guys who also had some connections with Irene. Could Irene have been behind all these? I kept wondering. But the guys seemed extremely connected. As I was thinking, Irene called me telling me she wanted to meet me in private the following day.
That evening, I was all confused such that after eating, I just went to sleep.
The following morning after arriving at work so early, the first person I met was Irene. I gave her a light hug.
The thought that her child was not mine but she really wanted me to believe the child was mine made me uneasy.
“How is our baby?” I asked her.
“Oh! She is doing fine and missing her daddy.” Irene told me. She was so jovial that morning.
“You told me you wanted to meet me. Here I am.” I told her.
Irene looked at me, and to my surprise just said, “Nothing. I just missed to be in private with you. But I wanted to ask you, now that you have a wife and I love you, can I go ahead and get married?” Irene asked.
“I have no problem with that.” I told her.
“Will I still be getting you once I get married?” Irene asked.
“In terms of what?” I wondered.
“Just when I need you.” Irene said.
“I think that won’t be a problem. Who are you getting married to? Can I know?” I asked Irene.
“You will know when the time comes. Then another favor, this is a favor am asking from you please.” Irene said.
“All right, I am listening.” I told Irene.
She breathed in, long deep breath and looked at me keenly.
When she spoke she finally said, “I want you to fire Morris. I want to work alone in the HR department.”
I was surprised.
“You know so well that is not possible.” I told Irene.
“This is what I want.” Irene said firmly.
“No, forget it.” I told her.
“Tony, will you do it or not?” Irene asked.
“I will not.” I told her.
“Then, if you fail to, I am going to let your wife know you have been fucking Zuhura, Loveynna and Cynthia; including me. The choice is yours. Either my way, or your way. Have a good day.” Irene said and walked out of my office swinging her hips on her way out.
I felt cornered, and so surprised. How did she know all that? She was even so willing to scandalize me! Damn!
I followed her. She was still alone in her office.
“I told you that is my final word, you are either coming to tell me you are going to fire Morris, or I do what I just said.” Irene said and she was not joking at all.
I sighed.
“All right, I will give you some feedback.” I told Irene and left.
Back in my office, I just kept thinking the sudden turn of events.
Someone wants to use me to eliminate Reginah, he knows Zuhura. Irene wants me to eliminate Morris, the guys who Ahmed wants to be released were all Irene’s accomplice in shoddy deals?
The puzzle kept getting more difficult to crack. I felt like smoking weed for the first time in my life, just like how Collins used to.
I went to take Breakfast and there I met Collins and Cynthia seated together having a light moment.
“Hi buddy, how are you this morning?” Collins greeted me.
“I am fine. Just hungry.” I told him.
“Hi Zuhura.” I greeted her.
“Hi, Tony. What can I serve you with?” She asked casually.
“Oh! Some chocolate will do, and some Kaimati.” I told her and she promptly served me.
For the first time, I wished I was as strong as Collins and I could handle men physically.
I wished I could share with Collins some information knowing I could trust him but I did not want to openly.
“Collins, I want to go someplace with you in the evening after work if you are available.” I told Collins.
“Oh! All right. Will I get some new pussy there?” Collins asked jokingly as he was used to.
“Damn! Collins, all the time you think about pussy.” Cynthia told Collins.
“What is more important than it? We all work to get pussy and more pussy, nothing more, nothing less. To just fuck and live on.” Collins said and laughed.
“Can you stay without fucking?” Cynthia asked Collins.
“Not unless there is no pussy around me, otherwise no.” Collins said and laughed hard.
“All right, we shall see in the evening.” I told Collins.
“Are you going to some brothel or what?” Cynthia asked.
“No, actually it is Collins who is talking lightly here, we are going to see someone but I wanted to go with Collins.” I told Cynthia. She smiled.
“It must be a woman.” Cynthia said.
“No, a man actually.” I lied
Back in office, I did some work as I waited for Sally to come to work as she had gone to attend to some meeting in town in the morning, I wanted to go for my car.
After Sally came, I left her in charge and went to look for my car and luckily, I found it already fixed. I paid and left, went back to work.
On my way I kept wondering, why was Irene interested in having Morris laid off?
We went in the evening with Collins and I went straight to the point.
“My friend, I might be in trouble. Yesterday I met some guys who wanted me to deliver to them Reginah, they want to kill her. They feel she is a threat to their operations and they even know am so close to her. So, they want me to deliver her to them. But that is not the problem, the problem is these men seem dangerous and so determined. They even know about kurd and they would wish kurd and his associates released from jail. Worse, they are connected to the police and the police cannot be trusted. But that is not enough, right now they are expecting me to go and help them set up an ICT base command at Limuru.” I told Collins.
“Hey, slow down buddy, you have said too much already…” Collins interjected.
“I have not even said quarter of this. These men know I have been fucking Zuhura.” Immediately I said that, Collins said, “Damn! I always suspected you are fucking this woman, damn you lucky nigga! You fucked a nice ass indeed! Wow, tell me about Zuhura…”

“Come on Collins, life is not all about fucking, wait I tell you what I know. Another thing, these people know my family and they are telling me if I go to the police or fail to cooperate they will hijack them, or kill them.” I told Collins.
He remained silent for a while.
“Damn! This is serious, more than I thought. So, what do you want me to do?” Collins asked sounding confident.
“Nothing for now, I just wanted to let you know so that you can stay in the rudder in case something happens to me, you shall know.” I told Collins.
“Will you let Reginah know?” Collins asked me.
“I even do not know whether to let her know or not.” I told Collins.
“In my opinion, do not let her know, at least for now. But who else can help you?” Collins asked.
Suddenly, my phone rang.
It was Ahmed.
“Tony, let us meet at Limuru road, I know you have your car, follow that white Range rover you will see passing by where you are. You can come with your friend if you wish. See you there.” He disconnected.
It seemed they were really monitoring me.
“Can we go together there?” I asked Collins, suddenly.
“Where? That hell hole you are going now?” Collins asked.
I laughed, he almost said asshole.
“Yes.” I told Collins.
“With you, I can go anywhere. I am in.” Collins told me.
We walked into our car and suddenly a white Range Rover zoomed past us. We followed it and it was being driven so fast.
“Tony, you are going to kill us!” Collins exclaimed as I overtook some cars following the Rover top speed.
»>To be continued»>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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