“Why do you want to be married as a second wife, yet you can become a nice first wife of someone?” I asked her. She smiled.
“Because the man who is marrying me is married.” She told me casually.
“I know you are joking. Who is the man?” I asked her jokingly.
“The man is standing right here with me, talking to me and he does not even know if he is the one I am talking about.” Loveynna told me. My heart skipped a beat.
“Are you by any chance talking about me?” I asked her.
“Yes, I am talking about you.” She told me.
“Well, I do not need a second wife. One is enough.” I told her gently and slowly
“Ok, go back to your office, will pass by there in the evening.” Loveynna told me but I did not take her serious.
But true to her word, she did not go home early, she waited until everyone was gone and came to my office.
“Welcome, take a seat.” I told her.
“Thank you.” She told me but she was tensed. I just continued typing some report in my laptop. She switched on my office TV and began watching. I did not pay much attention to her. She was however wearing some very provocative short tight skirt that made it hard to keep my eyes from her hips.
“Tony, can I ask you a question?” Loveynna suddenly asked.
“Yes, you can.” I answered her. She looked at me shyly.
“Is it true that a lady feels pain and bleeds when losing virginity?” She asked, a question that caught me off-guard.
“Not always true. Some ladies do feel intense pain, some bleed but some do not.” I told her.
“How comes?” She asked.
“How comes what?” I asked her.
“What makes some feel pain or bleed?” Loveynna asked. I thought since she as a medic she would know but she seemed like she did not know.
“There are different factors at play. It depends on how strong or weak a lady’s hymen is, it also depends on how big or small the size of the man’s penis is, it also depends on how gentle or rough the man is, it also depends on whether you get sufficient foreplay or not to prepare your body physically and psychologically, etc.” I told her.
“Wow! Tell me more about foreplay…” Loveynna was getting excited.
“Foreplay, is what prepares a woman to have sex. Through romance like kissing, hugging, caressing each other’s bodies, touching each other erotic zones etc. will sufficiently prepare a woman to have sex. When foreplay is sufficient, a woman gets wet in her vagina.” The mention of the word vagina made her flinch, like she did not expect me to mention it. She smiled and I continued talking, “So, more blood goes into the vaginal tissues to prepare them to expand. When the vaginal tissues get engorged, once a man introduces his erect penis, it goes inside without much resistance. But if not well prepared you will feel pain. So ensure you are ready for an erect penis before you have sex.” I told her.
“You sound like a sexologist.” Loveynna told me smiling. She was fidgeting.
“How big is a normal human penis?” Loveynna asked me.
“Well, average length is 5.1 to 5.9 inches. But some men have smaller, some bigger.” I told her. She looked at a ruler that was on my table, stretched her hand, took it, looked at it and said, “Gosh! Something this size to go inside me?” She was holding at where 6 inches finished.
I laughed.
“You get used to until you desire bigger than that.” I told her.
“Oh! Not me, I don’t want to live in pain.” Loveynna said.
“Some men have bigger than that.” I told her.
“Does penis size matter in sex?” Loveynna asked. She was following like a keen student.
“No, it does not really matter. But what matters most is how the man uses what he has. Furthermore, penetration is just about 20% of the pleasure, the rest is through romance.” I told her.
“Can I ask you more questions?” Loveynna asked.
“Feel free, I will answer all I can.” I told her.
“How does a woman orgasm feel like?” She asked. The question sounded odd to me since I was not a woman. But I did not want to disappoint her.
“It feels great. A woman feels spasms all over her body. Her vagina spasms and gets wetter, her nipples might get hard, she might excrete some fluids from her urethra, she might laugh and cry at the same time.” I told her smiling.
She laughed.
“Sounds funny to me.” She said laughing.
“have you ever experienced an orgasm?” I asked her. She looked at me sheepishly.
“No, I have never. In fact, I have never had sex in my entire life.” Loveynna told me.
“well, you should try.” I told her.
“Tony, can a woman who does not have a clitoris experience an orgasm?” She asked me.
“Yes. As long as she has other hot erotic zones. There are others like G spot which is found inside a vagina, her breasts and nipples, her buttocks, her lips etc. But FGM is not common nowadays so women have clitoris.” I told her. But she looked at me and I could read some sadness in her expression.
“Tony, I don’t have a clitoris. I was forced to under go the cut when I was 13 years old.” Loveynna told me with sadness in her voice. I got shocked but did not want to show it. But she as not happy about it.
“Loveynna. You still can experience sexual joy like other women. An orgasm is not solely dependant on a clitoris, but other parts. If I may ask, do you ever feel any sexual urge?” I asked her.
She smiled.
“Sometimes I caress my breasts and feel nice, but I do not really know if I can have an orgasm. I think since I do not have a clitoris, I cannot. I am yet to know.” She told me. In my entire life, I had never had a woman without a clitoris. I could not imagine how a woman without a clitoris would enjoy sex so I was rather somehow guessing. I did not really know what to tell her.
“Well, sex is like discovery; you get to know as you practice it.” I told her.
“I feel so bad to learn that some ladies have a clitoris but I was forced to under go the cut. I even never thought of having a man in my life. I feel ashamed of my own genitals. I think when a man sees me he will see I am not a normal woman.” Loveynna told me.
“You are a beautiful woman. You have what it takes to drive a man mad, in fact, a man may as well never know if you have a clitoris or not. The clitoris is long like a penis, only the tip is outside but the rest of it is inside the body. So, you still have your clitoris.” I told her and she suddenly brightened with some excitement.
“Tony! So, you mean I still have my clitoris?” She asked.
“Oh! Yes, you do. You can insert a finger inside your vagina, then check on the upper part of the vagina, you will feel a rough spot, that is the root of the clitoris and it is where the G spot is.” I told her.
“I am a virgin, I have never penetrated my own vagina.” She said, sounding a little more confident.
I wanted to joke with her and I made a crazy proposal that I knew or expected she would not agree to.
“Let me examine you to see if you have it.” I told her. She froze.
“What??” Loveynna wondered.
“I want to see if you have a clitoris.” I told her confidently. She looked at me.
“Tony, are you serious?” She asked.
“Yes, I am. I want to examine you like how doctors examine a patient.” I told her.
She remained silent for a while, looked randomly around her and asked, “Do we do it here or in my office?”
“Anywhere.” I told her.
“Do you want to fuck me?” She asked.
“No, just to see if you have a clitoris. That’s all.” I told her. Looking at her made her shy so I avoided looking into her eyes.
“How will you do it?” She asked.
“I will just look, nothing else.” I teased her.
“what if someone finds us?” She asked. Suddenly I remembered I had enabled the CCTV in her office, but mine was still disabled.
Gently, Loveynna stood up. Looked around shyly and told me, “I am shy.” She said.
I thought about myself, am I mad to suggest such a thing? Loveynna looked like she was willing to get undressed. I pulled her gently and placed her on my big office table and she sat on top. She just looked at me shyly.
“What do I do?” She asked me. It felt like some adventure but I did not want to fuck her at all.
I held her skirt, she slowly lowered herself to lie flat on the table and looked to the ceiling, as if she was a patient about to undergo some examination. I could not understand why she so trusted me with her nakedness.
I gently lifted her skirt to reveal a blue panty with some flowery patterns. I held it and slowly but gently removed it. Her thighs were soft and really warm. I removed all of the panty to reveal a nice vaginal mount, with large labia majora that completely covered the vagina entrance. She looked like she had shaved around 2 weeks before. She closed her eyes and placed her hands on her head, gently parted her thighs. I looked into her keenly and could not really tell the difference. However, where the clitoral tip was supposed to be, instead there was a small scar tissue. However, the clitoral hood was intact and the rest of her beautiful genitalia was intact. I gently placed my finger on the scar but she quickly removed my hand.
“No harm, let me feel it.” I told her and she let me feel it. I slowly and gently caressed it and could notice her breathing rate increasing. I caressed her clitoral hood too for some moment and gently pressed her vulvas, all the while she was motionless. Slowly, I began to caress her labia majora. She was breathing faster. Slowly, I reached for her vaginal orifice. It was just moist and not wet. I touched it. She opened her eyes and told me, “I told you, I do not have sexual desire like a normal woman.” She said.
“Look, you have to remove that mentality that you are not a normal woman. You are in fact a fantastic woman. A wonderful woman. Look at yourself in the mirror, tell me, how many women are as beautiful as you? Very few in this world. Sex is mostly psychological, not really physical.” I told her.
“Tony, you are just trying to make me feel good, but I do not have sexual confidence with myself.” She told me rising up to sit in order to face me. I looked into her eyes.
“Loveynna. You are a complete woman. A sexy woman and let me be honest with you, if I was single, I would marry you.” I told her, though I knew it was a lie but I just wanted to make her feel nice. She however smiled broadly.
“Oh! Really, I am flattered!” She said. She pulled her skirt gently downwards.
“Well, let me try something else.” I told her.
“What?” She asked.
I reached for her lips and kissed her, long, slow French kisses while caressing her breasts. I slowly removed them outside her bra and let the bra hang loosely as I began to caress her nipples. I caressed them until they began to get harder. Slowly I began to kiss her neck. As I kissed her neck, I began to caress her inner thighs and she moaned softly.
I then began to suck her nipples gently, a thing she really enjoyed until she began moaning and caressing my head, twitching my ears from time to time.
“You are so beautiful, Loveynna.” I told her.
“You are also very handsome, Tony.” She told me.
I continued sucking her breasts as I caressed her body, different parts. Slowly, I went for her vulvas and began to massage them. I massaged them until they felt hotter. All the while, still sucking her breasts. Then I began caressing her big hips, looking into her eyes showering her with erotic and romantic phrases like, “Oh! You are a sex goddess, God created you in the morning before he got tired, look at your titties, so nicely placed like some twin mountains, your hips can make someone kill a lion in order to get into you, how I love how you kiss me….” I continued. But all the while, I avoided touching her vaginal orifice not wanting to make her anxious.
She was moaning softly, almost silently all the while.
As I touched her vulvas, she would hold my hand as if restraining me.
Suddenly, she spasmed all over her body when I touched her nipple with my tongue. I thought perhaps that was her soft spot and I sucked the nipples much more until she began to wiggle her hips. It is then I thought of touching her vagina and to my surprise, she was all wet with lubrication. But as I tried to penetrate her with my finger, she restrained me. I knew she was anxious and afraid. I smeared the vaginal fluids on her labia majora and continued caressing her. She held me tighter. I caressed her for some minutes.
“Tony, are we going to do it today?” She asked.
“No, I do not want to have sex with you.” I told her. She suddenly looked at me.
“Am I not a woman enough?” She asked. I realized my answer was a little stupid and might make her feel bad.
“Oh! No. You are. But sex in the office is not comfortable, I would rather at a bed or somewhere with more privacy.” I lied. To be honest, I could have fucked right there but I was not willing to. Despite that, my penis was erect but I avoided moving to where she could see me.
“Do you admire me, Tony?” Loveynna asked. I knew she had some self esteem issues and wanted a lot of reassurance.
“Yes, I do.” I told her.
She looked into my eyes, a long look that made me feel a little uncomfortable.
“Tony, I have a confession to make.” She told me.
“All right, I am all ears.” I told her.
“I have always admired you since I came here. At times I even feel jealous of your wife.” She suddenly told me. I wanted to tell her no one can separate me from Sally.
“Oh! Thank you.” I just told her.
“Tony, I wish to give you my virginity. “She told me sounding like she was giving me something so precious, like some gift.
“We shall organize some privacy, I will let you know.” I told her.
“I have gotten my own house. I no longer live with my sister. I can invite you there over the weekend so that you can come and spend with me.” She told me sounding confident. I guess she was feeling proud of living alone.
“Oh! That is good progress.” I told her.
I again touched her vagina and she was still wet with desire, she just looked at me and remained motionless.
“We need to go home now.” I told her noting it was almost 8:30 pm.
“Tony, you made me feel like a woman, thank you.” She told me as she began wearing her panty. She suddenly told me, “You have not confirmed whether my bums are natural.” She said looking at me smiling.
I went where she was standing after cleaning my hands, held her by her waist, pulled her against my body. I caressed her waist and gently caressed her buttocks before pressing them hard until she said, “ouch!”
“Yes, they are natural, and not only that, they are beautiful.” I told her. She looked at them proudly and told me, “Thank you. I also love how you hold me, I love your kisses too.”
“Have you ever been kissed?” I asked her.
“Yes, by a boy who we later parted. But he was not a good kisser. He would kiss me with a mouth full of saliva.” She told me with an expression of disgust. I laughed.
“You are a complete woman, Loveynna. Believe me, all men are dying to have a woman like you. You can drive a man crazy.” I told her.
“Aw! You make me feel like a new woman today. You are wonderful, Tony.” She told me and gave me a hug.
“Today, when you go to sleep. Sleep naked. Hold a pillow and imagine that is me.” I teased her as we got outside my office. The evening was cold.
I gave her a lift in my car and dropped her at her new residence. As she was about to get out, she turned and asked me, “Tony, kiss me one more time, please….” She said.
“All right.” I pulled her by her neck and gave her a short French kiss.
She opened the door and went. As she walked towards her gate, I could not help but marvel at how she was swinging her hips walking away. I guess she was feeling more of a woman than before.
I however felt sad for her. Whoever cut her clitoris made her loose self-esteem. But was I really doing justice to her by making her have confidence in herself?
I drove away silently.
The following day as I got to work, Loveynna came to my office to greet me. She looked at me and said, “ I had a dream with you.” She said.
“Was it a nice dream?” I asked her.
“No, it was not. In the dream, you fucked me and told me later you cannot marry me as a second wife since you already are satisfied with one wife.” She told me.
“Are you serious you would wish me to marry you as a second wife?” I asked Loveynna. She breathed in deeply and just looked at me.
»>To be continued»>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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