Omote knew that it was going to take a lot to win Roland's parents love, so she got her mom Oh Lala, a Marc Jacobs perfume; and got his father an expensive Brandy from a wine shop.
There was one thing that was certain on Roland's mind, he loved Omote; and even if his parents didn't like her, he was ready to spend the rest of his life with her.
Roland's family house had the smell of queen of the night flower.
The huge duplex was the biggest in the estate.
Roland glanced quickly around and did not see his Parents. Moments later, his mother appeared in a gingham gown.
"Oh dear Omote" she said stylishly as she walked elegantly towards Omote. Omote stood up immediately and bended her knees. She felt easier, when she saw that Roland's mom liked her.
Her height was beyond what Omote expected. She was tall, elegant and stylish.
She was smelling of Vanilla sugar body scrub, and Omote had thought she got the perfume gift for the right person.
"My son chose the right woman for himself, beautiful." she said.
"thank you mom." Omote said, shyly looking at her shoes as if examining them for flaws.
"Roland, get us a bottle of sparkling water from the refrigerator." Roland's mom said softly as Roland rushed out of sitting room. Omote took her handbag and brought out the gift she had bought from the perfume shop, she handed it to Roland's mom humbly, as she bends her knees again.
"I got this for you mom." She said. Omote lowered herself slowly on the soft, silky sofa, as Roland's mom expressed her excitement in a dramatic way.
"Thank you my darling. I won't let any other woman take my son away from you " she said with a beamed smile. Omote got the joke and laughed shyly.
Roland soon came out with a bottle of sparkling water and four glasses on a tray.
He put the glasses on the table and waited patiently for his father to come out.
Not long, Roland's father appeared in his blue overall. His gaze rested on Omote for a while as she stood to greet him respectfully. He shook hands with Roland and sat comfortably beside his wife.
"You are welcome my daughter. It's good to have you here. Sit down and make yourself comfortable."
"Thank you sir." Omote said softly.
The four of them soon settled onto easy banter, and Omote began to relax. Roland's father had the polished manners of a trained captain. He was knowledgeable and funny. She realized that she was having fun, and that hadn't happen to her in a very long time.
"My brother will be here soon to see his first nephew's wife to be." Rowland's dad said excitedly.
They had just finished the last of Roland's mom small chops when a shadow fell across Omote's face, and she glanced up to see Chief Akporo in front of the door.
She tensed and drew back, resisting the urge to scramble to her feet and runaway from the house.
"I hope I am not interrupting anything." Chief Akporo said in a trembling voice. "What did I miss already?"
"We are about to eat right now. You came in at the right time." Roland's mom said excitedly.
At that moment, a young girl dressed in a blue and white check material and had a white apron tied to waist, appeared from the kitchen, she was smelling of curry and thyme.
"Madam, lunch is ready." She said shrilly.
"We will be there in a bit Oka." Roland's mom said and then turned to Chief Akporo. "Akpo, this is your nephew's girlfriend."
Omote met Chief's gaze and found his expression as sharp as the blade of a knife. The heaviness of his presence laid on her like a weight.


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