I knew if Stella showed my wife such content, Sally would get really angry with me.
But Stella had to learn to respect me.
“All right, I will do as you wish.” I told Stella and she left.
I took my laptop out and did a network scan to see which devices accessed the WIFI that evening. I got her phones’ MAC address and had her phone number. But there was no way to get into her online storage.
What next?
I called Reginah and we met. She had some National Intelligence Devices that could accomplish exactly what I wanted.
“Reginah, I want you to break into this device’s channel, look for a video uploaded in between 6 pm and 8 pm.” I told Reginah. She did just that.
“Tony, what is the use of this video of you finger fucking a woman?” Reginah wondered.
“Will explain later, now replace that video with this one.” I told Reginah and gave her a cartoon video, renamed it like the original file and left it there. Next, we traced Stella’s phone; she was still walking on her way home, probably after having been caught up in the jam.
“Reginah, send one of your boys there, the must cunning of them. Pick pocket that phone from her.” I told Reginah.
“What is the meaning of all this?” Reginah asked as he called an officer within the vicinity and gave him instructions.
“I will tell you later, do it!” I nearly commanded Reginah.
We did the dirty job and within 1 hour, Stella’s phone was with us. We broke into the phone, hacked it and removed the recorded video. We then drove with Reginah back to our workplace, carefully placed Stella’s phone on her desk and left.
“Damn! Reginah you are a great friend, you just saved my marriage from this bitch. She wanted to blackmail me.” I told Reginah, she was no longer interested in the story anyway.
“Tony, when are you coming with me for fertility test?” Reginah asked.
“Next week on Thursday.” I told Reginah as we left.
“Please do not fail me this time. You keep promising me but you never come.” Reginah told me.
“This time round, I will.”
The following morning, Stella came to my office confused.
“Tony, did you have a hand in what happened to me yesterday?” Stella demanded.
“What happened to you?” I asked her pretending I was not aware.
“My phone got pickpocketed.” Stella said sounding panicky.
“Then report to the police.” I told her pretending to care.
“I sure will.” She said and left my office.
But when she got to her office, she was more than shocked to see her phone lying right on her desk. She looked into it and confirmed it was the one. She went through her files and found that the one she had recorded was missing. She also tried to log in to the one she uploaded and was shocked to see a video of cartoon network playing. She looked at me like I was a wizard.
I smiled.
“Stella, never joke with me again.” I told her and left her totally bewildered. She was almost crying while I was almost laughing.
Immediately I sat on my office desk, she came to me; Stella.
“Tony, I am really sorry for all what I did. I do not know what you did or how you managed it but please forgive me, I will not attempt that again.” Stella was really apologetic.
“Stella, if you want something from me, you really must learn to behave and once more, you have to respect my marriage. I know I loved you, but I now have Sally and I cannot leave her or do anything that will hurt her.” I told Stella calmly.
“But you are already cheating on her…” Stella said.
“That is none of your business, Stella. And in any case, why do you also want to cheat on your husband?” I asked Stella.
She remained silent for a while.
When she spoke, she said, “I still love you, Tony. Please understand me. I will do anything to be with you.” Stella said. She made me feel melancholic.
The reason why I was not willing to mess with her was I still had some tender feelings for her and I knew fucking her was like putting my love for Sally at cross roads.
“Stella, go back to your office. I will find time to talk to you.” I told her. She stood up and left silently. She was feeling ashamed.
That day, Sally was taking the child to clinic and as she was coming from the clinic she passed by our workplace.
Everybody was excited to see her for the first time since she gave birth.
“Wow! What a cute child? This one will be as handsome as his father!” Zuhura exclaimed as soon as she saw the child.
“Thank you!” Sally replied equally excited.
Zuhura joked with the child for a while.
“Sally, this child deserves a gift from me. It is an honor to hold him!” Zuhura said.
She reached for her pulse and gave Sally Kshs 11,000. Sally was surprised. That was almost half her monthly salary.
“Please, Madam. Take this, just a little token for Philip when I shall visit officially I shall bring some more.” Zuhura told Sally.
“Thank you, Zuhura. You are such a wonderful lady.” Sally told Zuhura.
Letisha was also so excited to hold the baby, and so was Luke, Collins, Cynthia, Maureen and Stella.
The rest were not close and Loveynna had held some acid with her hands and did not feel all right to hold the child. But she gave Sally Kshs 1,000 as a token for the child.
“The beauty of motherhood!” Letisha said.
“What about it?” Luke asked smiling.
“You get all the congratulations, but no one recognizes the person who planted the seed.” Letisha said jokingly and everyone laughed.
“So how are we supposed to recognize Tony?” Chris asked.
“Hmm, I don’t know. You tell us.” Cynthia teased Chris.
“All right people, I just dropped by but I have to leave. Please allow me to leave I shall come back later. And please come for baby shower soon. My husband will communicate to you when to come.” Sally said as she stood to leave.
“We shall come with goodies too.” Stella told Sally.
I drove Sally up to home and returned to work.
“The Doctor has said once Colic is over, I shall be able to have a good night sleep.” Sally told me while we were on the way home.
“I wish.” I told her.
“I see you really are in control there.” Sally told me.
“Yes, doing my best though not easy, that place needs you.” I told Sally.
We talked about a few more other things and as I was leaving, Sally told me, “take care.”
Apart from attending clients that afternoon, there was no much to do thus we went for late afternoon tea and we got talking about marital issues; one of them dominated the talks.\
Why do women find married men as attractive?
Maureen, who never minced her words said, “Married men are romantic, have been with a wife for sometimes if not a long time and know what a woman needs. Besides, most are experienced and smart unlike single men who do not even know what they want in this life.”
But Cynthia objected and said, “But why can’t someone take a single man and nurture him? That is being selfish of you. I mean, another woman took him, transformed him and now you suddenly think he is a better man? If I ever catch someone with my husband I shall kill you.”
“Can you kill someone? You don’t seem like someone who can kill.” Collins teased Cynthia but Cynthia just laughed.
“In all my life, I have never dated a single man, all my exes were married men. In fact, my current husband was once married to another lady before I took him from her.” Maureen said as if it was some epic accomplishment.
“Damn! So, you snatched someone’s husband?” Letisha wondered.
“No, no man can be snatched. Perhaps I just hated single men so much until I had to get a married man; and I am happy the man was so nice to me. I also made sure to treat him better than his ex-wife.” Maureen said.
“You shall incur a curse.” Loveynna told Maureen.
“I do not believe in curses. I am not religious at all.” Maureen said.
“No wonder.” Loveynna said.
“Religious people are the worst. I cannot imagine my husband ending up like King Solomon. How can I share my man with over 700 women?” Maureen said with disdain.
“But whichever way you look at it, dating a married man is not right.” Loveynna said.
Maureen looked at her.
Suddenly, Zuhura told Loveynna, “You sound so naïve, once you shall get touched by a married man, you shall begin reasoning like a grown up.”
Loveynna just laughed.
“You people make it sound like fucking married men is the best? Would you wish someone to fuck your husband?” Loveynna asked. All remained silent until Luke spoke.
“Adultery is a sin punishable by death. I am sure even Muslim will stone you to death if they catch you with a married man.” Luke said, but lacking his previous religious vigor.
Morris suddenly said, “Well, I also know married women are better. Right now, I am in an affair with a married woman and all is going well. She has experience unlike small girls who do not know anything about love and sex.”
Everyone turned to look at Morris, no one expected him to talk like that.
“Damn! So bold of you!” Stella said looking at Morris.
“Come on! These things are happening. I have been fucking a married woman for six months now. Problem is, I have lost appetite for single ladies since I began going with married women.” Morris said touching his goatee.
“Personally, when I was single, I never ever imagined fucking a married woman. With all single girls available why would I go for someone’s wife?” I said.
“Married women are the best.” Collins said, looked at all of us, laughed and said again, “In fact, I have made a few pregnant and they have my children. Their husbands do not know and shall never know.”
“Collins, you are crazy! That is too far now.” Letisha said.
“God told us to multiply, but he did not give us the formula so I am just doing what we were told.” Collins said. That did not go well with Luke.
“Collins, God shall punish you in hell!” Luke said with some finality.
“Come on! Why would God punish me for doing the right thing? Look here preacher boy. Let me teach you some facts of life. No child chooses where to be born. Some were born out of incest, some out of rape, some out of adultery, some out of fucking married men and women. And guess what? All are children of God.” Collins said sounding like a preacher for the first time. That puzzled Luke.
“Yes, but, God wanted all children be born in marriage.” Luke said.
“does that mean all children born out of wedlock are not children?” Collins asked.
“All are children.” Zuhura said.
“You are not a Christian so you do not know.” Luke cut Zuhura short.
“Even my child is a child of God despite being fathered by a married man.” Letisha suddenly said with some pride.
“What qualifies someone as a child of God?” Loveynna asked.
“Hmm, I guess,……well……as long as you are alive, you are a child of God.” Maureen said.
“I would not mind having a child with a married man.” Stella suddenly said.
“You people are crazy!” Cynthia said looking at no one in particular.
“With me, I can only have sex with a married man, but going to an extent of getting a child with a married man is crazy. I need my children to know their father, live with their father too.” Loveynna said with some finality in her voice.
Just as we were talking, Kiptoo came and excused himself to talk to me.
“There are some men who wish to see you.” Kiptoo told Collins.
Collins suddenly looked worried.
“All right, let them in.” I said without much of a thought.
Kiptoo went and came with 4 men who upon reaching where we were instead of introducing themselves, one of them asked.
“Who is Wanyama?”
Collins stood up. “I am Collins Wanyama. Welcome.”
Suddenly, one of the men took out a metal chain from under his big jacket and aimed for Collins to hit him on the head but Collins saw it coming and immediately moved away, staggering in the process and falling a little away from the men who were charging towards him.
“So, you think you have a golden penis to be fucking my wife whenever you wish? Today I am going to teach you a lesson.” One of the bigger men said.
The ladies screamed and ran away from the restaurant. I was at a loss on what to do since I knew the men meant trouble.
Kiptoo, our security guard suddenly aimed for one men and tried to restrain him, but he got knocked away.
“Quick, call the police!” I told Maureen who went to the helpdesk to dial to the number I had given her.
Collins however regained his balance and charged towards the man who was holding the metallic chain. The man aimed for Collins head but missed. Collins took hold of the chain and pulled the man so forcefully towards him. He caught him by his shirt collar.
“Listen you chicken head! I did not force your wife to give me her vagina!” Collins told the man. That made the man blow with anger and he smashed his head on Collins face.
Collins got really angry.
He lifted the man in the air, carried him to an open ground and smashed him on the floor so hard until he literally passed out. The other men charged towards Collins.
One kicked Collins by his chest and since Collins was not prepared for the kick, he staggered and fell. Suddenly one man lifted a big stone and aimed to his Collins head. I knew I had to intervene.
I threw a staggering flying kick aiming at the man’s cheat and knocked him so hard until he fell, the stone fell on his chest. Suddenly the other man wanted to hit me but missed since he was a bit clumsy and fut.
I lowered myself, made one twisting move under him with my left leg outstretched and knocked the man off his feet and he fell down flat. As he made to stand up, I dropped a flying kick on his face.
The men realized they were being overpowered and made to run away but Kiptoo had some ropes. He aimed for their legs and both fell.
Kiptoo seemed like he was trained to handle criminals and he quickly tied the men by their legs avoiding their blows, completely immobilizing them.
“I am going to fuck you idiots!” Collins said charging towards one man like a bull fighter. He lifted one of the men who was free and began carrying him towards the washrooms.
“Collins! Are you crazy!” I asked Collins but he was not listening to me. I knew trying to stop him would probably make him hit me.
The other man who Collins smashed on the ground was still lying unconscious as I followed a crazy Collins towards the toilet.
“What the hell do you want to do?” I asked Collins who was removing the man’s underpants.
“Please spare me, I was hired to come and beat you. I did not know you were this big…” The man was pleading.
Suddenly, Collins whipped out his penis which was erect and to my utter horror and shock, Collins was already erect and willing to fuck.
“Collins! You cannot fuck a man for real, stop it this is crazy” I told him.
“Who are they to lecture me who I am supposed to fuck or not?” Collins asked.
“Collins, if you won’t stop this, I am personally going to kick your ass very hard.” I told Collins and I did not expect him to even react since I knew he was a huge guy and many times stronger than me. But to my surprise, Collins looked at me like he was afraid of me, returned his penis and told the man, “Get out and do not attempt to run away or else, I will fuck you until you won’t walk.”
The man passed by me fast and went to sit where the other men were lying.
As I edged closer to Collins, I realized he was smelling weed.
“Have you been smoking today some cigar weed?” I asked him. He laughed.
“Just a little to kickstart my day.” Collins told me smiling.
“No wonder you are acting like a mad man. Did you really mean to fuck his anus?” I asked Collins.
“Of course, I would. Were it not for you, I would have ejaculated already!” Collins said.
As we came out, some policemen were already there. Luckily, Kiptoo had already twisted the story to the police to appear like the men who wanted to beat Collins were thugs who had come to try to steal from us and the men were arrested and taken to police cells.
“Collins, you will get in trouble with married women.” I told Collins once we settled in my office as I wanted to have a word with him.
“But, not like I force them…they give me willingly.” Collins said.
“You nearly got us in trouble too.” I told Collins.
“I am sorry for that, but at least I contained the situation.” Collins said.
“You call breaking a man’s bones containing the situation? The man you smashed to the ground: if he aint broken, he is really injured.” I told Collins.
“He should have known better not to attack me. But you also hit one of them.” Collins told me.
“Yes, I could not let him drop a stone on your face, you would be disfigured by now.” I told Collins looking at his face, he just laughed.
“Thank you, Tony, you are a great friend.” Collins told me.
“Cool. But stop fucking married women.” I told Collins.
Collins looked at me suspiciously and said, “But you too, won’t you stop fucking a married woman?”
I felt surprised so much until I felt heat rash all over my body. How did Collins know I am fucking Zuhura? It was supposed to be a secret between me and Zuhura!
“Which married woman am I fucking?” I asked Collins leaning forward to listen to him.
»>To be continued»>
As narrated by Dr. Love.

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HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
