
When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our marriage. Suddenly she was the ugliest woman I had ever seen not the pretty drop dead gorgeous woman I fell in love with. Looking at her each and every day was draining; I just didn’t love her anymore and couldn’t wait to get rid of her.
Just around this time I met this high school pretty girl called Betty. She quickly became the world to me and I was head over heels over her. I started withdrawing more and more time from my marriage and concentrated on Betty. I was so in love with her such that whenever I thought of my wife I wished her dead and gone. Betty quickly rose to be my main lady and she was the main recipient of all my monthly salary every month. I removed my wife from my will and all my bank accounts and left her to fend for herself.
Living with my wife was getting more and more strange since we were no longer sexual partners, I would sleep with her only when I wanted to. I would sleep on the double bed alone and she would sleep on the cold floor with the kids. Later in our marriage I became very emotionless and sometimes I would tell her exactly how I felt about her. I would shout, “Hey you don’t expect anything from me and whenever you feel the need of a man get yourself a donkey not me. As for your wellbeing, look after yourself and your kids I want nothing to do with it. If you are tired of me I’m just tired as you are with me, just go and never come back!”
To get her to leave and move on, I soon started coming home with Betty and I would kick her out just to spend the night in peace. The kids would cry in the cold but I wouldn’t give a damn. Despite how rude and abusive I could be, she never left the household. Sometimes I would shout, get angry or throw her to the ground and beat her but she kept going strong which was strange.
One year later
Trouble started when I caught Betty having sex with my friend Tobi in his office. I was disappointed and thwarted with my best friend Tobi not to mention the love of my life Betty. I was furious, I nearly killed him, “I’m going to kill you for this Tobi, what are you doing with my girl?” I shouted throwing a punch at him.
Soon as I landed a punch on him to my surprise Betty joined the fight on Tobi’s side and gave me a good beating. They nearly killed me; I escaped home bleeding heavily with a broken nose and bruises all over my face. When I got home my wife ran to me looking concerned and asked, “What happened my husband?”
Looking at my wife got me more infuriated and I warned her, “I’m not in the mood for your silly questions; just leave me the hell alone before I break your nose too!”
Wife: (concerned) let me look at that please I can help.
After my wife persisted i just couldn’t take it anymore and I got to my feet and slapped her twice. I grabbed an electric cable and whipped her like a donkey. I nearly slaughtered her as I relieved all my frustration on her In front of my crying kids and left her for dead.
The nest day I went to work with bandages and bruises all over my face. As soon as I walked in my office to my surprise Betty was waiting for me sitting on the couch remorseful and apologetic. I couldn’t understand what exactly she was doing in my office with everything she had done to me the previous day. I was furious, I marched to her and demanded answers, “what are you doing here you whore?”
Betty got down to her knees with tears on her cheeks and answered, “I’m sorry dear for what happened yesterday, I love you. Will you find it in your heart to forgive me please?”
Leave your comments and views more of this short story coming.
I Queen Stories 2018
By Chriswell Nyasha Chindenga




Betty got down to her knees with tears on her cheeks and answered, “I’m sorry dear for what happened yesterday, I love you. Will you find it in your heart to forgive me please?”
I was furious but Betty was my biggest weakness, I couldn’t raise my hand on her. My heart melted as she sincerely apologized with tears in her eyes. Before I could reply back she ran and fell in my arms giving me a long hug. Smelling her perfume and her well taken care of hair made me throw down my arms. She then looked in my eyes with distressed eyes and said, “Have you forgiven me dear? I hope you did because I can’t spend another day with you mad at me.”
I took a deep breathe and answered, “Yes- yes I have forgiven you but what made you do the things you did yesterday, look you got me hurt? Come on Betty, you and Tobi.”
“I’m sorry dear I don’t know what got over me; you know very well I love you alone. Tobi was just a one-time mistake and it’s over now” she said pulling me closer to her.
We hugged, made up in my office and that was the end of that issue and we vowed never to bring the issue up again. I took the rest of the day off and took Betty out for a shopping spree and it ended up being the best day ever.
5 months later
One day my wife came up to me sad and sat me down trying to warn me a thing or two about Betty. “My husband I know you love Betty but I have something to tell you about her. I have seen her lately with different types of guys doing the nastiest of things and I’m worried for you my husband that she will end up giving you STIs or HIV.”
Listening to my wife talk got me furious and couldn’t guess what was motivating her to lie about my mistress. Without further ado I started accusing her of being jealously, “don’t you dare waste my time you weasel. Now I see you are just a delusional lying jealous idiot, I see you are trying every trick in the book to try split us up and win back my heart!”
She replied sincerely, “no-no my husband it’s true, you can ask anyone in the neighbourhood. I would never lie to you no matter how bad you treat; you know I still care for you despite our differences. Please my husband________”
Before she could finish I lashed at her, knocked her to the floor and yelled, “Not another word you bastard and get it into your thick skull that I’m no longer your husband!” I was angry and I just wanted to kill her to get it over with. I thought to myself how dare she accuse my beautiful faithful woman of such sickening acts. Lucky for her the baby started crying and I stormed out of the room with frustration before I gave her a good beating. The next day I went straight to Betty to tell her what had happened, I couldn’t keep secrets from her. “Darling you will never believe what happened yesterday.”
“Don’t tell me it’s that witch you call your wife?” she asked shaking her head with disappointment.
“Yes it’s her and she is giving me a headache at home. Yesterday she said Betty is sleeping around with different men in the neighbourhood” I replied feeling embarrassed.
Betty was furious, “how dare she, tell me you gave her a good beating and chased her out?”
I scratched my head and replied, “Yep I gave her a good beating but I hadn’t yet thought of chasing her out.”
“You are so unbelievable; I don’t know why you are so lax with that witch. Why don’t you chase her out at once or you want me to come over and do it myself. You are so tolerant almost as if you are still in love with her, are still in love with her?” she asked.
I pulled her close and her lips met mine and we kissed. Betty was right; i had tolerated this woman for a long time and it was time to chase her out with her wretched children. I realised lashing and whipping her every time was no good, for it would only land me in jail after I had injured or killed her so Letting her go was the real life hack. After a long kiss I whispered in Betty‘s ear, “I’m not in love with anyone but you dear. I’m going to take care of her once and for all; don’t you worry yourself.”
After some romantic time with Betty I drove to my house determined more than ever to chase my wife out. There was no turning back, it had to be done one way or the other I couldn’t risk losing Betty.
Leave your comments and views more of this short story coming.
I Queen Stories 2018
By Chriswell Nyasha Chindenga




After some romantic time with Betty I drove to my house determined more than ever to chase my wife out. There was no turning back, it had to be done one way or the other I couldn’t risk losing Betty. When I got home my children ran to me with bright smiles on their faces a thing they had never done in a long time. I had walked in the house furious hoping to send her away but somehow I just couldn’t so I decided to do it the next day. When I woke up the next day I had completely given up on chasing my wife away and couldn’t think of a reason why, guess it was God’s interference.
2 moths later
After 2 months my wife was still with me and it made Betty mad. The more I delayed sending my wife away the more Betty despised me. Sometimes we would get into huge fights and we grew further and further apart. To get back at me for not sending my wife away Betty starved me of affection. Those days l started losing a lot of weight intensely, getting darker and my lips turned pinker and I thought maybe my troubles with Betty were taking a toll on me.
Getting sex starved by Betty got me miserable and unhappy so I took up drinking to ease the stress. One day I came back home drunk in the middle of the night and called my wife to come to the bed from the kitchen. I demanded that she remove her clothes so that I could have sex with her right away. She paused for a while looking at me surprised, she couldn’t believe I wanted sex with her after nearly two years without being intimate with her. Despite the two years without being intimate, she was really scared for herself since I looked visibly sick. She got down on her knees and tried to talk me out of it, “please – please my husband you are drunk why don’t you get some rest and we can do it tomorrow.”
I was furious with her response; I really wanted sex and nothing else. I yelled at her aggressively, “hey you, aren’t you my wife, didn’t I pay your bride price and aren’t you supposed to follow my instructions here? When I say you do something you do it without asking silly questions!”
She became traumatized and walked to the bed slowly but she was deeply distressed. I grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the bed and started undressing. She hurriedly got up and demanded, “If we are going to be intimate then we need to use protection.”
She spoke wildly while I hastily took off all my clothes and I never paid much attention to what she said. After I undressed she tried to tussle me away but I overpowered her and grabbed her by the throat. I threw her to the bed and forced myself on her without any protection. It was a struggle; I basically raped her with our kids watching helplessly in tears.
After the violent ordeal my wife dressed up and tried to walk out of the house. I was drunk and exhausted but I staggered and grabbed her by the arm. I demanded to know where she was going with the kids in the middle of the night. I couldn’t be sure if she was leaving for the police or not so I had to stop her by all means.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes and answered, “What do you care where I’m going, do you care?”
I tried to intimidate her a little just to get her to calm down and get back to sleep. “Get back in the house and go to sleep before I give you a good beating!” I yelled.
Suddenly she didn’t look intimidated or frightened by me but determined more than ever to live the house. She shouted, “I’m done with you and I’m done taking your abuse. Today I’m going report you to the police and get you thrown in jail once and for all!”
I almost fell and urinated in my pants while she spoke; I had never imagined her doing that to me. Quickly I sobered up and started seeing things clearly, indeed she was about to get me arrested and I had to talk her out of it. Suddenly I was polite and understanding, “please my wife, lower your voice and let us solve this issue without involving anyone.”
“It’s a little too late for that, you should have thought of that before raping me” she replied
My wife wanted me locked up and I knew i stood no chance against her in front of the police .It gave me creeps imagining myself in orange jump suits in a crowded maximum security prison sleeping in a 2x3m cell, I had to convince my wife somehow. I got on my knees and pleaded, “Please my wife I don’t know what got over me it must be the beer. If you sent me to jail who will take care of you and the kids?”
Leave your comments and views more of this short story coming.
I Queen Stories 2018
By Chriswell Nyasha Chindenga

Life Morals Story # 1 Acting Blind Husband

Life Morals Story # 1

A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly she started to lose her beauty. It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour.
While returning, he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However, their married life continued as usual. But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually. Blind husband did not know this, and there was not any difference in their married life. He continued to love her, and she also loved him very much.
One day she died. Her death brought him great sorrow.
He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.
A man from behind called and said, now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you.
He replied I am not blind. I was acting because if she knew l could see her ugliness, it would have pained her more than her disease. So I pretended to be blind. She was a very good wife. I only wanted to keep her happy.
Moral:- Some times it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another's short comings, to be happy
No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they still stay together in one mouth. That's the spirit of FORGIVENESS. Even though the eyes don't see each other, they see things together, blink simultaneously and cry together. That's UNITY." May the Lord grant us all the spirit of forgiveness and togetherness.
1. ''Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'talk.'
2. "Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can celebrate
3. 'Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh.'
That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations. We are nothing without each other
The razor blade is sharp but can't cut a tree; the ax is powerful but can't cut the hair.
MORALS; *Everyone is important according to his/her unique purpose, Never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes..


HEAVENS SMILE ON ME (Sad Short Story) CHAPTER ONE . . When my wife gave birth to our 3rd child all hell broke loose in our ...
