10 days later, even after Stella got used to the office, we realized despite her being recruited secretly, there were no intentions of her to replace Sally and in any case, she was not interested in it but to just earn a living. 

So, one day we decided to set up Kamau against Letisha, and Reginah was to handle it like the perfect undercover cop. We do not know where Reginah got narcotics but she got a good load of them which Letisha planted inside Kamau’s vehicle during one of their escapades secretly. 
One evening, Letisha remained behind after every one of us left and Kamau as usual came to see her. I understood that Letisha played her seductive games perfectly Kamau never fucked her; he thought he was chasing after her after all trying to impress her to the maximum. 
So that particular evening, I understood Kamau came and found Letisha alone in office. He began seducing her but Letisha played so hard to get than usual until Kamau lost his cool. He began attacking her to rape her. Just as he was about to penetrate her, Reginah and some cops busted him under the pretense they got a tip off that he had drugs in his car. Worse, finding him nearly raping Letisha was a double blow for Kamau. 
He got arrested and was locked awaiting trial while Letisha recorded her case with the police to be used as evidence against Kamau. Kamau was finished and the whole scenario played the perfect crime scene; perfectly orchestrated Kamau had no escape.
He got locked up.
“So, you mean Kamau never got you?” I asked Letisha.
“No, he did not, in fact I made him beg for it.” Letisha told me laughing when we were alone at a restaurant discussing the whole set up.
Truly, I understood women are dangerous and can bring a mighty man down if they chose to. 
Irene, however, who was under the shadow of Kamau, panicked when Kamau’s case was hurriedly concluded within the following 2 weeks leading to him being sentenced to 17 years in jail on account of attempted rape and being in possession of hard drugs; all without being offered a chance to bail himself out or to appeal; panicked when Kamau was locked. He went to jail for 10 years for being in possession of drugs, and 7 for attempted rape and he had other pending charges of fraud.
Irene went to Sally and handed over her resignation letter but she was given 1 month to clear up and hand over to another incoming Human Resource Manager. It is when we fully realized Irene was meant to come and replace Sally as was the plan.
But with Kamau gone to jail, there was a vacuum amongst the directors and they came over, called me and Sally for a Crisis meeting. 
“As we all know, Kamau has left a big power vacuum which we cannot easily fill. And we are willing to distribute his shares of the company among all employees and loan them. However, if you have another idea, let us know.” Christine one of the directors told us.
“I will buy his shares.” I told Christine who looked at me with awe and wonder.
“All right. It will cost you Kshs 30 million to buy Kamau’s shares and a similar good will amount which you can deposit within a year.” She told me. Sally was shocked to hear that but I remained calm. I knew in my account there was more than enough.
“Done! Count me in.” I told the directors. 
As the directors looked at me, I told them, “I will continue working as assistant Manager under Sally, but I will be a co-owner of the company sharing equivalent of profits worth my shares.” I told them.
“What a proposal! That is fantastic. At least we will have one of us to overlook the affairs of the company from inside, not from a distance like us.” 
The directors were so thrilled with the whole set up and proposal. 
Within the next 1 month, we did a lot of paper work to have me as co-owner of the company. I proposed a few minor changes and we all agreed on it. One of the proposals was to have Stella as assistant to Sally too as my job would involve a lot of travelling and being out of office often to attend more representative meetings on behalf of the company.
But what really impressed my wife Sally was for me to buy a small Toyota Prado as our family vehicle. We no longer walked to work as we used to do. 
Irene’s HR position was replaced by a soft-spoken dude called Morris Murata.
Time moved on so fast until I did not realize how much I had completely ignored Reginah and Zuhura due to being too busy. Each kept calling me to make an appointment but I had no time at all no matter how much I would wish to meet them. 
Reginah felt like I needed to make her pregnant as a reward for putting Kamau out of our way, but I kept telling her to wait until she could not take it anymore. 
She came to visit us right in our work place; that particular day, Sally was not around and I was in charge. 
“Tony, I do not know why you are avoiding me but this time I will not take an excuse from you, you will come to my place today. I am ovulating and the window period will elapse within 2 days and if I miss out this month, I will have to wait for another more month. Come on! We had an agreement!” She told me.
“Reginah, it is not like I do not want to, but I have been so busy of late. I am serving two roles in this company and they are taking toll on me.” I told Reginah. 
“Yes, I can see you even have a car now. But what does it cost you to come and…just for one hour and we will be done?!” Reginah almost demanded.
“Reginah, I promise to, but let me handle this first.” I told her.
“Look, I had to even come at your work place and all you can tell me is to give you more time? Tony! Tony! Stop playing with my feelings now, I might make you regret.” Reginah told me. The statement sent chills down my spine knowing what Reginah was capable of doing. What if she decided to set me up for the perfect crime?
“All right, so you want me today?” I asked her.
“Stop asking and make it happen even right now.” She said.
“Damn! Of course, we cannot do it here.” I told her and we both laughed.
“Yes, I know. Besides, I cannot risk being caught by your wife. I can easily tell she can as well kill me because of you.” Reginah told me. It sounded like she feared Sally, or respected her, or whatever that meant.
“Ok, Reginah. I wish you would just go now. I will see you in evening. Today, I must come.” I told her.
“I will be waiting for you, just come straight to my place.” She told me as she stood to leave. I escorted her to her car and she left.
On my way to office, Zuhura too came to see me.
“Tony! Since you got promoted you no longer see us as people.” She told me.
“No, I have been so busy.” I told her.
“When will you come again to my place?” She asked.
“When I get time, I shall come, for a whole night.” I told her, a lie.
“How will that happen? You have a wife.” She told me.
“Don’t worry, I will make it happen.” I told her
We talked a few more issues and she left to her work station. 
But I could not fail to think perhaps I had been too busy to even attend to Sally.
The pursuit for money was overwhelming me. But I felt at peace since Irene was no longer working there. Even though she told me she shall still be within Nairobi, she was no longer a bother to us.
Later in the evening, I drove to the city hotel where Sally was attending some meeting and picked her on my way home. I knew Reginah shall be so furious with me.
“Hi dear, I came to pick you.” I told her as she came in.
“Hi, I was so tired, thank you for that; I thought you will just drive back home.” Sally told me.
“No, I had to pick my queen. I could not leave you, besides, looks like it is going to rain.” I told her noting that some clouds were gathering overhead. 
“You are such a nice driver, you should teach me how to.” Sally said as we drove back to our place. Traffic was moving slowly.
“Honey, close the window. People snatch phones in traffic jam.” I told Sally. 
“Oh! I nearly forgot thank you.” She said as she pressed the button to roll up the pane. 
“People come from far, I never imagined being inside a car with my husband so soon.” Sally told me smiling.
“Well, here we are now.” I said slowing down to pass a road intersection. 
My phone rang. It was Reginah but I put it in silent mode. I did not want to talk with her at that particular time.
“This person been calling since we left. Is it that urgent?” Sally asked. 
“Not that urgent. Just a friend who wanted to meet me today. I won’t be able to make it today. I am tired.” I told Sally as we passed by the road intersection and joined the traffic towards our estate.
“You have been too busy of late. Slow down with life you will kill yourself with work.” Sally told me.
“There is a lot to be done in too little time.” I told Sally. 
I knew continually avoiding Reginah, she might do something crazy and she sounded desperate.
“You can drop me and to meet your friend. I also hate when I want to meet someone and situations do not allow.” Sally proposed. If only she knew what Reginah wanted, she would not suggest such a thing.
“No, I will just go home and rest.” I told Sally as we rounded the final bend towards our home. We got to our gate and it automatically opened as it was made to when my car approaches. It closed behind us on its own. I assisted Sally to carry some groceries to the house.
Noting she was tired and her advanced pregnancy, I volunteered to prepare some chocolate for her despite myself being too tired.
“Oh! Honey, just wait for me to rest, I will make some for us.” She pleaded.
“No, just relax, at least I am better off than you.” I told her smiling looking at her protruding tummy. She caressed the tummy and smiled.
I served her the drinking chocolate and we sat there watching the news bulletin.
There was no impressive news anyway, we just watched it as usual, like some formality. 
“Why did Irene leave immediately Kamau was jailed?” Sally wondered.
“Partners in crime. She thought perhaps she would suffer same fate.” I told Sally, taking the cups to the kitchen after having some chocolate.
We talked about a few more issues as Sally prepared some supper as we remained seated. She sliced some meat while we were at table room before moving the rest to the kitchen together. 
“Aaaw Aaaoh! Look at the baby kicking!” Sally suddenly said excited and I looked and indeed the baby was kicking so hard you would see it.
“He wants to talk to daddy.” I said with a chuckle. I knelt in front of Sally and held her tummy. I jokingly said, “Hello baby! Just a few more weeks and we will meet you…”
“Oh! My dear, you are so crazy you make me happy always.” Sally told me and laughed hard.
“Father and son are creating a bond before they get to meet.” I told Sally. 
“Oh! Yes, and he shall be as handsome as his father.” Sally told me, we laughed.
I tickled her and she pulled me to stand up.
We prepared supper together and I assisted her in so many things since she was heavily pregnant and was getting tired fast.
Reginah sent a text which read, “Tony! Do you want me to come at your place?”
I replied, “Reginah, try to understand my position now.”
She texted back,” When I was so busy, I would abandon a lot to attend to your cases, now I want you, you are not there for me…” I felt guilty.
“Reginah. I have a proposal. I will take an off day tomorrow and come to see you.” I told her.
“Fine, do not fail. Around 48 hours remember. This time it must happen. Good night.” She replied
“Good night.” I replied. 
We had our evening and went to sleep.
The following day however, we went with Sally to work as usual. We drove fast since there were few vehicles on the road. On our way in, we met Carol and Loveynna walking.
“Hey, good morning. Hop in we go together.” Sally told them. They got in saying, “Thank you, good morning, Sally.”
We drove the remaining distance just having a casual chat discussing nothing in particular until we got at our work place.
“Tony, remember you were to meet with that Indian guy who wanted our company catalog. Meet him today morning if possible and give me feedback before evening.” Sally told me as I walked to my office. Stella was already at work.
“Good morning Stella.” I greeted her.
“Good morning, today I feel like hugging you.” Stella said rising to give me a hug. It was unusual of her since she had never hugged me since she came.
“You are so lively this morning.” I told her noting how she was smiling.
“I just feel excited today, I don’t know why.” She said as she settled on her desk.
“It is good to be happy; it will make you live longer.” I told her smiling.
“Oh! Perhaps, but living longer is up to fate.” Stella said sounding so realistic.
“Oh! Yes, there is that too. But happiness is a state of the mind, not external.” I told Stella. She laughed lightly.
As we were talking, Morris came to my office to inquire on latest salary scales as drafted by the directors. I gave it to him and he went back to his office.
Cynthia came.
“Good morning, Tony.” She greeted me.
“Good morning, there are two of us in this office.” I told her.
“Oh! Sorry, Good morning Stella.” She greeted Stella. Stella smiled and greeted back.
“Tony, there is a lady at the reception waiting for you…” Cynthia told me. My heart sank.
>>>To be continued>>>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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