Time moved fast. The day that we were to go for fertility test with Reginah arrived and we went to a hospital. She was to do some scanning and other tests too. But having been told that a man’s test was the easiest, I was the first to take the test and told to wait for 4 hours. I had taken a day off.
No word can describe the anxiety I felt while waiting for the results but when they finally came out, the doctor told me the minimum sperms needed for a man was 15 million/ml and at least to ejaculate 1.5 ml in order to make a woman pregnant. I had 97 million/ml and I managed to ejaculate 5.5. ml meaning my fertility rate was among the best there can be.
However, Reginah’s test results were disappointing and confusing at the same time. The doctors could see nothing in particular and the results were “unexplained infertility” thus being told to keep trying, to relax, to eat well, maintain healthy lifestyle among others. Nothing is worse than not knowing what problem you have. That really broke Reginah’s heart until as I was driving her back to her place, she just cried silently.
“Oh! What did I do to deserve this?” She kept asking.
The realization that I am all right made her agonize even more.
“Reginah, obey what the doctor has advised you. Relax, perhaps your obsession with having a child is working against you.” I told her.
“Tony, you just don’t understand. I am a woman with all desires of a woman. How can I relax knowing that…” She stopped talking. She was in emotional agony.
“Fine, just relax, eat well, consider detoxing perhaps, you can also try not to overthink about it.” I tried consoling her.
Reginah finally composed herself and went home, I also went to work and it was already late afternoon.
“Hello, Tony. Where have you been this morning?” Stella greeted me upon noticing me.
“Just around town. How are you today?” I asked her.
“Not bad. I just missed you.” Stella said handing me some files she was working on which I needed.
I sat in my office thinking about so many things. Zuhura had confirmed to me she tested positive for pregnancy and she was so happy about it. But I felt some pity for Reginah.
I even considered telling her my sperms perhaps were not compatible with her. Some medical facts can be confusing. How can someone fail to conceive yet the medic could not find any problem whatsoever? Unexplained infertility was new to me.
Suddenly, there was commotion in accounts office enough to startle me. I went there and found Letisha and Luke having a heated argument almost fighting. They did not even recognize my presence. It was even strange that theirs was a political argument.
“How dare you talk about baba like that?” Luke asked Letisha fuming with rage.
“Who the hell is baba to me? I do not even support him!” Letisha answered angrily.
“Respect baba, he is not your age, you stupid woman!” Luke told Letisha.
“Excuse me! You just called me stupid because of your political affiliations?” Letisha asked Luke holding her arms akimbo.
“Yes! I cannot be with a woman who does not respect baba. Baba is everything to us. If baba tells me to dump you, I will just do that without a second thought!” Luke said as if preaching.
“So, that means if I do not support your baba, my love for you is over, eh?!” Letisha asked shaking.
“Yes, go to hell! I did rather get a woman who supports baba. Period.” Luke said with a finality.
“So, tell me it is over between me and you, just tell me that!” Letisha stood over Luke who was seated. She even said something that really angered Luke, “Go and get married to baba for all I care. Fucking a small dick like yours is a waste of time. Idiot!
Luke suddenly sprang and gave Letisha a thunderous slap sending Letisha sprawling on the ground. Luke wanted to hit her even more and I intervened to restrain Luke from beating Letisha.
“Come with me in my office, the two of you, right away!” I told them and left.
The commotion had attracted other colleagues and sooner, almost everyone was there. I dismissed them and I went to my office where Letisha and Luke followed me.
I told them to have a seat.
“Listen, both of you. Disorderliness in the workplace is not allowed for whatever reasons.” I told them.
“I am sorry.” Letisha was the first to apologize.
However, Luke was very defiant. As long as it involved his favorite political candidate, he was unapologetic.
“Luke, a disciplinary action might be taken against you for fighting in the work place.” I told Luke Calmly.
“I am ready to die for baba, and I cannot marry a woman who does not support baba!” Luke said almost shouting. I nearly felt my cool but did not want to get provoked and drawn into a pointless argument.
“Listen, Luke. First of all, this is an open work place. We do not care about anyone’s political affiliations as long as we are in harmony with each other. Second, your political affiliation should not in any way interfere with your relationship. You can support your candidate, and Letisha can support her favorite candidate. Come voting day, each shall vote for favorite candidate but when you go home, your government is your home; you make your own rules and live by them without carrying along political affiliations right into your relationship.” I told Luke.
“I am the head of the house. I am the man. A woman will not do what she wishes in my house. God ordained the man to lead over a woman. The woman is to just obey. If Letisha won’t listen to what I am telling her and stop supporting a thug, she will be all right with me.” Luke said. I just smiled but Letisha got even mad.
“What thug? What has he stolen from you? Besides, Luke, I have been telling you since you began these motions that you are free to support your baba, let me support my own too. Is there anything so big with that? It is just stupid to bring politics into our relationship.” Letisha said.
“Woman, you either support baba or you get out of my life.” Luke was totally unmoved.
“All right, let us go and have a cup of coffee at the restaurant as we discuss this.” I told them.
They followed me silently and we found Cynthia, Maureen, Loveynna and Zuhura seated together as Collins and Chris sat in one table. Morris was still at his office.
The next one hour we talked about how politics sometimes affect relationships and marriages. Each had a thing to share, some negative, some positive and some simply did not care.
“There is a day we nearly fought with my husband over that.” Stella said.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because I was not supporting his favorite candidate. We just talked and suddenly he lost his cool. But later he told me it is was foolish of him to over react over matters that have no direct influence in our marriages or relationships.” Stella said.
“No! Politics has something to do with all relationships. For example, if economy is bad due to poor politics, will I be able to provide for my family?” Luke asked and added, “That is why I want everyone to support baba because I believe he has a solution to poor economy.”
Collins carefully looked at Luke and said, “Luke, I also support baba but what you just said is not making sense. You are a man. Even if sun fails to shine today, even if it does not rain for 7 years; be the man, work hard to provide for your family without excuses. Steal if you have to, or just get a rich sugar mummy with a nice ass to be fucking and get money for your family!”
“Damn! What is wrong with you Collins, must you bring fucking stories in everything?” Loveynna asked.
“Come on! Politics will never unite as since every person shall always support his own. But fucking unites us whether you are rich or poor, regardless of who you support. My own wife supports a different candidate but do I care? All I care is, is her pussy nice and tight? Is her pussy wet when I need it?” Collins said and finished with laughter. It was so amusing everyone laughed.
“Personally, I would not care who rules, provided I have a life of my own.” Cynthia said.
“So, if your husband told you what to do, will you disobey?” Luke asked.
“I will obey my husband.” Cynthia replied not knowing the statement from Luke was a trap.
“Then, Letisha has to obey me and support baba!” Luke said. Letisha just remained silent.
“Come on! Give Letisha a break, won’t you?” Maureen told Luke.
“I know you, you can never support baba.” Luke told Maureen.
“Actually, I disagreed with my husband for supporting baba. My husband does not like him, but I like him. However, we only disagree politically but with everything else we are all right. Let Letisha support whomever she wishes without trying to make her do as you wish. She is a grown up. She can make her own decisions.” Maureen said.
“I don’t believe you support baba. You of all people from Nyeri?” Luke said looking at Maureen.
“Suit yourself. As for me, I would hate to be married by an idiot like you who thinks marriage and politics have anything in common.” Maureen said. I expected Luke to react but he did not.
“Personally, I do not even have a voter’s card. I am not registered and will not even register.” Chris said.
“Then you are useless!” Luke said.
“Whatever, I do not care. But I have this little advice for you, Luke, stop bringing politics into your relationship. Why would you fight with your sweetheart because of people who are so far from you and do not even know you exist? In fact, you need to apologize to Letisha for slapping her.” Chris told Luke.
“I can never apologize to a woman.” Luke said twisting his fist.
Suddenly, Collins stood up. I did not know what was his intentions but when he spoke, I realized what he meant.
“Luke, you do not need to apologize to her to please us, but since you slapped her publicly, you will now apologize publicly. I am counting 1 to 10. By the time I get to 10 you should have apologized or I will give you a harder slap.” Collins said calmly.
We remained silent.
Everyone looked at Luke. Letisha remained silent.
Collins nodded when Luke looked at him. Slowly and silently, Luke stood up, went and stood in front of Letisha.
“Please, Letisha, accept my apology for slapping you. I know I over reacted. Please forgive me.” Luke told Letisha.
“Thank you for being a gentle man.” I told Luke.
Letisha stood up and I thought she was about to hug Luke, but she turned suddenly, pushed her stool away gently and walked out of the restaurant. She was angry.
Next, I saw her pick her handbag and she left.
We were dumbfounded.
“What??” Chris exclaimed.
“Your stupidity has costed you your relationship. See your life now. You have to grow up now.” Maureen told Luke and added, “By the way, I love baba so much too, but your political zeal is just stupidity. Learn to separate politics and relationships.”
Luke stood there as if unable to move.
Collins looked at Luke and told him, “You better follow that woman. Go and give her a nice fuck. Spank her ass harder until it trembles like reed in a thunderstorm. Give her orgasms. She will forgive you and forget. But remain there standing like a statue, and that hot woman if yours will get fucked tonight by another idiot.”
“Tony, what is your advice?” Luke asked me.
“Follow what Collins has told you. Get going.” I said calmly.
Loveynna looked at me and said, “Damn! Even Tony sided with Collins?”
“It is a fucking world, young girl. Break your virginity and you will know better.” Maureen told Loveynna as we stood up to leave.
That particular day, I went straight home to meet my wife and kid.
“Letisha and Luke are headed for a break up. Politics has costed their relationship.” I told Sally as we were eating.
“But why Luke of all people? Anyway, I think Letisha was not right for him. She is too much of a drama queen Luke cannot manage that woman. Let her find her match.” Sally said.
I did not expect such a reply.
“All right, none of my business. I love politics but my love for politics will never interfere with my relationship with anyone.” I told Sally.
“Exactly, let them sort their own private life alone.” Sally told me.
The following day, Luke and Letisha were not in talking terms at all. I was hesitant to ask what could have been wrong or how did it go, but I just did not want to appear like am too interested in them.
Everyone looked so smart that particular day but it was Loveynna who got all the attention. She was completely unlike herself.
She had put on a tight short skirt that made her hips protrude and her buttocks look so shapely. Her T shirt was so tight literally hugging her body, it had some inscriptions written right on top of her breasts: “Break me”, written in bold red.
Her breasts pointed ahead literally and they were bigger than I had thought or seen them before. When she saw me looking at her, she smiled and licked her lips for a while.
“Good morning, Tony. Let me hug you today.” Loveynna told me. I tensed. I had never seen her like that.
“Good morning.” I told her as I stood to hug her from my seat.
When she hugged me, she held me a little longer. After she released me, she held me by my arms right in front of me, looked at me and smiled. My heart raced. I wondered, could it be perhaps when Maureen told her to break her virginity made her suddenly turn into a feminine hunter?
“You are so sexy today.” I told Loveynna.
“You look lovely too in your suit.” Loveynna told me. She got busy cleaning my office and I could not avoid to keep stealing glances on her. When she bent, her breasts were very visible as her cleavage was a little lower than usual.
After she finished cleaning, she turned and told me, “Sir, can I serve you tea today?” She asked.
“No problem. You can bring some for me.” I told her. She went to the restaurant and brought me some tea and Samosas.
“Wow! Loveynna! You look awesome today. What are you up to?” Letisha told Loveynna once she saw her.
“Just a little change.” She said feeling proud of herself.
I drank my tea silently as Loveynna left to go on cleaning other areas.
I however went to our usual tea break. Loveynna was the talk of the day.
“I never knew you are this beautiful!” Morris said.
“Just that I decided to show some curves today. I am not as beautiful.” Loveynna said smiling.
“If I had a figure like yours, I would become a socialite and become popular.” Cynthia said.
“But you look like a model…”Loveynna told Cynthia.
“Oh! But I am not as loaded as you. Look at your hips, wow! I wish I had such.” Cynthia said smiling.
“Just appreciate what God gave you.”Loveynna said.
“Some of these hips are not natural.” Collins said.
“Her hips look natural.” Zuhura said.
“Yes, mine are natural.” Loveynna said looking at herself.
We were all joking that day and in high moods.
“Can I touch to feel if it is natural?” Chris teased.
Loveynna looked down and said, “No. You cannot touch unless you get my permission.”
“I seek your permission to touch them.” Chris insisted.
“Not today.” Loveynna said calmly and very composed.
But I surely felt like touching them. I did not ask her permission.
I was working on some files. I was in Sally’s office and I could not really locate every file that I needed.
I called Sally who directed me to check on the top of her locker, which was so high. I took a stool, stood on it and removed a big folder, but as I was climbing down, I slipped and lost balance; hit myself against the cabinet but as I steadied myself, my ankle got twisted. It felt awfully painful.
“Sorry, Sir.” Cynthia who saw me nearly fall told me.
“Thank you.” I tried to walk but was unable to walk properly.
“Visit the clinic, you should get it checked.” Cynthia told me. She had come to get her orders signed and immediately I signed them, she left and I went slowly to Loveynna’s office.
“I am here to touch it and feel if it is real.” I told her jokingly.
“You need to get permission first from me.” She told me jokingly taking a seat.
“I never seek permission, I am just allowed.” I teased her, she looked at me.
“Welcome.” She told me.
“My ankle got hurt. Do you have some deep heat?” I asked her, though I expected her to have some.
“Let me check it.” She told me after noting down my visit in her book.
She looked at it, after telling to take off my shoe and socks. She pressed it and it felt painful.
“I will massage it for you.” She told me. She fetched some hot water, got a small basin and began to massage me with warm water and coconut oil.
“Oh! That is tickling me.” I told her.
“Sorry. I am just doing my job.” She told me. She looked at it and as she bent to look at it, I got to see more of her breasts. I was tempted to touch.
She gently applied the deep heat to me and since it was feeling painful, she gave me some painkillers to swallow. But it felt better. She did it so professionally.
“Thank you. I now believe you are a medic!” I told Loveynna.
“You are welcome.” She told me.
I slowly stood to leave.
“Sir, you came to seek assistance. You have never come to just chat with me.” Loveynna suddenly told me.
“I will, I have a lot of work to do but one day, I will come and stay here until you chase me.” I teased her.
“I can never chase you. “She said.
I sat there for a little while looking at her. She was standing, smiling while her bum was placed on her table. Her hips protruded provocatively as she leaned on the table looking at me, with her arms also placed on the table. She looked like she was about to seduce someone with her beauty and charms.
“When are you getting married?” I suddenly asked her, wanting to surprise her with a question.
But she remained so calm. She smiled at me and said, “Very soon. I am getting married.” She told me.
“Wow! Congratulations and lucky is the man who shall get you.” I told her.
“I am getting married as a second wife.” She suddenly told me. I was taken by surprise by her statement.
Why would such a beautiful woman get married as a second wife? I turned to look at her as I want some further clarifications from her. She however, remained so calm as if getting married as a second wife was some achievement.
»>To be continued»>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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