The following morning, I woke up feeling so fresh and rejuvenated. Sally had already woken up and prepared breakfast for both of us: Some millet + sorghum, brown bread and some fruits.
Agatha was doing some other chores and the baby was still sleeping soundly.
When we got in office, we found that Loveynna had already cleaned up everywhere, literally and I really wondered at what time did she get into the office?
“Good morning, Tony.” She greeted me once I settled in my office and she was standing outside.
“Good morning, you woke up so early, did you dream working?” I asked her jokingly.
“I love my job.” She answered affirmatively. Then she looked at me, smiled and said, “And I love you too…” She stopped talking midsentence upon noticing Sally approaching my office with some files.
“Loveynna, please go and clean the washrooms, I have some health inspectors coming to visit us today and I do not know what time they intend to come and those are some of the areas they are so quick in checking.” Sally told Loveynna and immediately she left.

Sally looked at her until she disappeared.
“Damn! This lady is growing every day, this place really favors her.” Sally said smiling.
“OH! Really, I have not noticed.” I told Sally. I was pretending not to have notice but I had seen Loveynna had gotten bigger hips and more rounded since she came to work with us.
“I have these employee files that I want you to review. I want you to see if they are all getting the right salary. They are Collins, Zuhura, Letisha, Luke and Loveynna. You can seek assistance from the HR department to evaluate them.” Sally told me.
“All right, I will check on that soon.” I told Sally. She lingered looking at me for a while.
“Can I tell you something?” She said suddenly looking at me in the eyes.
“Feel free to tell me anything my dear.” I told her smiling.
“I want us to open another branch. At lest a sub branch in Mombasa or Kisumu. Which one of the two do you prefer?” She asked me.
“Mombasa. It is a bigger city with more potential. We shall share the idea with the directors too.” I told Sally.
“And I want you to be the one to go and start it.” Sally said.
“That mean me going there to begin it.” I told Sally.
“Yes.” Sally told me.
I thought for a while.
“Sally, I hope you also know that will mean ours will be a long-distance relationship. How often shall we be meeting?” I asked Sally.
“Weekly, every weekend is nice. But once the branch is stable, we shall see if we can have someone else to run it. But for now, I think you are the best person to run it.” Sally told me. But before I could talk, she went ahead and told me, “Don’t worry about the directors, we already discussed that and they agreed. They also want us to recruit more people. Also, they suggested you go for a 1-month management training in South Africa. Lucky you.” Sally told me smiling, I was however not amused.
“Sally, you made so many decisions affecting me already without consulting me. Why?” I asked Sally.
“I thought am already telling you…” Sally said.
“No, you are just confirming to me dear, the decisions you have already made can hardly be objected. Besides, this will affect us personally, don’t you see that?” I asked her.
She remained silent for a while.
“It is for the best of us my dear, the director trust us a lot and I see this as an opportunity for both of us. Besides, the company said will buy a car for you. I hope it will be a nice car.” Sally told me. I laughed.
“Damn! Since when?” I laughed more.
Sally laughed too.
“When they were talking of taking you to Mombasa, I told them you need a car to be moving around on your own. They thought of hiring a driver for you too but I told them you can drive yourself. But if you still wish to get a driver it is ok. My idea is, the car shall eventually be yours. So I convinced them that we can be paying for the car monthly for a year and a half until you own it.” Sally told me. I thought of it.
“Damn! All right. Is this what you have been talking in the board meetings?” I asked her smiling.
“Yes, I want us to be rich.” Sally said confidently.
I stood up and gave her a hug.
“All right, is this why you want me to review these employees?” I asked her.
“Yes, some you might go with them there, you won’t have a new team.” Sally told me.
After Sally left, I called Collins.
“Hello Collins please take a seat.” I told him. He sensed the seriousness in me and sat composed and calmly without cracking his usual jokes.
“I want us to have a session about your job.” I told Collins.
“Am I being fired?” Collins asked. I smiled to make him at ease.
“Oh! No, I think you are being promoted.” I told him and he relaxed.
I took Collins through the session of about 1 hour, reviewing what he liked most about the job, what he wished would change, whether he felt he is being paid his worth, etc.
At the end he told me, “Phew! Anything but not getting fired will be all right with me, I look forward to working more in nextech.”
Next was Zuhura. Zuhura was so excited to hear she might be included among the team that shall go to work in Mombasa. But I would have preferred she remain in Nairobi for personal reasons.
I also did not tell Zuhura I might be in charge of the Mombasa branch.
As Zuhura was leaving, she told me, “By the way, I confirmed, my husband is still alive. He was to travel with the plane that crashed but missed the flight. I was so scared.” She told me.
“Oh! Nice to hear, losing someone you love is not an easy thing.” I told Zuhura.
“I thank Allah for keeping him safe.” Zuhura said and left.
Letisha and Loveynna were so excited with the idea of working in Mombasa but Luke was not excited. He thought Mombasa was a very evil city to even live in.
When I went for tea break, I found Zuhura and Letisha talking.
“I have never lived in Mombasa, just been there for holidays.” Letisha was telling Zuhura when I joined them.
“Mombasa is such a nice city. People there are so hospitable and lovely. You will really like being there.” Zuhura told Letisha.
Collins joined us and overhearing them talking he asked, “Zuhura, is it true that Coastal Ladies are fantastic in sex?”
Zuhura looked at Collins keenly.
“Well, some Coastal tribes used to teach their young girls how to live with a husband once they get married and that included sex talks. They were taught how to treat a man right, how to love a man, how to maintain a home, how to cook nice meals, how to respect men, how to have sex with their husbands etc. But it is getting overtaken by modernity.” Zuhura said.
“Wow! Sounds fantastic! I would wish to be taught all that.” Letisha said excited.
“But you can learn all that with time, you do not need to learn from the old women.” Zuhura told Letisha.
Collins interrupted.
“Some of these ladies we marry are so arrogant, poor cooks, do not respect their husbands and do not know how to fuck. I would marry a coastal lady too.” Collins said smiling.
“How is your wife, does she measure up?” Letisha asked.
“Oh! I guess so, she is good in cooking and she respects me. But when I met her she was so arrogant and loud mouthed I had to change her with a few hard slaps.” Collins said flexing his big arms.
“Damn! Collins, if you slap such a woman with your hands you might break her jaws!” I told him. He laughed.
“Come on, brother, how you beat a woman is not the same as how you beat a man. With women, you beat her gently.” Collins said.
“I do not believe in being beaten. If you think am wrong just tell me but not hitting me.” Letisha objected vehemently.
“Letisha, some of these women are so thick-headed talking does not help, they need to be brought back to their senses using a few slaps and later a hard fuck!” Collins said.
“In my culture it is wrong to beat women.” Zuhura said.
“But coastal women are always so humble I don’t think they are worth being beaten.” Collins said.
“No, they are not. But they are taught from young age how to respect their husbands hence why they behave like that. With our cultures, marriage is so holy such that we cannot afford divorces. We believe that a marriage should last forever. Divorce is so shameful to us.” Zuhura said and as we were talking, Stella joined us.
“I think we need to learn from Coasterians about maintaining husbands.” Letisha suddenly said. Everyone looked at her.
“With me, I do not sooth a man, if he wants to leave me let him leave!” Stella said.
“No, do not say that, it is good to learn to solve issues as a husband and wife.” Zuhura said. She sat down while talking.
“True, but when a man realizes that you really love him, he starts to mistreat you, to abuse you and treat you like trash.” Stella said.
“Oh! How now?” Collins asked.
“It is true, you men are bad. When a woman treats you right, you think she is desperate.” Stella insisted.
“So, would you rather be a bad wife to be treated nicely?” Zuhura asked. The question took Stella by surprise. She was confused by the look of her expression.
“No, but….” She stopped talking.
“In my opinion, if someone loves you, he will not treat you bad because you love him. Like I know that my wife really loves me, but I do not treat her like trash in fact I treat her like a queen!” I told them.
Collins nodded in agreement.
“Have you ever beaten your wife?” Collins asked.
“No, and I do not see myself ever beating my wife.” I told Collins.
“Wow! You are a man and a half!” Stella nearly shouted.
She added, “We used to fight a lot with my husband until we learned to respect each other.” Stella said holding her fists smiling.
“Your man is a weakling. I can never fight with a woman. I can kill a woman!” Collins said.
“What of Reginah? Do you remember how she beat up those thugs, can you fight with her?” I asked Collins.
Collins thought for a while.
“Hmm, that one is in a class of her own, she is a professional but am sure if I gave her a heavy blow in her head her brains will just scatter.” Collins said and swung his fist in the air menacingly until Stella who was seated closest to him flinched.
“Damn! Collins, you look like you can kill someone!” Stella said.
Collins laughed hard, “No, I cannot kill anyone. I have never killed anyone and cannot. It is a sin to kill.” Collins said. But I knew Collins with his strength, a hard knock at the wrong place and he would send you to an early grave.
Since there was a lot of work to be done, I ate an early lunch so that I would not have to break fo lunch and went back to my office.
“Honey, I am leaving for a meeting, will meet you in the evening please.” Sally came and told me, gave me a quick kiss and left.
However, in the evening since I had a lot of work to do, I remained behind in the office until late hours. I was working thinking I was alone before I heard a soft knock at the door.
“Come in…” I said, not paying attention to the door.
In came Lovynna, wearing differently from what she wore in the morning. She was wearing a short free hanging dress which had a V shaped fabric falling on both sides of her hips and her center thighs being exposed despite the cold evening.
She came in and sat down.
“I came to give you some company.” She said smiling.
Thank you, welcome and sit down, I have some work to finish up before going home.” I told her. She smiled.
“Can I help?” She asked.
“Hmm, I think not. The task is difficult for you.” I told Loveynna but she was determined.
“I can do what I can.” She said looking at me. I looked at her. Her thighs were really giving me erotic imaginations.
I could almost read her mind.
“All right, can you go to the kitchen and prepare some tea for me? I would really appreciate.” I told Loveynna.
“I came with some tea and cookies. I can serve you.” Loveynna said. I was caught by surprise.
“Thank you.” I told her. She stood up and went to the kitchen, came with some cups and served both of us.
It felt so nice since I was feeling cold. I finished my cup of chocolate faster until Loveynna suggested adding me some more.

She sat across sipping some, while I gave her some filed records to help me sort them out in alphabetical order to keep her busy.
“Tony, you have not come to visit me again since that day.” Loveynna said.
“Oh! Yes, I have been busy with work and family.” I told her. She smiled shyly.
“Tony, I am your second wife now, you should not leave me alone for so long.” Loveynna said.
I felt startled.
“Loveynna, stop with the jokes please.” I told her.
“I am not joking, Tony.” Loveynna said softly.
“I have no intention of having two wives.” I told her.
“I can be your concubine and be all right, besides, King Solomon had many wives and still was so wise. You are also wise too.” Loveynna said looking at me from the corner of her eyes.
I finished compiling some report I was doing and sent it to the directors and sent a copy to Sally.
The time was 8:04 pm when I stood up ready to leave the office.
“Have you finished with the files?” I asked her.
“No, I have just reached R.” Loveynna said.
“I would wish us to leave.” I told Loveynna but as I stood up, she stood up, covered the short distance between us and held me by my hands.
“Tony, please…” She said looking at me.
“What, Loveynna…” I asked her.
She looked at me.
“Loveynna, I feel tired already, I think we can organize a meeting later. For today, please let me go home.” I told Loveynna. She inched closer to me and almost hugged me but stopped.
She then pulled away slowly.
“I really feel like it today, please…” Loveynna told me. She was already breathing heavily and I sensed tension in her voice.
“Make it tomorrow, for now let us leave, please.” I told her. She nodded in agreement.
I took her, pulled her towards me, planted a kiss on her forehead and slowly released her.
“Tony, I suggest I leave before you. Remain in office for about 5 minutes and leave.” Loveynna said. I did not know why she suggested that but I complied.
“All right.” I told her and she left silently.
I was seated in my office staring at my watch and after about 6 minutes, my door opened very slowly, startling me as if a ghost was pushing the door since I was not seeing who or what was pushing the door inside. My blood raced and I felt a rush of adrenaline inside me until I felt suddenly hot.
»>To be continued»>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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