
When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our marriage. Suddenly she was the ugliest woman I had ever seen not the pretty drop dead gorgeous woman I fell in love with. Looking at her each and every day was draining; I just didn’t love her anymore and couldn’t wait to get rid of her.
Just around this time I met this high school pretty girl called Betty. She quickly became the world to me and I was head over heels over her. I started withdrawing more and more time from my marriage and concentrated on Betty. I was so in love with her such that whenever I thought of my wife I wished her dead and gone. Betty quickly rose to be my main lady and she was the main recipient of all my monthly salary every month. I removed my wife from my will and all my bank accounts and left her to fend for herself.
Living with my wife was getting more and more strange since we were no longer sexual partners, I would sleep with her only when I wanted to. I would sleep on the double bed alone and she would sleep on the cold floor with the kids. Later in our marriage I became very emotionless and sometimes I would tell her exactly how I felt about her. I would shout, “Hey you don’t expect anything from me and whenever you feel the need of a man get yourself a donkey not me. As for your wellbeing, look after yourself and your kids I want nothing to do with it. If you are tired of me I’m just tired as you are with me, just go and never come back!”
To get her to leave and move on, I soon started coming home with Betty and I would kick her out just to spend the night in peace. The kids would cry in the cold but I wouldn’t give a damn. Despite how rude and abusive I could be, she never left the household. Sometimes I would shout, get angry or throw her to the ground and beat her but she kept going strong which was strange.
One year later
Trouble started when I caught Betty having sex with my friend Tobi in his office. I was disappointed and thwarted with my best friend Tobi not to mention the love of my life Betty. I was furious, I nearly killed him, “I’m going to kill you for this Tobi, what are you doing with my girl?” I shouted throwing a punch at him.
Soon as I landed a punch on him to my surprise Betty joined the fight on Tobi’s side and gave me a good beating. They nearly killed me; I escaped home bleeding heavily with a broken nose and bruises all over my face. When I got home my wife ran to me looking concerned and asked, “What happened my husband?”
Looking at my wife got me more infuriated and I warned her, “I’m not in the mood for your silly questions; just leave me the hell alone before I break your nose too!”
Wife: (concerned) let me look at that please I can help.
After my wife persisted i just couldn’t take it anymore and I got to my feet and slapped her twice. I grabbed an electric cable and whipped her like a donkey. I nearly slaughtered her as I relieved all my frustration on her In front of my crying kids and left her for dead.
The nest day I went to work with bandages and bruises all over my face. As soon as I walked in my office to my surprise Betty was waiting for me sitting on the couch remorseful and apologetic. I couldn’t understand what exactly she was doing in my office with everything she had done to me the previous day. I was furious, I marched to her and demanded answers, “what are you doing here you whore?”
Betty got down to her knees with tears on her cheeks and answered, “I’m sorry dear for what happened yesterday, I love you. Will you find it in your heart to forgive me please?”
Leave your comments and views more of this short story coming.
I Queen Stories 2018
By Chriswell Nyasha Chindenga




Betty got down to her knees with tears on her cheeks and answered, “I’m sorry dear for what happened yesterday, I love you. Will you find it in your heart to forgive me please?”
I was furious but Betty was my biggest weakness, I couldn’t raise my hand on her. My heart melted as she sincerely apologized with tears in her eyes. Before I could reply back she ran and fell in my arms giving me a long hug. Smelling her perfume and her well taken care of hair made me throw down my arms. She then looked in my eyes with distressed eyes and said, “Have you forgiven me dear? I hope you did because I can’t spend another day with you mad at me.”
I took a deep breathe and answered, “Yes- yes I have forgiven you but what made you do the things you did yesterday, look you got me hurt? Come on Betty, you and Tobi.”
“I’m sorry dear I don’t know what got over me; you know very well I love you alone. Tobi was just a one-time mistake and it’s over now” she said pulling me closer to her.
We hugged, made up in my office and that was the end of that issue and we vowed never to bring the issue up again. I took the rest of the day off and took Betty out for a shopping spree and it ended up being the best day ever.
5 months later
One day my wife came up to me sad and sat me down trying to warn me a thing or two about Betty. “My husband I know you love Betty but I have something to tell you about her. I have seen her lately with different types of guys doing the nastiest of things and I’m worried for you my husband that she will end up giving you STIs or HIV.”
Listening to my wife talk got me furious and couldn’t guess what was motivating her to lie about my mistress. Without further ado I started accusing her of being jealously, “don’t you dare waste my time you weasel. Now I see you are just a delusional lying jealous idiot, I see you are trying every trick in the book to try split us up and win back my heart!”
She replied sincerely, “no-no my husband it’s true, you can ask anyone in the neighbourhood. I would never lie to you no matter how bad you treat; you know I still care for you despite our differences. Please my husband________”
Before she could finish I lashed at her, knocked her to the floor and yelled, “Not another word you bastard and get it into your thick skull that I’m no longer your husband!” I was angry and I just wanted to kill her to get it over with. I thought to myself how dare she accuse my beautiful faithful woman of such sickening acts. Lucky for her the baby started crying and I stormed out of the room with frustration before I gave her a good beating. The next day I went straight to Betty to tell her what had happened, I couldn’t keep secrets from her. “Darling you will never believe what happened yesterday.”
“Don’t tell me it’s that witch you call your wife?” she asked shaking her head with disappointment.
“Yes it’s her and she is giving me a headache at home. Yesterday she said Betty is sleeping around with different men in the neighbourhood” I replied feeling embarrassed.
Betty was furious, “how dare she, tell me you gave her a good beating and chased her out?”
I scratched my head and replied, “Yep I gave her a good beating but I hadn’t yet thought of chasing her out.”
“You are so unbelievable; I don’t know why you are so lax with that witch. Why don’t you chase her out at once or you want me to come over and do it myself. You are so tolerant almost as if you are still in love with her, are still in love with her?” she asked.
I pulled her close and her lips met mine and we kissed. Betty was right; i had tolerated this woman for a long time and it was time to chase her out with her wretched children. I realised lashing and whipping her every time was no good, for it would only land me in jail after I had injured or killed her so Letting her go was the real life hack. After a long kiss I whispered in Betty‘s ear, “I’m not in love with anyone but you dear. I’m going to take care of her once and for all; don’t you worry yourself.”
After some romantic time with Betty I drove to my house determined more than ever to chase my wife out. There was no turning back, it had to be done one way or the other I couldn’t risk losing Betty.
Leave your comments and views more of this short story coming.
I Queen Stories 2018
By Chriswell Nyasha Chindenga




After some romantic time with Betty I drove to my house determined more than ever to chase my wife out. There was no turning back, it had to be done one way or the other I couldn’t risk losing Betty. When I got home my children ran to me with bright smiles on their faces a thing they had never done in a long time. I had walked in the house furious hoping to send her away but somehow I just couldn’t so I decided to do it the next day. When I woke up the next day I had completely given up on chasing my wife away and couldn’t think of a reason why, guess it was God’s interference.
2 moths later
After 2 months my wife was still with me and it made Betty mad. The more I delayed sending my wife away the more Betty despised me. Sometimes we would get into huge fights and we grew further and further apart. To get back at me for not sending my wife away Betty starved me of affection. Those days l started losing a lot of weight intensely, getting darker and my lips turned pinker and I thought maybe my troubles with Betty were taking a toll on me.
Getting sex starved by Betty got me miserable and unhappy so I took up drinking to ease the stress. One day I came back home drunk in the middle of the night and called my wife to come to the bed from the kitchen. I demanded that she remove her clothes so that I could have sex with her right away. She paused for a while looking at me surprised, she couldn’t believe I wanted sex with her after nearly two years without being intimate with her. Despite the two years without being intimate, she was really scared for herself since I looked visibly sick. She got down on her knees and tried to talk me out of it, “please – please my husband you are drunk why don’t you get some rest and we can do it tomorrow.”
I was furious with her response; I really wanted sex and nothing else. I yelled at her aggressively, “hey you, aren’t you my wife, didn’t I pay your bride price and aren’t you supposed to follow my instructions here? When I say you do something you do it without asking silly questions!”
She became traumatized and walked to the bed slowly but she was deeply distressed. I grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the bed and started undressing. She hurriedly got up and demanded, “If we are going to be intimate then we need to use protection.”
She spoke wildly while I hastily took off all my clothes and I never paid much attention to what she said. After I undressed she tried to tussle me away but I overpowered her and grabbed her by the throat. I threw her to the bed and forced myself on her without any protection. It was a struggle; I basically raped her with our kids watching helplessly in tears.
After the violent ordeal my wife dressed up and tried to walk out of the house. I was drunk and exhausted but I staggered and grabbed her by the arm. I demanded to know where she was going with the kids in the middle of the night. I couldn’t be sure if she was leaving for the police or not so I had to stop her by all means.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes and answered, “What do you care where I’m going, do you care?”
I tried to intimidate her a little just to get her to calm down and get back to sleep. “Get back in the house and go to sleep before I give you a good beating!” I yelled.
Suddenly she didn’t look intimidated or frightened by me but determined more than ever to live the house. She shouted, “I’m done with you and I’m done taking your abuse. Today I’m going report you to the police and get you thrown in jail once and for all!”
I almost fell and urinated in my pants while she spoke; I had never imagined her doing that to me. Quickly I sobered up and started seeing things clearly, indeed she was about to get me arrested and I had to talk her out of it. Suddenly I was polite and understanding, “please my wife, lower your voice and let us solve this issue without involving anyone.”
“It’s a little too late for that, you should have thought of that before raping me” she replied
My wife wanted me locked up and I knew i stood no chance against her in front of the police .It gave me creeps imagining myself in orange jump suits in a crowded maximum security prison sleeping in a 2x3m cell, I had to convince my wife somehow. I got on my knees and pleaded, “Please my wife I don’t know what got over me it must be the beer. If you sent me to jail who will take care of you and the kids?”
Leave your comments and views more of this short story coming.
I Queen Stories 2018
By Chriswell Nyasha Chindenga

Life Morals Story # 1 Acting Blind Husband

Life Morals Story # 1

A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly she started to lose her beauty. It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour.
While returning, he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However, their married life continued as usual. But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually. Blind husband did not know this, and there was not any difference in their married life. He continued to love her, and she also loved him very much.
One day she died. Her death brought him great sorrow.
He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.
A man from behind called and said, now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you.
He replied I am not blind. I was acting because if she knew l could see her ugliness, it would have pained her more than her disease. So I pretended to be blind. She was a very good wife. I only wanted to keep her happy.
Moral:- Some times it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another's short comings, to be happy
No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they still stay together in one mouth. That's the spirit of FORGIVENESS. Even though the eyes don't see each other, they see things together, blink simultaneously and cry together. That's UNITY." May the Lord grant us all the spirit of forgiveness and togetherness.
1. ''Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'talk.'
2. "Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can celebrate
3. 'Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh.'
That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations. We are nothing without each other
The razor blade is sharp but can't cut a tree; the ax is powerful but can't cut the hair.
MORALS; *Everyone is important according to his/her unique purpose, Never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes..



"Rise and shine pretty girl."
Omote said to herself, after she counted the 200k Chief Akporo handed to her in cash.
Omote thought of chief Akporo as a good man.
He dashed her money without even seeing the hand of her brazier. She was aware that he was a Wealthy man, but Kennedy didn't tell her that he had a mouth odor. An elderly man in his late 50s who slipped off his wedding ring just to see her face in a broad day light at the Sheraton hotel.
Kennedy said when he showed him Omote's pictures, his eyes widened. He wanted to see her as soon as possible before he leaves for the UK to see his family.
"I be Warri man! Any woman wey I love, dey enjoy me well, well. I go give you anything you want. I don't want to share you with anybody, leave those small, small boys dem." He said huskily.
She stared at him and then turned away.
"Chief, I don't have a boyfriend, but if you can be paying my house rent and then buy me a small car. Not Tukumbor o. Tia rubber!" Omote said, rolling her eyes.
"No worry yourself, my name na Chief Esereshareberuo Akporovwovwuo Oghenefejoro, ask anybody of me, I do not break promises." She giggled and turned her face away snobbishly.
Omote went back home excitedly. It was one of her lucky, good days.
The wind that blew that late afternoon caused her neatly fixed hair to scatter.
She tried to open the door of the house and found out that her elder sister Tega was already home.
"Did you get the job?" She asked as soon as she stepped into the house. Tega became calm for a while, then gave an audible sigh of relieve.
"Silly people. Imagine, that man wanted me to sleep with him first, before he can give me the job as his secretary. If I sleep with him to get the job, shebi I will be sleeping with him all through to keep it?"
She asked sadly.
"Are you a virgin? What is there to just sleep with someone for five minutes and get a well paid job that will change your life. seriously Tega, I am so tired of you. I am the one feeding you and sending money home to Mama. When will you start supporting me? Me that slept with my boss to get this job I am doing now, did I die?"
Tega stared at her, looking aghast.
"Oghene! Omor, What kind of a person are you? If not that I saw when you were born one year after I was born, I would have said our parents adopted you." Tega said softly. But before she had finished talking, Omote had started removing her shoes. She was used to her sister's talks about how different she was from her.
"Did you cook?" Omote broke the silence.
"I am just coming back from job hunting, and you are asking if I cooked."
"But you got home before me."
"And so?"
"We are eating out then."
Tega's eyes lightened as she became calm.
"Don't worry, when I get a good job, I will reciprocate all these things you've done for me."
" Go back tomorrow, beg that man and tell him that you are ready to do it." Omote said mockingly. She gave a sneering smile and widened her teeth. Tega stared at her as if she said something rude.




After they ate the Fried peppered chicken with the fried rice, and drank the chill coke, Tega began to fan herself with her bare hands.
"Thank you for lunch." she said with a stiff politeness. " I can't remember the last time I ate this much."
"Anything for my sister." Omote shoved the chicken into her mouth.
Moments later, Omote's phone rang. She picked it up immediately.
"It's my boss." she whispered, as she placed the phone to her ears.
"Hello, Good afternoon". Her tone became Loud.
"Omor my baby. Can I see you tonight?"
"At where sir?"
"Our usual spot my baby."
"Okay sir."
"I will send you the room number in a bit." He said and hung up the call.
Omote began to chew her chicken noisily.
"The way you speak to your boss is strange."
"He is my lover."
"I thought you were joking when you said you've slept with him."
"Why would I joke about a thing like that?He takes good care of me. In fact, he is the one who gave us money to rent our house."
Tega gave a great bellow of laughter.
"God bless him. I hope he is not a married man?"
"Before nkor? Is it a single man that will have that kind of money? He is married o with three children."
"Oghene! Omote, what of his wife? Don't you know that it is a curse to sleep with a married man?"
"In this present time abi? OgeheneTega, please leave my life for me." Omote said calmly and gulped down a full glass of water.
Her boss had undress and was already in bed when she walked into the hotel room with a pretentious frown on her face.
"My Omobaby! Come to Daddy!" She shook her head and still didn't look at him.
"What is it my baby? Have I not made you happy?"
"Last time that we met here, you didn't give me money o." She said, folding her arms.
" But I paid for your cab Omalicha?"
" But that wasn't my personal cash. You didn't give me money after sleeping with me."
"I was broke that day. And besides, you are not a prostitute that I should pay after sex."
Omote felt a rush of anger now.
"What was I before? I wasn't a prostitute and you slept with me before giving me the job? I want money o. I cannot give any married man my sweet mango for free." Omote said shrilly. Her face was in a bit frown. Her boss began to give a forceful smile.
" Don't worry, I will give you money today. I have been really broke since after I gave you money for your rent."
Omote had wondered why her boss always gets broke whenever he gives her money. She gave a sneering smile, and began to remove her dress slowly.
Her boss shifted a bit towards the wall, his breathing ragged and he looked at her with so much intensity as he called her name.




Omote woke to the sound of her boss's cell phone. She was naked, and lying on top of her boss who was deeply asleep.
She peeped through the phone and saw 'my wife' calling.
She tapped on her boss gently.
"Your wife wants you home, wake up."
Her boss stretched out, yawning at the same time. He didn't hear her clearly, he was about to go back to sleep when Omote tapped him for the second time.
"Your phone is ringing sir, it seems your wife is trying to reach to you o. It's almost to 9pm."
He jumped up from the bed immediately.
"My wife? where? when did she call?" he asked, looking confused. The phone rang again and he picked it, his fingers trembling.
"My dear. I was in a meeting. We are almost done. I will soon be on my way." He said, in a suddenly much less confident voice.
He hung up the call and immediately flung out of the bed to get dressed.
"Madam has called." Omote's voice became abruptly loud.
"Yes. I need to go now." He said in a panic whisper, as he opened his brief case.
"Omalicha, should I give you in cash or in cheque?"
"In cash sir. The last time I got a cheque, I discovered at the bank that it was a fake one."
But her boss was lost in the conversation while counting some money. He threw a bunch of one thousand naira notes to her, she grabbed it with one hand.
"Bad girl Omalicha. You like money too much."
The smile varnished, and her eyes shaded with a hint of anxiety as she counted the money.
Moments after her boss had gone, she dressed up quickly and hurried down to the elevator. And while she was anxiously waiting for the elevator to open, a lady dressed in a lemon silky gown stepped out, the smell of her designers perfume hit on Omote's noise. There was a young boy behind her, he had multiple chains on his neck, and had a small earring fixed to his Ears, the big tattoo paintings on his hands gave him a weird look.
"Nice scent." Omote said as she walked into the elevator.
"Omote Oscar?" The lady in a lemon coloured gown called out. Omote became amazed. She stepped out of the elevator immediately and stared at the lady directly in the face, looking confused. She was trying to depict the face.
"Shoooooo! Isioma Okoye? Unbelievable, is this really you?"
"Oh yes. You look really good. Are you married now?" She asked excitedly. Omote gave a slow nod.
Isioma would have said 'you should ask me what I have achieved since after school'.
But she gave a wide smile, and ignored responding verbally to her question on being married.
Her eyes got to the ring on Isioma fourth finger, there was a gold wedding ring in it.
"I can see you are married. Is this your husband?" She asked, pointing and smiling at the boy behind Isioma.
"Of course not. my husband works in Scotland, he visits Nigeria once in three months. This is my small boyfriend." she said Shrilly.
Omote had thought that she was the worse bitch on earth until she met Isioma. She was amazed, that despite her marital status, she would still be keeping a gigolo.
"Have my card, call me. Let's talk about old school days." She handed her a classy complimentary card. Omote got it excitedly and they both parted ways.
She had thought about Isioma and her small boyfriend all through the night.




Tega's laughter subsided, but a wistful smile remained on her face.
Omote had told her about her encounter with Isioma, who was popularly known as 'the school fucker' in secondary school.
"Does she still do that her busy body?" Tega asked, smiling wide.
"Ahhh....yes o." Omote giggled.
"I am surprise that she said she is married. what then was she doing at a hotel with a small boy?"
"I don't know o. She asked me to call her. So maybe we will talk about that when we see."
"Ah! Isioma the crazy girl." Tega laughed.
There was a loud knock on the door. Tega and Omote wondered who it was.
"Are you expecting a visitor?" Tega asked.
Omote walked to the door and opened it immediately she saw who it was.
"It's Kennedy." She whispered to Tega and clicked the door open.
"Where is my money?" Kennedy asked in a baritone voice. His face became stern. There were beads of sweat on his face, and he looked pale.
Omote did not look at his face, rather, she felt his surprise.
"He didn't touch me." Omote said with a frown on her face.
"Meaning that he didn't give me any money."
"Liar!" Kennedy yelled. " You mean that a whole Chief Akporo who gives girls 100k as thanks for coming, did not give you a dime Omor?"
"Maybe he doesn't like me. But I swear on my late father's grave, that man didn't give me a kobo. He only said that he was going to see me again."
"If I find out that you are lying enh, I will make sure Chief doesn't see you again." His voice was getting louder, his head bobbing. He walked away and slammed the door aggressively.
"Omor. Kennedy introduces you to big men? I thought you said he is just a good friend?" Tega asked softly, she continued, "Did the man give you money?"
"Holy mary, Yes!" She yelled. "He gave me 200k, and I am supposed to give Ken 20k." She sat gently on the couch.
"So why can't you give him, since you will have a whole 180k to yourself?"
"Because I am trying to set up a business for you. Since you can't use what you have to get what you want. let me be the twerp."
"I didn't send you to go about sleeping with men for money. I will not give out my body for Money!" Tega said arrogantly.
"But you can sleep with a man for love and silly emotions? See, I am not doing this for you, I am doing this for mama. She has suffered enough for Us. If I want to waste my time, and watch you as my elder sister to hustle and take care of us, we will all die. Start thinking of what you can do, so that I can make plans to give you some money. you think sey to find job for Lagos na beans?" Omote said and walked angrily into the room.
Tega said nothing. She sat carefully on the couch and bit her finger nails.




Omote nodded to the reggae music that was being played at the bar, while she sipped her red wine stylishly from the glass cup.
She had waited for Isioma for over thirty minutes at the Saints bar.
A car horn blew, and she turned her face to the window. A black, tinted range rover drove in. The lady inside wined down to get proper direction from the bar securities.
Omote was astounded to see that the lady who drove the black range rover was Isioma. Her mouth popped open as she stared in admiration.
"I am so sorry Omor, I had a busy day at the shop. Customers were trooping in and out." Isioma said, as she whistled at the bar girl.
"What do you do?" Omote asked anxiously.
"I own a Mac makeup studio on Victoria Island." Isioma said shrilly.
"Oh nice. I am thinking of a business to establish for my sister."
"Not for yourself?"
"No. My kind of business will need a lot of capital. I want to establish my sister and my mom first."
Isioma nodded slowly.
"What are you planning to do for yourself?" Isioma asked, skimming through the menu file.
" I want to own a perfumery, like a perfume shop."
"Designers perfumes?"
Isioma finally turned to the waitress who had stood there for over two minutes, listening to their conversations.
"Get me two tots of orange vodka." She said briefly, while the girl walked away.
"Do you have children?" Omote asked.
"I have a son. He is in South Africa with my ex husband."
Omote became amazed. "you've been married before?"
"Five times in a short period of time." Isioma said.
Omote shook her head and smiled.
"They all cheated on me with other women."
Omote watched her lips as it was moving. The waiter appeared with a glass of vodka, Isioma carried it and gulped it down within a second.
"Get me another one." She said to the waiter.
"My first husband had three wives before we got married. His wives almost killed me, so I ran away. We got divorced four months later. I met my second husband, He was gay, and he was never planning to come out of it. And then I met my 3rd husband." She paused as the waiter arrived the second time with another shot of vodka. She took it and gently dropped it on the table this time.
"You can go." She said to the waiter. Then she continued, " my 3rd husband raped his sister to dead. She was just twelve. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. I divorced him before I relocated to Nigeria. He was the father of my son.
My 4th husband; After we got married, three women appeared from nowhere with different babies, they said he was already married to them. She paused and sipped the vodka a bit.
Omote's eyes widened as she listened attentively.
"And the fifth husband?" Omote broke the silence.
"He is my husband. He lives with his mistress in Scotland. He thinks I don't know, but I do."
Isioma said as she gulped down the vodka again.
Omote became startled. She stared at Isioma, at her long lashes, her long costume earrings, the thickness of her body. She was already imagining Isioma with all these men.




Omote sipped the chocolate tea slowly. Thoughts of Isioma ran through her mind over and over again. How she survived getting through five husbands in 10years still shocked her.
She didn't tell her sister Tega of her conversations with Isioma.
"I have gotten a job." Tega said excitedly. Omote's heart skipped joyously as she dropped the tea cup on a Stool. Her face beamed with a smile.
"At where?"
"A primary school at Iyana Paja. As a primary school teacher. The salary is manageable."
"Primary school at Iyana Paja?" Omote asked Amazingly. "How much is the salary?"
"Twenty thousand naira." She said smiling wide.
"Oghene! Tega, Twenty thousand naira for a first class graduate?"
"It's better than staying at home."
"From here to Iyana paja is five hundred naira Tega. you will spent more than thirty thousand for snacks and transportation. I will advice you stay at home patiently. I can be paying you the twenty thousand monthly, until I can get you a shop." Omote said softly.
"Thank you." Tega whispered as a line of tear ran through her eyes. "You are indeed my best friend and sister. I love you." Omote became emotional. Her sister's words hit her with an emotional force. she hugged Tega to herself tightly.
Omote reluctantly rose from the bed to prepare for work. She had been away from work for two days without permission.
She was tagged by her colleagues as 'oga's Queen.' She disobeyed the rules and regulations of the company, and did whatever she wanted with her time.
Whenever she stepped into the office, everywhere became quiet. People had started suspecting that she was in a relationship with the boss.
"Good morning Helena." Omote greeted the receptionist shrilly as she signed the company's time book.
"Good morning aunty Omor." Helena replied excitedly.
Aunty Omor I missed you these few days o. Even though some bad belle people who don't like you gossiped about you."
"What did they say?" Omor asked, her face became anxious.
"Blessing and Nneka said yesterday that if they were the ones who stayed back from work just a day, that oga would have given them query. But that you come to work twice in a week, but still get a full salary. Nneka concluded that it's because you are oga's girlfriend." Helena reeled off.
Omor handed her a two hundred naira note and walked away elegantly.
"Thank you o aunty." Helena said in a loud tone.
Omote stepped into the main office entrance and her eyes caught with Blessing and Nneka who gave a pretentious smile. " Ah Omor baby! how far nau?" But Omote ignored. She walked straight up to her boss's office without saying a word.
"Olodoshi" Blessing whispered and sighed.
Omote clicked her boss's office open without knocking twice like other staffs do.
"Omalicha!" Her boss hailed excitedly.
"Come and give daddy a kiss."
"I don't know what I have done to Blessing and co. They keep gossiping me in this office." She said girlishly.
"Don't mind those old women, they are jealous of your beauty Omalicha. Their husbands are not taking good care of them the way I do to you." Her boss said, smiling. His gaze slid down from her shoulders to her breast.
Omote walked over to his chair, and sat slowly on his laps.
The door opened immediately, and their heart slammed as a woman's voice awoke their guts.
"My husband!"
Omote was in real trouble.




Omote became dazed; she arose slowly from her boss's laps, and brings her head down as she turns.
"What is a woman doing on your legs Obim?" The lady asked in a loud voice. She was dressed in a Senegalese wear. She gently unwrapped her head tie, and tied it loosely on her waist.
She wanted to slap Omote hardly on the face, but Omote held her hands firmly.
"You won't dare!" Omote said boldly. Her boss's wife pushed her to the floor and slapped her hard on the face.
"ashawo! leave my husband for me."
Omote pushed her forcefully to the floor, and ran out of the office, stumbling on Blessing, the Receptionist, Helena and the office security. She ignored everyone and stepped out of the office premises.
She pulls out her high heel shoes and jumped into a bus.
Omote got back home, breathing heavily.
"What happened? You just left the house an hour ago." Tega asked in a shaky tone.
But Omote did not say a word. Her body sank into the lumpy mattress, her eyes closed.
She woke to the sound of her phone, and chief Akporo was the caller. Sleep disappeared from her eyes, as she picked the call.
"Hello Chief." she said weakly.
"Yes my dear. Kennedy called me to ask if I gave you any money." Her heart trembled as she sat up on the bed.
"I told him no, but that I will see you this weekend."
"Ah chief. You should have told him you won't ever see me again."
"Don't worry. I will tell him not to bother you anymore. I will personally pay him off his percentage."
"Okay. thank you."
"You sound unhappy my baby love."
"Chief I lost my job today. My boss fired me because I refused to sleep with him. I am thinking of doing a business."
"Oh my God. My baby love, I am so sorry. Don't worry, when we see over the weekend, we will talk about this."
"Are you back from London?"
"Yes my dear. But I am in Abuja now for a meeting." Chief said huskily. They call ended and Omote became hopeful.
"You lost your job?" Tega asked Surprisingly, Omote nodded.
"Nothing." Omote said softly.
"You slept with your boss and he dumped you?" Tega said with a disgust in her heart.
Omote got up from the bed, changed into a pair of jean and a pink, flowery blouse, and walked out of the house.
She stood on the verandah, her guilt was growing by leaps and bounds. she fell into brooding silence as her phone rang.
It was Isioma who was calling, and at that moment, she wasn't ready to pick her calls; but she reluctantly did.
"Isioma Hi." She said in a soft tone.
"Omor, I will like you to meet someone." she said shrilly.
"You are his kind of woman, and he is ready to pay anything."
Omote's face lightened as she cleared her throat.
She was surprise that Isioma would ask her to meet someone, when she had never discussed being a runs girl to her.
"We are at Eko hotel."
"Okay. let me shower, I will see you in two hours." She said, and hurried inside the house.




Finishing up on her translucent powder, the all white shimmering dress that she had on looked perfect in her figure eight body. The white complimented her smooth, sand complexion.
Omote was sure to turn up heads. She used the paddle brush for the last time on her black curly long hair.
"Isioma and I have a meeting." Omote said to Tega.
Tega didn't say a word. She only stared at Omote from her head to her feet.
Omote sprayed her perfume on her whole body and walked along, making a flappy sound with her wedge sandals.
She stepped into the hotel Stylishly, as she walked majestically towards the bar section.
The heat in the bar was intense; the music was so loud that she could feel the bass in her chest like another heart beat.
The room was decked with red and green lights, couples danced and kissed in sidelines.
Omote stood at a corner, looking out in the crowd of sweaty, sticky dancing bodies.
"Omorrrrrrr!" Isioma screamed from behind her. They hugged themselves tightly. Isioma held her hands and walked towards a round executive table. Two guys were already seated, a bottle of champagne and a bucket of ice on the center table.
"Hi guys, meet my friend Omote." She said glamorously.
"Omor, meet my boyfriend Abiodun." She said as she points at a younger boy at about eighteen years of age.
"And then meet Roland. He is a warri guy, but grew up in America. So you will have to cope with his 'oyiboyish' lifestyle."
Isioma said excitedly.
Omote shook her head, but she looked amused.
"Hi Roland, it's a pleasure to meet you." Omote said calmly, giving her hands to Roland. Roland held her hands firmly and kissed it.
"You are so beautiful." he muttered in American English.
"Thanks. You don't really look like a warri guy though, Isioma was right, you are indeed Oyiboyish." she giggled.
"What's your native name?" Omor asked.
"Oghenekome." Roland replied excitedly, trying to pronounce the name fluently.
"Wow, my sister's name is Oghenetega."
"Unique!" he exclaimed.
Isioma and her boyfriend had started dancing to the loud sound of the club music, while Omor and Roland were trying to get along with each other.
Omote glanced up to find him staring at her. His face was firmed. His shoulders squaring, but he didn't look away.
He was one of the most handsome men Omote had ever seen, and she wondered why she didn't see a wedding band in his finger.
The glance they shared was strangely intimate, as if she'd come upon him at his most vulnerable moment.
Omote flipped her hair over her shoulders with a wink.
"Why are you staring at me that way?"
"Because I never knew I was going to fall in love at first sight for the first time in my Life.
Omote didn't want to hear about love at that moment. She didn't want a boyfriend. She had lost her job, and all she wanted was a sugar daddy who was going to take good care of her. She wasn't sure of Roland.
"Are you married?" Omote popped out the question.
"No. I am not." Roland whispered into her ears.
He wasn't aware that a NO was a turn off for Omote. She wanted a married man with a purpose. Love was the least thing she wanted.




Everyone stood in awe admiring spectacle on the dark shores of the night.
It was a magnificent sight.
"I never knew Eko had this beautiful sight." Omote said.
"well, as you can see? it's adorable." Roland whispered.
Isioma and her boyfriend's boisterous laughter echoed from where they stood, just by the waterside.
"I bless this day, because I have found the love of my life." Roland said, as he pulled Omote to himself. She stiffened in his arms, averted her face when his lips tried to find hers again.
"Don't you want to kiss me." His deep voice rumbled.
Omote nodded.
"please kiss me." He hugged Omote to himself. He was surprised that she couldn't feel his stare. He was unable to remove his eyes from her. Omote's beauty had stalked his eyes, and all he wanted was to have her to himself all through the night.
Roland's phone rang and he took it from his pocket immediately.
"Excuse me." He said and placed the phone to his ears.
"Hello mom?" he said. He gasped slightly and the smile on his face disappeared within a microsecond. He hung the call and then narrowed his gaze to Omote.
"I have a meeting right now with my mom's company staffs. I will see you unfailingly tomorrow." He said hurriedly and grabbed out some dollars from his wallet. He took Omote's clutch purse and puts in the money, clipped it close and hands it slowly to Omote.
"Take a cab." he said, and kissed Omote softly on the lips.
"See you tomorrow." She whispered.
Omote watched Roland as he walked boldly with his tall height towards Isioma.
"Emergency dear. I have a meeting." He said to Isioma. He shook hands with isioma's boyfriend, gave Isioma a light hug and walked away.
Isioma walked hurriedly to Omote, they couldn't wait for each other, they walked towards each other, smiling widely.
"Do you like him?" Isioma asked excitedly.
"He is so handsome."
"And rich too. He came to me and said he needed a serious babe, I said okay. I had to call you."
"How did you know him."
"He is my ex husband's business partner. He became my friend too afterwards.
His parents are very wealthy." Isioma said delightedly
"I like him sha. He seems like a cool guy."
"Roland is every woman's dream." Isioma said as her countenance changes.
"Olamide will be coming back next month ."
"Who is that?" Omote asked.
"My husband. He will back soon with his old wacky self."
"Old? How old?"
"He is 69. I married him because he gave me everything I wanted." Isioma said sadly.
"Olamide has girlfriends everywhere." She added.
Omote thought to herself, that Isioma and Olamide were birds of the same feathers. She was surprise that Isioma complained about her cheating husband too.
"I understand my dear. Sometimes money can be so powerful that, you do what you are not supposed to do. I no come this world to suffer o." Omote said.
The two women stood by the waterside to talk more about themselves. Omote still stood her grounds of not wanting a serious relationship with any man.
On her way home that night, she opened her clutch purse slowly and peeped through the money Roland gave her.
She counted them in whispers. Her heart trembled.
"two thousand dollars?" she whispered, so that the taxi driver won't hear her. Her heart was filled with joy as she planned on opening a big shop for her sister on the Island.




Tega pressed her hands against her temples, wishing her head would stop hurting. At last, hunger induced her to eat an egg and a biscuit dripping with butter and jam. She was pouring her second cup of tea when Omote opened the door.
"Diwor." Omote greeted excitedly. Tega was surprised, she couldn't remember the last time her sister greeted her Diwor.
"Vrendo. You look happy." Tega said weakly.
"My sister! God bless Isioma. He introduced to me, one guy that says he is looking for a serious girl. you won't believe this guy gave me cool two thousand dollars." Omote said, coats of sweats all over her body. She jumped on the couch excited. Tega's headache disappeared. She dropped the remains of the biscuit on a saucer, and stared amazingly at her sister.
"Just today alone? He didn't sleep with you?" Omote smiled delightedly.
"He didn't even see my brazier."
"Oghene doooooh! Omote you are so lucky. I have never had a boyfriend that has dashed me common two thousand naira before." Tega said softly.
"That is because you are always forming love all the time." Tega frowned.
"It is not like you are always loving correct guys, you always bring home okada men and poor barbers. When they finally make it in life, they dump you and go after classy girls, what pains me most is that you have refused to be classy."
Omote said shrilly, as if she was waiting for a moment to tell Tega all what has been in her mind concerning her love life.
Tega looked Puzzled for a moment, and then her face eased into a grin. She was so angry that it took a moment to find her voice.
"I no be your mate. I take full one year senior you. No talk to me like that o." she said calmly.
Omote took out the dollars from her purse, counted it and handed half of it to Tega.
Tega's eye widened as she collects the money.
"Find a shop. I will send some money to mama tomorrow morning to find a shop in the village too. Have you thought of what to sell?"
Omote asked in a low tone. Tears fell out of Tega's eyes as she smiled at the same time.
"I know the money isn't enough. I will add more next month."
Tega's headache disappeared, she became speechless and astonished.
She looked into Omote's eyes, and saw genuine concern reflected there.
"Thank you." She said tearily. She counted the money over and over again, and said thank you uncountable times. Omote rolled her eyes and Tega gave a deep laugh.
"My naughty sister." She said and threw the small pillow on her.
"May God bless you for me." She said again politely. Her words were for Omote, but her gaze was excitedly on the money in her hands.




There was one thing that was certain on Omote's mind: She was going to do anything to save her sister and her mom from being poor, she would rather remain poor herself.
Rowland was hopelessly in love with her, and she was ready to love him back now, and make use of the opportunity to change her life forever.
Months passed by, Tega opened a boutique on Victoria Island; while their mother opened a provision store in the village, all through Omote's financial assistance.
Her sister Omote had told her that her dresses should be exclusively for the affluence.
Omote and Roland had began a serious relationship.
Rowland's presence in her life had changed everything in a twinkle of an eye. She became more attached to him than before.
Omote had also thought of a business to do. But she wasn't sure of her Plans. She and her sister had moved to a bigger apartment in Ikoyi, so she needed to save more money.
Omote visited her sister's shop for the first time since the opening.
"Your shop is so big and beautiful. Your clothes are original too, you have good taste." Omote said, while going around, touching the dresses, the mannequins.
"You buy all these from Turkey?"
"Yes, at Istanbul." Tega replied softly.
On that day, Omote had bought dresses and accessories worth three hundred thousand from her sister. She paid in cash, and asked her to bring them to the house when she closes in the evening.
Roland drove to pick her at her sister's shop that evening. He drove her to his apartment at banana Island.
Heavy raindrops had just begun to fall as they reached the entrance to banana Island.
Roland wasn't seeing clearly, so he parked the car aside. His entire attention focused on her. She felt the heat of his gaze. Her heart was hammering in her breast like a wild thing, and she felt as if it might burst out of her body at any moment.
But before she could mutter a word, Rowland had started kissing her so passionately.
Omote watched him unbutton her denim shirt with ease. She felt herself unconsciously gravitate towards him as he had some strange powers over her.
He took her chin, and then turned her face up to his. "I am madly in love with you my sweetheart."
He looked deep into her eyes, and kissed her with all his heart.
Omote gave in her body and her soul. She wanted to tell him that she was a runs girl, the one who sleeps with big men for money.
She wanted to confess all the bad things she had done.
This man offered her everything, why was she still seeing other men?
She was thoughtful for a moment, almost troubled.
Rowland had already lost his heart to her, and she was aware that she was not in competition with any other Woman.
She held him tight to herself, and kissed him back.
The sound of her phone distracted the sweet, cold moment. She reluctantly checked who the caller was, and her heart trembled. It was Chief Akporo. She became Pensive, as she stared at Roland directly in the eye




Omote was afraid that Roland was going to find out that she was cheating.
Roland blinked up at her, his eyes dark and warm, his mouth quirking into a smile.
"If you don't wanna pick the call, off your phone." He said boldly.
Omote was surprised. She smiled in a relief. Roland didn't sound like the typical Nigerian boyfriend who would have accused her of cheating immediately she started staring at her phone without saying a word.
"See, I know that lots of men bother you a Lot. you are a beautiful girl. But I know you love me".
For a moment, Omote seemed quiet and speechless. She puts off her phone.
Roland stroked his throat, sliding her fingers around to his nape. His skin was warm, Omote became worried. She knew that missing Chief's call meant missing good money.
Roland wanted her, but her mind wanted chief Akporo's money. She had promised to spend the weekend at the hotel with him. For the first time after Kennedy introduced her to him, she was going to make love to him and get lots of money. She had been postponing their dates for over three months, and it was beginning to look like a big joke.
"Why are your nipples erect?" Roland asked bluntly.
"That happens when I am cold." she said. and then muttered " or....enh, sexually aroused."
She turned and looked at him, and he was quite amazed.
"Did you just say that?" Roland giggled.
Omote nodded. She wondered what was wrong with being sexually aroused and saying out.
Roland had not seen the worse of her crazy sides, he wasn't aware that Omote had done things he wouldn't imagine.
The rainfall reduced a bit, cars began to pass, giving horns and putting up their lights brightly.
Omote did her best to kiss him, his mouth was warm and she felt the stirring of something low in her belly, a pleasurable ache.
He turned his head and Nuzzled against her neck, his lips teasing, making her squirm.
"It's getting late. I have to drop you." he whispered. She was smoothing her hands up over his upper arms. She was clearly embarrassed.
She wanted to tell him that she wants to feel the warmness of his body all through the night, but she became incredibly silent.
She was angry.
Roland had never had sex with her before, and she wondered what he was doing.
He drove her speedily to her house in Ikoyi that evening, and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
"Good night my love." He said.
Omote opened the car door sluggishly and walked away without turning back.
The front door banged open, and Tega jumped guiltily from the sofa. She grinned at the way her sister stormed into the house. Omote immediately noticed the sterling steel ring on her sister's middle finger, but ignored.
"Is everything fine?" Tega asked, bringing out the pile of dresses Omote had bought from her shop.
"I don miss better money today because of Roland. I can't imagine how much Chief would have given me if I had slept with him this night. This man gave me raw two hundred thousand as thanks for coming, talk of if I sleep with him. na five hundred thousand don waka pass me be that na." she said bitterly.
"Wait. You mean you are still seeing Chief, despite all what Roland has done for you?" Tega asked amazingly.
Omote became quiet for a while. Then she looked at her sister's fingers again.
"where you buy engagement ring Tega?"
Tega began to smile delightedly.
"there is this guy that I have been seeing for three months now, he just came to the shop and proposed today o. we were just friends for a while o, before he came up with the idea of us dating." Tega said, excitedly looking at the ring on her finger.
"What does he do?"
"He is a taxi driver. Airport shuttle."



HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
