It felt even cold, and I realized we were all alone. I was thinking where Sally could be and suddenly I heard her voice calling me, startling me. I wondered, could she has seen me and Loveynna making love?
“Wake up! Wake up! There is someone outside the window!” Sally startled me to reality and I realized I had just had an erotic dream. But I suddenly woke up with a surge of adrenaline.
“What do you mean there is someone outside the window?!” I asked Sally. 
“I saw a shadow move…” Sally said.
I thought for a while, but woke up fast and dressed on a trouser and a T shirt. I took a metal bar with a sharp edge at the end and headed outside.
“My dear, careful!” Sally told me as I got outside the house.
I circled the house and did not see anybody. I looked in all possible hiding locations and still saw no one. Suddenly as I was about get back to the house, something moved at the corner of my eyes.
I shouted, “Come out before I do you harm!” and a man came out with his hands in the air.
“Please don’t hurt me, I got lost.” The man was totally drunk.
“How did you get here?” I asked the man, noting that the gat was still locked.
“I jumped over the gate, I thought this is my house. I live two blocks from here. I used to live in this house and I forgot and came here.” The man explained. He was a short man and seemed totally harmless. But I got puzzled, how could he jump over the gate yet it was supposed to be electric at the top preventing anyone from coming in? I walked to the gate leaving the man standing where he was, touched the wires with my fingers and they had no electric current flowing in them at all. The man came towards me.
“The wires do not have current, they may be damaged.” The man told me.
“How did you know?” I asked him.
“Because I pushed them aside and jumped over.” He answered candidly. 
I looked at him menacingly. He must have sensed and he pleaded with me further.
“Please spare me, I am not a burglar. My names are James Mwaniki, here is my business card.” He handed me a business card. He was working for a Solar installations company as a technician. 
“Fine, nice to meet you though this was not a nice way to meet.” I told the man as he handed me his business card.
“I really apologize, sir. I think I have to stop drinking too much.” James said.
“Yes, you really have to. I am Anthony. Now I will let you go, perhaps we shall meet again. It is almost day light.” I told the man as I opened the gate and let him go.
He really apologized and went away. 
But I knew my security system had a problem and needed fixing. The estate managers operated on 24/7 basis and I went inside, picked my phone and called them. I explained to them that someone managed to get into my compound through climbing over the gate and they promised to have it fixed within 6 hours. I also told Sally he was not a thief, just a lost man.
“He might get killed. That is why I never wished to get married to a drunkard. Who gets that lost to an extent of breaking into someone else’s compound? That is dangerous!” Sally said.
“Yes, and it is almost 6 am, we have to get prepared to go for work.” I told Sally.
She looked at me and smiled, a suggestive smile.
“I sucked your sugar cane at night, you never woke up. I sucked you until you spilled everything in my mouth and I ….” She paused. I was surprised.
“…and you swallowed…” I finished her sentence. 
She smiled and said, “Yes. You even called me Love, a name you have never called me since we got together. Seems it was so erotic to you. I know you were dreaming. You got erect at night I decided to suck your penis. I never knew you would enjoy that much in your sleep.” Sally said and laughed hard until I laughed too.
But I felt odd. So, Sally sucked my johnnie while I was sleeping but I dreamt screwing Loveynna? That was odd indeed. I laughed at myself.
We woke up and I saw the cat that we came with was still sleeping at our living room coach. 
Sally wore a nice long loosely fitting blue dress with white flowers as I wore one of my favorite blue suits and white shirt, and a black tie.
When we got to office, Loveynna was cleaning as usual and I looked at her, imagining the much dream I had about her.
“Good morning.” I greeted her.
“Good morning Tony, how was your night?” She asked. As if she knew I dreamt with her.
“My night was all right.” I told her.
“Fine, have a good day.” She told me and she continued with her work of cleaning the corridors as the rest of workers continued to come. I got into my office and it was already clean. I realized Loveynna had cleaned my office before the rest.
However, as Loveynna began cleaning Sally’s office Sally came to my office.
“Sally, I think you should not be hard on Letisha and Kiptoo. Just give them a warning and it will be all right.” I told Sally. She smiled.
“No, I will just tell them it is not proper to have sex in office and not to do it again. Remember, me and you are also guilty.” Sally said and smiled shyly.
“True. We are. But for now, we are not.” I told Sally as she went to my office sink to clean her hands after removing some dirt from her dress.
I nearly laughed while saying, “Letisha was really having a good time..” Sally cut me short by saying.
“…and the way she pretends to be high class woman, getting fucked by a gate man. She must have been missing it.” Sally told me.
“Well, remember someone might have thought am stupid by being in love with a tea girl.” I told Sally.
“Oh! Yea. But looking at Kiptoo’s profile, he is totally a gate man. Highest education level is class eight and he failed. So Letisha must have been pushed to the edge to allow him between her legs.” Sally told me smiling.
“Haha, love does not know classes or social status. Let her fuck him.” I told Sally.
“But the lady was fantasizing about you when being fucked. May be that means something else…” Sally told me and smiled, looking at me from the edge of her eyes.
I laughed too.
“That means I am a hot cake!” I bragged.
“But do not give out your cake to just anyone. I can sense some ladies here would jump to bed with you given chance. The problem of having a hunk is, every woman wants a piece of him. But let any try they will know who I am.” Sally told me sounding serious at the end of the statement.
I was about to talk when Cynthia knocked at the door.
“Come in!” Sally told her.
“Good morning Tony and Sally. I want some approval to go and purchase some detergents for Loveynna.” She told us laying her order on the table. Sally reviewed the order but did not approve it.
“Call Loveynaa for me please.” Sally said and Cynthia went and came back with Loveynna.
“Loveynna, I want to recommend some better detergents for cleaning the office curtains. The ones you have ordered will make them degrade fast.” Sally told Loveynna and did some adjustment to her order. Loveynna appreciated. “Thank you, Madam. I never knew about them, I appreciate.” 
Loveynna and Cynthia left.
We talked for a few more minutes and Sally left for her office. 
During tea break, I found Carol, Chris, Zuhura, Collins and Maureen talking in a hushed tone. When I approached, I overheard one of them mention Letisha and I knew it was on open secret that Letisha has been fucking Kiptoo not once, not twice but it was a regular thing.
How could I have been so behind office rumors? I wondered. I must have been so engrossed with my work to an extent I missed current affairs of our office. I realized ever since I went into the new office, got elevated, got married I was missing quiet a lot of the grapevine around our place of work.
I just sat there listening silently and learned that Kiptoo had even tried to seduce Carol and Cynthia, but both ladies turned him down but it seemed Letisha finally said yes to Kiptoo. 
“Why does she have to pretend to be a high-class woman when she is being fucked by a class 8 drop out? What a shame! People should learn to be humble.” Carol was saying.
“But even if I was in a terrible dry spell, I could never lower myself to that level. Kiptoo is not even handsome, he is illiterate, he does not even know how to speak in English. Hell no, I would rather die of dry spell than fuck such a retard.” Maureen said.
Zuhura looked at her keenly and said, “But Maureen, you are married…” 
Maureen looked back to her and said, “Does that mean anything? I cannot deny my body what it wants just because I am married. My husband is never home, he thinks money is more important to search and only comes once or twice in a year. My body pushed me to the edge and I got a man to be drilling me when my man is away. I do not regret. Now I am happy and satisfied.” Maureen said without hesitation, something which I could see really shocked Zuhura.
Zuhura wanted to say something but Collins cut in, “Oh! Yes, that is what I keep saying. Why die of dry spell yet dicks are all over?!” 
“Gosh! You guys, aren’t you afraid of getting caught while at it?” Carol wondered out loudly.
“Be smart, you won’t get caught by anyone.” Maureen said smiling broadly as if she just said something so nice and appealing.
Zuhura just scanned us and remained silent. I could tell she was in deep thought.
“Zuhura, these people are putting you into temptations, resist!” Chris said folding a fist in the air to reinforce what he just said.
“Chris, you are beginning to sound as Silly as Luke our saint around here.” Collins said.
“Ah! Leave Luke alone, I even doubt he has a penis.” Carol said with contempt.
We laughed.
“Why can’t you volunteer and check if he has a penis?” Maureen dared Carol.
Carol just laughed and said, “I am out of bounds for that.” 
It seemed everyone was puzzled by what she just said.
“What do you mean out of bounds? You are not married…” Maureen said.
Carol just laughed it off. Me and Collins exchanged some knowing glances but Zuhura noticed it.
“Do you people know what we do not know?” Zuhura asked.
Collins was the first to speak and said, “No, No! Carol is just too good for any of us here, she is a high-stake lady.” Collins finished with some light laugh that made everyone laugh.
As we finished out tea and some Kaimati, some of us began going back to our offices. As I was finishing my tea, Letisha and Luke made their way to the restaurant. 
Letisha wore a face of shame as she greeted me, “Good morning, Tony.”
“Good morning, Letisha.” I responded.
I left both Luke and Letisha having some deep religious conversation you would have thought they were two pastors. It made me wonder the extent to which people can hide in religion but deep down they are opposite as it was obvious Letisha was very opposite of what she was presenting herself to all of us. Perhaps she was not even an expensive high-class lady as she wanted us to believe. 
On my way to office, I met Irene who was wearing a long dress too and her tummy was showing.
“Hi, dear.” She greeted me.
“Hi, Irene.” I responded. She was not happy with my reply.
“At least tell me Hi dear too.” Irene said, smiled and went towards the restaurant.
As soon as I settled in my office, I received a call from Reginah. She wanted to meet me in the evening but she gave me an option if I was busy, I could skip to the following day. I promised to meet her if I got the time.
After a short while, Irene came into my office. She had a technical issue with her laptop.
“Irene, I told you this is an IT issue, you should take it to Carol or Chris.” I told Irene.
“Tony, I am more comfortable with you than them, why not just sort me out?” She pleaded.
I checked the issue and rectified for her. However, I noticed she was not in a hurry to leave my office. She took a seat and began doing her work in my office. I did not tell her to go as I also got busy working.
“Tony, can I trust you on something?” Irene asked.
“Yes, you can.” I told Irene.
“I have come to like Sally’s way of management. But Kamau wanted me to take over from her and there are plans to have Sally laid off to pave way for me to take over. I honestly do not want that. I have learned my lessons and I do not want to be selfish anymore with this life. I cannot have it all. I have no ill intentions for Sally but I really want to retain my job. I cannot approach Sally and tell her what I am telling you. I fear her. But I want you to try and prevent that from happening. Do something, whatever you can to prevent that.” Sally told me in a rather shocking revelation I never expected from her. But it was strange. I used to think Irene was Sally’s arch rival how could she tell me all that. I stopped doing what I was doing and paid more attention to Irene.
“Irene, how do you know all that?” I asked her.
“Tony, I have no ill intentions against Sally. I can see she still views me with a lot of suspicion but I have nothing against her. I just feel bad that she has you and I really love you.” Irene told me.
“Irene, so what is your suggestion?” I asked her. She looked at me and told me, “Tony, I do not know what you are to do, but I want Kamau to be eliminated from the list of directors. Whatever happens by whatever means, Kamau must go. Once he is out of directors, he will no longer bother me too.” Irene told me. She sounded serious and desperate. 
“Irene, do you understand Kamau is among the founders of this company and he has the most shares in this company…” I told Irene.
“Yes, we can scheme to take over this company from him.” Irene told me.
That sounded like rocket science scheme.
“Irene, you are crazy, very crazy!” I told Irene.
“Tony, wake up. Once we eliminate Kamau, this company will be ours. We shall be the shareholders. The other directors are weak and we can manipulate them. I want we take over this company. I know Sally is an intelligent woman, more than I had initially thought. Feel free to share with her my idea. Keep it a secret between us.” Irene told me.
“DAMN! I really do not know what to tell you anymore. I hope you are not setting us up.” I told Irene.
“Tony, when shall you learn to trust me? When I was helping you, I did it out of love. I had no selfish intentions with you. I wanted a great life for us. Please make it happen. I really love this company, I have worked so much for it. I have sealed so much deals for this company. Most of the business connections are all my effort. Besides, we can trace the money that was left by Angeline when she died and it will be for our own benefits. Please, Tony, make it happen. I cannot afford to lose all my life time effort just like that. I have to humble myself here and see if that will be possible and I know with you and Sally it will be possible.” Irene told me.
I completely stopped what I was doing and felt a rush of adrenaline overwhelm me.
“Irene, did you just say you have a way we can recover the billions of monies that Angeline left?!” I asked Irene.
Irene did something even stranger, she stood up, covered the little distance between us and grabbed me as if by force, lifted me, gave me a hug and planted a short but very intense French kiss on my lips, so intense it nearly aroused me.
“Tony, trust me for once; trust me. You don’t have to fuck me despite how much I am feeling my physical desires are killing me, but do this for me, please.” Irene pleaded.
As she was holding me, Loveynna passed by our window swiftly and Irene quickly released me and went to sit on her chair. I just hopped she had not seen us as I could not handle the amount of rumors that would come out of it.
I sat down, looked keenly at Irene’s eyes and told her.
“Irene, today, I will remain in the office and I want you to remain behind. Come and let me know everything there is to know.” I told Irene.
“Deal, I will.” Irene told me, stood up, picked her laptop and left my office. On her way out, she stood at the door, smiled and stepped outside.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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