One week later, after attending Reginah’s burial and Luke’s burial, I was feeling so exhausted and disoriented. I was seeing the world as if I was having a nightmare. Losing two people so close to me in quick succession proved to be so hard on me.
I was seated in office, at around 11 am looking at some reports when Irene softly knocked at the door.
“Come on.” I told her and she came in.
“Thank you.” She replied politely before taking a seat.
“Tony, may I have a word with you.” She told me.
“Please, feel free, I am listening.” I told her.
“We need to hire another Accountant. Letisha is overwhelmed and she is just not talking about it.” Irene told me in a polite tone.
“Oh! True. I had not thought of it. Please make arrangements to advertise for the position and notify us. I also suggest we do our own interview rather than having a recruitment firm doing that for us.”
After making a quick budget and plans for that with Irene, she went her way to her office to follow up with the process.
Soon after, I got a call from Ahmed, he wanted to meet me at some hotel in Nairobi.
In the evening, we met with Ahmed and he told me he was so grateful for my cooperation. “Your work is now over, we would wish to reward you.” He told me.
“Ahmed, thank you for your offer but I don’t feel like I need any reward.” I told him.
He looked at me and smiled.
“The money is already in your account.” Ahmed told me.
“How did you know my account number?” I asked him.
“There is no secret in this world as long as you are connected to the right people.” Ahmed told me smiling. He was so casual and business like.
Suddenly, I looked at him and asked him, “Ahmed, how did you get to know I am having an affair with Zuhura?”
The question seemed to catch him offguard. He looked at me as if there was something he was unwilling to tell me. He changed tone.
“Tony, some things you did rather not know. As long as you cooperate with us, no harm will come your way.” Ahmed told me.
But the realization that Kurd was going to be free soon, and his criminals did not go well with me. That was a major issue to deal with and with Reginah dead, I really could not figure out how to get beyond that mess.
“All right, Ahmed. It was nice knowing you. We shall keep in touch.” I told him as we were leaving the hotel. I was at a loss on how to deal with him.
“The interview panel shall be you, Irene, Letisha and me.” Sally told me when we were discussing about how to recruit another accountant in the company.
“How many people have applied?” I asked Sally.
“10, 4 ladies and 6 men.” Sally told me.
“I have never conducted an interview.” I told Sally.
“Neither have I, I am really looking forward to.” Sally told me.
The interview was set for Friday and when the day arrived, I wore the suit that Reginah bought me since it made me look like a high-profile business executive.
Sally wore a blue suit with a long skirt too, Letisha, unlike her usual self, also wore a grey suit thought the skirt reached a little past her knees.
We were to conduct the interview in our expansive boardroom and when the time came, I sat in the position of company director.
The first to come was a short young man, probably in his early 20s. He had CPA 2 and some good experiences. He was so articulate in answering questions. He however did not seem to know much about current affairs which was among the few things we were discussing in the interview and asking.
One by one, the candidates came, ladies and gents. The interviews were short too as we did not bother to ask so much of what could have been irrelevant.
Finally came in a lady who wore some nice suit with navy blue trousers and a white shirt, on top was a nice navy-blue coat; I could not fail to notice her cleavage which was sufficiently displayed. But for some reasons, I could tell Letisha did not like her at all. The lady who was short, near to being slim and chocolate colored stood out among the rest as she had CPA K, had a bachelors in Financial Management, had a post graduate diploma in Business management and it did not make sense to me why she was jobless, or so I assumed. Probably Letisha viewed her as a threat should she be employed in the company.
Each interviewee was leaving their contacts and in the end after all were gone, we were left the four of us to discuss their capabilities on who we would wish to employ. But even after a lengthy discussion, we could not come to a common agreement.
However, in the evening as I was going through my Facebook timeline, I noticed a new message request from my phone. I accepted without much of a thought since I did not take not of Facebook buddies since I had numerous followers. But as soon as I accepted, the new friend sent a simple, “hi”.
I replied.
“Do you remember me?” She asked.
“No, please remind me.” I told the person.
“I am Venessa Williams, the lady who came for interview today at your company.” She said. I was surprised since I had not expected she knew me online.
“Oh! Pleasure to meet you here too.” I told her and continued to scroll downwards but it was apparent that she was willing to catch my attention and we continued to chat. She came out across as someone who could hold an intellectual conversation.
However, she surprised me when she suggested that we meet the following day.
“I shall be going to west lands tomorrow, so we can meet on my way there.” I told her. But I did not bother to ask her why she wished to meet me.
When I met Venessa, she was wearing a short dress and her legs were fantastic. But did not want to dwell so much on her manner of dressing. We sat at a certain hotel lounge where she ordered two drinks, mango juice for me and some passion juice for herself.
“So, Venessa, tell me why you invited me here.” I told her. She looked at me and smiled.
“Sir, I just need that job, that is what I wanted to tell you.” She told me.
“We told everyone to wait for our feedback.” I told her in a business-like manner.
She smiled.
“I know, but I have taken further steps to try and secure the job.” She told me while crossing her legs and looking at some cat that was passing close to us. I motioned the cat and it came to where I sat and I began to caress it.
“You like cats.” She told me.
“Yes, I love them, my favorite pets.” I told her.
“I am willing to do anything to get this job.’ She insisted.
“We do not take bribes.” I told her still sounding business-like.
“I have no money to bribe you.” She told me confidently.
“Then how else are you willing to show me you need the job?” I asked her.
She remained silent for a while. I did not want to guess but I had so many thoughts in my mind. Plus, my mind was not settled as the day that Reginah died kept haunting me in my dreams. I felt like I should have done more to protect her.
Venessa looked around as if to make sure no one was listening to us.
“Sir, I will go straight to the point since we are living in a world where we have to make huge sacrifices in order to make it, please if you get offended by me, you are free to tell me to go away; I will understand.” She said clearly.
“All right, go on; I am listening.” I told her taking a sip from my glass of juice.
“I want to offer myself to you to get that job. I am willing to give you passionate and memorable sex to earn this job. Just tell me how you would like it and it shall be done.” She said.
I was surprised. I did not expect her to have such confidence or to make such a suggestion, or I thought she could. She had an innocent looking face you would never expect her to even suggest that. Her baby face was really hiding a lot about her.
I looked keenly into her eyes. “Please come again…” I told her.
She looked straight into me and repeated her intentions without mincing words.
‘But why? Isn’t that prostitution?” I asked her. Before she answered I continued, “You have such high-profile qualifications, you can easily get a job at any company of your choice why do you want to use sex to have the job?” I asked her.
She laughed a little. “It is the ultimate sacrifice I am willing to do in order to get that job. Nowadays jobs don’t come easily we have to find means to beat our competitors using whatever means we can get. Sorry if I have offended you, sir.” She said politely in a soft tone.
I thought for a while.
“Can you do the job?” I asked her.
“Let us get a room and I show you what I can do.” She said.
“No, I do not mean the sex job, the accountancy job. Can you do it?” I asked her.
“Oh! Yes. I can. Please give me the chance.” She said smiling. There was no iota of shyness in her voice or expression.
“All right, I am going to make sure you get the job.” I told her.
She looked at me.
“Just like that?” she asked suggestively.
“Yes, just like that.” I told her. She seemed unsure of what I was saying.
“Look, Venessa, I fully understand you but I am not going to have sex with you in order to give you the job.” I told her. She got surprised and sat upright.
“But, sir… I…how…” She stammered along. It was so sure she really expected me to take her offer for sex in order for me to give her the job.
“Venessa, don’t worry. You have the job. I shall communicate with you the reporting day.” I told her.
She smiled and said, “Thank you!”
“Now, if you don’t mind. I have some work to do, I want to go.” I told her. I was about to pay for the drinks when she said, “Oh! Sir, let me have the pleasure of paying for you. I am the one who invited you here.”
She said, called the waiter and paid.
I did not want to know which way was she headed to, all I wanted was to just go. She was too tempting as she was a beautiful woman but her confidence baffled me.
“Thank you, sir, for your time.” She told me as I stood to leave.
“Have a nice time.” I told her and left without looking behind.
The following week however, as I was going through some records of the interviewees scores, I realized despite Venessa’s thoughts, she had scored the highest, but Letisha considered someone else. But Finally, it was Sally who arrived to the decision that Venessa was the most qualified for the job and she told Maureen the PR and also receptionist to call Venessa and tell her to report to work as from that week on Wednesday.
“Why did you settle for Venessa?” Letisha asked me when we were having tea during tea break.
“She has the qualifications.” I told her. But Letisha just smiled.
“Fine, she will at least help me with my work.” Letisha said.
“You don’t sound like you like her…” I told Letisha.
“Oh! No, I have no problem with her. Just that I thought we should have had some gender equality. “She said.
“We just wanted someone who qualifies.” I told her.
As we were talking we were joined by Carol.
“Carol, you are becoming smaller. What is the matter?” Letisha asked Carol.
“I have no problem, just that I had some stressful weeks but now am getting all right.” Carol told us while sitting down on our table.
“But I like the fact that you are becoming more beautiful.” I flirted with her. She smiled.
“Oh! Tony, you always make me happy, thank you!” Carol said.
“Seems you are eating nice foods of late.” Collins told her.
“Trying to keep fit, you know, being HIV positive demands that you stay very fit otherwise you will succumb to the illness.” Carol said smiling.
“I just love your positive attitude towards life.” Letisha told Carol.
“Do I have a choice?” Carol wondered out loudly and finished with a light laugh.
“No, just that some people really think HIV is the end of life.” Letisha told Carol. Carol instead stood up, walked around on her heels for some steps and wiggled her big hips like simulating some dancing motions.
“Wow! Shake those bums more!” Collins exclaimed.

“Why don’t we have a party soon?” Carol asked on a light note.
“Wait until the new girl arrives then we can go for a party to also welcome her.” Letisha suggested.
“That is a nice suggestion.” I told Letisha. Letisha just smiled.
Carol sat to continue with her tea as Zuhura looked over from her counter. Her tummy was now protruding with her advancing pregnancy.
As we were winding up our tea break, Letisha came so close to my ears and told me, “You still owe me an orgasm, remember?”
I looked at her and she just smiled.
Sally came at around 11 am since she had gone to attend some meeting out of town.
“I really miss Luke.” Sally said as she went through some accounting report.
I did not know whether she missed Luke or his work.
I did not tell her that Venessa tried to bribe me with sex so as to get the accounting job.
“But I loved Venessa’s presentability. She seems like someone who can mingle with everyone with ease.” Sally said.
“And I believe that is so important in any company; hiring someone who blends well with the rest.” I told Sally.
Sally smiled, looked at me and said, “She kept looking at you as if she has seen you before.”
“Probably, but I have never seen her before.” I told Sally.
Just as we were talking, Irene knocked at the door.
“May I see you in your office please…” She told me.
“All right, in a minute.” I told her so as to finalize what I was doing with Sally.
I went to my office where I found Irene waiting for me.
“I wanted you to help me draft Venessa’s Salary. I have realized she is a little bit more qualified than Letisha but Letisha being the head of the department, I just don’t know how to balance the two.” Irene requested.
“Well, consider that she is younger than Letisha, has little years of experience so you can try and make her Salary to be 10,000 less that of Letisha.” I told Irene.
“But according to employment policies, she should earn more.” Irene said.
I thought for a while. “What about 5,000 less? She cannot earn more than Letisha that will be an insult to Letisha.” I told Irene. Irene smiled.
“All right. I will make it that way.” Irene said.
“Anything else?” I asked Irene.
“No, not for now. Looking forward to working with Venessa.” Irene said, stood up and left.
It was becoming apparent that everyone who met Venessa liked her from the word go.

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