“Venessa, tell me more about yourself. As in something of interest.” I suddenly opened a conversation with Venessa as we sat to take our tea during tea break. She was wearing a nice yellow long dress which had some red flowers. She turned slowly to face me and licked off her lips as she swallowed the sip of chocolate drink that she was drinking.
“I schooled in 4 primary schools, but I went to Gitwe girls Secondary School before finishing and going to KCA in Ruaraka where I did up to CPK, then later did a Degree in Financial Management in Nairobi University. I have worked for 2 companies before I finally got myself here. I am single, no child, not dating and not really willing to date unless I meet the right man and above all, I am an atheist.” She said candidly and in a summary. However, what struck me was her statement at the end.
“Did you just say you are an atheist?” I asked her.
She looked at me, adjusted her hair strands to look at me better and said, “Oh! Yeah. I don’t believe in any gods and am not a member of any religion.” She said.
“Sounds interesting, tell me more.” I urged her.
“More about my being an atheist or?” She asked.
“Anything interesting about yourself.” I urged her.
“Personally, I believe the worst people on earth are the people who are attached to forms of religion. They are hypocrites, pretenders and murderers. The world would be a better place to be without religion as long as people just concentrated on being humane, nice and loving.” Venessa told me. She paused to take a sip of her chocolate before asking me a question.
“Are you religious?” She asked me.
“No, I do not ascribe to any religion and I also believe in humanism.” I told her.
She gave me a big smile.
“Wow! For the first time I am meeting someone who is of similar mind as mine.” She said.
We continued to talk for the better part of the mid-morning until the rest of them joined us.
But it was becoming obvious that most people are not comfortable discussing religion and it seemed like it would easily offend some to even dare criticize their belief.
“Why do people become so defensive of foreign beliefs?” Venessa suddenly asked almost everyone.
I realized no one was really willing to answer that until Collins answered, “I think it is unwise to defend foreign beliefs, I did rather stick to beliefs of my fore fathers.”
“I also don’t see the need to defend beliefs that only came to us around 100 years ago.” Irene added and almost everyone nodded.
“You cannot abandon religion.” Zuhura said.
“We did not tell anyone to abandon religion.” Letisha told her smiling.
“I did rather leave each one to believe whatever he wants.” Loveynna said smiling. She had told me once that she does not fancy beliefs but she considers herself a Christian.
“By the way, we should have a party to welcome our latest colleague.” Carol suddenly said as people wanted to go back to their offices.
“Oh! Yes, we had slotted that for tomorrow and wanted to announce to all of you over the email. But now that you said it, I also wish to give you the task of searching for us the best place.” Sally told Carol.
Carol gladly took up the task and promised to get for us a good restaurant for us to go and party.
“Wow! That is a nice gesture! I am so happy!” Venessa told us as we stood up to go to our offices.
“We have a long-standing tradition of welcoming people to the company.” Sally told Venessa.
“Thank you so much, Madam. I really appreciate.” Venessa told Sally.
As I sat in my office, Sally called me into her office.
“My dear, I don’t suspect anything strange with Venessa. Unless my instincts are not as sharp as yours.” I told Sally. She smiled.
“All right, we shall know with time, but I like the girl. She is nice, refined and professional.” Sally told me. I wished she knew the girl wanted me to fuck her to give her the job which she was in fact qualified to do, if not over qualified as her credentials were better than Letisha’s.

We picked a Friday to go and have a welcoming party for Venessa and for that we all went home a bit early so that we can get time to congregate at a restaurant of our choice by 6 pm. We wanted people to be relaxed by the time they came.
I and Sally were the first to arrive at the restaurant but we carried along Agatha and Philip. However, Philip completely refused to sit with Agatha as long as his mother was in the car.
“Philip always gets so exited when travelling around in the car.” Agatha said noting how he was getting so excited as the car went along making everyone want to laugh at his Childish giggles.
Seated where we were, however, Agatha sat with Philip as we got to order.
After a few minutes, Letisha arrived looking like a queen. She was wearing a silvery long dress with a long slit running all the way to her thighs. The dress had hour glass figure that made Letisha’s thighs protrude so much.
Carol came wearing a red mini dress that left most of her thighs outside making her look more voluptuous that she was before, noting that she had put on some weight after giving birth to her second born. She came accompanied by her sister who was wearing a tight blue jeans and yellow T shirt.
Collins as usual came wearing like an army officer with very tight T shirt that made his bulging muscles so intimidating. He came with his wife.
Finally, Venessa came wearing a short white dress which had a yellow ribbon at the waist level. She looked like a big doll owing to her chocolate light skin.
“I would wish to welcome all of you to our party as we welcome our newest colleague at the company.” Sally told us as we sat at a round table. Irene was directly opposite me and she too had come with her child.
The party began and a round of drinks was passed to us as we wished with some Nyama Choma. We sat there talking about everything. Venessa was so impressive with her knowledge about global affairs you would think she was an ambassador or something close to that.
“Wow! You sound like you have read so wide!” Sally told Venessa as she explained about the Mongoloids and how they used to invade China Dynasty so many years BC. She had vast knowledge in world history.
“What made you so much interested in world history?” I asked Venessa as we talked.
“I believe history makes the future, through history we can predict the future.” She said.
That statement seemed to excite Irene.
“Wow! So, can I know what will happen to our religions based on how they began?” Irene asked.
“Well, probably people shall eventually abandon religion. After all, religion does not solve anything in the world and people are more focused on solution than beliefs.” Venessa said adjusting her hair to look at Irene better.
After much talking, one by one we began going to the dance floor until almost everyone was dancing to the rhythm of the songs, but Sally informed me she was tired and would not dance more. So, we sat at one corner talking about some domestic issues.
We were busy talking until we noticed Irene and Venessa dancing together like they were some couple.
“Wait a minute, could Venessa be a lesbian?” Sally asked.
“Why?” I asked her.
“Look at how she is holding Irene.” Sally told me. Venessa was holding Irene by her waist and since Irene was shorter, she was resting head on Venessa’s shoulder.
I laughed a little.
“Maybe she is a shemale.” I said jokingly.
“Do you mean, someone who has both female and male organs?” Sally asked.
“Yes.” I said amused.
»To be continued»
By Anthony Kerry.

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