I was surprised the following morning to meet Kamau already at work and wanted some reports from Sally. They stayed in Sally’s office for almost 2 hours and he left.
Sally came to my office.
“This is crazy! Kamau wants a status of the company report for the last 6 months by evening, I kept telling him it would not be possible to get such a report within a day but he is insisting.” Sally told me.
“Now this is what we call working under pressure, but this is unrealistic.” I told Sally.
“Could Irene be pulling the strings?” Sally wondered.
“How does he want his report delivered?” I asked Sally, ignoring her question.
“Through his work email. He is travelling to India tonight so he wants to get it by tomorrow. Why do you ask?” Sally wondered.
“I will hack his email, deny him access. Once he goes there he will be unable to log in. So, he will have no way of knowing whether you sent the email or not. During the time he shall be wondering what could be wrong, work on that report for 3 days. Meanwhile, let me call Irene, I might need to have a word or 2 with her.” I told Sally.
Sally left. I logged into our email domain, changed Kamau’s password for me to enable to access his email. I then logged into Kamau’s email, enabled auto delete for incoming emails from our mail server such that he would never know whether he got an email from Sally or not. I would then tell Sally to alert him via sms that she had sent the report knowing Kamau will have to figure out what was wrong with his email on his own.
Meanwhile, I began thinking on how to deal with Kamau and Irene, if at all that would be possible.
I called Irene to my office.
“Hello Irene, please have a sit.” I told her.
“Thank you, good morning my dear.” She responded.
“Does Kamau know you are pregnant?” I asked Irene.
“No, why?” Irene wondered.
“I want you to tell him you are pregnant the next time he approaches you, and on top of that, tell him I am responsible for your pregnancy. That will discourage him from pestering you all the time.” I told Irene. She smiled and responded, “All right.”
As soon as Irene left, I began plotting on how we would blackmail Kamau to keep him away from Irene, since I knew as long as he wanted Irene, he might plot to have Sally out of way and hand over the company to Irene. I thought of involving Carol but with Carol being pregnant that would be a tall order, I thought of involving Loveynna but she seemed too naïve to play such games. Cynthia and Letisha were out of question. Who else?
I thought about Reginah and immediately called her, I told her I wished to meet her in the evening and she agreed to that.
It seemed Kamau knew Irene was desperate to survive and by offering her a job, he knew it would be easier to win her.
I met Reginah at a downtown restaurant away from the usual busy life of Nairobi.
“Hi, long time, how have you been?” Reginah greeted me and gave me a hug.
“I have been all right.” I told Reginah.
“So, you told me you wanted to see me, what is it that sounds so urgent?” Reginah asked, removing her black shades from her eyes.
“This director called Kamau been behaving funny since Sally busted a scandal from our company. I wish you would investigate him for us. I feel like he wants Irene to take over the company albeit slowly. How he plotted for her come back does not make sense and he seems influential over the others.” I told Reginah.
“Well, all right. But I have so many assignments waiting for me.” Reginah told me.
“What is the fate of the other guys who you arrested?” I asked Reginah.
“We could not keep them since they are foreigners so we deported all of them. I do not know if they are free wherever they are or not.” Reginah told me.
“Damn! So, they can find their way back to Kenya?” I wondered.
“As a matter of fact, yes. That is why I thought you would better own a gun.” Reginah told me smiling.
“All right, thank you, will have to devise ways to deal with Kamau now.” I told Reginah.

We discussed so many other things but the most shocking revelation that Reginah told me that evening was about Derrick. She said Derrick was her sugar daddy for so long but they broke up after Reginah had sex with me.
“I realized I need true love, not just money love. You opened an empty hole in my heart that need to be filled. Were it not for you having Sally, I would just have held onto you forever.” Reginah confessed. It made me feel like I had just avenged myself as I had promised to do to Derrick.
“But, Reginah, all along Derrick was your guy and you never to me?” I asked Reginah.
She smiled and told me, “The last time he fucked me, was 7 months ago, way before I met you. I needed a good fuck and you gave me a good fuck, that changed everything.” Reginah told me.
The way she said it made me feel like a bull and proud.
“You guys are schemers, you and Sally. Scheme against Irene and Kamau. You can even turn Irene against Kamau and bring Kamau down. Come on, Tony, think.” Reginah challenged me. I remained silent for a while.
“Well, fine, I will.” I said.
“Reginah, I am getting late, I have to go.” I told Reginah.
“Let me drive you to your bus station.” Reginah told me and we got into her car after I paid the bills for the evening.
She drove the short distance so fast as if racing against time. When we got to where I was to alight. Reginah instead locked the doors such that I could not get out.
“What is it? Open the door it is late Reginah.” I told her.
She just looked at me. “Tony, I need you, please at least once, my body is on fire.” The way she said it made my heart race. I felt cornered knowing what she was capable of.
“Not today, Reginah.” I told her. Actually, I never wanted to fuck her at all. She made her move and began to suddenly caress me but I resisted slowly. She tried to kiss me but I resisted. She tried to unbutton my shirt but I resisted too.
“Tony, don’t you find me attractive anymore?” Reginah asked.
“You are, but…” I stammered.
“But what…” Reginah wondered.
“I just don’t want to do this.” I told her.
She backed off and just looked at me. She then held onto her steering wheel and stared ahead. I thought she would start the car and drive away with me but she pressed a lock and the doors unlocked.
“All right, go.” She told me in a flat tone. I did not like it.
“Reginah, you do not have to be annoyed with me. We can be friends without all these…” I tried to talk to her but she cut me short, “We cannot be friends, just go!” Reginah said almost shouting.
I opened the door to my side, got out of her car slowly and walked away. I did not bother to even see which direction she drove. I just took a matatu home and arrived some minutes to 9 pm.
“Honey, you seem troubled.” Sally noticed as she served me supper.
“Yes, the police officer who I wanted to ask to help us just turned down the offer. So, we might have to figure out on our own.” I told Sally. Sally looked at me.
“No problem. We shall see what to do. Meanwhile, I sent him the email. I hope he does not come to know of your tricks.” Sally said smiling trying to cheer me up. I smiled back.
The following morning when Irene got into my office, she greeted me and tried to kiss me as she hugged me but I turned her down.
“Tony, you just told me I still have a chance in your heart. Why are you doing this to me?” Irene asked me.
“Have you drafted the document I told you?” I asked Irene and she sat down on one chair in my office.
“Yes. But will that influence how I relate with you?” Irene asked.
“What do you expect? It will affect everyone here. Give the document to me, let me go through it.” I told Irene who handed over the document to me via flash disk.
I went through the document and it was as I had just wanted it. No public display of affection in work places, no romantic relationships at work, no any form of sexual harassment and some other clauses and mini-clauses.
I sent it to Sally for review.

As soon as Irene left my office, I decided to visit accounts office to check on the remaining cash. As I got inside, I found Letisha adjusting herself oblivious I had gotten inside the office. She lifted her blouse revealing a nice smooth abdomen, she adjusted her skirt. She then adjusted her breasts pressing them while at it so much until they protruded and her nipples got so visible under her bra. She then adjusted her skirt on her big hips before caressing herself a little. She then turned to face ahead and was so shocked to see me standing at the door.
She remained speechless.
“Excuse me, I want to know how much money is remaining in the cashbox.” I asked Letisha.
“We counted yesterday evening; the remaining is Kshs 67,230.” She told me looking away from me as if feeling shy.
“All right, no problem and where is Luke?” I asked her.
“He passed by the bank to do some deposits.” Letisha told me.
“Thank you. Let me know when the remaining amount is Kshs 10,000 for refill.” I told Letisha and left. However, how she was adjusting herself remained in my head almost the whole day. The woman had a beautiful body.
During Lunch time, I sat with Collins who was trying to tell me the new dress code rules were denying him the chance to ogle ladies at the work place. We got joking as usual.
“Tony, have you seen Carol’s sister goodies yet? If not, you better try your luck that young lady is hotter than fire!” Collins told me.
“I have resolved to remain faithful to my wife. Fucking all over is not a nice thing.” I told Collins.
“But once in a while man…” Collins insisted.
“You do not understand. This is not a race to screw as many women as possible. Uphold your dignity at least.” I told Collins. I began thinking about Reginah and her reaction the previous night. She had wanted me to have sex with her in her car but I turned her down. I knew she would perhaps break off my friendship with her but I did not care anymore. I had to learn to resist beautiful women since they are all over anyway and no need to get any woman you wanted.
“Come on, dude. We cannot ignore fine asses here. Nice fine asses man!” Collins pressed on.
“Collins have you forgotten you nearly got AIDS were it not for Carol being a nice lady? Some asses seem nice but are deadly.” I told Collins
“Oh! Yea. But that would be bad luck. Besides, AIDS is destiny if you are meant to get it, you shall get it even if you do not fuck. Some people are HIV positive not because they were fucking all over, but because they were just unlucky.” Collins said. It made me think of how Carol got HIV positive and it made sense.
Before I talked, Collins attacked me even more, “Tony, you are beginning to sound like a pastor, or like Luke now. You are becoming boring. Have you been charmed by your wife or what is it? You no longer talk like you used in the past.” Collins told me.
“I am a married man now, I have to be responsible. Every day is not about fucking.” I told Collins.
Before Collins spoke, we were joined by Luke for lunch.
“Hi guys, praise the lord.” Luke greeted us.
“Hello.” We replied. Ignoring the “praise the lord” phrase.
We began talking and our conversation began going in the direction of how people pray to get spouses.
“I am fasting and praying to get a good wife. He who gets a good wife gets a good thing from the lord.” Luke said.
Collins told Luke,” Just get a nice lady, fuck her until she goes crazy for you, she will come to your place and will never leave. No need to bother the lord with minor issues he has bigger universal duties to attend to.” Collins told Luke.
“No, my brother. You have to pray to get a good woman. Most women of late are rotten, immoral and evil. Ask God to give you a good lady.” Luke said.

“Good ladies are all over, just seduce one lady, give her great orgasms, drive her mad with love. There is nothing like prayers here. Most people never prayed to get wives and they are happily married while some people prayed, got married in church but are now divorced. Be realistic Luke. All there is, love her, give her what she wants and above her dig that vagina like you are going to drill oil out of it and a woman will stick to you like iron attracted to magnet.” Collins told Luke. Despite Collins talking it lightly it indeed was making sense.
“No! Collins. You need God, prayers and holy spirit to sustain your marriage.” Luke told Collins.
Collins looked at Luke for some time and burst out laughing like he was watching a comedy show. He laughed so hard such that when Carol and Chris came to join us for lunch they laughed at how Collins was laughing.
“What is funny Collins?” Chris asked Collins.
“My brother here is funny.” Collins said and continued laughing.
“What is funny?” Luke asked Collins.
Collins looked at Luke and said, “Luke, you do not need Jesus, holy spirit and prayers in order to sustain a woman in marriage. You need Mukhombelo, your tongue and your dick. Mukhombelo to give you energy to dig that ass until it vibrates, your tongue not just to lick and suck your woman all over, but to talk to her nice words every day, sweet talk her, make her feel wanted and appreciated and above all, your dick to give her orgasms until she cries. The rest are all nonsense. Without what I am telling you, even with your many believes you will be dumped and that lady will go to a real man not a boy like you.” Collins finished by laughing.
That must have provoked Luke as by the time Collins, Luke was looking at Collins with fierce eyes and before he talked, Carol spoke.
“Ok, easy guys, I think you are about to fight now but I agree with Collins for once. Even if you pray for me, you preach to me all night, you call holy spirit to fill me but if you won’t give me nice sex, nice romance and a good dick; you are just a useless man to me whether you believe in God or not.” Carol said sounding very serious.
“But that is a fact, I have seen ladies even cheating on their pastor husbands with men who can give them the much pleasure they want.” Chris said without wanting to talk more about it.
“So, you guys have no regard for God in marriage?” Luke asked. We all remained silent for some time and finally Chris spoke. “Luke, God has his special place in our lives. But what we have to do, we must do. God will not come and speak on your behalf to your lover, he will not give her sensual pleasure on your behalf, he will not touch her on your behalf, he will not spank her ass on your behalf, you have to do that as a man…” Before Chris continued, Collins cut him short and said, “Oh! Yes, that is what I saying man! Spank that ass until it trembles from here to Timbuktu! These holy joes do not know how to spank ass that is why we fuck even their wives!” Collins finished with a thunderous laughter.
“Guys, I am done with you. Let me go back to work, see you later.” Luke said and left.
“Eh! Chris, I did not know you are also that naughty, I like it!” Carol said and we all laughed.
»>To be continued»>
Dr. Love.

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