But the two women seemed dangerous and with their pregnancy, they were all crazy.

Sally discussed with me the details of what Kamau had wanted when he comes to the office, and we had to craft fast on how to blackmail him if possible get rid of him.
“Letisha can do this assignment perfectly, she is capable of it.” Sally suggested.
“But you just said she needs help to overcome her nymphomania tendencies…” I told Sally.
“Yes, but before then, let us use her to get rid of this idiot. I am calling her here.” Sally said and picked the phone to call Letisha.
Within no time, Letisha was in our office.
Sally briefed in details on why she wanted Letisha for the dirty job.
“Letisha, I know you are a seductress. Now, I want you to seduce Kamau the director. Whatever you choose to do with him is none of our business but keep him as occupied as possible. Kamau is married so make sure you take photos and videos with him in compromising situations, them bring them to us. Once we have them, we shall use them against him.” Sally told Letisha.
/>To my surprise, Letisha agreed to every word that Sally suggested. But she asked, “Is there a reward?”
“Yes, the reward is a plum position in this company.” Sally told her. That surprised me too.
“Sally, do you want to take over from the directors?” I asked Sally. 
“These two fools think I am a child. Irene and Kamau will go down, and I am going to displace all the other directors since they are partners in this dirty job.” Sally told us affirmatively.
“How comes you seem to know so much about them?” I asked Sally.
“I have had several meetings with the directors away from office. Only one of them is clean, the other 3 are all dirty. The clean director is willing to help me get rid of the other three and the challenge is that this Kamau is the founder. We need his signatures to take this from him and Letisha will get for us the signatures. Then we shall digitize them and forge documents to take away the company.” Sally told me.
“Where does Irene come in?” I asked Sally, really wondering at the mysteries she was revealing.
“To hell with her, once Kamau is out of the show, Irene will cease to exist.” Sally said smiling.
“Damn! Sally you are a woman and a half!” Letisha told Sally with a lot of respect in her voice.
“Sally, you are too crafty. At least this time you are keeping me updated.” I told Sally. 
“Letisha, just tell me, how did you learn to charm men so easily?” Sally asked Letisha.
Letisha seemed to think for a while and told Sally, “I have always wanted to be in control. I love it when I make a man weak, makes me feel proud of myself. I love to conquer men.” Letisha said with some pride. The way she said it aroused me but I knew she was on Sally’s intense rudder and anything she would try to me would really anger Sally.
“Fine, charm for us Kamau. Get all the details you can.” Sally told Letisha. Sally then looked at me and asked, “Should we get for her the pheromones perfumes?”
As I was about to answer, Letisha said, “Don’t worry madam Sally, I have them. I import mine from Germany, top quality not found in Kenya.”
At that point, we were genuinely shocked. Letisha seemed far much ahead of the game of seduction, she was a goddess on her own, a ruler of her own world.
Sally looked at her and told her, “And you seem to have unlimited sexual energy, as a woman, you amaze me.” 
Letisha smiled and said, “Can I tell you some more about myself?”
“Yes, do tell us.” Sally encouraged her.
“I do 300 kegels daily, I use kegel balls and kegel master. I also use super lady herbs to keep my hormones burning. I eat a lot of tilapia from Lake Victoria. I do for myself vaginal massage and G spot massage often. I also work out to maintain my health, maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress.” Letisha told us.
“Whoa! All right.” Sally told Letisha.
I just marveled.
“This woman Letisha…” Sally said once Letisha left after assuring us she will bring down Kamau for us as long as we shall keep our bargain.
“I knew she was an odd woman; now that is confirmed.” I told Sally.
“But it still amazes me she has not tried you…” Sally told me smiling.
“All right, she has and has not succeeded. She won’t succeed with me.” I told Sally. Sally just smiled.
I laughed. “So, a sex scandal will bring Kamau down, and probably finish him?” I asked Sally. 
“Yes, no one ever wants a damaged reputation. Once the scandal is out, he will find a place to hide.” Sally told me.
We both laughed.
Towards 5 pm, Zuhura came to my office to remind me to pass by her place to fix her antenna. I did not promise to pass by her place since I had another appointment with Reginah. But Zuhura told me when I get the time, I should tell her.
I met Reginah at one of the restaurants downtown. She was wearing some fitting trousers dark red in color, a black top and some nice sun glasses. When she saw me, she removed the sunglasses and welcomed me to have a seat.
We got talking after some greetings.
“Reginah, what is the news that you have, the good news?” I asked Reginah.
She smiled, observed me for a while and told me, “I do not have any news at all, I just wanted you to come and we have a talk.” Reginah told me smiling.
“All right, let me know…” I urged Reginah as I picked my soft drink and took a sip.
“Tony, I am going straight to the point. I do not need to beat about the bush since we both here are two mature people.” Reginah said, paused, took a sip of her juice, licked her lips, smiled and continued talking.
“Tony, I do not wish to get married. All I wish is to become a single mother. Not that I hate men, but I do not have time to settle with a husband. But I want a baby and if possible soon enough. I however have not met a suitor to be a sperm donor better than you. It is the reason why I called you here. I want to let you know I want you to make me pregnant, give me a baby. A boy or a girl will be all right with me. “Reginah told me and paused, then continued, “You don’t have to have sex with me, you can go to hospital where they harvest sperms and let them harvest yours for me. I know it is costly and it might cost around Kshs 1.2 million. But I would not mind you saving that for me by just making me pregnant through…eeeh….you know…the natural way of copulation.” Reginah told me.
She stopped talking and looked at me into my eyes until it scared me a little. She smiled to make me at ease.
“Why me of all men?” I asked her.
“Tony, you cannot afford to ask me the obvious. You are very handsome, you are intelligent, you are smart, you are tall, you are everything a woman would ever want, and you are everything a woman would wish in an offspring: perfect specimen. I also know you are strong.” Reginah told me. At this point, I laughed.
What is funny?” Reginah asked.
“For strength, Collins can do better.” I told Reginah. 
“Oh! That is artificial strength, such men are like that due to steroids perhaps, and lifting weights. I would prefer a naturally strong man.” Reginah told me. I felt flattered.
“I get you.” I told Reginah.
“So, Tony, without talking too much, I have just told you what I want. I can even pay you if you want to charge me for your sperms, but I really must get your child. I will not even bother you after that, I will take care of the child. If the child shall want to know its father, it is up to you to allow me or not to show the child its father, as for me, I shall accord the child all necessary parental care. I am not getting younger anymore and the urge to hold my own child is overwhelming me. Whenever I see a woman passing with a child, it makes me a little jealous and leaves my heart aching to get a child.” Reginah told me.
Coincidentally, a lady who was passing outside the restaurant spanked her boy of about 3 years hard on the back; the little kid was misbehaving and the mother sounded like a discipline master. Reginah looked at them and smiled. The two were very smart, wearing almost similar attire. After the lady passed, Reginah looked at me and said, “I want to be in her position in 3 years’ time. I want to feel the pride of disciplining my child, watching my child as I walk by the road. Please, Tony, help me get there. We are great Friends Tony, it does not have to be very difficult for both of us. I won’t interfere with your life. I will not be like the desperate single mothers who keep running after their baby daddies for children upkeep.” Reginah said sounding very serious.
“Phew! I have heard you clear. But How sure am I that this is not a trap you will lay on me to torment me in future? I really would not wish anyone coming to interfere my marriage. I love Sally so much and would never wish her to be hurt at all.” I told Reginah sounding protective.
Reginah smiled and said, “Sally does not have to know, but I wish she would and would give me the permission to…” Reginah left the sentence hanging, as if telling to finish it in my head.
As I was thinking what to tell Reginah, she asked me, “Do you have a child?” Reginah asked.
“No, but we are expecting one soon with my wife.” I told her.
“I know you will be a fantastic father for your child. If a boy, I know he shall be as handsome as his daddy, but a girl would equally be beautiful. Handsome men sire cute babies.” Reginah told me. I really felt flattered. 
“Reginah, your request has is of such a huge magnitude than you can imagine.” But as I told Reginah that she cut me short by saying softly and smoothly, “Tony, I am the one carrying the pregnancy, not you. And in any case, if I ever come to interfere you can as well deny me. Men have been making women pregnant and denying for a long time. But am not that childish. You know me and you have never joked with each other.” Reginah told me sounding very serious.
“Reginah! I am just surprised at your request. I never thought a woman can make a decision to be a single mother. I always thought that single mothers are ladies who were just dumped.” Reginah cut me short and said, “Tony, so many single mothers are single by choice. I know some ladies pretend to have made the choice but they were forced by circumstances. Those are the single mothers who end up bitter, enemies of marriage, their work is to destroy other people’s marriages. They are full of bitterness, venom, vengeance and nothing good can come out of such. But for single mothers who made the choice to be single mothers, they are happy, contented, satisfied and have nothing against anyone in this world. If you fuck such, it is out of her own physical desires not because she wants to snatch you from Sally. In any case, such single mothers do not ever wish to hurt a fellow woman; they uphold women and respect married ladies a lot since that is their choice too. All I want is to be a single mother out of my own choice, and I want an offspring from you and I will be satisfied. Even if you do not ever want anything to do with me beyond making me pregnant, I will still be all right. After all, I was alive before we met, so I would not die if we parted.” Reginah told me boldly.
I thought for a while, looked at her and told her, “Reginah, you are an amazing woman. If all single mothers would live by your sentiments, all this bitterness we see coming from them would be a thing of the past.”
But Reginah continued, “They are bitter because they were either hurt too much in the past, or they made a mistake as to end up pregnant against their choice and now being bitter is their way of venting against themselves. Such single mothers are very malevolent. More so, they sincerely are enemies of marriage institution and would wish all ladies end up as bitter single mothers just like them.” Reginah told me sounding very realistic like she knew everything about single mothers.
“All right, I have heard you.” I told Reginah.
“Tony, I would not bother you if I did not believe in you, furthermore, it would not surprise me if other ladies approached you with similar requests as mine.” Reginah told me.
It opened a kaleidoscope of memories from the past. Ever since I was in campus, so many young ladies had approached me, but I thought it would be a trap so I avoided them. Some were way older than me but had approached me with similar or almost similar requests. It now made sense what Reginah was telling me.
“Yes, you are right.” I told Reginah. She did not press further. 
“I will not try to blackmail you, and would wish to abide by your rules once you agree to my request.” Reginah told me.
“By the way how is work?” Reginah asked, suddenly changing the topic.
“Just progressing well, except a few challenges; Irene and Kamau are becoming a real pain in the ass.” I told Reginah.
“Tony, you are intelligent, your wife is also a schemer. Do you want to tell me such two-simple people can bother you?” Reginah asked me smiling. She called the waiter to add her some more juice and I realized I had hardly touched mine. I was so into the conversation such that I had nearly forgotten my juice.
“We are seeing what to do…” As I was talking, Reginah cut me and told me, “Use a woman to bring down Kamau, women have brought down mighty kingdoms. For you, use your charms to get rid of Irene and this time, for good. But I am sure she is now weakened.” Reginah said.
“Yes, we will see how to handle the two.” I told Reginah.
“I wish I could help, but seeing what I want with my life now, I am slowly abandoning using seductive skills to bring down criminals.” Reginah told me.
“So, you mean you are slowly changing?” I asked her.
“Yes, Tony, the most important thing I want my pussy to achieve soonest is to pop out a kid, not to track way ward dickheads. The next time I shall open my thighs, probably for you when you are planting a seed inside me.” Reginah said and laughed softly, a small seductive laugh while looking at me sipping her juice at the corner of her lips.
I laughed, “You make it sound like it is an emergency.” I told her.
“Tony, I wish you were in my heart and see. I have a burning desire to hold my own child, to breastfeed my child, to tell my child, “mummy loves you”, to kiss my child, to play with my child, to sooth my child and see my child sleeping besides me in one bed, knowing sure that I am like a god to that child and I hold so much power over it. There is a lot of pride with being a mum. Nothing is greater in this world for a woman than having a child. Nothing surpasses the love of a child that a mother has. Having a child is the greatest natural accomplishment for a woman. Knowing that another life came out of you; what can be greater than that?” Reginah asked looking into my eyes. I felt the sincerity of her statement. It made me feel suddenly proud expecting a child with Sally. Reginah seemed to read my mind and asked, “Aren’t you proud you are becoming a father soon?”
“I am, I long to hold my child too!” I answered immediately. 
“Let us go for a walk…” Reginah requested suddenly. We stood up and strolled along the suburb neighborhood. The waiter did not seem bothered to ask whether we had paid or not; as if she knew Reginah better.
As we were walking, we met two ladies walking with their children side to side, with one of them with a man who by all looks was the father of the child since the little girl was playing with him after every while. We were walking silently observing, each one of us lost in his or her own thoughts. 
We came to a nice spot with smooth grass near a well-kept fence. It was already dark but the estate was well lit with street lights. Reginah motioned me to sit with her on the grass and we sat.
She looked at me for about 20 seconds, smiling softly with her shinny lips, then asked me with a voice that sounded emotional such that it startled me, “Tony, I want you to answer me, with a simple, direct answer. It is the reason why I have brought you here, away from the people so that my reaction won’t attract attention since what you will answer me has the capacity to build me or to break me, it might make me react so emotionally. 
Will you please do me that one great favor as a friend?”
>>>To be continued>>>

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
