Later Sally had a meeting to attend in the afternoon and she left me in charge of the office. While I was there, Letisha came to me.
“Tony, what will be the reward of getting Kamau out of the way?” She asked. I thought for a while and told her, “You will get salary increment and more allowances.” 
She was not impressed.
“Tony, I do not want any of those. I want you as the reward.” Letisha told me. That shocked me how she boldly stated it. She was smiling as if joking but I knew she was serious.
“All right Letisha, we shall know once we get there. First of all, create some super scandal for him.” I told Letisha.
In the evening on my way home, I passed by a nice boutique. I wanted to surprise Sally.
I bought for her a pair of handbags, 3 of them red in color with a yellow ribbon all round. I also bought for her a nice floral dress red in color with some small yellow flowers scattered randomly all over it. I got a nice pair of shoes for her, with half an inch heels, also red in color. I got a pair of inner wears too with a net at the center for ventilation. I also went to the perfumes section and bought for her 2 of her favorite perfume brands, body lotion, deodorants and a few other beauty products. I told the cashier to pack them like a valentine gift. She looked at me and asked, “But today is not valentine, how now?” She was smiling.
“With my sweetheart, every day can be valentine day.” I told her. She laughed.
“You are such a good customer, we have not had such a romantic customer in a long while. Your lady must be so proud of you.” She told me smiling.
“I value her, that is why I am doing this to her.” I told the seller as she was wrapping it.
“Now, go to the cards section, get for me the best.” I told her. She looked at me.
“But my best can be your worst.” She said.
“Come on, do that favor to your customer. Get for me the one you feel has the best message as a lady.” I told her. She laughed lightly and went. She picked one for me with some romantic poem. But on top of it, I took a pen and wrote the poem below.
Your love for me is like the comfortable morning sunshine
Your kisses are to me so sweet like the best red wine
Nothing in this world can be equal to your sweet love
You are a gift to my life from the heavens up above
“Men like you are so rare, wow! I wish to get one like you.” The lady told me. I just smiled and told her, “Don’t worry, your lucky day shall come.”
As I was about to leave she stopped me.
“Here, this is my business card. Whenever you have something you wish to buy, give me a call. I can even have it delivered for you please...” She told me.
“Thank you, that is nice of you.” I told her. I looked at her name on the business card. 
“Ok, have a nice time, Madam Prudence.” I told her as I left, I put her card in my coat pocket.
I arrived home and found Sally in the Kitchen cooking. I went to the bedroom and placed the box with her gift on the bed. I approached her in the Kitchen and she had not noticed that I came in.
I startled her, frightened her rather by picking a soft fabric, bent and caressed the back of her knees and ankles with the soft fabric. She screamed and dropped whatever she was holding so fast on the sink.
“Damn! My dear do you want to give me a heart attack?” She asked as she turned to hug me. I laughed.
“So, you are such a coward?” I asked her laughing.
“No, but I thought some animal has gotten inside and was about to bite my leg, damn! Sweetheart do not do that to me again, it really frightened me!” Sally said as she released me and went to continue with her work.
“Ok, I am thirsty, anything to drink?” I asked her.
“Maybe you get some juice from the fridge. I have not cooked any tea yet.” She said.
“No, I just want something warm, let me prepare for us a cup of drinking chocolate.” I told Sally as I readied myself to prepare some warm chocolate for both of us.
“By the way, our profit margin has really gone up by double digits. Compared to previous quarter, we have doubled our profits. That means there were a lot of monies being stolen.” Sally told me.
“Yes, I noticed.” I told Sally, not really wanting to discuss much of job related issues at home.
“I guess it is high time I negotiated with the directors to increase our salaries.” Sally told me.
“Good idea.” I told her and continued to stir some sugar and milk to add onto the warm water. 
Sally must have noticed I was not interested in discussing job matters and changed the topic. 
“It is high time we got our own car now.” Sally told me.
“Yes, good idea too. Besides we have more savings now.” I told Sally. We were selling cows too from Turkana and the business was making good money.
As Sally was peeling some potatoes, I gave her some drinking chocolate and placed a stool besides her so as she would drink. Just as I was about to begin drinking my tea, something fell from table room so hard until it startled both of us.
“Let me check that…” I told Sally and went to the table room.
I found it was the cat that had made our house its home. It had knocked down a small flower vase completely shattering it in the process. It sat at one corner of the room looking scared. I went and as I tried to hold it, it cowered with fear but I caressed it, reassuring it I meant no harm until it relaxed. I collected the broken-down pieces and threw them away while still holding the cat.
I carried the cat to the kitchen. 
“This cat has knocked down a flower vase.” I told Sally.
“Ooooh! That was my favorite vase due to its beauty, I will have to get another one.” Sally said as I placed the cat down to rest under my legs.
We cooked supper together talking about few personal issues. 
We also ate together and I went to bedroom to iron our clothes for the following day as Sally went to clean up the dishes.
When Sally came to bedroom and saw a gift box on the bed, she looked at me puzzled at first. I was trying so hard not to smile.
“Wow! What is this?” She asked.
“Go and check, it might be a bomb…” I teased her.
“Then we die together.” She said as she opened the box. Immediately she saw what was inside, she nearly screamed with joy, she nearly jumped up were it not for her pregnancy am sure she would have.
She turned suddenly, came to where I was standing and gave me a tight hug saying, “Thank you! Thank you! Wow! Thank you, Darling…wow! What did you think to buy me this? And how did you know my body size?” Sally was really overjoyed. 
She tried the dress and it fitted her well and since it would stretch to accommodate her growing pregnancy. She walked around the bedroom wiggling herself with some pride for a while.
“Wow! I must also find a way of surprising you, if not soon. Give me time, I shall surprise you until you faint.” Sally said smiling broadly as she checked all content of the gift I had gotten for her.
She read the message in the card, blew a kiss in the air and smiled; I did the same too. 
“My dear, you are really funny! So even the inner wear has a net? What for? Ventilation?” Sally asked pausing to laugh. I laughed too.
“Yes, that beautiful garden down there needs plenty of fresh air.” I told her and we laughed very hard.
“My dear, that is why I would never leave you no matter what, you make me feel like a queen. You make me so happy every day of my life. I am a lucky woman.” Sally told me.
“You also make me feel like a real man. I consider myself luckier to have you in my life. You are my number one, my queen, my angel, my sweet apple, my sunshine at the midst of a storm, my oasis in the midst of a desert….” I paused. Sally laughed and said, “You are flattering me, you are making me feel shy…”
I continued,” I don’t just love you because you are the most beautiful woman, but because you make my life so beautiful. The feeling that you give me is like that of a king seated on his throne with his queen, you are the queen of my life.” I told Sally, she just stood there, still holding the dress listening to me, really smiling almost laughing.
“Ehe! Go on, my romantic boy…” She teased me.
“Romance would have no meaning without a loving lady like you, so full of fun. You make my heart be filled with joy. Looking at you smiling at me now is making me feel like crossing over to where you are standing and giving you a kiss.” I told Sally. 
“Wow! My dear! Do you want to finish me with sweet words tonight? What made you suddenly so romantic tonight?” Sally asked me and laughed.
Some, music was playing in the stereo from table room. As some songs played, I went and held Sally by her waist. I began to gently sway her by the rhythm of the songs being played, smoothly and slowly. I then went and held her from behind by her waist encircling her lower abdomen and began dancing with her, sometimes kissing her by her neck sending shivers of pleasure all over her and tickling her.
She would encircle me with her hands by my neck bending her neck slightly moving her head a side so as to allow my head to rest on her neck above her. My beards were tickling her too.
“Damn! My dear, your beards are tickling me.” Sally told me. I began teasing her with my small beards making her protest softly and jokingly pushing my chin slightly, at the same time caressing my beards for some time.
We danced for a while, for about 5 minutes and I finally released her and we continued with our evening chores until we were done. 
“Can we go some outing on the weekend? I can have a chance to wear this beautiful dress.” Sally proposed.
“No problem. You can choose where we should go.” I told Sally.
“All right.” She said.
After bathing, we retired to bed and slept as fast since we were both tired from the long busy day.
In the morning, as I was wearing my shoes Sally told me, “Let me do them for you.”
Sally knelt in front of me, and helped me to wear my shoes, tied my shoe laces for me making me think of how I used to see some Uganda women paying homage and respect to their husbands.
“Thank you, you just made me feel like a king…” I told Sally as she stood up after finishing to tie my shoes.
“You are my king of coarse.” She told me as she adjusted my tie smiling, adjusted my coat and told me, “I want to make sure you leave the house sparkling. I want everyone to respect you and realize you have someone who takes good care of you.” Sally said smiling, caressed my cheek for a while, pinched my cheek a little and released me. The way she touched me made me feel so nice about myself. I knew I was really loved by Sally. 
We walked together up to our work place and we found Loveynna had already cleaned up.
“Good morning, Lovey. Today you were so fast.” Sally greeted her. She greeted back.
“I was here by 6:30 am. If possible, I want to be done by 3 pm. I want your permission to go somewhere in the late afternoon.” Loveynna told Sally.
“Oh! No problem. Feel free. Once you are done, just go but alert me when you are going either by SMS or passing by my office.” Sally told Loveynna.
“Thank you, madam.” Loveynna told Sally and she went on with her work.
“That girl really works hard. I used to underestimate her but now I respect her.” Sally said in reference to Loveynna.
“I love her work too.” I told Sally as we got to her office. She sat on her office chair and took out her laptop to power it.
“What?! I don’t understand. My laptop won’t start…” Sally said sounding worried.
“Let me check it.” I told Sally. I tried to power it on and realized it was not powering at all. I began to troubleshoot what could have been the problem.
Within a short while, I realized it was its adapter that had a problem. It was dead.
“Your charger is dead, and your battery is completely drained. You need a new charger.” I told Sally. She smiled.
“All right, please do me a favor, check if Cynthia has already come so that we can send her.” Sally told me.
I went to the reception and coincidentally, I met Cynthia had just arrived.
“Good morning Cynthia. I want to send you for a laptop charger. HP model.” I told her.
“No problem. Can I make the order?” Cynthia asked me.
“No, go to IT department. Let them place the order. Bring it for approval and you can go and get it. It is urgent.” I told Cynthia without letting her know it was Sally’s.
Cynthia went fast and returned with an order. She took some money from accounts department and went her way.
“My dear, I am feeling some soft kicks in my belly. I think the child has grown big.” Sally told me smiling. I smiled too.
“Of course! Eat well to make him grow even bigger.” I told Sally.
I went to take some tea earlier than usual since I felt hungry and met Zuhura seated alone. She smiled when she saw me.
“Hi, Tony.” She greeted me.
“Hi, Zuhura.” I replied.
She came closer to me as she was serving me and whispered, “I took some E – pills. I guess I should be safe.” She told me smiling provocatively. 
“Well, just wait. Once you get your monthly periods, we shall know all is well.” I told Zuhura. She smiled.
She looked intently at me for some time.
“What do you wish to tell me?” I asked Zuhura teasingly.
She answered after a while, “Tony, I want you again. That day I did not get satisfied.” Zuhura told me. I looked at her.
“You mean?” I asked her.
“Yes, I was so sexually starved. I need it like a while night.” Zuhura told me politely but boldly.
I smiled. “All right, we shall see what we shall do.” I told her.
“The next time you come to me, make sure to have eaten well. I want it hard and long.” Zuhura said provocatively and she walked from where we were seated. As she walked, she swung herself from side to side as if she knew I was watching her from behind. I just smiled.
Collins joined me.
“Hi. Buddy.” Collins greeted me.
“Hi, Buddy.” I replied as he sat down beside me.
Collins looked at me and told me, “Tony, I want Loveynna but she has completely turned me down.” 
I looked at him and told him, “Collins, every woman makes her choice. Respect her choice and decision.” I told Collins.
“Tony, you do not understand. This girl is driving me mad. Whenever I see her I just begin getting hard. I really want her.” Collins told me. I was about to answer him but other staff members joined us for tea break. After exchanging some greetings, we all settled on some conversations, general non-coordinated talks.
It seemed like everyone was there except Irene. After noticing I had not seen Irene, I went to check her office to see if she was there. I found her busy on her work.
Without even greeting me she told me, “Tony, I have completely lost appetite because of you. You are really tormenting me, Tony. This is not fair. You continue to live as if I do not exist. Remember I am carrying your baby, Tony.” Irene told me sounding emotional. I did not know what to tell her.
“Irene, you have to take care of yourself. Right now, you need to go and eat something. It is not right for you to remain hungry while pregnant.” I told her feeling some pity for her. She looked at me.
I wanted to cheer her up.
“Irene, I love you and I love your baby too. It is our baby. So kindly go and feed our baby.” I told Irene and suddenly her face changed. She was smiling.
“Did I just hear you say you love me?” Irene asked.
“You better believe me. Now, get up. Go and have something. Once you are done with your tea come to my office and we can talk something.” I told Irene. She stood up, came to where I was standing and hugged me.
“You have just given me the strength I needed today.” Irene told me as she began walking to go for tea break. I looked at her until she got into the restaurant. 
As I turned to go to my office, I heard a familiar voice behind me which made me freeze.
“Tony, the lover boy…”

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
