“My dear, in our community a man can have several wives.” Sally told me as we sat eating supper in the evening.
“I can never have two wives.” I told Sally. 
“It is ok, it is your choice. I do not object.” Sally told me affirmatively. 
I did not understand why she felt so comfortable with the idea which I was so against. Never in my life had I ever thought of having two wives. 
It was even astonishing that Irene had the courage to go to Sally to make such a request. But even stranger is how Sally did not seem to object that, but why? I wondered.
“Honey, I know this is strange to ask, but why would you want to share a man with another woman?” I asked Sally. She remained silent for a while, leaned backwards in her coach to look at me properly.
“In our traditions, a woman is not supposed to question why her husband wants two wives, or even more. You just agree to what a man say’s so I will agree to what you shall tell me. If you choose to have Irene as my co-wife no problem, if not, I have no problem with that too. However, what I would never do is to leave you for whatever reasons.” Sally told me.
“My dear, I can never leave you, it was a mistake that it happened that way but me and Irene must have nothing in between. But Sally, can’t we find a way of fixing Irene to get out of the company? I know she has a backing from Kamau, the founding director but that does not make her immune. “I told Sally. 
“I really wonder why Kamau insists that Irene should be in the company despite the revelations. Besides, Kamau is so vague. Why would he want an enemy of the company right inside the company? Very strange to me.” Sally told me.
“What do you perhaps know about Kamau?” I asked Sally. The question startled her.
“Why, too little. Is it important?” Sally asked.
“Yes, at this point in time, I feel it is.” I told Sally. 
Besides, there seemed to be no progress to follow up Irene’s case, and I thought I should secretly contact Reginah to explain to her that. I also wanted to know if the other Irene’s associates were still locked or had been released. That was worrying enough. 
“Tony, I have a suggestion. Tell Irene you have accepted her.” Sally told me.
“What?!” I was surprised. The suggestion was strange indeed.
“Just tell her you are ok with her, just restrain yourself from fucking her. That is all. I will figure out what next, for now, make her feel comfortable.” Sally told me.
“Sally, I don’t know what is in your mind, but it sounds crazy now.” I told Sally.
“There is nothing in my mind now, at least for now.” Sally told me as she stood up to clean the table after we had eaten supper.
“Ok, let me help you with some ironing.” I told Sally as I headed for the bedroom to choose what we were to wear the following day.
We there after went to bathe together, made love and went to sleep. [CUT OUT SCENE]
((To get the full cut out erotic scene, join this telegram group in the link below with a telegram app on your mobile phone. If you do not have the app, please download from Google playstore. Remember, it is due to Facebook Strict Community Standards I cannot send erotic content on Facebook. I hope you already understand that))
The following morning as we were leaving, Sally reminded me what to tell Irene, but told me to take care not to mess with her anymore as she told me she would not forgive me if I went against our agreement. 
After arriving at work, I noticed that all ladies except Carol were on very decent, presentable attire but Carol was wearing a very short loose dress, a long pull over and some high stocking that covered all her legs. 
“Good morning Tony.” Irene greeted me when she saw me.
“Good morning, Irene.” I responded.
“You promised to discuss my matter, did you discuss?” Irene wanted to know.
“Yes, no problem. Everything taken care of.” I told Irene.
“So, what should I know?” Irene asked.
“Sally has no problem with your proposal.” I told Irene.
“What about you?” Irene asked.
I remained silent for a while. 
“No problem, I will be there for you when you need me.” I told Irene and she suddenly brightened. I carefully studied her and I noticed her abdomen was beginning to show too. As if thinking along my thoughts, she looked at her abdomen and smiled.
“Remember, this child needs a father.” Irene told me.
“Yes, I agree.” I told Irene. I felt like I was about to get myself into a difficult scenario which I cannot extricate myself from. I knew Irene was possessive and would want me alone for herself. I also knew Sally was acting, playing along but she would not wish Irene to be with me at all. 
“Irene, I want to ask you something if you do not mind.” I told Irene as we sat in my office to talk further.
“Yes, ask me.” Irene told me.
“What is your relationship with Director Kamau?” I asked Irene. The question seemed to get her off guard.
“We are not related in anyway, in fact I consider it a favor or strange that she allowed me back to this company after all that happened.” Irene told me.
I thought for a while and indeed it was complex.
“What do you know about Kamau?” I implored Irene. She remained silent for a while.
“Nothing, perhaps as much as you do. He is the one who proposed I return to this place. I don’t know why. But believe me, there is nothing at all between me and him of interest.” Irene told me. I did not feel convinced.
“Irene, I feel you are hiding something from me, honestly. This does not make sense at all. You get caught in a multi-million scandals, get arrested, go to cell, go to court, have your case suspended and an owner of the company you were caught in demands you return back to the company!” I told Irene feeling impatient with her unconvincing answers. 
“Tony! Come on! I am also willing to know why as much as you. I am just grateful I have a job to sustain me. I incurred huge losses and cannot survive out there alone now. If all my business did not suffer losses, I would not be here, but I have to now work against my wish.” Irene told me.
“Ok, forget about it.” I told Irene. She looked keenly at me for some time.
“Tony, can I reveal something to you? And let it be between me and you, please.” Irene told me almost begging. 
“Yes, tell me.” I told Irene leaning forward to listen to her. She looked at the door as if to be sure no one was listening to her.
“Kamau, once seduced me. He came in our previous place and found me alone. He called me to boss’s office and began seducing. I felt so much afraid to tell him no so I told him I shall give him an answer. He begged me for so long even asking if I could accept to be married by him. I told him I was not ready to get married. He kept asking me what I would want in order to accept him and I told him nothing since I was not ready for him. But when he insisted, I told him to wait I shall give him an answer. He kept trying for so long, and I kept putting him off. What now I suspect is, he might have crafted for me to return here so that he continues trying his luck with me. I don’t know what to tell him anymore should he come. Before Madam died, she protected me a lot from being fired since she knew Kamau wanted me. But without Madam, am afraid if I turn Kamau down, he might get me fired.” Irene told me. It now almost became clear why Kamau wanted Irene back almost to desperation. Perhaps he still had hope of winning her.
“Why don’t you accept him?” I asked Irene, her face frowned.
“Tony, why would I leave a young man like you and go for an old man like Kamau?” Irene wondered loudly.
“He is rich, he has money, he is influential etc.” I told Irene.
“Tony, money is not everything. Remember when I accepted you or admired you, I was way richer than you compared to now. I even had a car, but still did not consider you poor. Even know, I would rather have you than Kamau.” Irene said sounding like a confession. Irene sounded so honest. I realized if that was true, then it would be so difficult to remove Irene from the company, or worse, it would be difficult for me if Kamau got to know I was partly responsible for the reason why Irene turned him down. Either way, it was not going to be easy. Worse, it would be virtually impossible to get rid of both, it would even be easier for Kamau to get rid of me and Sally than to get rid of Irene. 
“I really don’t know what to tell you anymore.” I told Irene. She however smiled a bit, looked at me and told me.
“Tony, I honestly do not want Kamau. I know if I turn him down, he shall perhaps get me fired. However, I am in serious financial problems and being jobless at this point in time will be the worst thing for me. I also am in a dilemma how to handle this.” Irene told me.
As I was about to talk, Letisha knocked. 
“Come in.” I told her.
“Good morning. I wanted to see you.” She told Irene.
“Here am I.” Irene told Letisha.
“I wanted to see you in private.” Letisha insisted.
“Feel free to tell me whatever, unless it is personal. If it is work related, just tell me right here.” Irene told Letisha.
Letisha seemed a little uneasy but spoke all the same.
“I have just received a call from a one Stanley Kamau. It came to our department and I picked it since Luke has not yet arrived; went to deposit some cheques. The man told us he is the director and was wondering why in our payroll your Salary is Kshs 23,000. He was furious and told us from the upcoming payroll, we should pay you Kshs 52,000. I told him we have to sit down with you as HR and Madam Sally for approval but he told me to override that and implement immediately. So I am in dilemma since I know if I do that, I will have contravened the company protocol…” Before Letisha finished talking, Irene intervened. 
“I will talk to Kamau. I am not interested with his deal; he can keep his money to himself.” Irene said.
Letisha was shocked.
“Are you turning down an offer to increment your salary?” Letisha wondered.
“No, am not interested. Go and maintain that I earn. If Kamau calls you again, tell him I am comfortable earning what I am earning. Thank you.” Irene said completely dismissing Letisha in the process. Letisha sighed and just went away.
“This is what I was telling you, Tony.” Irene told me.
“You just said no to instant Salary increment.” I told Irene.
“I may have been involved in scandals, but I have never in my entire life relied on a man’s money. That is a personal principle and I am not about to begin. Besides, accepting such an offer will be trapping myself. No, let him keep his offer to himself.” Irene said sounding very serious.
Despite Irene being a scandalous woman, she seemed to abhor the idea of relying on men for survival.
“Fine, Irene, go to your office, we shall talk later.” I told her.
“It is ok, but you are not clear with me. Who am I to you now?” Irene asked me a question which was difficult for me to answer. Before I answered. Cynthia knocked and came in for approval of some orders.
Irene left.
Cynthia left immediately. I however felt I should reveal to Sally what Irene had just revealed to me.
When I went to drink my 10 am tea, coincidentally, Loveynna was also there. So I engaged her.
“Loveynna, you told me you have some nursing skills, isn’t it?” I asked her.
“Yes, do you want to give me some nursing work?” She asked Jokingly.
“Yes.” I told her.
“Serious? Stop joking.” Loveynna said.
“We can have you as our Nurse, for this company. Someone feeling ill comes to you first, if you can handle the case, you prescribe, if not you refer. How about that?” I told her. She thought for a while.
“But we do not have a pharmacy here or a clinic.” Loveynna told me.
“First, tell me if you can do that. We will take care of the rest later.” I told Loveynna.
“Of course, I am excited with the idea.” Loveynna told me.
“Now, do yourself a favor, come up with everything you might need, a list of items, bring them to my office before evening. We shall review them. You can use one of the unoccupied offices for that. Also, it is not like you will be doing this full time, only when the need arises. You won’t even need so much drugs, just like some first aid sort of, or treating simple cases like flu perhaps, and referral of major cases like Malaria.” I told Loveynna.
As we were talking, Sally joined us and I shared with her the idea. 
“Oh! We also have expectant women here including me, and you might be of help to us too!” Sally joked and both ladies laughed.
“Imagine she is a nurse and she had not indicated that in her CV!” I told Sally looking at Loveynna.
“People have hidden potentials that they do not show, for whatever reasons.” Sally said looking at no one in particular. 
Loveynna finished her tea and she excused herself to go back to her work.
“You won’t believe this, Irene told me that Director Kamau has been seducing her and that is why he insisted on her to come back.” I told Sally.
“That is crazy, some he is so obsessed with her such that he is willing to buy her freedom?” Sally wondered.
“Imagine.” I told Sally.
“But you men when you are so determined to win a woman, you can go to great lengths to prove that.” Sally told me smiling.
“But an old man, why doesn’t he pursue young girls his age?” I wondered Looking at Sally.
“Men do not grow old, it is you who thinks Kamau is old, I am sure he feels all right with that. Besides, ladies have been getting married to old men and nothing is out of the ordinary.” Sally told me.
As we were talking, we heard someone scream and I immediately stood up to rush to see what was going on.
I found Loveynna running shouting, “Fire! Fire!”
“Where is the fire?” I asked her, she looked so much afraid. 
I entered into the empty room and I was shocked to see some electrical cables lying on the floor. I looked at them and realized they are the ones which short circuited and scared Loveynna. 
“Oh! This is a minor problem. It seems this socket was not tightened properly and it must have fell off when you were cleaning, some water touched the live wires and a short circuit resulted. I will fix it for you.” I told Loveynna, dismissing the others who had come to see what the problem was back to their work. I was left with Loveynna in the room alone.
“Go to IT room, tell them to give you the set of screws from their tools.” I sent Loveynna.
She returned immediately with them.
I took hold of the cables, pushed them gently back to their place, pushed the metallic clip back to hold them tightly and sealed off the edges with some masking tape before returning the socket and tightening the screws. However, as I was pushing the metallic clip, I must have hurt myself since immediately I stood up, a drop of blood came out of my finger. I had pricked myself unconsciously.
Loveynna looked at me and told me, “Let me take care of that.” She went, came back with her handbag. Inside was some methylated spirit and an Elastoplast. 
“Why do you carry this?” I asked her as she led me to the office sink to wash off my injured finger.
“I just assume myself as a nurse and anticipate such scenarios. Besides, being a cleaner expose me to some things like these ones and I would not wish to get hurt and lack some first aid remedies.” Loveynna told me sounding very professional.
She washed my finger slowly; she even had hand gloves. After she cleaned the tiny wound, she took out some cotton, applied some spirit and smeared it on top of the wound. It had some pricking pain it made me jerk a little.
“Sorry, it can’t be worse.” She told me. 
“No, just go on.” I told her.
She then sealed it with the Elastoplast.
“Do not pick something heavy with that finger for the next 24 hours to allow complete healing.” She told me as she repacked her items back to her handbag.
“Can I clean the room now? Is it safe?” Loveynna asked me.
“Yes, as you are cleaning the edges, avoid the sockets. You could accidently knock it off and once the electrical cables are exposed, they are dangerous.” I told her as I stood at the door to leave and go back to my office. She smiled, I smiled and left her to do her work.
I met Sally on my way back; she was coming from the washrooms.
“What? Have you hurt yourself and where did you get this?” She asked pointing at my finger.
“Yes, some metal hurt my finger but it will be ok. Our resident nurse took care of it.” I told Sally, she smiled.
“A nurse indeed.” Sally said and went to her office.
It is then an idea came to me. I thought of telling Loveynna to conduct some first aid drill for staffs, and perhaps teach us a few things. But I held that to tell her some other day, as for that day, I just wanted to leave her to do her work.
I got busy on my desk and did a lot of work such that I nearly skipped lunch and it was Sally who came to my office to remind me.
“Hey! It is almost 2 pm and you are still here working, go and eat, everyone has eaten except you.” Sally told me.
I went, had my lunch as fast as I could and returned back to my office and got busy until evening. Luckily, there were no interruptions that afternoon.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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